A (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Abrams, Jessie E., 99, 102n
Abrams, L. N., 69n; letter from, 67-69
Adamson, William C., 15, 16- 17n
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
Ahearn, Mr., 285n
Albert I, 563, 567n
Alexander, Joshua, 213n
Alifas, Nels P., 19, 21n
The Alleged Shortage of Labor, 240n
Allen, Clay, 398-99, 400n
Allen, Jacob S., 8:185n, 103n
All-Russian Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, 90n
Alpine, John R.,* 104, 105n, 421, 519n, 546n; and Cantonment Adjustment Commission, 114, 204; elected AFL vice-president, 475; and Liberty Loan drive, 543, and Norfolk Navy Yard strike, 223n; letters from, 544-48; letter to, 520-23
Alschuler, Samuel B., 280n, 304n
Altschuler, Modest, 130, 134n
Aluminum Castings Co., 365
Aluminum Ore Co., 152-53n
American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 160-61n, 227, 228n, 236-38, 238n, 357; AFL endorsement of, 258-62, 262n, 264; Bastille Day celebrations of, 495, 496n; Committee on Public Information financial support of, 160-61n, 161-62, 313n, 382-83, 495-96, 496-97n, 499n; convention, 1917 (Minneapolis), 192, 194n, 206, 236-37, 240-41n, 260; declarations of, 192, 210-13; founding of, 159-60, 160n, 206, 226; and Labor Loyalty Week, 311, 312-13n, 324, 330n; organization of, 161-62, 163n; pledge, 261, 263n; questions about revenue of, 240-41, 241n; Washington's Birthday celebrations of, 313n, 363n
American Ambulance in Russia, 129, 134n
American Can Co., antitrust case against, 322, 323n
American Civil Liberties Union, 485n
American Committee for the Encouragement of Democratic Government in Russia, 89-90n
American entry into World War I: opposition to, 5, 22, 33- 35; SG and, 3-4, 4n, 49, 536
American Industries, 3:343n, 390
American Federation of Labor (AFL): conventions, date of, 257-58, 258n; endorsement of American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 258-62, 262n, 264; legal department, 47; militarism, opposition to, 35, 38, 43; and military intelligence, collection of, 434-36, 436n; officers, election of, 266-67, 475; peace principles of, 309, 353, 355n, 472-73, 473-74n, 531, 551; reconstruction program of, 356-57, 357-58n, 471-72, 472n; Wilson addresses 1917 convention of, 255, 255n
--Building Trades Department, 6:175n, 452
--conventions: 1890 (Detroit), 260, 263n; 1891 (Birmingham, Ala.), 346, 350n; 1909 (Toronto), 250, 251n; 1913 (Seattle), 9:21n, 535, 538n; 1914 (Philadelphia), 9:28n, 538n; 1916 (Baltimore), 9, 11, 13n; 1917, (Buffalo), 148n, 283, 309, 346-47, 350n, 353, 422, 473; accounts of, 257-67; 1918 (St. Paul), 357n, 430, 431-32n, 463n, 477-78, 518n; accounts of, 463-75; 1919 (Atlantic City), 438n, 475, 475n
--Executive Council: meeting with representatives of Mexican labor movement, 10; and outbreak of war with Germany, 4n; letter from, 121-22; letters to, 3-4, 13-14, 17-20, 104-5, 407, 503-4, 544-46; statement of, 352-55
--Executive Council, meetings of: Mar. 1917, 20, 22n, 39, 44n; minutes of, 23-38; Apr. 1917, 81n; minutes of, 80-81; Oct. 1917, 255n; Feb. 1918, 331n; minutes of, 345-50, 352-55; May 1918, 430, 431n; July 1918, 498, 499n; Nov. 1918, 545, 546n, 547, 568
--federal labor unions (FLU): FLU 7087 (Belleville, Ill.), 110n; FLU 12,776 (Washington, D.C.), 229, 231n; FLU 16,534 (Boston), 542n
--local unions, directly affiliated (LU): of railroad helpers and laborers, 427, 431n; LU 12,755 (stenographers and typists, Chicago), 82n; LU 14,268 (stenographers and typists, Kansas City, Kans.), 64n; wire from, 62-63; LU 14,569 (hat trimmers, New York City), 9:110n, 468n; LU 15,155 (office janitors, Chicago), 215-17, 218n; LU 15,277 (coal trimmers, Sewell's Point and Norfolk County, Va.), 177, 177n; 15,298 (porters and bootblacks, Granite City, Madison, and Venice, Ill.), 134-35, 136n; LU 15,403 (cereal mill employees, Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 368, 369n; LU 15,850 (hat trimmers, Newark, N.J.), 468n; LU 15,899 (railroad helpers and laborers, Hamlet, N.C.), 494n; LU 15,920 (railroad helpers and laborers, Grand Junction, Colo.), 505, 505n
--Metal Trades Department, 7:368n, 207n
--Mining Department, 8:368n, 374
--mission to Europe (fall 1918), 468, 470n, 492-93, 503-4, 504n, 506, 520-23, 525-27, 529-37, 537n, 540, 541n, 543, 546n, 549-54, 554-55n, 557-58, 560-65
--mission to Europe (spring 1918), 332, 333n, 356n, 445-46, 463-66, 468-69, 471n, 504
--mission to Mexico (1918), 498, 499n
--needle trades department, proposed, 373-74, 374n, 379-80
--organizers, 176-77, 177n, 186n, 424, 426, 430, 431-32n; harassment of, 149, 224, 403-4, 516-18, 518n ( see also Organizers, harassment of); letters from, 213-18, 223-25, 299-304, 330-31, 485-90; letters to, 245-46, 252-53, 280-84; wire from, 279; wire to, 170
--Railway Employes' Department, 8:253n, 18
American Federation of Labor Reconstruction Program, 358n
American Labor's Position in Peace or in War, 22n, 39-44, 44n, 203, 212, 226, 263-64n, 283, 560
American Labor Union, 4:453n, 260, 264
American League to Aid and Cooperate with Russia, 313n; conference, minutes of, 507-12
American Red Cross, 383-84; SG and, 384n
American Sheet and Tin Plate Co., 69-70n
American Steel Foundries, 152n
American Steel Foundries v. Tri-City Central Trades Council et al., 252, 253n
American Union against Militarism, 9:433n, 485n
Anderson, Edward E.,* 58n; wire from, 57-58; wire to, 58
Anderson, John F., 19, 21n
Anderson, Mary, 82n; letter from, 482-83; wire from, 81-82
Ansonia case, 281, 284n
Appleton, William A.,* 294n, 309n, 521-22, 537; cable to, 309; letters from, 292-94, 445-46, 492-93
Arbitration, compulsory, SG and, 15
Argentina, 10
Arizona copper miners' strike (1917), 125, 126n, 148-49, 167-68, 259, 262, 301, 321, 323-24n, 336-39
Arizona State Federation of Labor, 9:468n; 265; convention, 1917 (Clifton), 172-74, 175n
Armistice, 568, 568n
