At a very large and respectable meeting of Journeymen House Carpenters, held on Tuesday evening, July 1st, at the District Court Room, information was communicated by the delegates, that the Mechanics' Union of Trade Associations is entering into measures for procuring a nomination of candidates for legislative and other public offices, who will support the interest of the working classes: an expression of opinion and sentiments on this subject having been called for, it was unanimously resolved, that we entertain the most heartfelt satisfaction and approbation for the measures in contemplation, by the said "Mechanics' Union Association," and will use every exertion to carry the said measure into effect.
T. H. GOUCHER, Sec'ry.
Mechanics' Free Press, July 5, 1828 (J. R. Commons etal., A Documentary History of American Industrial Society, Vol. 5: The Labor Movement [1910])