A (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Adams, Emmet L., 456, 459n, 525-26
Adams, Norman, 122
Adams, Oswin T., 190, 191n
Afel (cargo ship), 97, 97n
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
Airplane, transatlantic crossings by, 90, 92n
Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding Co., strike against (1920- 21), 484-85, 486n
Albert I, 10:567n, 56
Alexander, Magnus W., 287-88, 289n
Allegheny Coal and Coke Co., organization of, attempted, 121, 123n; strike against (1919), 121-22, 123n
Allen, Henry J., 289-90, 290n; SG debate with, 289-90, 290n, 298-99, 304-8, 320n
Allen, Noah, 326n
Alpine, John R., 10:*, 40n
Alschuler, Samuel B., 10:304n, 453n
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Local Union No. 497 v. Joplin and Pittsburg Railway Co., 408, 409n
American Anti-Boycott Association, 7:246n, 408n
American entry into World War I, AFL and, 88, 92n
American Federation of Labor (AFL): as bulwark against Bolshevism, 389, 425; Defense Fund, 6:128n, 478n; legal assistance from, 515-16; salaries of officers and organizers, 395, 397n
--Building Trades Department, 6:175n, 22-23n, 271, 352, 445, 467, 467n, 544-45, 545n; conventions: 1919, 23n; 1920 (Montreal), 378, 379n; 1921, 468n
--central bodies, strike votes by, 49, 50n, 94, 95n
--conventions: 1890 (Detroit), 65, 66n; 1893 (Chicago), 32, 34n; 1897 (Nashville), 65, 66n; 1900 (Louisville, Ky.), 66, 66n; 1901 (Scranton, Pa.), 42, 46n, 66; 1903 (Boston), 260-61, 262n, 444, 444n; 1911 (Atlanta), 532; 1917 (Buffalo), 66, 66n, 210; 1918 (St. Paul), 27n, 66, 66n; 1919 (Atlantic City), 63-64, 64n, 67n, 69, 70n, 98, 108, 110, 111n, 114, 116, 117n, 130, 131n, 146n, 150, 243, 271, 367; accounts of, 79-91, 93-94; 1920 (Montreal), 270, 281n, 325-26, 328-29, 346, 370-71, 392, 393n, 394-95, 397-98, 434, 436, 438, 441-42, 462, 463n, 469, 478n; accounts of, 313-23; 1921 (Denver), 400, 400n, 417, 420n, 485, 488, 491n, 492, 493-94n, 497, 504n, 506, 507n, 534-35, 541-42, 543n, 555, 559; accounts of, 472-82; 1922 (Cincinnati), 60n, 482, 482n, 507n
--Executive Council: and Plumb Plan, 130-31, 131n; powers of, 331; letter from, 436-39; letters to, 112-13, 119-20, 132-34, 213-14, 223-24, 227-28, 401-3, 406-7, 410, 505-6, 507n; statement of, 208-11, 211n, 213n
--Executive Council, meetings of: Dec. 1918, 25n; May 1919, 60, 61n, 63, 67n; June 1919, 110, 111n; Aug. 1919, 125n, 130, 131n, 134, 135n; Aug. 1919, minutes of, 124-25; Oct. 1919, 152n, 213, 214n; Oct. 1919, minutes of, 151-52; Nov. 1919, 208, 211n, 213-14, 214n; Dec. 1919, 240n; Dec. 1919, minutes of, 239-40; Feb.-Mar. 1920, 265n; Feb.-Mar. 1920, minutes of, 271-74; May 1920, 294n; June 1920, 326, 326n, 328, 359; June 1920, minutes of, 310-13; Aug. 1920, 345, 345n; Nov. 1920, 395, 396n, 401; Nov. 1920, minutes of, 384-90; Feb.-Mar. 1921, 407, 408n, 436, 468, 470; Feb.-Mar. 1921, minutes of, 426-31, 433-34; June 1921, 471n, 492, 493n, 517; June 1921, minutes of, 468-71; Aug. 1921, 513, 514n, 517-18; Nov. 1921, 515, 515n
--federal labor union 14,949 (New York City), 323, 324n
--Information and Education Bureau, 402, 403
--Legislative Committee, 294n, 329, 407, 465, 502
--local unions, directly affiliated (LU): LU 7417 (house shorers and movers, New York City), 467, 467n; LU 8156 (tobacco strippers, Boston), 420n; LU 10,227 (tobacco strippers, Hartford, Conn.), 420n; LU 10,422 (tobacco strippers, Denver), 478n; LU 12,046 (tobacco strippers, New Haven, Conn.), 420n; LU 12,971 (tobacco strippers, Manchester, N.H.), 420n; LU 14,332 (flat janitors, Chicago), 450, 450n; LU 14,451 (crane followers and platform workers, Schenectady, N.Y.), 411-12, 412n; LU 16,088 (railway coach cleaners, St. Louis), 119-20, 120-21n; LU 16,199 (boiler makers', blacksmiths', and machinists' helpers, Mobile, Ala.), 484-85, 486n; LU 16,220 (freight handlers, Richmond, Va.), 314, 317n; LU 16,313 (watchmen and transportation workers, Lynn, Mass.), 186-87, 187n; LU 16,313, strike (threatened), 186-87; LU 16,381 (freight handlers, Baltimore), 492n; LU 16,406 (freight handlers, Little Rock, Ark.), 183, 183n; LU 16,488 (cigar factory employees, Manchester, N.H.), 417-18, 420n; LU 16,685 (railway coach and station cleaners and porters, Cleveland), 325, 326n; LU 16,718 (city policemen, Washington, D.C.), 146n; LU 16,718, injunction against, 146n; LU 16,807 (city policemen, Boston), 145, 146n; LU 16,982 (freight handlers, Winston-Salem, N.C.), 492n; LU 17,196 (freight handlers, Columbia, S.C.), 492n; LU 17,306 (baggage and mail handlers, Washington, D.C.), 492n; LU 17,417 (railway coach and car cleaners, Waco, Tex.), 565n
--Metal Trades Department, 7:368n, 62, 76n, 271
--Mining Department, 8:368n, 271
--mission to Europe (spring 1919), 25, 25n, 37-40, 40n, 46- 48, 52-59, 62n, 63-64
--mission to Europe (summer 1919), 110, 111n, 113n, 118, 119n, 460n
--National Non-Partisan Political Campaign, 265, 265n, 266, 271-74, 275n, 276-77, 281-83, 283n, 330, 374-77, 378n
--National Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee, 279, 301, 377, 382; and Chicago Federation of Labor, 275, 283; financial appeal by, 272, 274, 275n; members of, 240n, 272, 275n; report by, 271-74
--news letter, 403
--organizers, 62, 63n, 341-42n, 501-2, 502n, 526-27n; black, 317n, 325-26, 464; layoffs of, 395-96, 396n, 517; and Mexican immigrant labor, 338-40; and Southern Lines System Board of Adjustment, 550-54; and southern textile organizing campaign, 525-26, 526n; and steel strike, 154, 155n, 206, 206n; letters from, 72-74, 106, 380-81, 451-53, 549, 551-52, 558-59; letters to, 342-43, 395-96, 502-3, 509, 509n, 517, 550-56; wires from, 112-13, 212; wire to, 145-46
--Publicity Bureau, 426n
--Railway Employes' Department, 8:253n, 271; and Plumb Plan, 130, 131n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n
