List 10 things you did not know before browsing this website You are reporter for the 1900 version of 60 Minutes and your assignment is: “Child Labor: Is it Good for the Economy?” What do you tell the audience? You are a candidate for President in 1924 – what is your position on the Child Labor Amendment and why? You are 14 years old in 1900 – and ready to quit school. Make a list of the pros and cons of going to work versus continuing in high school. Lewis Hine and David Clark face each other in a public debate -- Cover the story for your local newspaper. Assess the National Child Labor Committee's strategy -- why or why not would you support their methods? Take a look at this 2009 effort to stop child labor -- how is it similar and how is it different from the National Child Labor Committee's campaign? Compare and contrast Lewis Hine's photographs and captions to those of modern day reformer David Parker Do you think working-class teenagers are better off today than they were a hundred years ago? Why or why not?