M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
McAdoo, William G., 9:299n, 546n; as Director General of Railroads, 320n, 366, 382n, 494, 505n; General Order No. 27, 320n, 505n; and Pan-American financial conference, 9n; letter to, 5-8
McCabe, Robert C., wire to, 477
McCarthy, Frank H.,* 542n; letter from, 541-42
McChord, Charles, 320n
McClory, Joseph E.,* 265, 266n, 370
McCormack, George B., 288, 288n
McCoy, Edwin T., 321, 323n; letter from, 336-39
McCreash, Timothy A., 213-14, 218n
McCurdy, Robert, 359
McDermott, John A., 329, 330n
MacDonald, James R., 445, 446-47n, 522
McEnerney, Mary, 83n; wire from, 81-82
McGrady, Edward F., 77n, 266n; letter to, 76-77
McGuire, James, 434n
Machinists, International Association of,* 21n, 502n; jurisdiction of, 505, 505n; organizers, 187-88, 189n; strike, 1917 (Michigan Central Railroad, threatened), 187-88, 189n
McIntyre, Frank, 9:74n, 438n
McKees Rocks steel plants, 170, 170n
McKillop, Daniel P., 468, 470n, 472n
McLaughlin, John P., 165, 166n
McLeod, Duncan, 228n, 273
McNab, Gavin, 209n
McWade, Robert M., 189n, 371, 372n
Macy, V. Everit, 52n, 220-21, 221n, 318n, 361, 363n
Madsen, John A., 137n, 476; wire from, 137
Magnes, Judah L., 94n; wire from, 93
Mahany, Rowland, 62n
Mahon, William D.,* 33-35, 38n; elected AFL vice-president, 475
Maintenance of Way Employes and Railway Shop Laborers, United Brotherhood of, 9:*, 431n
Maisel, Robert, 128n, 162-63n, 236, 241n; and creation of American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 156-57n, 160n; letters to, 161-62, 225-28, 382-83
Maloney, Elizabeth, 82n; wire from, 81-82
Mammoth Vein Coal Co., 323n
Mark Cowen and Co., strike against (1917), 336n
Marsh, Ernest P.,* 154, 154-55n, 195, 195n, 262
Marshall, Leon, 304-6, 306n
Martin, Franklin, 21n, 103n
Martin, Thomas S., 8:493n, 366-67
Martinez, Vincente, 256, 257n
Mary of Teck, 563, 567n
Massachusetts, and labor standards, maintenance of, 76, 77n
Massachusetts state constitutional convention, 161n
Maurer, James H.,* 241n; letter from, 240-41
Maximalists, 275
Maxwell Motor Co., 365
Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Amalgamated,* 218n, 280n, 403-4; local 634 (Denver), 214, 218n
Meatpacking arbitration hearings, 280n, 363n
Menocal y Deop, Mario G., 71, 72n, 256, 257n
Merchants', Manufacturers', and Employers' Patriotic League of America, 183
Mexican Federation of Labor, 545
Mexican workers, in U.S., 164-66, 166n; organization of, 265, 266n
Mexico: German intrigues with, 34-35, 38n; U.S. war with, threatened (1916), 10
Michigan Central Railroad, strike against (1917, threatened), 187-88, 189n
Michigan Stove Co., strike against (1918-19), 447-49, 449n
Miles, Herbert E., 483, 484n
Miller, Cyrus, letter from, 324-26
Miller, Louis E., 156, 157n, 162
Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, International Union of,* 126n, 169n, 430, 502n; strike, 1917 (copper miners, Ariz.), 125, 126n, 148-49, 167-68, 259, 262, 301, 321, 323-24n, 336-39
Miners, Western Federation of, 169n. See also Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, International Union of
Mine Workers of America, United,* 22, 23n, 78, 430, 435; convention, 1918 (Indianapolis), 347, 350n; and Coronado case, 322, 323n; District 15 (Colorado), 409n; District 20 (Alabama), 288n; District 21 (Arkansas), 323n; District 26 (Nova Scotia), 308n; and Hitchman case, 285-86, 287n, 322, 323n, 351, 372; and immigrant miners, organization of, 78; jurisdiction of, 408-9, 409n; and Mine Workers of America, Independent Union of, 408-9, 409n; strikes: 1909-10 (Cape Breton, Canada), 307, 308n; 1917 (Alabama, threatened), 287-88, 288n; 1917 (copper miners, N.Mex.), 167, 169n; 1918 (Cape Breton, threatened), 307-8, 308n
Mine Workers of America, Independent Union of, 408-9, 409n
Mine Workers of Nova Scotia, Amalgamated, 308n
Minimum wage, for teachers, 438-39, 439-40n
Minneapolis Civic and Commerce Association, 240, 241n
Missanabie, 470n, 520, 523n
Mitchel, John P., 9:359n, 129-30, 132-33
Mitchell, John,* 147n, 286; letter to, 143-47
Mitchell et al. v. Hitchman Coal and Coke Co., 287n
Molders' Union of North America, International, 9:*, 502n
Monte Grappa, 562, 564, 567n
Mooney, Thomas J.,* 92, 93n, 533; general strike in behalf of, threatened, 387, 396, 420, 420n
Mooney-Billings case, 9:517-18n, 92, 92-93n, 215, 387, 387- 88n, 395-97, 397n, 420, 468-69, 470n, 497, 506, 507n, 533-34
Moore, Frederick R., 345, 350n, 421, 426, 429, 462; letter from, 461-63
Moore, John, 358n
Morris meatpacking company, 152n
