August 15, 1913.
Mr. John H. Walker,
Representative, Mining Department,
American Federation of Labor,
Calumet, Michigan.
Your night letter of August 14th received this morning addressed to President Gompers informing him of the fiendish acts of the State Militia in riding down defenseless people on the sidewalks, assaulting young girls and abusing strikers and their families and the shooting of one man while peacefully on his way home on the public road, while hired gun men and thugs murdered two men in cold blood and seriously wounded three others while at supper in their home, one of the three being a little girl, and all of which acts were done to provoke the men on strike to commit overt acts. It is not to be surprised that the people are horrified and terrorized and it is good news indeed to hear that notwithstanding the acts of the State Militia and the hired gun men and thugs that the men on strike are behaving magnificently and standing firm. Such forbearance and courage on the part of the men on strike will assist materially in bringing about victory for the workers and arouse public feeling and sentiment to such an extent that the reasonable demands of the men will be conceded by the owners of the copper mines.
Say to the strikers that the eyes of over two million organized workers of America are watching their struggle with intense interest, and with the abiding faith that no matter how powerful the opposition it will not be sufficient to prevent the miners from organizing and establishing improved conditions.
Have furnished copy of your telegram to Associated Press and will furnish it to the Labor Press and sympathizers. Kindly mail letter with particulars to me to-morrow for Weekly News Letter.
Frank Morrison.
AFL Microfilm National and International Union File, Western Federation of Miners, Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers Records, reel 45, frame 1563, AFL Records. Typed notation: "Copy."