Armour meatpacking company, 152n
Armour, Mr., 285n
Asian workers, 37, 266n
Austria-Hungary, 559, 568n; conditions in, 342; peace proposal of, 564, 567n
Avanti!, 551, 555n, 561-62
Babson, Roger W., 496, 496-97n
Bache-Denman Coal Co., 323n
Baden, Max von, 543n
Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co., 499n
Baine, Charles L.,* 470n, 547, 548n, 549-50
Baker, Newton D., 9:512n, 116, 245, 274, 285n; and cantonment agreement, 114, 115n, 171-72n, 204; and clothing workers, 151n, 204, 335; and Houston mutineers, 327n; and meatpackers' strike, threatened, 280n, 442; and President's Mediation Commission, 194-95; and Puerto Rico, conditions in, 438n; and "Work or Fight" draft provision, 451n, 514n, 539, 540n; letters to, 182-84, 363-65, 450
Bakhmeteff, Boris A., 128n, 129-30, 133, 134n
Balch, Emily G., 4:195n, 94n; wire from, 93
Balfour, Arthur, 72n
Ball, Elmer E., 404, 404n
Ballard, Samuel T., 94, 96n
Bankhead, John, 288n
Barbers' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 475n
Barnes, George N.,* 520, 524n
Barnes, J. Mahlon,* 258, 261, 262n, 263-64
Baroff, Abraham,* 62n; letter from, 61-62
Barondess, Joseph, 3:*, 156-57n
Barrett, James J., 242, 243n
Baruch, Bernard M., 21n, 137, 137- 38n, 412
Bass, Robert P., 476n; wire to, 476
Bates, Edward A., 8:327n, 328
Battle, C. M., 372n
Baum, Jacob D., 273, 278n
Beeks, Gertrude B., 6:387n, 52n, 73, 74n, 141
Belgium, 88, 112, 200-201, 559; commission to U.S., 72n; socialists in, 356n
Belinski, Konstany, 216, 218n
Bellaire, Arthur, 460n; letter from, 459-60
Bellamy, Albert,* 522, 524n
Berger, Victor L., 9:*, 90n
Bernstorff, Johann von, 274, 278n
Berres, Albert J.,* 19, 21n, 53, 221, 361; letter from, 86- 87; letter to, 360-62; wire to, 360
Berry, David, 156-57n
Berry, George L.,* 259, 261, 262n, 333n
Bevin, Ernest,* 445, 447n
Bielaski, A. Bruce, 243n, 298n, 480, 481n
Billings, Frank, 310, 312n
Birmingham (Ala.) Metal Trades Council: strike (1918), 376- 77, 378n, 385-86, 440-41
Birmingham (Ala.) Trades Council, 518n
Bisbee, deportations from, 126n, 148-49, 150n, 168, 172-75, 175-76n, 183, 224, 248, 321, 323-24n, 336-39
Bissolati, Leonida, 552, 556n
Black, Thomas, 265, 266n
Blackman, William,* 318n, 361, 363n
Blacksmiths and Helpers, International Brotherhood of,* 21n, 502n
Black workers, 180, 215-17, 218n, 516-17; AFL and, 109, 134- 35, 176-77, 177n, 249, 330-31, 345-50, 350n, 358-59, 421-31, 431-32n, 461-63, 463n, 491-92, 492n, 541-42, 542n; migration from South, 103-4, 109, 131, 133n, 152-53n, 216; SG and, 103-4, 109-10, 131, 136n, 142, 152-53n, 324-27, 331n, 366-67, 368n, 371-72, 372n, 421-22, 427-31, 459-60, 460n, 494
Blaine, Elbert F., 398, 400n
Blanton, Thomas L., 454n, 459n; letter from, 453-54; letter to, 456-59
Board of Control of Labor Standards in Army Clothing, 139n, 151n, 335, 336n
Board of labor adjustment, 74-75, 75n, 80-81, 81n
Board of Railroad Wages and Working Conditions, 320n, 382n
Boer War, 5:122n, 200, 526
Bohm, Ernest,* 127, 127-28n, 156-57n; letter from, 127; letter to, 392-95; wire to, 392
Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of,* 21n, 170n, 429, 502n; and black workers, 541-42, 542n; jurisdiction of, 406n; local 33 (Quincy, Mass.), 541, 542n; local 298 (Portsmouth, Va.), 177n
Bolsheviks, 275, 279n, 342-44, 435, 507-10, 512n, 561, 563
Boot and Shoe Workers' Union,* 82n, 374
Borah, William E., 8:380n, 310, 507
Borland, William P., 454n
Boston Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 155n
Boston Post, letter to, 444-45
Bottomley, Charles M., 209n; wire to, 208-9
Bowen, William J.,* 470n, 503, 504n, 562
Bowerman, Charles W.,* 71, 72n, 497
Bowles, Francis T., 452, 453n
Brandeis, Louis D., 6:83n, 144, 512n
Branting, Karl H., 7:486n, 90n
Brest Litovsk, treaty of, 344-45n, 353, 355n, 564
Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' International Union of America,* 567n
Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Iron Workers, International Association of,* 170n, 266n, 502n; jurisdiction of, 171, 171-72n, 405, 406n
Briggs, Riley R., 187, 189n
Brindell, Robert P., 9:292n, 360
Brock, James F., 9:*, 470n
Brooklyn Navy Yard, wage rates at, 52-53, 54n, 86-87, 87n
Browder, Earl, 64n
Browder, Marguerite, 64n; letter to, 62-63
Browder, Ralph, 64n
Browder, William, 64n
Brown, Ashmun N., 154, 154n
Brown, Elon, 77n
Brown, Fred W., 149; letter from, 223-25
Brown, George R., 304
Brown, Jay G.,* 245, 246n, 259, 262n, 266n; letter to, 252- 53
Bru P re, Robert W., 112, 114n, 116; letter from, 411-12
Brumbaugh, Martin G., 99, 102n, 124, 125n, 204
Bryan, William E.,* 281, 285n
Buckler, William H., 554n; letter from, 549-54
Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 7:249-50n, 253
Buffurton, George, letter from, 459-60
Bulgaria, 568n
Burke, John P.,* 259, 262n
Burleson, Albert S., 8:495n, 482n, 514-15, 515n
Burnquist, Joseph A., 240, 241n
Butler, Joseph, letter from, 459-60
Butte (Mont.) metal mine workers' union, 9:155n, 125-26, 126-27n
Butte (Mont.) miners' strike (1917), 126, 126-27n
Butterworth, Joshua, 309n, 537, 538n
Byoir, Carl, 495-96, 496n, 498
Cabrini, Angiolo, 552, 555n
Cahan, Abraham, 3:*, 157n
Cainey, Mr., 188
Caldara, Emilio, 551, 555n
Campbell, Earl A., 505, 505n
Campbell, Thomas E. (government agent), 480, 481n
Campbell, Thomas E. (governor), 150n, 338, 339n
Cambrai, 562
Cambrai, battle of, 293, 294n
Canfield, F. A., 369n
Cannon, Joseph D., 8:286n, 259, 262, 262n, 266n; wire from, 93
Cannon, Joseph G., 3:20n, 434n
Cantonment Adjustment Commission, 114, 115n
Cantonment construction agreement, 114, 119, 119n, 128, 171, 176, 193n, 204, 229, 232-34, 314, 365, 526; extension of, 115n, 171, 172n, 193n, 204, 229
Cantonments, 115n
Caporetto, 343
Caporetto, battle of, 292, 294n
Capps, Washington L., 207n, 220, 221n
Carberry, C. B., 445n
Carey, David A.,* 265, 266n
Carlton, Newcomb, 486, 490n, 515
Carnegie Peace Association, 268