Morrison, Frank,* 15n, 19, 156-57n, 241n, 305, 412n; and American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 160n; and black workers, 371, 372n, 421, 423-24, 427-28, 430-31; and carpenters' strike, 361; Committee on Labor, Council of National Defense, 52n; elected AFL secretary, 475; and Gompers, Sadie, death of, 544-45, 546n; and meatpackers' strike, threatened, 280n, 303; at meeting of AFL Executive Council, 26, 28, 32-33; and military intelligence, collection of, 434-36, 436n; and National War Labor Board hearing, 433; and Russia, conditions in, 512n; and Sabotage Act, scope of, 449n; and steelworkers' organizing campaign, 478-79; and "Stockholm" movement, 104; and timber industry, 295, 296n; letters to, 119, 176-77, 405-6, 415-16, 434-36, 447-49, 491-92, 528-29, 538-42; wire from, 245; wire to, 137
Morrison, John, 7:*, 549; letters to, 244, 484
Mosses, William, 309n
Moton, Robert R., 331, 331n, 345, 358-59, 421, 428, 462
Mott, John R., 310, 312n
Mountain Timber Co. v. State of Washington, 143, 147n
Moyer, Charles H.,* 126n; letter from, 516-18; letters to, 167-69, 516-18; wires from, 125-26, 167; wire to, 167
Mulback, John, 186n
Mulready, Edwin, 366n
Munroe, James, 49n
Murray, Arthur C., 332, 333n
Murray, John, 9:433n, 9, 181, 499n
Muskegon, Mich., Employers' Association, 187
Mussolini, Benito, 555n
Nasmyth, George, 317, 317n
National Adjustment Commission, 476, 476n
National Association of Manufacturers, 5:15n, 51, 390-91; convention, 1917 (New York City), 101, 102n
National Civic Federation, 5:218n, 15n, 389n
National Civil Liberties Bureau, 484, 485n
National Erectors' Association, 8:227n, 390
National Industrial Conference Board, 9:523n, 334, 334n, 391, 407
National Labor Defense Council, 106-7, 107n
National Labor Publicity Organization, 127, 128n, 156-57n, 226
National party, 225-27, 228n, 235-38, 357, 388, 418-19; conference, 1917 (Chicago), 225, 228, 228n, 236-37
National War Labor Board, 408n; and Birmingham, Ala., steelworkers' strike, 378n, 440-44; creation of, 334n, 408n, 490n; and New York harbor workers' strike, threatened, 382n, 432-33; and Springfield, Ill., street railway workers' strike, 263n; and telegraphers' strike, threatened, 481, 482n, 486, 515n
"Naval Holiday," 535, 537-38n
Nee, William C., 177n; letter from, 176-77
Nelson, Oscar F.,* 242, 243n, 297
Nestor, Agnes,* 82n, 97, 333n, 467, 468n; wire from, 81-82
Neutrality, SG and, 199-200
Nevin, A. Parker, 52n
New Jersey, and labor standards, maintenance of, 99
Newlands, Francis G., 9:57n, 17n
Newman, Jennie, 369n; letter from, 368-69
New Mexico copper miners' strike (1917), 167, 169n, 248
New Orleans Central Labor Union, 5:262n, 460
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., 410n
New Republic, 356, 357n
New York Call, 394
New York Central Railroad Co. v. White, 143, 147n
New York Central Railroad Co. v. Winfield, 144, 147n
New York City and Vicinity, Central Federated Union of, 1:379n, 392-95; and People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace, 127, 127n, 156, 157n, 206, 226
New York Harbor Wage Adjustment Board of Arbitration, 381- 82n; wage awards of, 380-81, 381-82n, 434n
New York News Dealers' and Stationers' Protective Association, strike, 1918 (New York City), 335, 336n
New York Public Service Commission, 15n
New York state, and labor standards, maintenance of, 76, 77n, 99-100
New York state constitutional convention, 9:280n, 311
New York State Federation of Labor, 2:96n, 329-30n; convention, 1917 (Jamestown, N.Y.), 192, 194n; SG address before, 192, 196-207
New York State Industrial Commission, 76, 143, 146, 455
Nicaragua, 11
Nicholas II, 5:15n, 45n, 310
Nichols, William B., 404, 404n
"No Annexations, No Indemnities," as peace demands, 88-89, 90n, 93, 93n, 344, 345n
Nockels, Edward N., 6:342n, 215-17, 302-3; wire from, 5
Norfolk and Western Railway Co. v. Earnest, 143, 147n
Norfolk Central Labor Union (Colored), 177n
Norfolk Metal Trades Council, 222-23
Norfolk Navy Yard, strike at (1917), 222-23, 223n
North Yakima, Wash., Trades and Labor Council, 185n
Ochart, Bolivar, 313
O'Connell, James,* 52n, 305, 307n, 544; and Birmingham, Ala., steelworkers' strike, 440-41; and black workers, 421, 424-27; retirement from AFL vice-presidency, 475
O'Connell, John A., 92n; wire to, 92
O'Connor, Thomas V.,* 381n, 433, 434n, 460
Odessa, capture of, 342, 345n
Oederlin, Frederick, 543n
Office workers, AFL charter for, 469, 471n
Ogden, John W.,* 522, 524n
Olander, Victor A.,* 46-47, 48n, 131, 134n, 215; and War Labor Conference Board, 334n, 407
Open shop, 229-30, 232-34, 254n, 287n
Oregon State Federation of Labor, 490n
Orenburg, capture of, 342, 345n
