From John Adair
Portland, Indiana, Aug. 25, 1906.
Dear Sir:--
I am the democratic candidate for congress in the 8th congressional district of Indiana. My opponent is George W. Cromer, and I have noticed that the report of the Federation of Labor shows that he is unfriendly to labor. I am making a very hard fight against Mr. Cromer and a vast number of all parties believe I will be successful. The opposition to him in his party is simply fierce, and hundreds of republicans state openly that they believe the best service they can render their party is to help bring about his defeat. In the first place I want to assure you that I am friendly to labor and can be safely counted upon to support any legislation that will give to labor their just rights, and to them and their families a fair proportion of the countries prosperity. If I can have the assistance of labor there is no question about my success. Would be pleased to hear from you and will appreciate any suggestions you care to make.
Very truly yours, J A M Adair
TLS, Files of the Office of the President, General Correspondence, reel 62, frame 1, AFL Records. Typed notation: "Dic. J. A. M. A."