Carpenter, Herbert L., 310, 312-13n, 512n
Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of,* 96n, 230, 233-35, 317-18, 318-19n, 359; jurisdiction of, 171, 171-72n, 405, 406n; local 398 (Lewiston, Idaho), 186n; local 1039 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 368, 369n; strikes: 1917 (nationwide, threatened), 171, 171-72n; 1918 (Baltimore), 359-60, 362n; 1918 (Beaumont and Orange, Tex.), 317-18, 318n; 1918 (Norfolk), 409-10, 410n, 411; 1918 (Staten Island, N.Y.), 359-60, 362n; Washington, D.C., district council, 84n
Carranza, Venustiano, 9:160n, 499n, 545
Carrizal (Chihuahua), battle at, 9:426n, 10
Carry, Edward F., 209n, 221, 221n
Carter, William S.,* 251n, 321n; letter from, 249-51
Caruso, Enrico, 451, 452n
Castelli, Vincent, 180n; letter to, 180
Cavanagh, Thomas, 136n
Cavis, Charles N., 337-38, 339n
Chamberlain, George E., 64n, 310, 312n
Château-Thierry, battle of, 565, 567n
Chicago Building Trades Council, 3:359n, 502n
Chicago Defender, article in, 358-59
Chicago Federation of Labor, 4:159n, 177n, 5, 215-16, 218, 280n, 387, 502n
Chicago packinghouse workers, organization of, 214-16, 218n
Child labor, 85-86, 86n, 497, 499n
Chile, 10-11
Chillicothe (Ohio) Central Labor Union, 129n
Chillicothe (Ohio) Trades and Labor Council, 129n
China, U.S. relations with, 37
Chinese workers, exclusion of, 37
Chism, Clarence A., 19, 22n
Chkheidze, Nikolai S., 45-46n; cable to, 45
Christman, Elisabeth,* 82n; wire from, 81-82
Church, Thomas L., 278n
Churchill, Winston, 537n
Cigar Makers' International Union of America,* 243n, 261, 264, 346, 350n
Citizenship, AFL and, 265, 266n; AFL Executive Council and, 266n; SG and, 449-50
Civil War, 52, 200-201, 559
Clabaugh, Hinton, 69-70n, 242, 243n, 297
Clark, James B. "Champ," 8:258n, 13-14, 14n
Clarke, John H., 144, 147n
Clemenceau, Georges, 563, 567n
Clemmons, Ralph, 430, 432n
Cleveland, Grover, 2:127n, 166n
Closed shop, 119, 119n, 155n, 209, 230, 232, 318n, 376
Clothing Workers of America, Amalgamated,* 46-47, 48n, 138, 139n, 150; strikes: 1917 (New York City), 336n; 1918 (New York City), 335, 336n
Clough, Arthur H., 567n
Clowry, Robert C., 515, 515n
Clyde Steamship Co. v. Walker, 144, 147n
Coates, David C.,* 388, 389-90n; letter from, 418-19
Coates, Sarah Pearce (Mrs. David Coates), 419n
Coffin, Howard E., 21n, 38n; meeting with AFL Executive Council, 23-31
Collins, F. A., 158n
Commercial Acid Co., 152n
Committee on Industrial Relations, 9:422n, 106
Committee on Public Information, 156n, 403, 498; and American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 160-61n, 161-62, 313n, 382-83, 495-96, 496-97n, 499n
Communications, government ownership of, 340-41
Conard, Harry J., 365n; letter from, 365
Conboy, Sara A.,* 467, 468n
Condon, Stephen J., 434n; letter to, 432-33
Confédération Générale du Travail, 7:479n, 540, 541n, 550-51
Confederazione Generale del Lavoro, 551, 555n
Connecticut, and labor standards, maintenance of, 76, 77n
Conscientious objectors, SG and, 270
Conscription: AFL and, 42-43, 265, 266n; opposition to, 30, 35-36, 62, 64n, 93, 93n, 216, 219n, 265, 397-98, 400n; provisions for, 29-30, 64n; SG and, 36-38, 272-73; use of, against strikes, 337-39
Continental Can Co., 99
Coolidge, Calvin, 243n
Coolidge, Louis, 221n
Cooney, Neil, 489, 490n
Coonley, Howard, 453n
Copperheads, 160, 161n
Corn Products Refining Co., antitrust case against, 322, 323n
Coronado Coal Co., 323n
Coronado Coal Co. et al. v. United Mine Workers of America et al., 323n
Costa Rica, 11
Cost of living, 110-12, 117, 259
Cotton Manufacturers Association, 51
Council of National Defense, 18, 20-21n, 87, 112, 115-17, 305; and AFL, 464; and board of labor adjustment, 74-75, 75n, 80; Committee on Women's Defense Work, 97-98, 98n; creation of, 20n, 96; and labor standards, maintenance of, 54-56, 56-57n, 57-58, 58n, 59-60, 60n, 65-67, 76, 77n, 85, 91, 95, 98-102, 123, 174, 193n, 282-83, 285n, 458; and President's Mediation Commission, 189n, 194, 205; and timber workers, 184; and vocational training, 277; and War Industries Board, 412n; and war labor program, 334n; and women workers, 96-98; letter to, 121-22
--Advisory Commission, 20-21n, 31, 94-95, 112-13, 115-18, 121, 140; and board of labor adjustment, 75n; creation of, 96; and labor standards, maintenance of, 56n, 65, 76, 95; and President's Mediation Commission, 194; SG appointment to, 18, 96
--Committee on Labor, 21n, 23n, 94-96, 407; Committee on Cost of Living and Domestic Economy, 94; Committee on Welfare Work, 158; Committee on Women in Industry, 82n, 96-98, 98n, 108, 108-9n; Executive Committee, 52n, 56n, 97; Executive Committee, meeting of, 54-56, 65; fundraising efforts, 157-58, 159n; and labor standards, maintenance of, 76; meeting with Wilson, 101, 102n, 204, 282; organizational meeting of, 50-52, 52n, 54; organization of, 73, 139-41; and women workers, 81, 82n, 96-98, 98n, 108, 108-9n
Covert, Clair,* 301n, 417-18, 487; letter from, 299-301
Covington, J. Harry, 320n
Crane v. Campbell, 291n
Cranwell, Thomas G., 102n; letter to, 98-102
Crawford, George G., 441, 444n
Creel, George E., 156n, 161-62, 382-83, 496-97n, 498, 512n; letter from, 156; letter to, 495-96
Croly, Herbert, 114n
Crough, Edward, 518, 518n; letter from, 516-17
Crough, Katherine Dye (Mrs. Edward Crough), 518n
Crowder, Enoch, 451n, 540n
Crumpacker, Maurice E., 299, 301n
Cuba, 559; revolt in, 37, 39n; strikes in, 256, 257n
Culberson, Charles, 434n
Cunnea, William, 528, 529n
Curtiss Corp., 364
"Czech Legion," 512n
Czernin, Ottokar, 344, 345n
D'Alessandro, Domenico,* 415, 416n, 468, 470n
Daniels, Josephus, 54n, 191, 220, 222, 274, 284n; and cantonment agreement, 115n, 172n, 204; and Labor Loyalty meeting, 313n; and wages at Navy yards, 53, 86-87, 87n
Darrow, Clarence, 8:*, 237-38
Davies, Hywel, 79n
Davies, Joseph, 72n
Davis, John, 323n
Davis, William J.,* 522, 525n