Organizers, harassment of, 67-69, 69-70n, 163, 163n, 187- 89. See also, AFL organizers, harassment of
Ott, Godfrey (Gottfried) A., 92n; letter to, 91-92
Oudegeest, Jan,* 90n, 105n; cable from, 104; cable to, 104-5
Output, restriction of, 116, 340, 340n
Overman, Lee S., 412n
Overtime work, 119, 232, 454; pay for, 14n, 21n, 84n, 92, 234, 245, 246n, 280n, 281, 284n, 318n, 376, 404n, 444, 454n, 459n, 489; SG and, 83-84, 99-100, 281, 443-44, 456-59
Owen, Robert L., 310, 312n
Oxman, Frank, 92-93n
Oyster, Guy H., 470n, 522-23, 524n
Pacifists: SG and, 201, 270; and war effort, 93, 93n, 193n, 258-59
Packard Motor Co., 365
Packinghouse workers, organization of, 213-16, 218n
Page, Alice Wilson (Mrs. Walter Page), 521, 524n
Page, Walter H., 521, 524n
Pages, Baltasar, 9:433n, 10-11
Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of,* 449, 450n; local 596 (Tucson, Ariz.), 338, 339n; local 983 (Bisbee, Ariz.), 337, 339n
Pan-American Federation of Labor, 8, 9n, 10, 12, 499n; founding conference, 1918 (Laredo, Tex.), 545, 546n, 547
Pan-American Federation of Labor Conference Committee, 8, 9n; circular, 9-12
Pan-American Financial Conference, First (1915), 9:300n, 5
Pan-American Financial Conference, Second (1920), 5, 8n
Pan-American Labor Press: El Obrero Pan-americano, 499n
Parker, Alton B., 7:296n, 253, 372
Parker, Henry P., 103, 103n, 546n, 547
Parks, George A., 185, 186n
Pass, Joseph, 400n
Pass, Morris, 400n
Pattern Makers' League of North America,* 54n; strike, 1917 (Brooklyn, threatened), 52-53, 54n
Peace movement, 88-89, 90n, 93, 93n, 94. See also American entry into World War I, opposition to; People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace; Socialist Party of America; Socialists, in U.S., antiwar
Pearl, Emma (Mrs. Philip Pearl), 185, 186n
Pearl, Philip J., 185, 186n
Pedersen v. Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Co., 143, 147n
Peninsular Stove Co., strike against (1918-19), 447-49, 449n
Pennsylvania, and labor standards, maintenance of, 99
Pennsylvania State Branch, AFL, 241n
Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor, 241n
People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace, 93n, 127-28n, 159-60, 161n, 241n, 258, 260-62; conference, 1917 (Chicago), 161n; conference, 1917 (New York City), 127, 128n
Pergler, Charles, 160, 161n
Perham, Henry B.,* 475, 475n
Perkins, George W.,* 243n, 264n, 297, 358n, 472, 473n; letter from, 242-43
Perry, F. J., 150n; wire from, 148
Pershing, John J., 564, 567n
Peru, 11
Peters, Andrew J., 154, 155n
Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, Executive Committee of the, cable to, 88-89, 89-90n
Petrograd Council of Workers' Deputies, Provisional Executive Committee of the, 45n
Phelps Dodge Copper and Coal Mining Corp., 167, 169n, 337- 39, 339n
Phillips, John R., 499n
Photo-Engravers' Union of North America, International,* 48n
Pichon, Stéphen-Jean-Marie, 541n
Piez, Charles, 360-61, 362-63n
Pitney, Mahlon, 144, 147n
Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of, 8:*, 502n
Poincaré, Henriette Benucci (Mrs. Raymond Poincaré), 564-65, 567n
Poincaré, Raymond, 550, 554n, 563-65
Poindexter, Miles, 420, 420n
Poland, indemnity, 88
Political action, non-partisan, by trade unions, 258, 419
Polk, Frank, 45n, 90n
Poole, Ernest, 160, 161n
Poor, rights of, 184
Pope, Henry M., 135n; letter from, 134-35
Porter, Edwards C., 310, 312n
Portland (Ore.) Metal Trades Council, and shipbuilding workers' strike, 208-9, 209n
Post, Louis F., 9:321n, 295, 296n, 303, 306, 307n
Powderly, Terence V.,* 384, 385n
Prairie Creek Coal Co., 323n
Pratt, Edward E., 99, 102n
Preparedness, 22, 34; AFL and, 22n, 32, 39-44; and industrial reserve, 26-28; SG and, 7, 17-20, 36-38; and wartime industrial production, 23-26
President's Mediation Commission, 126n, 186n, 189n, 194-95, 195n, 205, 223-24, 225n, 248, 262, 280n, 295-96, 297n, 299, 301-3, 305, 306n, 321, 337-39, 388n, 468-69
Pressed Steel Car Co., 77
Pressmen's and Assistants' Union of North America, International Printing,* 262n
Price, Oscar A., 366, 367n
Printers' Union of North America, International Steel and Copper Plate,* 229, 231n
Profits, wartime, 26, 42, 122, 174, 203, 211-12; taxation of, 189-90, 190n
Prohibition, 236, 291n; SG and, 289-91, 363n
Pross, William L., 129n; wire to, 128-29
Provincial Workmen's Association, 308n
Provisional Committee of Duma Members for the Restoration of Order, 45n
Puerto Rico: agricultural workers' strike (1918), 314, 315- 16n, 437; conditions in, 313-14, 315n, 436-37, 438n
Puget Sound Traction, Light, and Power Co., strike against (1917), 154, 155n
Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 262n
Quaker Oats Co., antitrust case against, 322, 323n; strike against (1917), 369n Quarry Workers' International Union of North America, 6:*, 502n
Rae, Robert, 337, 339n
Railroad brotherhoods, 22n, 123, 319-20, 320-21n; and Adamson Act, 15; affiliation with AFL, 249-51
Railroads, government control of, 320n, 341, 368; government ownership of, 340-41
Railroad shop crafts: conference, 1917 (Washington, D.C.), 18-19, 21n; hours of labor, 384-85
Railroad Trainmen, Brotherhood of,* 251n; jurisdiction of, 250
Railroad Wage Commission, 319, 320n
Railway Boards of Adjustment, 321n
Railway Carmen of America, Brotherhood of, 9:*, 502n
Railway Clerks, Brotherhood of,* 468n
Railway Conductors of America, Order of,* 320n
Raker, John, 471n
Rankin, Jeannette, 163n, 319-20, 320n
Reading, Lord (Rufus D. Isaacs), 520, 524n
Reames, Clarence L., 399, 400n
Reconstruction, postwar, SG and, 566. See also American Federation of Labor, reconstruction program of
"Red, White, and Blue Special," 241n
Redfield, William C. 78, 79n, 99, 101, 102n, 274
Reed, Allen, letter from, 459-60
Reed, James A., 409, 410n, 412
Reed, Verner, 195n
Reed, Willis E., 252, 254n
Republican party, 227
Ribot, Alexandre, 71, 72n
Ricker, Allen W., 181, 182n
Rickert, Thomas A.,* 151n, 334n, 407; elected AFL vice- president, 475; letter from, 150
Rigall, Edward, 93n
Riley, John, 430, 432n
Robbins, Hayes, 140, 142n
Roberts, Flournoy C., 314-15, 315n
Roberts, George H., 520, 524n
Roberts, M., 244
Robertson, Gideon D., 308n; letter from, 307-8
Robins, Margaret Dreier (Mrs. Raymond Robins), 9:235n, 218
Robins, Raymond, 509-10, 512n
Rodgers, W. H., 126n
Romania, mission to U.S., 72n
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 53, 54n, 222-23, 361, 363n; and Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 207n, 234
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:443n; debate with SG, 129-33, 138, 139n, 142
Root, Elihu, 5:438n, 89n, 219n, 240, 311; and mission to Russia, 70-71, 71-72n, 89-90n, 120-21, 121n, 186, 191-92, 261, 311
Rosensohn, Samuel J., 365, 365n
Rosenwald, Julius, 21n, 310, 312n
Ross, Charles, 277, 279n, 411, 412n
Rubin, William B., 8:459n, 47
Ruckman, John, 326n
Russell, Charles E., 9:382-83n, 181, 228n, 261, 311
Russia, 559, 564; aid to, SG and, 310-12; American Alliance for Labor and Democracy mission to (not sent), 237, 238n; American League to Aid and Cooperate with, 313n, 507-12; conditions in, 120-21, 342; February Revolution in, 45, 45n; mission to U.S., 72n, 128n, 129-30; October Revolution in, 274, 279n; overthrow of Constituent Assembly in, 507-8, 512n; overthrow of Provisional Government in, 279n, 292; peace treaty with Germany, 344-45n, 353, 355n, 564; Provisional Government, 45, 45n; U.S. mission to (Root mission), 70-71, 71-72n, 89-90n, 120-21, 121n, 186, 191-92, 261, 311; and war effort, 88-89
Ryan, Edwin S., 370
Ryan, F. J., 370
Ryan, Frank M.,* 371n; letter from, 369-71
Ryan, Martin F., 9:*, 333n
Rybicki, Valentine T., 127, 128n
Sadler, Samuel, 400n
Sailors' and Firemen's Union of Great Britain and Ireland, National, 549, 554n
Salvidge, A. T. J., 520, 523n
Sanders, William S., 554, 556n
Sat Ç , Aimaro, 193n
Savage, Thomas J., 19, 21n, 410n; wire to, 409-10
Scharrenberg, Paul,* 191-92, 193n
Schlesinger, Benjamin,* 380n, 469-70, 471n; letter from, 379-80
Schlossberg, Joseph,* 138, 139n
Schmidt, Frederick D., 403-4, 404n
Schmuck, Thomas K., 436, 436n
Schram, Louis B., 52n, 55, 56n
Scott, Alice, 467, 468n
Scott, Emmett J., 331, 331n, 345, 421, 426-27, 462
Scott, Hugh L., 30, 38n, 191-92
Scott, Leroy, 160, 161n
Scott, Melinda, 9:110n, 333n, 467, 467n, 543, 544n
"Scrap of paper" (Belgian neutrality treaty), 9:296n, 192, 201, 220, 564
Seamen's Union of America, International,* 204, 208n, 502n
Seattle and Vicinity, Central Labor Council of, 398, 400n
Second Employers' Liability Cases, 147n
Seddon, James A.,* 522, 524n
Sedition, American Alliance for Labor and Democracy and, 211-12, 259
Segar, Joseph, 167, 169n
Segregated unions, 216, 359, 431n; AFL and, 109, 347
Semple, Helen M. (Mrs. Samuel Semple), 99, 102n
Serbia, 559; indemnity, 88; mission to U.S., 72n
Shanks v. Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Co., 143, 147n
Shapiro, Sarah, 258-59, 261, 262n
Sharts, Joseph, 528, 529n
Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated,* 21n; jurisdiction of, 406n; local 263 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 368, 369n
Sheppard, Frank, 445-46, 447n
Sheppard, Morris, 8:424n, 291n
Shillady, John R., 345, 350n, 421, 429, 462
