GOMPERS & THE AFL / GENERAL WORKS / LABOR LEADERS / PUBLISHED PRIMARY SOURCES / WOMEN WORKERS / BLACK WORKERS / HOME Trades and Unions: Clothing & Textiles / Communication / Service / Food, Alcohol & Tobacco / Christie, Robert A. Empire in wood; a history of the carpenters' union. Ithaca, Cornell University,1956. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6515.C18 U83 Fine, Sidney. "Without blare of trumpets;" Walter Drew, the National Erectors Association, and the open shop movement, 1903-57. Ann Arbor: University of Galenson, Walter. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters: the first hundred years. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983. Haber, William. Industrial relations in the building industry. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1930. LC CALL NUMBER: HD 9715.U52H3 Kazin, Michael. Barons of labor : the San Francisco building trades and union power in the Progressive Era. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. Mangum, Garth L. The Operating Engineers: the economic history of a trade union. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1964. Mercey, Arch A. The laborers' story, 1903-1953 : the first fifty years of the International Hod Carriers', Building and Common Laborers' Union of America (AFL) . Washington : Ransdell, 1954. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6515.B89 I545 Mulcaire, Michael Aloysius. The International brotherhood of electrical workers; a study in trade union structure and functions. Washington, D.C., 1923. Palladino, Grace. Dreams of dignity, workers of vision : a history of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Washington, D.C. : IBEW, 1991. Segal, Martin. The rise of the United Association: national unionism in the pipe trades, 1884-1924. Cambridge, Wertheim Committee, Harvard University; Bensman, David. The practice of solidarity : American hat finishers in the nineteenth century. Urbana : University of Illinois, 1985. Carpenter, Jesse T. Competition and collective bargaining in the needle trades, 1910-1967. Ithaca, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Foner, Philip Sheldon. The fur and leather workers union, a story of dramatic struggles and achievements. Newark [N.J.] Nordan Press,1950. Green, Charles H. The headwear workers, a century of trade unionism. New York, N.Y., United hatters, cap and millinery workers international union ,1944. Lorwin, Lewis Levitzki. The women's garment workers. New York, Arno, 1969. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6515.G3 L6 1969 [1924] McLaurin, Melton Alonza. Paternalism and protest; Southern cotton mill workers and organized labor, 1875-1905. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Pub. Corp.,1971. Nestor, Agnes. Brief history of the International glove workers union of America, [Chicago?] Research department of the International glove workers union of America [1942]. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6515.G6 N4 Robinson, Donald B. 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The butcher workmen; a study of unionization. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1964. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6515.B96 B7 Cooper, Patricia A. Once a cigar maker : men, women, and work culture in American cigar factories, 1900-1919. Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1987. Kaufman, Stuart Bruce. A vision of unity : the history of the Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union. Kensington, Md. : Bakery, Confectionery, Kaufman, Stuart Bruce. Challenge & change : the history of the Tobacco Workers International Union. Kensington, Md. : Bakery, Confectionery, and Schluter, Hermann. The brewing industry and the brewery workers' movement in America. New York, B. Franklin, 1970 [1910 ]. Barnett, George Ernest. The printers; a study in American trade unionism. Cambridge, Mass., American economic association; 1909. Pancoast, Elinor. The International Photo-Engravers' Union. 1927. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6515.P42 P35 1927 Tracy, George A. comp. 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Toronto & Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, Dick, William M. Labor and socialism in America: the Gompers era. Port Washington, N.Y., Kennikat Press, 1972. LC CALL NUMBER: HD6508 .D5 Greene, Julie. Pure and simple politics : the American Federation of Labor and political activism, 1881-1917. Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge Gompers, Samuel. American labor and the war. New York, G. H. Doran, 1919. LC CALL NUMBER: D639.L2 G6 Gompers, Samuel. Labor and the common welfare. New York, Arno Press, 1969.[1919]. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8072 .G75 1969b Gompers, Samuel. Labor and the employer. New York, Arno, 1971 [1920]. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8072 .G76 1971 Gompers, Samuel. Labor in Europe and America. New York & London, Harper & Brothers, 1910. LC CALL NUMBER: HD4901 .G7 Gompers, Samuel. Seventy years of life and labor; an autobiography. New York, E.P. Dutton & company, 1925. 2 v. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8073.G6 A3 Gompers, Samuel. Seventy years of life and labor : an autobiography. 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LC CALL NUMBER: HD6509.G57 L58 Lorwin, Lewis Levitzki.The American Federation of Labor; history, policies, and prospects. [1st AMS ed.] New York, AMS Press, 1970 [1933]. Mandel, Bernard. Samuel Gompers, a biography. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch Press, 1963. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8073.G6 M2 Reed, Louis Schultz. The labor philosophy of Samuel Gompers. New York, 1930. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8073.G6 R4 1930 Taft, Philip. The A.F. of L. in the time of Gompers. New York : Harper, 1957. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8055.A5 T3 DeVault, Ileen A. United apart : gender and the rise of craft unionism. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2004. Dubofsky, Melvyn. The state & labor in modern America . Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1994. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8072 .D848 1994 Dubofsky, Melvyn. We shall be all : a history of the Industrial Workers of the World. Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1969. LC CALL NUMBER: HD8055.I5 D8 Foner, Philip Sheldon. History of the labor movement in the United States. 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Stewart, Ethelbert. A documentary history of the early organizaions of printers. Indianapolis, Ind., International Typographical Union 1907.
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