Davison, Emmett C.,* 427, 431n
Dayton, Alston G., 285, 287n
Debs, Eugene V.,* 528-29, 529n, 533-34
Debs v. U.S., 529n
Declaration of Independence, 325, 559, 566
Dehan, Joseph, 329n, 543; letter to, 328-29
Dehan, Lewis, 328, 329n
Dehan, Sophia (Mrs. Joseph Dehan), 328, 329n
Democratic party, 227
Detective agencies, 391
Detroit Council of Trades and Labor Unions, 108n
Detroit Federation of Labor, 108n
Detroit Stove Works, strike against (1918-19), 447-49, 449n
Devine, Edward T., 8:332n, 157-58
Diaz, Armando, 550, 554n
Dick, John, 541-42, 542n
Diefenbach, George, 69n; letter from, 67-69
Dillard, James H., 421-23, 430, 431n, 462
Dillon, Thomas J., 154, 154n
Disque, Brice P., 245-46, 246n, 295-96, 296n, 299-301, 486- 90; letter from, 375-76; letter to, 416-18; wire to, 503
Division of Negro Economics, U.S. Department of Labor, 327, 327n, 366-67, 367n
Dobson, William,* 265, 266n
Dodge Bros., 365
Domenech, Francisco, 256, 257n
Dominion Coal Co., strike against (1909-10), 307, 308n; strike against (1918, threatened), 307-8, 308n
Donlin, John H.,* 412n, 421, 427, 431n
Donnelly, John L.,* 175n; wire to, 172-73
Dowell, Grant H., 337, 339n
Doyle, Charles W., 399, 400n
Doyle, Edward L., 9:95n, 409n; letter to, 408-9
Draft. See Conscription
Drain, Parda D., 249n; letter to, 247-49
Drew, Walter W., 8:227n, 370
Duffy, Frank,* 360, 362n, 469, 471n; elected AFL vice- president, 475
Duffy, Frank, Jr., 471n
Duffy, George, 471n
Duffy, Joseph, 471n
Duffy, William, 471n
Duncan, Charles,* 309n, 537, 538n
Duncan, James,* 38n, 44-45n, 313n, 544-45, 556-57; at AFL convention, 259, 263n, 266, 266n; at AFL Executive Council meeting, 29-31, 35, 38, 39n; elected AFL vice-president, 475; and Root mission to Russia, 72n, 120-21, 121n, 191-92, 311; cable from, 120-21; letters from, 373-74, 415-16, 528-29; letters to, 191-93, 547-48
Duncan, James (of Seattle), 474n
Durr, Karl, 90n
Easley, Crouch W., 59, 60n; wire from, 59
Easley, Ralph M.,* 52n, 73, 74n, 141, 511, 512n; letter to, 102-3
Eastman Kodak Co., antitrust case against, 322, 323n
East St. Louis race riots, 129-33, 133-34n, 135, 139n, 142, 151-52, 152-53n
Eckhardt, Heinrich von, 34, 38n
Edinburgh Trades Council, 533
Edmunds, George H., 347, 350n
Edwards, C. O., wire from, 163
Eight-hour day: for railroad workers, 15-16; SG and, 117, 443-44. See also Labor standards, maintenance of; Legislation, U.S., eight-hour law, congressional suspension of, proposed; Legislation, U.S., eight-hour law, presidential authority to suspend
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 400n, 502n; local 405 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 368, 369n
Electrical workers, wages of, 86-87, 87n
Elliott, James D., 322, 323n
Emergency Fleet Corp., 204, 207- 8n, 209n, 220-21, 221n, 340n
Employers' Liability Cases, 145, 147n
Employers' liability legislation, 143-47, 147-48n
Employment halls, 476, 476n
Erie Railroad Co. v. Winfield, 144, 147n
Erzberger, Matthias, 344, 345n
Essex (N.J.) Trades Council, 423, 431n
Eunson, Andrew, 533, 537n
Executive Board of the Southeastern Railroads of Colored Helpers and Laborers, 371-72, 372n
Fairley, William R., 7:329n, 79n, 376-77, 378n
Farrel Foundry and Machine Co., 281, 284n
F.B.Q. Clothing Co., strike against (1918), 335, 336n
Featherstone, Daniel F., 361, 363n
Fédération Française des Travailleurs du Livre, 2:108n, 541n
Feick, Frederick L., 189n, 280n, 403, 404n
Fels, Joseph, 238n
Fels, Mary (Mrs. Joseph Fels), 236, 238n
Filene, Edward A., 7:462n, 310
Finley, John H., 310, 312n
Finley v. United Mine Workers of America et al., 323n
Firemen, International Brotherhood of Stationary, 8:*, 502n
First American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace, 93, 93n, 94
First Conference for the Maintenance of Workers' Rights and Standards, 127, 128n
Fischer, Jacob,* 475, 475n
Fisher, Frederick V., 182n; letter to, 181-82
Fisher, James H., 262, 263n
Fitzgerald, Anna, 7:299n, 218
Fitzgerald, Thomas D., 4:416n, 329
Fitzpatrick, John J.,* 5n, 215-17, 218n, 297, 327n; and packinghouse workers, organization of, 280n, 285n; letters to, 280-84, 477-79; wires from, 5, 279
Flint, Charles R., 5:368n, 89-90n
Flood, Anna (daughter of Emmet Flood), 304n
Flood, Anna (wife of Emmet Flood), 7:235n, 304
Flood, Emmet T.,* 218n; letters from, 213-18, 302-4
Flood, Emmet T., Jr., 304n
Flood, Evelyn, 304n
Flood, Helen, 304n
Flood, Henry, 8n
Flood, Marie, 304n
Flood, Raymond, 304n
Flood, Rose, 304n
Flore, Edward F.,* 180n
Flynn, John, 361
Flynn, Thomas H., 7:122n, 170, 517, 518n; wire to, 170
Food supply and prices, advisory committee on, 74, 75n
Forbis (police chief), 69-70n
Ford Motor Co., 365
Fore River Ship Building Co., 281, 284n
Forster, Rudolph, 3, 4n
Foster, William Z.,* 214-15, 218n, 280n, 302, 468, 500-502; letter from, 477-79; wire from, 279
Fourteen Points, 309, 310n, 353, 464-65, 473n, 530-32, 544n, 551, 553, 567n
France, 559; conditions in, 112, 292, 342-43, 445-46, 465- 66, 551-52; mission to U.S., 71, 72n; socialists in, 343, 356n, 446, 465, 522-23, 550-52, 554-55n, 561; wartime industrial production in, 25-26
Francis, David, 45-46n, 90n
Francis, Earl N., 167, 169n; wire to, 167-68
Frank, H. C., letter to, 340-41
Frankel, Lee, 52n
Frankfurter, Felix, 56n, 75n, 195n, 337, 546n; letter from, 74-75
Franklin, Joseph A.,* 19, 21n, 223n, 334n, 340n, 503; wire to, 340
Franklin-Bouillon, Henry, 191, 193n
Frayne, Hugh,* 61, 62n, 103n, 156-57n, 313n; letter from, 330-31
Frazier, Arthur H., 540, 541n
French, Thomas A.,* 150n; wires from, 149
Frey, John P.,* 44n, 333n, 357n, 464, 467n; and AFL mission to Europe (fall 1918), 470n, 529, 549-50, 553, 567n; and death of Sadie Gompers, 546n, 547; cable to, 546n; letters to, 332, 372-73
Friends of Russian Freedom, 129, 134n
Froats, Arthur S., letter from, 363-64
Fuel, restriction of, 316-17, 317n
Funk, August J., 188, 189n
Furuseth, Andrew,* 44n, 253, 254n