--strike fund, 556-58, 558n, 565-70
--Union Label Trades Department, 7:457n, 271
American Federation of Labor Reconstruction Program, 7, 7- 8n, 33, 53, 54n
American Institute of Architects, 23n
American Labor Alliance, 549n
American Labor's Position in Peace or in War, 10:22n, 521n
American Legion, 217n
American Mason, 374, 376n
"American Plan." See Open shop
American Railway Union,* 250-51, 259n
American Telephone and Telegraph Co., strike against (1919), 93, 94-95n, 102-4, 104n
American Woolen Co., 352n
Ames, Charles B., 202, 203n
Anderson, Albert B., 8:414n, 196n, 209, 220
Anderson, Mary, 10:82n, 18-20, 132, 134
Anderson, Sydney, 332n
Antonini, Luigi, 318n
Appleton, William A.,* 28, 30n, 223, 437; letter to, 117-19
Arizona State Federation of Labor, 9:468n, 340-41
Armaments, General Committee on Limitation of (AFL), 547, 548n
Armistice Day disarmament demonstrations, 523-24, 524-25n, 533-34, 534n
Armour meatpacking company, strike against (1921-22), 571n
Arnold, Benedict, 5:99n, 368
Arras, battle of, 57, 58n
Ashley, William F., Jr., 353n, 378, 379n, 460
Ashton, William, 459n
Assembly, freedom of, 8, 18n, 70n, 159, 163, 176, 247, 311
Association, freedom of, 8n, 11, 70-71n, 100
Association of Master Painters and Decorators of New York City, strike against (1920-21), 358n
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Co. v. Gee et al., 458n
Atkins, Milton W., 95n, 103, 104n
Atlanta Federation of Trades, 4:24n, 66
Ault, Erwin B., 217, 217-18n
Austria, participation in International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 136-37, 137-38n
Badgett, Harry, 84n
Baer, Frederick W.,* 434, 435n
Bailey, Joseph W., 339, 342n, 375
Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co., 514n
Bailey v. George, 514n
Baine, Charles L.,* 560n; letter to, 559-60
Baker, Horace, 538, 539- 40n
Baker, Newton D., 9:512n, 191, 206n, 259n, 393n; letter from, 116
Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union of America , and black workers, 9:*, 84n
Balboa ( Canal Zone ) Central Labor Union, 391, 393n
Baldwin-Felts detectives, 296n
Balfour, Arthur J., 69, 71n
Barbers' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 317n; and black workers, 84n
Barbour, E. T., 286n
Barker, Allan E.,* 59-60, 60n
Barlow, Lester P., 277-78, 278n
Barnes, George N.,* 70n, 136, 137n; letter from, 69-70
Barnes, J. Mahlon,* 93n, 477, 478n
Barrett, James F.,* 510-11, 512n, 526
Barton, Robert, 538, 539n
Baruch, Bernard M., 10:38n, 167, 172, 176-77, 523n
Batt, Dennis, 488n
Bauer, Joseph A., 343n; letter to, 342-43
Belgian Federation of Labor, meetings with AFL peace delegation, 55-56
Belleau Wood , battle of, 47, 49n, 56, 118
Berg, Benita: letter to, 244
Berger, Victor L.,* 248, 248-49n
Berger et al. v. U.S. , 249n
Berres, Albert J.,* 76n, 401, 403n, 434, 560n
Bethlehem Steel Co., 399n; strike against (1919), 126n
Bibb Manufacturing Co., 76n
Billings , Warren , 87n, 541
Birch, Nathan P., 80, 82n
Birth Control Conference, 1921 ( New York City ), 540, 540n
Bismarck , Otto von, 4:70n, 10
Black and Tans, 452-53, 454n
Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers, and Helpers, International Brotherhood of,* 27 -28n, 85n, 344, 362, 475n; and black workers, 84n, 284; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n; local 422 ( Mobile , Ala. ), strike (1920-21), 486n
Blackwell, Jerome, 197n; letter from, 196-97
Black workers, 36-37, 37n, 42-46, 46n, 366n; AFL and, 46n, 65-66, 66n, 82-83, 83-84n, 96, 96n, 105-6, 106-7n, 114, 119-20, 121n, 143, 143n, 148-49, 149n, 189n, 313-16, 316-17n, 325-26, 391-92, 392-93n, 433-34, 435n, 464, 476-78, 478n, 484-85, 488-91, 491-92n, 501-2, 502n, 506; SG and, 82, 142-43, 143n, 182-83, 188-89, 197n, 243, 243n, 349-50, 365-66, 366n, 393-94, 400, 400n, 464, 486n, 528-29, 529n, 546, 547n, 550-51, 551n, 552-54, 558-59, 564-65, 565n; and steel strike, 196-97, 283-86, 286n
Bland, Lawrence D., 9:255-56n, 447
Blanton, Thomas L., 10:454n, 65, 66n, 245, 245n
Bliss, Tasker H., 41n, 48, 49n, 58n
Bloom, Evelyn Hechheimer (Mrs. Sol Bloom), 53, 54n
Bloom, Sol, 53, 54n
Board of Adjustment of the Railway and Steamship Freight Handlers and Station Employes of the Southern Railway, 550-51, 551n, 552-54, 559
Board of Railway Wages and Working Conditions, 157n
Boddy, Samuel L., 62, 63n
Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of,* 28n, 85n, 106n, 131n, 318n, 344, 475n; and black workers, 106, 107n, 478n, 484-85; convention, 1920, 107n; local 112 (Mobile, Ala.), strike (1920-21), 486n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n
Bohm, Ernest,* 263, 265n
Bohn, Frank, 401, 403-4n
Boies, William D., 302n; letter to, 300-302
Bollenbacher, Peter, 87n
"Bolshevism" in U.S. : accusations of, 6, 51, 81, 157, 355, 357, 421, 425; AFL condemnation of, 150, 371, 442; and Prohibition, 81, 184; and steel strike, 123n, 163, 165, 194
Boncer, William, 83n
Boot and Shoe Workers' Union ,* 135n, 287-88; and black workers, 84n
Bope, George W., 245n; letter to, 245
Borden, Robert L., 69, 71n, 91, 92-93n, 101
Boston Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 146n
Boston police strike (1919), 145-46, 146 -47n, 318, 319n
Boulware, Joseph, 478n
"Bourbon," 171
Bowen, William, 529n
Bowerman, Charles W.,* 12, 17n, 28, 30n, 38
Boycott, right to, 422
Boyd, James E., 512-14, 514n
Boyd, William, 96n; letter from, 96
Boys, education of, 221-23
Brackenridge , Pa. , murders in, 121-23, 123n
Brady, George, 447n
Brady, Peter, 9:153n, 354-55
Branstetter, Otto F., 427, 432n
Breaker boys, 305
Brennan, Redmond S., 451, 453n
Brer Rabbit, 68, 68n
Brewery, Flour, Cereal, and Soft Drink Workers of America, International Union of United, 9:*, 81n; and black workers, 84n