Shingle Weavers' Union of America, International,* 253n, 375; strike, 1917 (Pacific Northwest), 154, 155n, 182
Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 207n, 208, 209n, 221n, 360-61, 362-63n; Atlantic and Gulf Coast wage scale, 318n; and Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, 317-18, 318-19n; creation of, 204, 207n; Delaware River and Baltimore wage scale, 362n; Newport News wage scale, 318n, 410n; North Atlantic wage scale, 362n; Pacific Coast wage scale, 209n, 362n
Shop committees, 455-56, 456n
Short, William H., 8:208n, 178
Short, William M.,* 333n, 400n; letter from, 397-400
Simons, Algie M., 6:445n, 181, 228n, 493n
Sims, Robert T., 215-17, 218-19n
Sinclair, Upton, 160, 161n, 181, 228n
Sisson, Edgar G., 495-96, 496n, 498
Sisson, Thomas U., 4:42n, 439n
Skemp, Joseph C., 8:279n, 44n
Slater, George H.,* 390, 391- 92n
Slobodin, Henry L., 9:383n, 237-38, 310
Small, W. L. 156-57n
Smith, J., 292
Smith, J. E., 213-14, 218n
Smith, John W., 439n
Smyth, J. A., 189n
Snyder, Edgar, 155n
Social Democratic Party of Germany, 2:371n, 269, 276
Social Democratic Party of Germany, Independent, 342-44, 344n
Socialist-labor conference, 1915 (London), 9:239-40n, 530
Socialist Party of America, 6:204n, 181, 225-26, 276, 510- 11, 523; convention, 1917 (St. Louis), 228n, 261
Socialists: AFL and, 463, 469-70, 471n, 475; SG and, 88, 90n, 94, 260-64, 269-70, 275-76, 392-95, 508-11, 561-63; in U.S., antiwar, 93, 93n, 94, 138, 225, 228n, 260-62, 392-94, 528-29, 529n; in U.S., prowar, 157n, 160-62n, 170n, 181, 182n, 210, 225-27, 228n, 261, 493 ( see also other specific countries)
Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 4:97-98n, 261, 264
Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen, 144-45, 147n
Spangler, Jackson, 195n
Spanish-American War, 4:465-66n, 200, 559
Spargo, John, 157n, 160n, 181, 228n, 261, 492, 493n; letters from, 159-60, 235-38; letter to, 388-89
Spartacus League (Spartakusbund), 342-44, 344n
Speculator Mine disaster (Butte, Mont.), 126n
Spencer, William J.,* 19, 21n, 412n; letter from, 136-37; letter to, 83-84
Spitalfields district (East London), 524n
Springfield (Ill.) Consolidated Railway Co., strike against (1917-18), 263n
Spruce, production of, 245, 246n, 295-96, 296-97n, 299-300
Spruce Production Division, U.S. Army, 246n, 297n
"Spurlos Versenkt," 325, 326n
Square Deal, 8:314n, 390
State of Nebraska v. Employers of Labor et al., 252-53, 254n
Stead, Francis H., 523, 525n
Steam and Operating Engineers, International Union of, 7:*, 502n; local 379 (New York City), 381-82n
Steam Shovel and Dredge Men, International Brotherhood of, 502n
Stedman, Seymour, 528, 529n
Steelworkers' organizing campaign, 477-79, 479-80n, 500-502
Steghagen, Emma, 9:303n; wire from, 81-82
Stephens, William D., 93n, 387-88n, 397n, 507n, 534; letter to, 506; wire to, 396-97
Stevens, John F., 310, 312n
Stimson, Henry L., 170, 170n
"Stints," 116
"Stockholm" movement, 342-43, 355, 356n, 445, 465, 472
Stockyards Labor Council (Chicago), 280n, 302
Stokes, J. G. Phelps, 157n, 181, 182n, 228n, 236, 261
Stone, Melville, 89-90n
Stone, Warren S.,* 52n, 250, 252n
Stout, Harry H., 337, 339n
Stove Mounters International Union of North America,* 449n; strike, 1918-19 (Detroit), 447-49, 449n
Straus, Oscar S., 6:236n, 310, 313n
Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated
Association of, 9:*; division 587 (Seattle), 155n; division 758 (Tacoma, Wash.), 155n; division 761 (Springfield, Ill.), 263n; strikes: 1917 (Seattle), 154, 155n; 1917 (Tacoma), 154, 155n; 1917-18 (Springfield), 259, 263n
Strikes, in wartime, 59-61; National War Labor Board and, 408n; SG and, 59, 65-66, 117, 129, 171, 261, 282, 285n, 414, 432-33, 500
Strikes and lockouts
--agricultural workers: 1917 (general, threatened), 176n; 1918 (Puerto Rico), 314, 315-16n, 437
--boatmen: 1918 (New York Harbor, threatened), 380-81, 381- 82n, 432-33, 434n
--carpenters: 1917 (nationwide, threatened), 171, 171-72n; 1918 (Baltimore), 359-60, 362n; 1918 (Staten Island, N.Y.), 359-60, 362n
--cereal mill workers: 1917 (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 369n
--copper miners: 1917 (Arizona), 125, 126n, 148-49, 167-68, 259, 262, 301, 321, 323-24n, 336-39; 1917 (New Mexico), 167, 169n
--garment workers: 1917 (New York City), 62n; 1917 (New York City), 336n; 1918 (New York City), 335, 336n
--in Germany, 1918, 342, 344-45n, 353
--hop field workers: 1913, 1914 (California), 9:507n, 247
--iron ore miners: 1916 (Mesabi Range), 9:489-90n, 247
--janitors: 1917 (Chicago), 216, 218n
--longshoremen: 1917 (Seattle, threatened), 137, 137-38n