Gallup, N.Mex., deportations from, 167-68, 169n
Gallup-American Fuel Co., strike against (1917), 167, 169n
Garfield, Harry A., 287-88, 288n, 317n
Garland, Mahlon M.,* 16n; letter to, 15-16
Garlington, Ernest A., 114, 115n, 204
Garment Workers of America, United,* 92n, 150, 335, 336n; local 20 (New York City), 61, 62n; strike, 1917 (New York City), 62n; wages of, 61-62, 62n
Garretson, Austin B.,* 252n; letter to, 319-20
Garrod, Heathcote W., 72n
Gary, Elbert H., 8:227n, 441; wire from, 386; wire to, 385- 86
Gatewood, David, 372n
Gaylord, Winfield R., 261, 263n
General Federation of Trade Unions of Great Britain and Ireland, 5:69n, 522
General Munitions Board, 74, 75n
Gentlemen's Agreement (with Japan), 7:148n, 37
George V, 563, 567n
George J. Grant Construction Co. v. St. Paul Building Trades Council et al., 252, 253-54n
Gerard, James W., 274, 278n
Germany, 558-60, 564, 568n; compulsory labor in, 381; indemnities imposed by, 88; intrigues in Cuba, 37, 39n, 256, 257n; intrigues in U.S., 157n, 435; intrigues with Japan, 35, 37; intrigues with Mexico, 34-35, 38n; labor movement of, and war, 3, 4n, 35-36, 49, 276, 342, 344-45n, 353, 536, 566; militarism of, 88-89, 129, 132, 202, 268-71, 309, 352, 508, 558-59, 564, 566; military service in, 30; outbreak of war with U.S., 3, 4n, 12, 17, 49, 49n, 200, 202-3; peace proposals of, 543, 543-44n, 553; peace treaty with Russia, 344-45n, 353, 355n, 564; possible invasion of U.S. by, 29, 34, 37; socialists in, 89, 90n, 269-70, 275-76, 278n, 342-44, 344-45n, 508-9; spring offensive, 1918, 413, 414n; strikes in, 342, 344-45n, 353; submarine warfare of, 4n, 35, 38n, 49, 49n, 93n, 200, 326n
Germer, Adolph F.,* 510-11, 512n
Ghent, William J., 9:383n, 160, 181, 228n
Gibbs, George, 310, 312n
Gibson, J. S., 137-38n
Gifford, Walter S., 73, 73-74n, 140, 303
Giles, J. E. 469, 471n
Gill, Patrick F., 403, 404n
Gilmour, J. H., 424, 431n
Giolitti, Giovanni, 556n
Giolittism, 552, 556n
Glass, Carter, 8n
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada,* 540n
Glenning, Mrs. William, letter from, 219
Glennon, James H., 191-92, 193n
Globe (Ariz.) Miners' Union, Ladies' Auxiliary, 301
Glove Workers' Union of America, International,* 82n
Godfrey, Hollis, 21n
Golden, John,* 294n
Gomez, José Miguel, 39n
Gompers, Florence, 4:175n; letter from, 383-84
Gompers, Harry Boyd. See Gompers, Samuel Harry
Gompers, Henry J., 9:*, 491n
Gompers, Sadie Julian,* 491n; death of, 544-45, 546n, 547, 564-65
Gompers, Samuel: addresses, 50-52, 196-207, 267-78, 507-12, 532-37, 556-67; addresses mentioned, 102, 103n, 178, 179n, 192, 194n, 219n, 241n, 313n, 363n, 388, 389n, 520-22, 523-24n, 525-27, 551-53, 555n; articles mentioned, 16, 17n, 152-53n, 248, 253; circulars, 96-98, 110-12, 239, 413-14; circulars mentioned, 20, 22n, 453, 454n; debate with Roosevelt, 129-33, 138, 139n, 142; editorials mentioned, 16, 17n, 247, 252-53, 281-82; elected AFL president, 266, 475; memoranda, 73, 297-98, 304-6, 310-12, 387; pacifism of, 36, 198-99, 201, 260, 267-70, 272-73, 558; reception for (1918, Chicago), 544-45, 546n, 547, 556-67; security of, 480-81; signing authority for, 73; statements issued by, 63, 64n, 189-90, 285-87, 316-17, 402-3, 420, 451; testimony before National War Labor Board, 441-44; testimony mentioned, 15-16, 17n
--trips: Europe (June-Oct. 1909), 7:473-74n, 563; New York City (Feb. 1917), 15n; New York City and Pittsburgh (May 1917), 102-3, 103n; New York City (June-July 1917), 127, 127-28n; New York City (Aug. 1917), 163n; New York state, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Minneapolis (Aug.-Sept. 1917), 192, 194n, 195; New York City, Buffalo (Sept.-Oct. 1917), 225, 228n; Newark, N.J., New York City, Indianapolis (Jan. 1918), 320, 320-21n, 328; New York City (Jan.-Feb. 1918), 329, 330n; New York state, Chicago (Feb.-Mar. 1918), 363n; Canada, Boston, New York City (Apr.-May 1918), 432, 434n; Europe (Aug.-Nov. 1918), 468, 470n, 492-93, 503-4, 504n, 506, 519-23, 525-27, 529-37, 540, 541n, 543, 546n, 549-54, 554-55n, 557-58, 560-65
Gompers, Samuel Harry, 203, 207n, 276, 491n, 540; letter from, 519; letter to, 491
Gompers, Solomon,* 444-45, 445n
Gompers, Sophia Julian (Mrs. Samuel Gompers),* 419n, 546n; cable to, 549
Gompers, William, 9:311n, 276
Goode, Armistead, 177n, 424, 426, 430, 431n
Goodnow, Frank J., 310, 312-13n, 512n
Gordy, Eva, wire from, 301
Gosling, Harry,* 522, 524n
Government contracts, 91-92; for clothing, 61-62, 62n, 138, 139n, 150, 151n, 204; for construction, 136, 137n, 452-53 ( see also Cantonment construction agreement); and eight-hour day, 365, 366n; for harnesses and saddlery, 281-82, 284-85n, 365; for naval engines, 281, 284n
Grade Teachers' Union, 439n
Granis, Capt., 229, 232
Granite Cutters' International Association of America,* 374n
Grant, Ulysses S., 1:328n, 201, 207n
Great Britain, 559; conditions in, 342-43, 465-66; labor and war effort in, 74, 113, 116-18; and labor standards, maintenance of, 99; labor mission to U.S. (1917), 71, 72n, 102, 103n, 113; labor mission to U.S. (1918), 309, 309n, 332; mission to U.S. (1917; Balfour mission), 71, 72n; socialists in, 309, 356n, 465; strikes in, 60n; wages in, 66; wartime industrial production in, 24-26, 74; women workers in, 27, 81
Greathouse, Charles, 49n
Green, William,* 168, 169n, 266n, 372; elected AFL vice- president, 475
Gregory, Thomas W., 92, 92-93n; and Bisbee deportations, 321-22, 323-24n, 336-39; and IWW, 243n, 297-98, 298n; letter to, 321-22
Griggs, Everett G., 489, 490n
Grimké, Archibald H., 345, 350n, 421, 462
Grimshaw, Frank,* 449n; letter from, 447-49
Grossi, Col., 553
Guard, R. Lee,* 74n, 140, 192, 327n, 547-48; and SG, security of, 480; and SG, signing authority for, 73; letters from, 102-3, 543
Guatemala, 11
Guerin, Theobold M., 172n, 318-19n, 360, 362n
Guggenheim, Daniel, 158-59n; letter to, 157-58