Brewster, Thomas T., 204, 205n
Brick and Clay Workers of America, United, 9:*, 28n, 85n; and black workers, 84n
Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' International Union of America , 10:*, 28n, 85n; and black workers, 84n, 529n
Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Iron Workers, International Association of,* 28n, 85n, 362, 365n
Brindell, Robert P., 9:292n, 324, 324-25n, 352-53, 355-56, 378-79, 467, 467n; conviction of, 445, 446n
Brock, James F.,* 477, 478n
Brooklyn Central Labor Union, 2:68n, 358n
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., strike against (1920), 356, 358n
Browder, Earl, 561n
Brown, George R., 389, 391n
Brown, James, 4:131n, 326, 327n
Brown, Jay G.,* 360, 365n
Brown, Lathrop, 158, 160n
Brown, Mabel Elizabeth (Mrs. Irving Brown), 460, 460n
Brown, William S.,* 434, 435n
Bryan, William E.,* 103, 104n; letter from, 556-58, 558n; letter to, 565-70
Buck, L. W., 113n
Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 7:249-50n, 15, 18n, 85
Building Laborers' Union, Independent, 325n
Building trades unions: corruption in, 530 ( see also New York City Building Trades Council); jurisdiction of, 21-22, 22-23n, 60n; strike (1919, Winnipeg), 75n; strike (1921-22, Chicago), 496-97n
Bureau of International Trade and Industrial Unions, 488n
Burford, Robert E., 83-84n, 314, 316- 17n, 489-91, 491n
Burke, Frank, 219, 220n
Burleson, Albert S., 8:495n, 93-94, 95n, 102-4
Burns, William, 54n
Burt, Robert R.,* 477, 478n
Burt, Sidney , 189n; letter from, 188-89
Butler , Seymour, 319n
Butterworth, Frank, 206n
Cabinet Makers' Employers' Association, strike against (1920-21), 358n
Cachin, Marcel, 39, 41n
Cahill, Martin, 199, 199n
Cahillane, Patrick, 86n
California : Japanese students in, 89; landholding by Asian immigrants in, 89
Callaghan, Edward F., 510, 512n
Callahan, Patrick, 86n
Calles, Plutarco El í as, 404n
Cambria Steel Co., strike against (1919), 206, 206n
Campaign, 1920: 275-77, 330, 346-47, 374-77, 378n, 382, 384, 404-5; AFL Executive Council and, 239-40, 264; AFL demands of Democratic and Republican parties, 310-13. See also AFL National Non-Partisan Political Campaign; AFL National Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee
Campbell, Guy, 123n
Campbell, Thomas M., 190, 191n
Canada , labor representatives of, meetings with AFL peace delegation, 55
Canada , Trades and Labor Congress of, 4:471n, 380; convention, 1918, 75n; convention, 1920 (Windsor, Ont.), 380, 381n
Canadian Electrical Trades Union , 381, 381n
Canadian Federation of Labor, 8:121n, 380, 381n
Canadian immigrant workers, 341n
Canadian Labor Congress, 76n
Canadian unions: expenditures for, 280, 281n; income from, 280, 281n
Canal Zone , workers in, 391-92, 392-93n, 433-34, 435n
Canal Zone Central Labor Union. See Balboa ( Canal Zone ) Central Labor Union
Canal Zone Metal Trades Council, 393n
Cantonment construction agreement, 10:114, 10:115n, 116, 117n
Cap Makers of North America , United Cloth Hat and,* 135n
Capper, Arthur, 338n
Carmania (passenger liner), 37-38, 40n
Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of,* 325n; and AFL Building Trades Department, 544-45, 545n; and black workers, 84n, 366n; and Chicago building trades arbitration case, 496-97n; jurisdiction of, 60n, 545n; local 1411 (Mobile, Ala.), strike (1920-21), 486n; local 1456 (New York City), 324, 325n; local 2203 (Bogalusa, La.), 366; organizing campaign, Bogalusa, 366n
Carpenters' Union , International, 544, 545n
Carranza, Venustiano, 9:160n, 300n, 303, 303n
Carter, William S.,* 460-61, 461n, 462, 472n, 489, 491, 532n
Castle, Howard, 454n
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 6:217n, 20n
Centralia , Wash. , Armistice Day affair, 216, 217n
Chadbourne, Thomas L., Jr., 168, 168n
The Challenge Accepted: Labor Will Not Be Outlawed or Enslaved, 426n
Chambers , Jordan W., 83-84n, 120n, 326n, 477, 478n; wire from, 119
Chandler , D. L., 475n
Chas. Wolff Packing Co. v. The Court of Industrial Relations of the State of Kansas , 280n
Ch â teau-Thierry, battle of, 10:567n, 47, 49n, 56, 118
Cheka, 429-30, 432n
Chicago , mayoral elections in: 1915, 263, 265n; 1919, 263- 64, 265n
Chicago Associated Building Trades Council, 497n
Chicago Building Construction Employers' Association, 497n
Chicago building trades arbitration case, 496, 496-97n
Chicago Building Trades Council, 3:359n, 27n, 496-97n
Chicago Defender, 149, 149n
Chicago Federation of Labor, 4:159n, 4:177n, 17n, 27n, 275- 78, 368-73, 373n, 525n; letter from, 281-83
Chicherin, Georgi V., 427, 432n
Child labor, prohibition of, 8n, 70-71n, 100, 159, 305, 311; and Child Labor Tax Act, 15, 512-14, 514n; and Keating-Owen Act, 15
Chindblom, Carl R., 276, 278n, 281
Chinese workers, 43, 149, 342; admission of, into Hawaii , 483, 484n, 502-3, 503-4n
Christman, Elisabeth, 10:82n, 18, 532n; letter from, 505-6, 507n
Cigar Makers' International Union of America,* 10, 17n; and black workers, 84n; convention, 1920 (Cleveland), 8:422n, 416; Joint Advisory Board, Tampa, 571n; local 336 (Tampa), 571n; local 462 (Tampa), 571n; local 464 (Tampa), 571n; local 474 (Tampa), 571n; local 500 (Tampa), 571n; local 507 (Boston), 420n; local 518 (Manchester, N.H.), 420n; local 520 (Manchester), 420n; strike (1920-21, Tampa), 567, 571n; and tobacco strippers' locals, 412-19, 419-20n, 478n
Cigar Manufacturers' Association of Tampa , 571n
Citizens' Committee to Enforce the Landis Award, 496-97n
Citizenship, annulment of, 562-63
Claessens, August, 262n
Claherty, Coleman, 284, 286n
Clark, Edgar E.,* 348, 349n
Clark, Frank, 116n; letter from, 114-15
Clark, James B. "Champ," 8:258n; letter to, 384
Clay, Arthur H., 565n; letter from, 564-65
Clerks' International Protective Association, Retail, 9:*; local 361 ( Palestine , Tex. ), 189, 191n