--machinists: 1917 (Michigan, threatened), 187-88, 189n
--meatpackers: 1917 (Chicago, threatened), 279, 280n, 285n, 302-3, 442; 1917 (Denver), 214; 1917 (Kansas City), 214, 403, 404n; 1917 (Omaha), 214, 403, 404n
--metal miners: 1917 (general, threatened), 176n
--miners: 1909-10 (Cape Breton, Canada), 307, 308n; 1917 (Alabama, threatened), 287-88, 288n; 1917 (Butte, Mont.), 126, 126-27n; 1918 (Cape Breton, threatened), 307-8, 308n
--news dealers: 1918 (New York City), 335, 336n
--oil field workers: 1917-18 (Texas and Louisiana), 305, 306-7n
--pattern makers: 1917 (Brooklyn, threatened), 52-53
--shipyard workers: 1917 (Norfolk), 222-23, 223n; 1917 (Pacific Coast), 208-9, 209n, 259; 1918 (Beaumont and Orange, Tex.), 317-18, 318n; 1918 (Norfolk), 409-10, 410n, 411
--steelworkers: 1916 (Pittsburgh), 9:507n, 247; 1917 (Yorkville, Ohio), 79, 79n; 1918 (Birmingham, Ala.), 376-77, 378n, 385-86, 440-41
--stove mounters: 1918-19 (Detroit), 447-49, 449n
--streetcar workers: 1917 (Seattle), 154, 155n; 1917 (Tacoma, Wash.), 154, 155n; 1917-18 (Springfield, Ill.), 259, 263n
--sugar mill workers: 1917 (Cuba), 256, 257n
--telegraphers: 1918 (nationwide, threatened), 481, 482n, 485-86, 490n; 1919 (nationwide), 515- 16n
--textile workers: 1912 (Lawrence, Mass.), 8:325-26n, 247; 1913 (Paterson, N.J.), 8:503n, 247-48
--timber workers: 1917 (Pacific Northwest), 154, 155n, 182
"Stunts," 116
Stutz, Clara K., 439n; letter from, 438-39
Sudduth, Frank R., 110n; letter to, 109-10
Sullivan, James W.,* 73, 73n, 79n, 97, 142n, 305; letter to, 139-41
Sullivan, Jere L.,* 180n
Sullivan, John, 127, 128n
Sullivan, Olive M., 82n; wire from, 81-82
Survey, 388, 415
Sweat-shop system, 204
Sweetwater County, Wyo., Trades and Labor Council, 151, 152n
Swift meatpacking company, 152n
Switchmen's Union of North America,* 251n, 429; and black workers, 491-92, 492n; jurisdiction of, 250
Tacoma Railway and Power Co., strike against (1917), 154, 155n
Taft, William H., 6:383n, 166n, 179n; and National War Labor Board, 440-41, 444; and War Labor Conference Board, 334n, 407
Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen,* 267, 267n
Taylor, Charles P., 245, 246n
Taylor, James A., 9:*, 472n
Teachers, American Federation of, 9:*; local 5 (New York City), 395n; local 16 (Washington, D.C.), 439n
Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America,
International Brotherhood of,* 60n; black workers and, 135; local 496 (Bisbee, Ariz.), 169n
Teitelbaum, Minnie, 467, 468n
Telegraphers' Union of America, Commercial,* 482n; strike, 1918 (nationwide, threatened), 481, 482n, 485-86, 490n; 1919 (nationwide), 515- 16n
Telegraph system, government control of, 482n; government ownership of, 341, 515
Telephone system, government control of, 482n; government ownership of, 341, 515
Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Co., strike against (1918), 376-77, 378n, 385-86, 440-41
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 8:332n, 36, 39n
Texas State Federation of Labor, 6:388n, 390, 391n; convention, 1918 (San Antonio), 392n
Thomas, James H.,* 71, 72n, 492, 537, 551
Thomas, Percy,* 515n; letter from, 514-15
Thompson, Edward D., 372n; letter from, 371-72
Thompson, W. E., 187
Thompson, William B., 310, 312-13n, 512n
Thompson, William O., 9:88n, 139n; letter from, 138
Thurman, Allen G., letter to, 94-96
Tighe, M. F., 69-70n
Tillett, Benjamin,* 522, 524n
Timber workers, in Pacific Northwest, 245-46, 295-96, 299- 301, 375-76, 416-18, 486-89, 503
Timber Workers, International Union of,* 154n; organizing activities of, 375, 417-18, 418n, 486, 488, 503; strike: 1917 (Pacific Northwest), 154, 155n, 182
Tobin, Daniel J.,* 44n, 60n; elected AFL treasurer, 475; elected AFL vice-president, 266-67; letter from, 59-60; letter to, 65-67
Todd, Wilmer L., 459, 460n
Trades Union Congress of Great Britain, 4:*; meeting, 1895 (Cardiff), 3:665n, 525, 527n; meeting, 1909 (Ipswich), 7:490n, 525, 527n; meeting, 1918 (Derby), 504, 505n, 521-22, 525-27
Trade unions: need for organization of, 198; non-partisan political activity of, 258, 419; and "outsiders," 106-7, 160, 465, 527
Tri-City Central Trades Council et al. v. American Steel Foundries, 252, 253n
Tri-City Central Trades Council of Granite City, Madison, and Venice, Ill., 134-35, 136n
Trobitz, Charles T., 505n; letter from, 505
Trotsky, Leon, 508-10, 512n
Trowbridge, Lydia J., 83n; wire from, 81-82
TUC. See Trades Union Congress of Great Britain
Tumulty, Joseph P., 3, 4n, 53, 221n, 291n, 387, 391n; letter to, 390-91
Turati, Filippo, 552, 555n
Turkey, 568n
Tyler, Emily, 546n