Gurko, Vasily I., 292, 294n
Haase, Hugo, 344, 345n
Haig, Douglas, 273, 278n, 550, 554n
Hale, Matthew, 160, 161n
Hale, William W., 516-17, 518n
Haley, Margaret A., 83n; wire from, 81-82
Hall, George C., 215, 359, 360n
Hamilton, M. Grant,* 64n, 78, 79n, 296n
Hammer v. Dagenhart, 499n
Hamrick, William P., 86n; letter to, 85-86
Haney, Mary E., 83n; wire from, 81-82
Hansen, Ernest, 185-86, 186n
Hansen, Julius, 186n; letter from, 185-86
Hapsburgs, 89
Harding, Warren, 243n
Harper, Samuel N., 310, 312n
Harriman, Florence Jaffray (Mrs. Borden Harriman), 97, 98n
Harris, George W., 330-31, 331n, 347, 350n
Harrison, J. E., letter from, 459-60
Harry, George Y., 6:238n, 209n
Hart, John F.,* 303, 304n
Hartwig, Otto R.,* 487, 490n
Hatch, Leonard W., 456n; letter to, 455-56
Havens, Munson A., 245n; wire from, 244; wire to, 244
Hawkins v. Bleakly, 143, 147n
Hayes, Frank,* 181, 182n, 308n, 334n, 372, 407
Hayes, Max S.,* 259, 262n
Haynes, George E., 8:504n, 327n, 367n, 421, 428, 463
Haywood, William D.,* 176n, 528, 529n, 533-34
Health insurance, state, 329, 329-30n
Hearst, William (prime minister of Ontario), 278n
Heine, Heinrich, 6:423n, 50
H. E. Lazarus and Co., strike against (1917), 62n
Henderson, Arthur,* 294n, 522, 549, 551, 554n; and AFL mission to Europe (spring 1918), 445-46; and Labour party constitution, 293, 294n; and proposed mission to U.S., 388, 390n; and "Stockholm" movement, 343, 356n
Henderson, James "Pitchfork," 187-88, 189n
Henderson, W. M., letter from, 494
Henry Sonneborn and Co., 91-92
Henry Steers Co., 171-72n
Hermalin, David, 163n
Herrick, Myron T., 158, 159n
Hillman, Sidney,* 138, 139n, 150
Hillquit, Morris,* 90n, 94n, 138, 261, 263n; wire from, 93
Hitchman Coal and Coke Co., 285-86, 287n, 322, 323n
Hitchman Coal and Coke Co. v. Mitchell et al., 285-86, 287n, 351-52, 372-73
Hoard, Otto E., 19, 21n
Hod Carriers', Building and Common Laborers' Union of America, International,* 415-16, 416n; and black workers, 135; jurisdiction of, 405, 406n
Hoffstot, Frank N., 77, 79n
Hogg, Charles E., 372, 373n
Hohenzollerns, 88
Holder, Arthur E.,* 19, 22n, 49n, 64n, 181
Holland, James P.,* 127, 128n, 196, 236, 238n
Holm, Walter E., 150n; wire from, 148
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 144, 147n
Hoover, Herbert C., 75n, 303, 304n, 315n
Hopkins, J. A. H., 160, 161n
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America,* 82n; and black workers, 180
House, Edward M., 71n
Houston, David F., 274, 278n
Houston, race riot in, 326, 326n
Howard, W. Schley, 366-67, 368n
Howe, Louis M., 223n; letter from, 222-23
Howey, James W., 385n; letter from, 384-85
Huddleston, George, 378, 378n
Hudson, W. G., letter to, 449-50
Hughes, William M., 492-93, 493n, 521
Hulse, E. J., 521, 524n
Hulse, H., 521, 524n
Humphrey, J. Otis, 252, 253n
Hunt, George W. P., 338, 339n
Hunter, Robert, 8:335n, 181
Hupp Motor Co., 365
Hurley, Edward N., 207n, 220, 221n, 360, 362n, 546n; letter to, 452-53
Hutcheson, William L.,* 171-72n, 318-19n, 334n, 360-61, 362- 63n, 407; letter from, 232-35; letter to, 228-31; wires from, 176, 317-18, 410-11; wires to, 171, 409-10
Hylan, John F., 236, 238n
Hynes, John J.,* 410n; wire to, 409-10
Idaho State Federation of Labor, 186n
Iglesias, Santiago,* 9, 13n, 436, 438n, 499; letter from, 313-15
Illinois State Council of Defense, Labor Committee of the, 151, 152n
Illinois State Federation of Labor, 7:364n, 48
Immigrants, literacy test for, 164-65, 166n
Industrial service, by workers in wartime, 42-43
Industrial Workers of the World, 185, 188, 193n, 223, 435, 529n; Barnes and, 264; Chicago faction of, 247; Detroit faction of, 247; Foster and, 215; immigrants and, 265; Lumber Workers' Industrial Union No. 500 (Pacific Northwest), 155n; Metal Mine Workers' Industrial Union No. 800 (Bisbee, Ariz.), 125, 126n; Metal Mine Workers' Industrial Union (Butte, Mont.), 126, 126-27n; and Mooney general strike, 420n; organizers, 163, 163n; prosecution of, 242, 243n, 248, 297-98, 484, 528; SG and, 149, 168, 173-74, 182-84, 205, 247-49, 260, 298n, 534; Spargo and, 389n; Walker and, 296
--strikes: 1912 (textile workers, Lawrence, Mass.), 8:325- 26n, 247; 1913 (textile workers, Paterson, N.J.), 8:503n, 247-48; 1913-14 (hop field workers, California), 9:507n, 247; 1916 (iron ore miners, Mesabi Range), 9:489-90n, 247; 1916 (steelworkers, Pittsburgh), 9:507n, 247; 1917 (copper miners, Arizona), 125, 126n, 148-49, 167-68, 259, 262, 321, 323-24n, 336-39; 1917 (metal miners, Butte, Mont.), 126, 126-27n; 1917 (timber workers, Pacific Northwest), 154, 155n, 182
Industry in U.S., geographical concentration of, 28-29
Influenza pandemic, 543-44, 544n, 546n, 547, 552
Ingersoll, Raymond V., 310, 312n
Injunctions, 299; and Carpenters of America, United Brotherhood of, 253, 254n; and Mine Workers of America, United, 285-86, 287n, 323n; and St. Paul Building Trades Council, 252, 253-54n; and Stove Mounters' International Union of North America, local 1 (Detroit), 449n; and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of, local 211 (Omaha), 252-53, 254n; and Tri-City (Ill.) Central Trades Council, 252, 253n
Institute for Crippled Soldiers and Sailors, 158
Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, Feb. 1918 (London), 355, 355-56n, 530
Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, Sept. 1918 (London), 493, 493n, 503-4, 504n, 522, 529-37, 551-52, 561, 567n; declaration of war aims by, 529-32, 532n
International Federation of Trade Unions, 8:394n; meeting, 1917 (Stockholm), 90n, 104-5, 271
International Harvester Co., antitrust case against, 322, 323n
International Peace Society, 199, 268
International Secretariat of the National Centers of Trade
Unions, 8:394n; meeting, 1909 (Paris), 198, 207n, 268
International Socialist Bureau, 90n