Cleveland Federation of Labor, 9:137n, 319n
Cleveland Street Railway Co.: strike against (1918), 19, 21n; and women workers, 18-19, 20-21n
Closed shop, 162, 327
Clothing Workers of America, Amalgamated, 10:*, 351-52n; injunction against, 458n
Coach cleaners' unions, black, 478n, 564-65, 565n
Coal strike (1919), 192n, 194, 233, 386, 566; AFL Executive Council statement on, 208-11; injunction against, 192n, 195, 196n, 197-201, 203-4, 206, 208-12, 213n, 220, 252-53, 336; SG negotiations regarding, 191-92, 195-96, 198-205, 205n, 206
Coffin, Josephine, 507n; letter from, 505-6
Cohn, Fannia M., 500n; letter from, 499-500, 533n
Colby, Bainbridge, 300, 300n
Colby, Josephine, 395, 396n
Cole, Ralph D., 375, 376n
Cole, Raymond C., 376n
Collective bargaining, right to, 287-88, 386; AFL and, 7n, 186, 230, 235, 310, 421-22, 424, 426n; Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington , D.C. ) and, 158, 167-82; SG and, 170-82, 242, 327, 509, 536-39
Collins, John M., 264, 265n
Comintern. See Third (Communist) International
Commission on International Labor Legislation, 40, 41n; report of, 69, 70n, 99-102, 102n; SG and, 40, 40-41n, 47-48, 53, 56-58
Commission Syndicale de Belgique, 57n
Communist party, in the U.S. , 427-28, 432n
Communist Party of America , 550n
Communist Party of the United States of America , 550n
Company unions, 173-74, 179
Conant, Luther, Jr., 334n; letter to, 333-34
Conboy, Sara A.,* 97, 97n, 128n, 240n, 275n, 460, 532n
Conboy, Thomas J., 206, 206n
Conf é d é ration G é n é rale du Travail, 7:479n, 11, 440n; meetings with AFL peace delegation, 39-40, 40-41n, 55, 57n
Confederaci ó n Regional Obrera Mexicana, 140n
A Congress of Negation, 336, 338n
Connors, John, 365n
Conroy, James J., 496, 497n
Conscription, AFL and, 292, 294, 301
Convict labor, 70n, 312
Conway, Mary, 415, 420n
Coogan, James J., 10, 17n
Coolidge, Calvin, 146, 146 -47n, 498n
Cooperatives, 214n, 233, 238n, 335, 338n
Coopers' International Union of North America ,* 28n, 85n, 153n
Cornwell, John J., 295, 297n
Coronado case, 10:323n, 174, 492, 494n
Cost of living, 233, 388, 443
Cotter, J. J., 158, 160n
Coughlin, John, 9:63n, 457, 457n
Council of National Defense, 10:20-21n, 4-5
--Advisory Commission, 10:20-21n, 4, 348
--Committee on Labor, 10:21n; Committee on Welfare Work, 35; Committee on Women in Industry, 35-36; and labor standards, 35; wartime accomplishments of, 34-36; letter to, 34-36
Courts, power of, 8n, 232, 312, 422-23
Covert, Clair,* 365, 366n
Cox, James M., 335-37, 337n, 374-75
Credit, 235
Croly, Herbert D., 470, 472n
Cuba , support for people of, 88, 92n
Cudahy meatpacking company, strike against (1921-22), 571n
Cummins, Albert B., 9:208n, 195n
Curtis, Edwin, 146n, 319n
Dacus, Solomon J., 366n; letter from, 365-66
D'Alessandro, Domenico,* 324, 325n, 353n; letter from, 378- 79
Daniels, Josephus, 10:54n, 191
Danville ( Va. ) Central Labor Union, 5:439n, 66, 66n
D'Aragona, Ludovico,* 372, 373n
d'Arschot-Schoonhoven, Guillaume, comte, 56, 58n
Daugherty, Harry M., 196n, 497, 498n
Davenport , Daniel J., 6:339n, 408n
Davey, Martin, 260n
Davila, Felix Cordova, 503n
Davis, David, 3:204n, 8
Davis, David J.,* 98, 99n, 124-25, 360; wire from, 128-29
Davis, James J., 410, 411n, 451, 453n; letter to, 494-95
Daylight savings, 79, 82n
Dean, John J., 510, 512n
Debate between Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, and Henry J. Allen, Governor of Kansas , 290n
Debs, Eugene V.,* 250, 259n, 318, 397-98, 398n, 532, 533n
Dee, Richard P., 314-16, 317n
Dehan, Joseph, 40n
DeLeon, Daniel, 6:*, 570, 572n
Democratic party: AFL demands of, 1920, 310-13, 313n, 330
Demolition Contractors' Protective Association, 353, 353n
Depression of 1893, 3:363-66, 32
Detective agencies, 296n, 422, 447n
Detroit Federation of Labor, 10:108n, 488n
Deutelbaum, Julius, 87n
DeValera, Eamon, 86n
DeWitt, Samuel, 262n
Diamond, Max, 378n; letter to, 376-77
Dickson, William, 391n
Dielman, Henry, 20n
Disarmament: The American Federation of Labor: Its Declarations and Actions in Support of Disarmament and International Peace, 548, 548n
Doak, William N., 348, 349n, 468, 470
Doane, Lester B., 340, 342n
Dobson, William, 10:*, 23n, 529n
Dock Builders' Union ( New York City ), 324, 325n
Doggett, John W., 73, 74n
Donlin, John H.,* 379n, 401, 544; and Canal Zone, workers in, 392, 434; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington , D.C. ), 128n; and New York City building trades situation, 378, 445, 467, 467-68n; and Unemployment Conference (1921, Washington , D.C. ), 532n
Dorchy v. State of Kansas , 280n
Dorsey, Hugh M., 76n; wire to, 76
Drew, Walter, 8:227n, 287
Drexel Furniture Co. v. Bailey, 514n
Drury, Horace, 391n
DuBose, G. P., 39, 41n
Dudek, Lawrence, 142n
Duell, Holland , 564n
Duffy, Frank,* 84n, 345, 365, 366n, 544, 545n; at AFL conventions, 83, 315-16, 317n; and AFL mission to Europe (spring 1919), 40n; and Canal Zone, workers in, 365n, 435; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n
Duffy, Peter J., 66n; letter to, 65-66
Duncan, James,* 65n, 93n, 221n, 345, 387-88, 447, 544; and AFL committee on wage determination, 560n; at AFL conventions, 315, 317n, 473, 475n; and AFL mission to Europe (spring 1919), 40n, 48n; and Canal Zone, workers in, 365n; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n; and International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 110-11, 111n; letters to, 64-65, 110-11
Duncan, James A., 79-80, 81-82n, 87n, 94, 316, 317-18n, 321
Dunlap, Henry, 454n
Dunlop, Robert, 321n
Duplex Printing Press Co., 408n
Duplex Printing Press Co. v. Deering et al., 406, 408n
Dutton, E. P., and Co. , 522, 523n
Dyche, James E., 532, 533n
Easley, Ralph M.,* 530n; letters to, 529-30, 562-64