Typographical Union, International,* 229, 231n
Union shop, 61, 119, 119n, 128-29, 176, 229-30, 232-34, 235n, 254n, 287n, 318n, 408n
United Mine Workers of America et al. v. Coronado Coal Co. et al., 322, 323n
United Shoe Machinery Co., antitrust case against, 322, 323n
Unskilled workers, AFL and, 415-16
U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 37 (Dartford, Kent), SG visit to, 520, 524n
U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 229
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 8:331-32n, 106, 107n
U.S. Food Administration, 313-14, 315n
U.S. Fuel Administration, 288n
U.S. Government Printing Office, 229
U.S. House of Representatives
--Committee on Agriculture, 111
--Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 15, 17n, 123-24
--Committee on the Judiciary, 63, 64n
--Committee on Military Affairs, 63, 64n
U.S. Navy Department, 207n; and Ansonia case, 284n; and Pacific Coast shipbuilding workers' strike, 209n; and wages, 52-53, 86-87, 87n, 222-23, 223n. See also Cantonment construction agreement, extension of
U.S. Railroad Administration, 320n, 366, 382n, 494, 505n
U.S. Senate
--Committee on Commerce, 340, 340n
--Committee on Military Affairs, 64n, 513
U.S. Shipping Board, 204, 207- 8n, 220-21, 221n, 234, 318, 381n, 412, 452-53, 526
U.S. Steel Corp., 5:335n, 51, 377, 378n, 385-86, 391, 441; antitrust case against, 322, 323n
U.S. Telegraph and Telephone Administration, 515n
U.S. v. Cpl. John Washington et al., 326n
U.S. v. Cpl. Robert Tillman et al., 326n
U.S. v. Sgt. William Nesbit et al., 326n
U.S. v. Wells et al., 397-400, 400n
U.S. v. Wheeler et al., 324n
Utilities, government ownership of, 340-41
Vaccarelli, F. Paul A., 381n, 432; letter to, 380-81
Vail, Theodore N., 515, 515n
Valentine, Joseph F.,* 475n; elected AFL vice-president, 475
Van Deman, Ralph H., 436n; letter from, 434-36
Vanderlip, Frank A., 310, 312n
Van Dornes, Gus C., 19, 21n
Van Kleeck, Mary, 484n; letter from, 482-83
Vestibule schools, 483, 484n
Victor-American Fuel Co., 169n
Victor Emmanuel III, 550, 554n, 563
Viviani, René, 72n, 563, 567n
Vocational education. See Legislation, U.S.: Smith-Hughes Act
Voll, John A.,* 540n; letter from, 538-40
Walker, John H.,* 152n, 195n, 215, 259, 262n; and President's Mediation Commission, 195, 195n, 262; letter from, 295-96
Wallace, Edgar, 9:341n, 470n, 492, 493n
Wallace, William, 308n
Walling, William English, 6:413n, 389n; assessment of European situation, 341-44; and Russia, 90n, 512n; and Socialist party opposition to war, 181, 228n, 261; letter from, 356-57
Walsh, Francis P., 9:117n, 237-38; and National Labor Defense Council, 106, 107n; and packinghouse workers, 280n, 302; and War Labor Conference Board, 334n, 407
Walsh v. New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Co., 143, 147n
Warheit (Truth), 9:405n, 157n
War Industries Board, 21n, 75n, 411, 412n
War Labor Conference Board, 334n, 408; creation of, 307n, 333-34, 334n, 407, 412n; statement of principles, 490n
War Labor Policies Board, 527, 527n
Warren District Trade Assembly (Bisbee, Ariz.), 150n, 224
Washington, Booker T., 4:408n, 331, 348, 358, 425
Washington Normal School, 439n
Washington State Federation of Labor, 5:450n, 398; convention, 1918 (Aberdeen), 488, 490n
Watt, Richard M., 222-23, 223n
Webb, Edwin Y., 8:448n, 64n
Webb, Sidney J., 8:304n, 112, 116, 118
Webster, Marion M., 5:158n, 280n
Wehle, Louis B., 119n, 207n, 230, 232-34; letter from, 119
Weinstock, Anna, 467, 468n
Welch, Maurice R.,* 492n; letter from, 491-92
Wells, Hulet M., 397-400, 400n
West, George P., 9:433n, 192, 193n
Western Central Labor Union (Seattle), 3:55n, 5:470n, 400n
Western Labor Union, 4:452-53n, 260, 264
Western Union Employees, Association (or Associated), 481, 482n
Western Union Telegraph Co., strike against (1918, threatened), 481, 482n, 485-86, 490n; strike against (1919), 515- 16n
Westminster conference (1917), 309n; statement of war aims, 309, 309-10n, 353, 356n
Wharton, Arthur O.,* 19, 21n, 385n, 427
Wheeler, brother, 245
Wheeler, Harry C., 126n, 324n, 337, 339n
Wheeling Steel and Iron Co., strike against (1917), 79, 79n
Whipple, Leonidas R., 484, 485n
White, Henry M., 154, 155n
White, Jacob, 143
White, John P.,* 23n; letter from, 22
Whitin, Ernest S., 450, 451n
Whitman, Charles, 77n
Wigmore, John H., 450, 451n
Willard, Daniel, 21n, 79n; letter from, 112-13; letter to, 77-79, 115-18
Willcox, William R., 9:164n, 320n
Willert, Arthur, 332, 333n
William D. Haywood et al. v. U.S., 243n
William II, 199, 268-71, 275, 527
Williams, H. H., 277, 279n
Williams, Herbert M., 185n
Williams, John,* 69-70n, 77-79, 79n, 266n