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of,* 79n, 101, 502n; black workers and, 135; convention, 1917 (Granite City, Ill.), 69n; and immigrant steelworkers, 77-78; organizers, 67-69, 69-70n; strike, 1917 (local 81, Yorkville, Ohio), 79, 79n
Ishii, Kikujir Ç , 191, 193n
Italy, conditions in, 112, 342-43, 551-52; mission to U.S., 72n; proposals for emigration from, 552, 555-56n; socialists in, 356n, 550-53, 555-56n, 561-62
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World
Jackson, Giles B., 327, 327n, 367n; letter from, 366-67
Jackson, Richard H., 540, 541n, 549
James, Newton A.,* 421, 431n
James Ormond Wilson Normal School, 439n
Japan: German intrigues with, 35, 37; mission to U.S., 72n, 191, 193n; U.S. relations with, 37, 193n
Japanese workers, exclusion of, 37
Jay Street Terminal Co., 381
Jennings, Patrick H., 469, 470-71n
Jewell, Bert M.,* 176, 177n, 358n
Jewish Daily Forward, 157n
Jim Crow, 359
Joffre, Joseph, 72n, 563, 567n
Johnson (mayor of Gary, Ind.), 70n
Johnson, Agnes, 83n; wire from, 81-82
Johnson, Hiram, 8:277n, 147n
Johnson, Hugh S., 450, 451n
Johnson, Theodore, letter to, 105-7
Johnston, William H.,* 19, 21n, 181, 333n, 412n, 475; and National War Labor Board, 408n; and War Labor Conference Board, 334n, 407; letter from, 187-89
Johnstone, John W., 215, 218n
Jones, Benjamin, 445, 447n
Jones, Eugene K., 9:169n, 345, 421, 423, 462-63; letter from, 461-63
Jones, James E., 177, 177n, 424, 431n
Jones, Jerome,* 481, 482n
Jones, Thomas J., 345, 349, 350n, 421, 462
Jones, William T., 346, 350n
Jouhaux, Léon, 9:*, 72n
Joyce, John J.,* 460, 460n
Joyce, Joseph J., 481n; report of, 480-81
Joyce, Martin T.,* 469, 470- 71n
Joyner, Austin F., 482n; letter from, 481
Juranovich, Philip S., 152n; letter to, 151-52
Jurisdiction of trade unions, AFL and, 474, 474-75n
Jurisdictional disputes: Bridge, Structural, and Ornmental Iron Workers and Pile Drivers, International Association of, v. Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, 171, 171-72n; Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of, v. Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Brotherhood of, 250-51; Machinists, International Association of, v. AFL Railroad Helpers' and Laborers' Union 15,920, 505, 505n; Railroad Trainmen, Brotherhood of, v. Switchmen's Union of North America, 250
Jusserand, Jean-Jules, 191, 194n
Justice, economic, 41-42
Kahn, Julius, 7:118n, 64n
Keating, Edward, 124, 125n
Kelley, Florence,* 151n, 335, 336n
Kellogg, Paul U., 388-89, 389n, 415
Kelly, W., 127
Kerensky, Aleksandr, 279n
Kern, Howard L., 313, 315n
Kerwin, Hugh, 307n
Keufer, Auguste, 3:*, 72n
Kiev, capture of, 342, 345n
King, Burnice W., 378n; letters from, 376-78, 517-18
King, Stanley, 412n
Kinkead, Eugene F., 436n, 528, 529n
Kirstein, Louis E., 151n, 335, 336n
Kitchin, Claude, 190n
Kneeshaw, J. W., 532-35, 537n
Konenkamp, Sylvester J.,* 482n, 485, 490n, 515n
Kreusi, Walter, 151n, 335, 336n
Kreyling, David J.,* 352n, 431n; letter to, 351-52
Labor, shortage of, 239
Labor conferences: Mar. 1917 (Washington, D.C.), 20, 22n, 39; June 1917 (Stockholm), 90n, 104-5, 271; Aug. 1917 (Stockholm), 90n, 105, 271; Oct. 1917 (Berne), 90n, 271. See also Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, Feb. 1918 (London), and Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, Sept. 1918 (London); Westminster conference, 1917
Labor conferences, international: AFL Executive Council and, 90n, 278n; AFL proposal for postwar, 104, 535-36, 538n; SG and, 89, 90n, 104-5, 271
Laboring Men's Council, 528, 529n
Labor Loyalty Week, 311, 312-13n, 324, 330n
Labor party, SG and, 419
Labor representation on government agencies and boards, 43, 116, 121-22, 205, 212, 319, 320-21n
Labor standards, maintenance of, 40-42, 54-56, 56-57n, 57- 58, 58n, 59-60, 60n, 65-67, 74, 80, 83-84, 84n, 85-86, 91-93, 95, 98-102, 108, 109n, 123, 142, 174, 193n, 203, 211, 230, 282-83, 285n, 363-65, 458
Labour party (of Great Britain), 293, 294n; constitution of, 293, 294n; reconstruction program of, 356, 357n, 388, 389-90n
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International,* 62n, 379
Laird, J. George, 368, 369n
Lane, Dennis,* 213-15, 218n, 280n, 302, 404n; wires from 279, 403-4
Lane, Franklin K., 9:466n, 320n
Lansing, Robert, 9:434n, 71n, 191, 274, 326n, 567n; and Mooney-Billings case, 93n; letter from 256; letter to, 70-71
Lansing-Ishii Agreement, 193n
Larger, Bernard A.,* 150, 151n; letter from, 335; letter to, 401-2
Larkin, Walter, 69n, 78, 79n; letter from, 69; letter to, 67-69
Laughlin, Irwin, 554n; letter to, 549-54
Lawson, John R., 9:283n, 409n
Leadbetter, Frederick W., 245, 246n, 296n, 417, 503
League of Nations, 179n
League to Enforce Peace, 178-79, 179n; conferences, 1915 (Philadelphia), 179n; 1916 (Washington, D.C.), 179n
Leather Workers on Horse Goods, United Brotherhood of,* 284n; eight-hour case, 281-82, 284-85n, 365
LeBosse, Louis, 521, 524n
Lee, Algernon, 90n
Lee, Elisha, 52n, 55, 56n
Lee, Robert E., 201, 358
Lee, William G.,* 252n
Lefkowitz, Abraham, 395n; letter from, 393; letter to, 394- 95
Legien, Carl,* 4n, 535-36, 538n; cables to, 3, 49
Legislation, Great Britain: Munitions of War Act (1915), 9:385n, 114n, 171, 171n; Munitions of War (Amendment) Act (1916), 114n, 171, 171n
Legislation, state
--Connecticut: labor standards suspension law (1917), 76, 77n
--Iowa: workmen's compensation law (1913), 143, 147n
--Maryland: compulsory labor law (1917), 174, 175n
--Massachusetts: Commonwealth Defense Act (1917), 76, 77n
--New York: health insurance bill (1918), 329, 329-30n; labor standards suspension bill (1917), 76, 77n, 99-100; workmen's compensation law (1913), 9:76n, 143-44, 147n; workmen's compensation law (1914), 9:76n, 143-44
--Pennsylvania: full crew law (1911), 124, 125n, 204
--Washington: workmen's compensation law (1911), 9:75n, 143, 147n; workmen's compensation law (1913), 9:75n, 143, 147n
--West Virginia: compulsory labor law (1917), 174, 175n
Legislation, U.S.