East St. Louis race riots, 10:133-34n, 114
Eastty, George W., 488, 491, 492n
Eatough, Henry, 510, 512n
Economic readjustment, postwar, 3-5, 7, 7-8n, 17, 31-34, 51, 52n
Edge, Walter, 107n; letter to, 107
Education: compulsory, AFL and, 379; government supervision of, 8n; trade unions and, 499-500, 500n
Edwoods, Prince L., 243n; letter from, 243
Eichelberger, Harry L., 8:47n, 489, 491, 525
Eight-hour day, 14, 18n, 100. See also Hours of labor, limitation of
Eight-hour legislation, enforcement of, 312
Eight-hour movement (1886), 1:276-77, 9
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 28n, 85n, 99n, 281n, 344, 381, 381n, 475n; local 147A (Palestine, Tex.), strike (1919), 189-90, 191n; local 147A, injunction against, 189-90, 191n; local 213 (Vancouver), 281n; local 353 (Toronto), 381, 381n; local 388 (Palestine, Tex.), strike (1919), 189-90, 191n; local 388, injunction against, 189-90, 191n; local 397 (Balboa Heights, Canal Zone), 391; local 572 (Regina, Sask.), 381, 381n; local 810 (Mobile, Ala.), strike (1920-21), 486n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n; strike (1919, threatened), 95n
Elevator Constructors, International Union of, and Chicago building trades arbitration case, 496n; local 50 ( Toronto ), 380, 381n
Elliott, James D., 10:323n, 174
Elliott, J. H., 538, 539n
Elm, Johann Adolph von,* 10-11, 17n
Emergency Fleet Corporation, 10:208n, 52n, 63n
Employment agencies, 8n
Engineering Council, 23n
Engineers, and labor, 384-90, 391n
Ennis, Roscoe C., 486n; letter from, 484-85
Erlanger, Mitchell L., 455, 458n
Esch, John, 157n, 216n
Esper, Frank J., 262-63, 265n
Evans, Edward J., 98, 99n, 124-25; wire from, 128-29
Everest, Wesley, 217n
Excess profits tax, 542, 543n
Faber, Leander B., 455, 458n
Fairchild, Lewis W., 42, 46n, 394n; letter from, 400; letter to, 393-94
Farmer-Labor party, 218n, 452
Farmers, organized, 213, 214n, 218n, 347n; AFL and, 132n, 187, 188n; letter from, 238-39, 239n
Farrington, Frank, 9:178n, 481
Federaci ó n Libre de los Trabajadores, 504n
Federal Employees, National Federation of,* 135n, 335; and black workers, 84n
Felts, Albert, 296n
Fessler, Arthur F., 267n; wire from, 265-66
Filene, Edward A., 7:462n, 523n
Fire Fighters, International Association of,* 435n
Firemen and Oilers, International Brotherhood of Stationary,* 28n, 60n, 85n, 318-19n, 362, 480n; and black workers, 84n; jurisdiction of, 59-60, 61n, 105; local 18 ( Lawrence , Mass. ), 351, 352n
Fischer, Jacob,* 128n, 345, 345n; elected AFL vice- president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482
Fitch, John A., 154, 155n
Fitzgerald, Anna, 7:299n, 240n, 275n
Fitzgerald, Clarence A., 149, 149n
FitzGerald, Edward H.,* 502n; letter from, 501-2
Fitzpatrick, John J.,* 18n, 85n, 214, 263-64; and steelworkers' organizing campaign and strike, 27n, 85, 99, 124-25, 126n, 129n, 143-44, 148, 151-52, 197n, 270n, 365n; letters from, 141-42, 283-86; letters to, 140-41, 496; wire from, 128-29
Fitzpatrick, Val, 250, 259n
Flaherty, Thomas F.,* 476, 478n
Flett, John A.,* 381n; letter from, 380-81
Flood, Emmet T., 450, 450n; letter from, 451-53
Flynn, William J., 54n, 219, 220n
Foley, Cornelius F., 316, 317n
Ford, C. M.: letter to, 221-23
Ford, Henry, 9:45n, 449, 508n; letter to, 507-8
Ford, M. R., 106n
Forrester, James J.,* 83, 84n, 188n, 488, 491, 502n, 551-52
Forty-four hour week, 18n
Forward, 299, 299n
Fosdick, Eugene , 450n
Foster, John, 460n
Foster, William Z.,* 27; and steelworkers' organizing campaign and strike, 28n, 99, 124-25, 126n, 129n, 141-42, 144n, 148, 152, 155n, 206n, 228-29, 360; and Trade Union Educational League, 561n; letters from, 26-27, 153-55, 561; wires from, 126, 128-29, 206
Foundry Employes, International Brotherhood of, 8:*, 28n, 85n
Fox, Charles,* 262-63, 265n
France : "Bolshevism" in, 28; socialists in, 11; trade unions in, 11
Franck, Charles H., 51-52n, wire from, 51, 52n
Frank, Solomon, 380n; letter to, 379-80
Frayne, Hugh,* 111n, 140n, 243n, 324-25n, 354, 357, 454, 533n; and International Labor Conference (1919, Washington , D.C. ), 110-11, 111n; letters from, 323-24, 549
Freeman, William E.,* 280n; letter to, 279-80
Freight handlers, black, 182-83, 183n, 326, 349-50, 501-2, 502n; at AFL conventions, 83n, 313-16, 316n; conference with representatives of, 488-91, 491-92n; Worthey, James, and, 550-51, 551n, 552-54, 558-59
Frey, John P.,* 64n, 240n, 404n, 473, 475n, 560n; at AFL convention, 79-80, 81n; letters to, 63-64, 225-27
Fritz, Adolph J.,* 262, 264n
Furuseth, Andrew,* 88-90, 92n, 152, 473-74
Fur Workers, and black workers, 84n
Gainor, Edward J.,* 474, 476n
Gallagher, Agnes, 414-15, 417-19, 420n
Gallagher, Thomas, 276, 278n
Galloway, Earl, 93n
Galveston , Tex. : flood (1900), 6:364n, 31
Garfield, Harry A., 10:288n, 307
Garrison, Lindley, 358n
Gary, Elbert, 8:227n, 27n, 125, 126n, 151, 169-70, 172, 390; letter to, 98-99
Gawanus Building Material Co., 323, 324n
Gelotte, Dominick, 206n
General Electric Co.: strike against (1919, threatened), 186-87; wage reduction by, 411
General Federation of Trade Unions of Great Britain and Ireland , 5:69n, 11, 17n, 569, 572n
General strikes: 1894 (threatened), 250-51; 1919 (Boston; threatened), 146n; 1919 (Mooney, on behalf of, threatened), 86, 87n, 94; 1919 (Seattle), 61, 62-63n, 94; 1919 (threatened), 207, 215; 1919 (Winnipeg), 74-75, 75n, 94; 1920 (Europe, threatened), 437-38, 439-40n; 1920 (France), 438, 440n; 1920 (threatened), 368-69, 372, 373n
George, Henry, 3:*; mayoral campaign of, 1886, 1:429-30, 9
George v. Bailey, 512-14, 514n
George Washington (passenger liner), 111n, 460n
German-Polish boundary dispute, 48, 49n
German Workers' Educational Association, 549n
Germany, 47-48; "Bolshevism" in, 28, 150; industrial conference boards in, 164, 167n; militarism of, 118; participation