Williams, John E., 280n, 302-3, 304n
Wilson, James A,* 54n, 333n, 446, 464, 467n, 475; letter from, 52-53
Wilson, James H., 424, 431
Wilson, J. Havelock,* 492, 493n, 521
Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, 8:135n, 258, 260, 264, 371n, 526, 545; and AFL conventions 255, 255n, 283-84, 464; and Alabama miners' strike, 288n; and American entry into World War I, 3-4, 4n, 33, 38n, 49n, 200, 206, 210, 273-74; and Austrian peace proposal, 564, 567n; and Borland amendment, 455n; and carpenters' strike, 360, 362n; Committee on Labor, Council of National Defense, meeting with, 101, 102n, 282; and conscription, 514n; and deportations from Bisbee, Ariz., 150n, 168; and deportations from Gallup, N.Mex., 168; and eight-hour day, 281-82, 286; European attitude toward, 292-93, 563-64; and Franklin-Bouillon, 193n; and German peace proposal, 543, 544n; and Houston mutineers, 327n; and labor standards, maintenance of, 101, 124, 125n, 174, 204, 282; and literacy test for immigrants, 166n; and Little, murder of, 163n; and meatpackers' strike, threatened, 280n, 442; and Mooney-Billings case, 93n, 387, 388n, 395-96, 397n, 534; and National War Labor Board, 408n; and Overman bill, 412; and Pacific Coast shipbuilding workers' strike, 209n; and President's Mediation Commission, creation of, 126n, 195n, 205; and Puerto Rico, conditions in, 438n; SG, meetings with, 194-95, 195n, 205, 221n, 262, 387, 395-96, 497-98, 499n; and Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 207n; and telegraphers' strike, threatened, 482n, 485-86, 515, 515n; and Texas State Federation of Labor, 391-92n; and U.S. mission to Russia, 71-72n; and vocational education board, 47-48, 49n; war aims of ( see Fourteen Points); and War Industries Board, 412n; and war labor program, 333, 334n; letters to, 123-25, 148-49, 172-75, 220-21, 255, 287-91, 341, 436-37, 497-99, 513-14; wire to, 568
Wilson, William B.,* 38n, 78, 101, 104, 274, 286; and AFL Executive Council, meeting with, 31-34; and Alabama miners' strike, 288n; and Committee on Labor, Council of National Defense, 52n; and death of Sadie Gompers, 546n; and deportations from Bisbee, Ariz., 168; and Division of Negro Economics, 366-67; and financial support of American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 498; and garment workers, wages of, 62n; and immigrant workers, 166n; and Labor Loyalty Week, 313n; and labor standards, maintenance of, 55, 56n; and longshoremen's strike, 137, 137n; and meatpackers' strike, threatened, 280n, 442; and miners' strike, 126; and oil field workers' strike, 306n; and organizers, harassment of, 69-70n, 404n, 519n; and pattern makers' strike, threatened, 53; and Puerto Rico, conditions in, 314; and Russia, conditions in, 512n; and SG trip to Europe, 473; and steelworkers' strike, 79; and telegraphers' strike, threatened, 482n, 485; and U.S. mission to Russia, 72n; as War Labor Administrator, 334n, 407, 408n, 411, 412n, 527n; cable from, 546n; letters from, 154, 333-34; letters to, 164-66, 194-95, 327, 395-97; memorandum of conversation with SG, 304-6
Wilson v. New et al., 17n
Window Glass Workers, National, 22n
Winship, Blanton, 284n
Winship, North, 555n
Wire Weavers' Protective Association, American,* 429, 431n
Wise, Stephen, 546n
Wolf, Morris, 528, 529n
Woll, Matthew,* 48n, 259, 261, 262n, 266, 358n; letter from, 46-48; letter to, 178-79
Woman suffrage, 212; AFL and, 469, 471n
Women's Trade Union League, National, 6:483n, 401
Women workers, 27-28, 219; AFL and, 107-8, 108n, 467, 467- 68n, 469, 470n; "equal pay for equal work," 43, 107-8, 108n, 467, 477, 483; SG and, 81, 82n, 96-102, 219n, 368-69, 401-2, 477, 482-83
Workers, struggle of, SG and, 197-98
Workmen's compensation legislation, 143-47, 147-48n
Workmen's Council for the Maintenance of Labor's Rights, 157n
"Work or Fight" draft provision, 450, 451n, 513-14, 514n, 538-39, 540n
Wood, Leonard, 9:331n, 37-38
Woodland, Thomas P., 459-60, 460n
Wootton, Harry E., 224, 225n
Wright, Chester M.,* 142n, 181, 225, 236, 544, 546n; and AFL mission to Europe (spring 1918), 333n; and American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 157n, 162, 163n, 497n; and Russia, conditions in, 512n; letter to, 142
Wright, Marshall E., 137n; wire from, 137
Yager, Arthur, 9:74n, 313-14, 436-37
Yates, Rose A., 467, 468n
Young, C. Bethuel, 406n; letter from, 405-6
Young, Charles O.,* 186n, 246n, 417; letter from, 485-90; letter to, 245-46; wire to, 245
Zilliox, Truman M., letter to, 103-4
Zimmermann, Arthur, 34, 38n
Zimmermann telegram, 34, 38n
Zukowski, Walter J., 215, 218n