1. Eugene Kinckle Jones (1885-1954) served the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes (after 1920, the National Urban League) as field secretary (1911), associate chief executive (1912-16), co-executive secretary (with George Haynes, 1916-17), executive secretary (1917-41), and general secretary (1941-50).
2. The National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes was organized in 1911 to study and improve the social and economic conditions of blacks in American cities.
3. In the spring of 1914, American Federation of Musicians 310 of New York City, the Musical Mutual Protective Union, began a campaign to organize black musicians in the city's theaters. The predominantly white local attempted to force employers to replace black nonunion musicians with union members, but offered to allow new black members up to four years in which to pay their initiation fee, reportedly $100.
4. Hugh Frayne was an AFL salaried organizer (1902-34) and beginning in 1910 was in charge of the AFL's New York City office. A member of Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance 86 of Scranton, Pa., Frayne also chaired the labor division of the War Industries Board during the First World War.
5. D. Edward Porter served as secretary (1910-11) and president (1914, 1916-17) of Musicians' local 310.
6. Francis K. Carothers served as president of the American Federation of Musicians from 1914 to 1915. Having worked in both Chicago and Kansas City, Mo., he later moved to California where he became active in Musicians' local 47 of Los Angeles.
7. At the AFL Executive Council's July 1913 meeting, held in Atlantic City, George Haynes, director of the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes, appeared before the Council to secure the cooperation of the AFL and its affiliates in "educating the negro in union principles." The Council stated that the AFL was committed to "the thorough organization of all working people without regard to sex, religion, race, politics, or nationality" and would welcome the cooperation of the league in realizing this goal (The Samuel Gompers Papers, vol. 8, p. 504). The Council's statement was published in the AFL Weeklv News Letter of Aug. 9, 1913, under the heading "Colored Workers."
8. SG wrote Jones on Aug. 19, 1914, that he should contact Frayne in this matter but noted that each international affiliate had final jurisdiction over its own trade. SG sent Frayne a copy of Jones's letter and his reply the same day (reel 185, vol. 197, pp. 545 and 548, SG Letterbooks, DLC). No separate black musicians' local was chartered in New York City in 1914 or 1915.
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