in International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 136-37, 137-38n; responsibility for war, 47, 48-49n, 55; socialists in, 11; trade unions in, 10-11
Gibson, Lewis H., 342-43, 343n
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada , 8:*; and black workers, 84n
Gleaves, Elsie M., 460, 460n
Gleaves, William T., 460n
Glenn, John M., 287, 289n
Golden, John,* 351n; letter to, 350-51
Goldman, Emma,* 427, 432n
"Gold roll" employees, in Canal Zone , 392-93n, 433-34, 435n
Gompers, Alexander,* 54n, 367, 368n
Gompers, Alexander Julian,* 53-54, 54n
Gompers, Ella Applebaum (Mrs. Alexander J. Gompers), 54, 54n, 298, 299n
Gompers, Esther, 54, 54n
Gompers, Florence (SG's granddaughter), 53, 54n, 57, 486, 487n
Gompers, Florence (Mrs. Louis Gompers, wife of SG's French cousin), 39, 41n, 52-53, 54n
Gompers, Gertrude Annersly Gleaves (SG's second wife), 459- 60, 460n, 543
Gompers, Harriett,* 367, 368n
Gompers, Henry,* 54n, 367, 368n
Gompers, Jacob,* 367, 368n
Gompers, Louis (SG's brother),* 54n, 367, 368n; death of, 291, 291n
Gompers, Louis (SG's French cousin), 39, 41n, 52-53, 54n
Gompers, May, 54, 54n
Gompers, Sadie Julian,* 18n, 562; death of, 16, 18n, 23, 291
Gompers, Samuel: accident (1919), 67, 67n, 69-70, 91, 93n; addresses, 8-16, 157-58, 161-66, 170-82, 192-94, 249-58; addresses mentioned, 14, 17-18n, 23-25, 25n, 37, 40n, 220, 221n, 320n, 458-59n, 524n, 532, 532-33n; articles mentioned, 277, 278n, 299n, 336, 338n, 391n, 447, 447-48n; birthday of, 40, 246; circulars, 108-9, 224-25, 280-81, 349-50, 391-92, 483, 554-56; circulars mentioned, 207, 207n, 215, 226, 227n, 393n, 509, 509n; debate with Allen, 289-90, 290n, 298-99, 304-8, 320n; editorial, 515-16; editorials mentioned, 372, 373n, 536, 539n; elected AFL president, 93n, 321, 321n, 480-82; eyesight of, 486, 487n; home life of, 297-98; illness of (1919), 57; interview with, 536-39; memoirs, 68, 68n, 117, 119n, 522-23; memoranda, 37-40, 46-48, 55-57, 497-98; service, views of, 64, 498-99; statements issued by, 150, 512-14; statements mentioned, 66n, 198n, 548, 548n; testimony, 31-34; testimony mentioned, 81n, 85n, 146n, 153n, 156, 157n, 246, 247n, 260n, 319n, 502, 503n; wedding of, 459-60
--trips: Europe (1895), 4:50n, 10-11; Europe (Aug.-Nov. 1918), 10:470n, 6n; New York City (Nov.-Dec. 1918), 18n; New York City (Dec. 1918), 17n; Europe (Jan.-Apr. 1919), 25, 25n, 37-40, 40n, 46-48, 52-59, 62n, 63-64; New York City (Apr. 1919), 66- 67n; New York City (July 1919), 113n; Europe (July-Aug. 1919), 110, 111n, 113n, 118, 119n, 460n; New York City (Sept. 1919), 138n, 140n; (New York City (Nov. 1919), 199n; San Francisco (June-July, 1920), 328; New York City (Dec. 1920), 469, 472n; Mexico (Jan. 1921), 402, 404n, 407; Boston (Mar. 1921), 417-18, 420n; New York City (Oct. 1921), 532, 533n
Gompers, Samuel Harry, 10:207n, 53, 54n, 57
Gompers, Sarah,* 367, 368n
Gompers, Simon,* 54n
Gompers, Solomon,* 54, 54n, 367, 368n; death of, 129n, 138, 138n, 141, 144, 291
Gompers, Sophia (daughter of Alexander J. Gompers), 54, 54n
Gompers, Sophia Julian,* 23, 24n, 63, 67, 562; death of, 291, 291n; letter to, 52-54
Gompers, Sylvain, 39, 41n
Gorman, Owen D., 315, 317n
Graham, George, 260n
Graham, Wade B., 191n; letter from, 189-90
Granite Cutters' International Association of America ,* 65n, 544
Grayson, Cary, 41n
Great Britain : "Bolshevism" in, 28-29; election (1918), 28- 29, 30n; industrial councils in, 164, 166-67n, 244; participation in International Labor Conference (1919, Washington , D.C. ), 136, 137n; trade unions in, 11-12
Great Southern Lumber Co., organization of, 365, 366n
Green, William,* 25n, 92n, 313n, 335, 345, 390, 430; and AFL committee on wage determination, 560n; at AFL conventions, 89-90, 321-23; and AFL mission to Europe (spring 1919), 40n; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n; and International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 111n; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482
Greenwood , Ernest H., 401, 404n, 405
Gregory, Thomas W., 10:92n, 210, 220, 221n, 336
Griffith, Arthur, 86n
Gronna, Asle, 338n
Grow, Cyrus F., 94, 95n
Guard, R. Lee,* 31n, 53, 64, 68n, 93n; letters from, 67, 117-19; memoranda, 300
Guyan coalfield ( W.Va. ), tactics of coal operators in, 297n
Haddock, William S., 122, 123n, 153n
Hague, Ethel, 476-77, 478n
Hall, Frank, 206n
Hamlin, Charles A.,* 347n; letter to, 346-47
Hammer v. Dagenhart, 10:499n, 15
Hammet, Allen K., 529n; letter from, 528-29
Hampton, George P., 187, 187-88n, 468, 471
Hancock, Charles, 67, 67n
Hanger, George, 538, 539n
Hannon, William, 98, 99n, 124-25, 129n; wire from, 128-29
Hanson, Ole, 63n
Harding, Chester , 393n
Harding, Warren G., 374, 376n, 404-6, 410, 524n, 532n, 539n, 548n; SG meetings with, 449, 450n, 484n, 497-98, 498n
Harlin, Robert H., 481, 482n
Harris, Joel Chandler, 68n
Hartwig, Otto R.,* 51n; wire from, 51, 52n
Hatfield, Sidney , 296n
Haugen, Gilbert N., 338n
Hawaii , admission of Chinese workers into, 483, 484n, 502-3, 503-4n
Hayes, Max S.,* 262-63, 265n, 474
Haymarket bombing, 1:277, 9
Hays, John W.,* 94, 95n
Haywood, William D.,* 113, 113n
Healy, Timothy,* 60n, 82n; letter from, 59-60
Heaphy, Richard A., 262n; letter to, 260-61
Hearst newspapers, attacks on SG, 366-68, 368n, 447, 447-48n
Heberling, Samuel E.,* 249, 259n, 461
Heller, Jacob J., 90, 92n
Henderson, Arthur,* 12, 17n, 28-29, 30n
Henderson Shipbuilding Co., strike against (1920-21), 484- 85, 486n
Hereford , Fred, wire from, 51, 52n
Hessler, John, 267n, 481; wire from, 265-66
Hewitt, Abram S., 1:*, 9
Hewitt, Fred, 401, 403n, 474
Higgins, Samuel, 538, 539n
Hindenburg, Paul von, 49n
Hines, Walker D., 128n, 238-39, 239n, 249, 254, 259n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n
