1. Joseph C. Skemp served as vice-president (1902-4) and secretary-treasurer (1904-22) of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America (BPDPA).
2. The Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators of America (BPDA) was organized in 1887, affiliating with the AFL the same year. In 1891 the union withdrew from the Federation, but it reaffiliated the following year. In 1894 the BPDA split between western and eastern factions headquartered, respectively, in Lafayette, Ind., and Baltimore. The eastern faction adopted the name Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America in 1899, and the two factions merged under that name in 1900.
3. The AFL Executive Council met in Washington, D.C., Oct. 16-21, 1911.
4. See AFL Microfilm National and International Union File, Painters Records, reel 40, frames 2399-2400, AFL Records, and reel 159, vol. 171, pp. 322-23, SG Letterbooks, DLC.
5. Thomas C. Sauls.
6. BPDPA 631 of Waycross, Ga., was organized in 1906 and disbanded in 1908.
7. BPDPA 602 of Waycross.
8. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America 1131 of Waycross was organized in 1906.
9. The DPDPA general executive board referred the matter to BPDPA Vice-President Clarence Swick, who subsequently visited Waycross. He reported that he was unable to locate any black painters in the town and that organizer Sauls could name only four or five. Swick recommended that no charter be issued to a black local in Waycross (Skemp to Frank Morrison, Oct. 24, 1911, AFL Microfilm National and International Union File, Painters Records, reel 40, frame 2401, AFL Records; [Skemp] to SG, Dec. 12, 1911, ibid.).
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