--Adamson Act (1916), 9:450n, 15-16, 17n
--Army Appropriation Act (1916), 9:442n, 20n, 96
--Borland amendment (1918), 454, 455n, 456-59
--Child Labor Tax Act (1919), 499n
--Clayton Act (1914), 9:94n, 123-25, 286, 351, 373, 526
--common carriers' liability act (1906), 145, 147n
--common carriers' liability act (1908), 8:459n, 143-44, 146, 147n
--diplomatic and consular service appropriation acts: (1915), 9:300n, 6; (1917), H.R. 19,300 (1916), 5, 8n
--District of Columbia Appropriation Act (1918): H.R. 11,692 (1918), 438, 439-40n
--Eighteenth Amendment: S.J. Res. 17 (1917), 289-91, 291n
--eight-hour law (1892), 3:405n, 13
--eight-hour law (1912), 8:259n, 281, 284n, 458
--eight-hour law: congressional suspension of, proposed, 13- 14, 14n; for government employees, 401, 453-54, 454-55n, 456-59, 459n; presidential authority to suspend, 14n, 91-92, 281, 443-44, 458
--Espionage Act (1917): H.R. 291 (1917), 62-63, 64n
--Immigration Act (1917), 9:405n, 37, 164-66, 166n
--Interstate Railroad Act (1917): S. 2356 (1917), 123-25, 125n
--Keating-Owen Act (1916), 85, 86n, 499n
--Lever Food and Fuel Control Act (1917): H.R. 4961 (1917), 111-12, 112n, 124-25, 289
--Naval Appropriation Act (1917): H.R. 20,632 (1917), 14n, 54n, 87, 87n, 91-92, 281, 284n, 366n, 443-44, 458
--naval holiday bill: H.Res. 298 (1913), 535, 538n
--Newlands Mediation, Conciliation, and Arbitration Act (1913), 9:57n; bills to amend: H.R. 19,730 (1917), 15-16, 17n; H.R. 20,752 (1917), 15-16, 16n; S. 8201 (1917), 16, 17n
--Nineteenth Amendment, 402n
--Overman bill, S. 3771 (1918), 412, 412n
--Sabotage Act (1918): S. 383 (1917), 433, 434n, 447-49, 449n
--Seamen's Act (1915): 9:10n, 204, 526
--Selective Service Act (1917), 62, 64n, 514n
--Selective Service Act (1918), 513-14, 514n
--Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 4:28n, 123-24, 322, 323n
--Smith-Hughes Act (1917), 47, 49n
--universal military training bills: H.R. 92 (1917), 62, 64n; S. 1 (1917), 62, 64n
--War Revenue Act (1917): H.R. 4280 (1917), 190n
--War Risk Insurance Act (1917): H.R. 5723 (1917), 212, 213n
--woman's suffrage amendment, proposed, 401, 402n; H.J. Res. 200 (1917), 471n
--workmen's compensation suit act (1917): S. 2916 (1917), 146, 147-48n
Lenin, Vladimir I., 279n, 342, 344n, 508-10, 512n
Lennon, John B.,* 258n, 306, 544; at AFL convention, 257, 258n, 265-67
Lens, capture of, 522
Leslie, Charles, 252, 254n
Letter Carriers' Association, National Rural,* 230, 231n
Letter Carriers of the United States of America, National Association of,* 230, 231n
Lever, Asbury F., 86n
Lewis, Charles H., 108n; letter to, 107-8
Lewiston (Idaho) Central Labor Union, 186n
Liberty League of Bisbee, Ariz., 321
Liberty Loan drive, 543
Liebknecht, Karl, 270, 278n, 344, 344n
Linck, A. J., 470n
Lincoln, Abraham, 132, 206, 526, 566
Lincoln Motor Co., 365
Lipke, Edward, 447, 449n
Lippmann, Walter, 115n, 138, 139n, 204
Literacy test, for immigrants, 164-65, 166n
Little, Frank, 126n, 163, 163n, 173
Littleton, Martin W., 132, 134n
Lloyd George, David, 71, 72n, 74, 520, 565; statement of war aims, 309, 310n
Lochner, Louis P., 93n; wire from, 93; wire to, 94
Lockhart, R. H. Bruce, 509-10, 512n
Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of,* 251n; jurisdiction of, 250-51
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Brotherhood of,* 251n; affiliation with AFL considered, 249-51; and black workers, 249; convention, 1896 (Galveston, Tex.), 4:127n, 249; jurisdiction of, 250-51
Long, Breckinridge, 120, 121n
Longshoremen's Association, International,* 138n, 208n, 460; jurisdiction of, 405-6, 406n; local 847, ser. 2 (New York City), 432; local 979 (New Orleans), 459; Pacific Coast District Council 38-A, 405-6, 406n; strike, 1917 (Seattle, threatened), 137, 137-38n; strike, 1918 (New York harbor, threatened), 380-81, 381-82n, 432-33, 434n
Longuet, Frédéric J. L., 551, 554-55n
Lord, James,* 52n, 181, 182n, 499n
Los Angeles Times, 390
Louis Bossert et al. v. Frederick Dhuy et al., 253, 254n
Loveira y Chirinos, Carlos, 9:433n, 9-11
Lowden, Frank, 263n
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, 246n, 299-300, 375, 417-18, 418n, 486-87, 489, 503; convention, 1918 (Spokane, Wash.), 487-88, 490n
Loyalty Leagues, 167, 183, 224, 338
Lumbermen's Protective Association, 155n
Lunn, George, 434n
Lusitania, sinking of, 9:287n, 274, 560
Luxburg, Karl-Ludwig von, 326n
Luxemburg, Rosa, 278n, 344n