Hinkle, Charles C., 229n; letter from, 228-29
Hirsch, Louis, 444n; letter to, 443-44
Hobbs , Algernon G., 247n; wire to, 247
Hobby, William, 426n
Hod Carriers', Building and Common Laborers' Union of America , International,* 72, 74n, 85n, 323-24, 324-25n; and black workers, 84n; local 95 ( New York City ), 324 -25n, 352-53, 378; local 228 ( Lawrence , Mass. ), 351, 352n
Hodges Boiler Works, strike against (1920-21), 484-85, 486n
Holder, Arthur E.,* 466, 467n
Holland , James P.,* 354-55, 358n
Hollis, Henry, 31, 34n
Home work, 71n
Hooper, Ben Wade, 538, 539n
Hoover , Herbert, 10:304n, 210, 384-88, 390, 391n, 515n, 532n
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America,* 46n; and black workers, 42-46, 84n; and Chinese workers, 43; and Japanese workers, 43; jurisdiction of, 42-45, 46n
Hours of labor, limitation of, 8n, 70-71n, 79, 82n, 100, 159. See also Shorter workday
House, Edward M., 41n, 48, 49n, 58n
House Wreckers' Union ( New York City ), 323, 324 -25n. See also AFL federal labor union 14,949 ( New York City ); Hod Carriers', Building and Common Laborers' Union of America, International: local 95 ( New York City )
Howard, Charles P.,* 474, 476n
Howat, Alexander, 321n, 481, 481-82n
Huddleston, George, 10:378n, 468
Huerta, Adolpho de la, 9:468n, 340-41, 404n
Huggs, John A., 96n; letter from, 96
Hughes, Andrew C.,* 151, 153n
Hughes, Charles Evans, 8:259n, 261, 262n, 443n, 524n; letter to, 440-42
Hughes, James F., 350, 351 -52n
Hughes, William M., 10:493n, 409
Hunter, W. A., 73, 74n
Hurley, Edward N., 10:221n, 41n, 523n
Hutcheson, William L.,* 23n, 434, 435n, 477, 529n; letter to, 544-45
Huysmans, Camille, 28, 30n
Hynes, John J., 10:410n, 23n, 111n
Idar, Clemente N., 338-40, 341n
Iglesias, Santiago ,* 503 -4n; letter to, 502-3
Illinois Manufacturers' Association, 287, 289n
Illinois State Federation of Labor, 7:364n, 17-18n, 452
Immigration: of Canadian workers, 341n; of Chinese workers, 483, 484n, 502-3, 503-4n; of Mexican workers, 338-41, 341n; restriction of, 8n, 160, 312, 342, 387, 422
Indiana State Federation of Labor, 6:141n, 268
Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 127, 128n, 153, 230, 287, 386, 390, 538; black representation at, lack of, 142-43, 143n; organization of, 160n; and postponement of steel strike, 126n, 144n, 145, 147; proceedings of, 157-82
Industrial Conference, Second (1919-20, Washington, D.C.), 246, 247n
Industrial conference boards, 159-60; in Germany , 164, 167n
Industrial councils, in Great Britain , 164, 166-67n, 244
Industrial courts, 424. See also Kansas Court of Industrial Relations
"Industrial Peace," SG and, 77
Industrial training, wartime, 35
Industrial unionism, 18n, 75n, 112-13. See also One Big Union
Industrial Workers of the World, 175, 216, 217n, 218-19, 225, 350; linked to Bolsheviks, 163, 165, 184, 194; and Mooney general strike, threatened, 6
Industry, labor participation in management of, 242
Ingles, Ernest, 281n
Ingles et al. v. Morrison et al., 280, 281n
Initiative, 422
Injunctions: and Adamson Act, 259n; AFL campaign against, 421-24, 454-57, 458-59n, 515-16; in labor disputes, 226, 231, 254, 257, 449, 454-57, 458n
--in specific labor disputes: against AFL City Policemen's Union 16,718, 146n; against Clothing Workers of America, Amalgamated, 458n; against Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of, 189-90, 191n; against Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International, 448-49, 456; against Leather Workers on Horse Goods, United Brotherhood of, 571n; against Mine Workers of America, United, 192n, 195, 196n, 197-201, 203-4, 206, 208-12, 213n, 220, 252-53, 336; against National War Labor Board, 21n; against New York City Cloak, Suit, and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association, 571n; against Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of, 455, 458n
"Intelligencia," and labor movement, 470
Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, Sept. 1918 ( London ), 10:504n, 11-14, 16, 30n, 37, 48n
International Conference on Limitation of Armaments, 1921-22 ( Washington , D.C. ), 523-24, 524n, 533, 543, 547, 548n; advisory committee to American delegation, 547, 548n
International Congress of Working Women, 1919 ( Washington , D.C. ), 132-34, 135n
International Congress of Working Women, 1921 ( Geneva ), 525n
International Federation of Trade Unions, 8:394n, 38-39, 135-37; AFL and, 223-24, 224n, 436-39, 479, 480n; conference, 1919 (Berne), 28, 30n, 55; conference, 1919 ( Amsterdam ), 111n, 118, 135, 460n; conference, 1920 ( London ), 438, 440n; and Russo-Polish War, 437-38
International Joint Conference Council of Commercial and Periodical Branches of the Printing Industry, 570n
International Labor Conference, 1919 ( Washington , D.C. ), 70, 71 -72n, 110, 118, 135-37, 137-38n, 194, 195n
International Labor Organization, 41n, 101, 135, 137, 405
International Labour and Socialist Conference, 1919 ( Berne ), 28-29, 30n, 38-39, 41n, 47, 48-49n, 55
International Workers' Defense League, 7n, 86, 87n, 94
Interstate Commerce Commission, 195n, 216n, 238, 274n
Involuntary servitude, 70n, 92n
Ireland , independence of, 85-86, 86n, 87, 89-90, 92n, 108
Ireland , Republic of, recognition of, 85-86, 86n, 319, 320n, 473, 476n
Irish, Ernest O., 53, 54n
Iron League Erectors' Association, 399n
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of,* 28n, 85n, 99n, 269-70, 270n, 360, 365n; and black workers, 285
Isaacs, Bella Gompers,* 54, 54n
Isaacs, Henrietta Gompers,* 54, 54n
Italy , "Bolshevism" in, 28
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World
Jackson, Giles B., 10:327n, 286n
Jacobson, Hugo W., 391, 393n
Japan , peace delegation of, 38, 41n
