Raleigh Hotel Wash July 11, [19]24
My dear Mr Gompers
Chester Wright and
I saw
Senator La Follette early this afternoon-- At suggestion of Wright and I La Follette immediately responded to a desire to see you--and will arrange to come to you-- It is understood that you have not urged this-- He was extremely well pleased with our call--anxious about you personally and expressed the kindest and warmest feelings for you-- It would seem his views are entirely in accord with ours regarding the political program and he welcomes the opportunity of
having a talk with you His visit will be entirely without solicitation and secret as well as confidential--
Later Morrison, Wright, Wallace and I met with
Bill Johnston and
Arthur Holder. No Vice Presidential Candidate has yet been selected-- Johnston said he would urge
Berry and thought he could have him named if [we] desired him. We declined to interfere--saying we were merely trying to get information and nothing more-- It [is?] the purpose of selecting a progressive democrat.
Stone is not to be selected indeed they are inclined not to select a labor man because of the candidacy of several that had been urged. The platform adopted is to guide the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates alone-- The candidates for Congress, Senators and Representatives, are in no way bound by the La Follette Platform-- Support is to be given them strictly on a non-partisan basis--following practically the text heretofor followed by the A.F of L. and Johnston said we could work out the same standards and tests of judgement as their movement is strictly non-partisan even to the point of excluding La Follette's platform in making up the test.
They expect to be able to throw the election of President and Vice President out of the electoral college to Congress and believe that there substantial results will follow.
They are anxious for our support and co-operation and it would seem that they are willing to modify some of their arrangements to that end. We declined to make any statement--give any intimation whatever what we had in mind.
They are to enlarge their National Committee and would like A. F. of L to be represented theren-- We advised them we could not speak on the subject as the Executive Council must first consider entire situation and determine A.F of L's attitude after careful study of all platforms, candidates etc. It would seem their Nat'l Committee can even be enlarged after our Council meeting.
They are organizing groups throughout the states-- There is no thought of a third party movement at present and can't tell what the campaign may develop.
We are to be furnished with key note speech of Johnston, platform of La Follette[,] plan of organization, unions, Int'l, Local, Central Bodies and District organizations having participated in the Cleveland Conference. Int'l Brotherhood of Carpenters was not represented neither was the United Mine Workers though Lewis attitude has not been definitely expressed one way or other.
Just as soon as this documentary evidence is before us I will write you further or have Wright do so-- On the other hand if any important suggestion occurs please telegraph me--as I expect to leave here to-morrow night for Chicago and return here Thursday of next week so as to be here when their National Committee meets to select a Vice Presidential Candidate and take care of other matters
Hope you are much better and with best of wishes
Fraternally Matthew Woll