Japanese: landholding by, in California , 89; students, in San Francisco , 89; workers, 43, 69, 149
Jefferson, Thomas, 232
Jewell, Bert M.,* 131 -32n, 190, 227, 348, 460-62, 469, 472n, 474; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington , D.C. ), 128n; letter to, 130-31; wire from, 271
Jewish Socialist Federation, 549n
Jews' Free School, 1:12n, 117
Johnson, Albert, 483, 484n, 503, 504n
Johnson, Hiram, 8:277n, 337n
Johnston, William H.,* 124, 125n, 128n, 143, 144n, 151, 365n, 468-70
Johnstown , Pa. , flood (1889), 6:364n, 31
Jones, Eugene K., 9:169n; letter from, 142-43
Jones, Jerome,* 526, 527n
Jouhaux, L é on,* 39, 41n, 223
Judges, election of, 232
Jurisdictional disputes: among building trades unions, 21- 22, 22-23n; Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, v. Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated, 8:151n, 545n; Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of, v. Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of, 308-9, 309n, 328-29
Justice, 499
Juul, Niels, 276, 278n, 281
Kahn, Julius, 7:118n, 294n
Kalanianaole, Jonah K., 484n, 502, 503n
Kansas City ( Mo. ) Railways Co.: strike against (1918-19), 20, 21n; and women workers, 19-20, 21n
Kansas Court of Industrial Relations, 320, 320-21n, 409, 409n, 481n. See also Allen, Henry J.; Legislation, state: Kansas
Kansas State Federation of Labor, 346-47, 347n, 557-58
Kavanaugh, William, 86n, 96n
Keating, Edward, 10:125n, 131n, 154, 470
Kehoe, William F., 454-55, 457, 458n, 467n
Kelly Drydocks, strike against (1920-21), 484-85, 486n
Kendrick, John, 338n
Kenyon, William S., 8:424n, 31, 33, 297n, 336, 338n; letter to, 294-96
Kern, Charles W., 267n; wire from, 265-66
Kerwin, Hugh, 123n
Kidd, Edward C., 267n; wire from, 265-66
King, Alexander C., 195, 196n
King, John W., 528, 529n
King, Joseph H., 489, 491, 492n
King, Laura G., 413, 420n
King, Sidney S., 382, 383n
King County ( Wash. ) Triple Alliance , 218n
Kleiber, Victor,* 249n
Kline, James W.,* 27 -28n, 151; letter from, 504; letter to, 26-27
Knickerbocker Ice Co. v. Stewart, 335, 338n
Knights of Labor, 415
Konenkamp, Sylvester J.,* 103, 104n
Krowizek, Stephen, 142n
Ku Klux Klan, 527, 528n
Kurkowski, Frank, 206n
Labor, and war effort, 255, 444, 521, 521n
Labor, Its Grievances, Protests, and Demands, 132n, 188n, 229-37, 238n, 256, 260n
Labor clauses, in peace treaty, 108-10, 135-37, 166, 236-37, 367, 405; debate on, at AFL convention, 88-91; drafting of, 41n, 69-70; text of, 70-71n, 92-93n, 99-102
Labor conferences: Mar. 1917 (Washington, D.C.), 10:22n, 225, 227n, 420, 426n, 521n; Jan. 1919 (Chicago), 7n; Jan. 1919 (Pittsburgh), 27, 28n; Feb. 1919 (Berne), 28-29, 30n, 38-39, 41n, 47, 48-49n, 55; July-Aug. 1919 (Amsterdam), 111n, 118; Nov. 1919 (Chicago), 213, 214n; Dec. 13, 1919 (Washington, D.C.), 132n, 187, 188n, 188, 197-98, 225-27, 228n, 256, 271, 329, 332n; Dec. 13, 1919, declaration of, 229-37, 238n; Dec. 29, 1919 (Washington, D.C.), 241, 241n; Feb. 1920 (Washington, D.C.), 249-58, 258-59n; Mar. 1920 (Emporia, Kans.), 347n; May 1920 (Washington, D.C.), 286n; Dec. 1920 (Washington, D.C.), 401-2; Feb. 1921 (Washington, D.C.), 401-2, 404n, 426n, 470; Feb. 1921, declaration of, 420-26; Apr. 1921 (Washington, D.C.), 460-61, 461n, 462; July 1921 (Washington, D.C.), 488-91, 491-92n; Sept. 1921, minutes of, 525-26
Labor conferences, proposed: between representatives of capital and labor (1919), 77, 77n; postwar, in Paris , 28, 30n, 40n, 48n; railroad (1920), 347-49, 349n
Labor convention, in peace treaty. See Labor clauses, in peace treaty
Labor Day, date of, 86, 87n
Labor Herald (Chicago), 561, 561n
Labor party, 17n, 267-69, 282, 452; SG and, 8-16, 24-25, 226, 265-67, 275-77. See also Labor Party of Illinois; Labor Party of Indiana; Labor Party of New York, American; National Labor party; Progressive Labor party
Labor Party of Illinois , 17n
Labor Party of Indiana, 265n; convention, 1920 ( Indianapolis ), 262-65, 265n, 268
Labor Party of New York , American, 17n
Labor Party of the United States . See National Labor party
"Labor problem," SG and, 77
Labor representation on government agencies and boards, 18n "Labor's Fourteen Points," 13, 17-18n
Labor's Political Banner Unfurled, 277, 278n
Labor's Protest against Rampant Tragedy, 336, 338n
Labour party (of Great Britain ), 11-12, 30n, 38; executive committee of, 11
Lacey, John, 84n
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International,* 92 -93n, 318- 19n, 531; and black workers, 84n; Educational Department of, 499-500, 500n; injunctions against, 448-49, 456; strike (1921, Chicago), 567, 571n; strike (1921, Philadelphia), 567, 571n; strike (1921-22, New York City), 567, 571n
La Follette, Robert M., 407n, 468-70, 471n
Lakey, George H., 434, 435n
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain , 496, 496 -97n
Lane, Dennis,* 381, 381n, 451
Lane, Franklin K., 9:466n, 160n, 182n, 191, 259n
Lang, Harry, 299n; letter from, 297-99; letters to, 358-59n, 530-32
Lansing, Robert, 9:434n, 40, 41n, 48, 58n, 93n
Larger, Bernard A.,* 460, 460n
Lathers' International Union, Wood, Wire, and Metal, strike by (1919, Toronto ), 72
Latz, Alla Herschfield, 291n; letter to, 291
Latz, Mack, death of, 291, 291n
Lauck, W. Jett, 401, 404n, 471n
Laundry Workers' International Union,* 478n; and black workers, 84n
Lawrence , Mass. , Building Trades Council, 351
Lawrence , Mass. , Central Labor Union, 351n
League of Nations, 40, 41n, 100-101, 136-37, 212, 404-6; AFL and, 87-91, 91n, 102n, 321-23, 367; SG and, 87, 91, 321-22
League of Nations covenant, 58-59, 59n, 101-2, 108-9, 137, 166
League of Nations Union , 58, 59n
League to Enforce Peace, 212, 212n
Leary, John J., Jr., 297n
Leather Workers' International Union, United,* 319n, 558n; and black workers, 84n; strike (1919-20, Indianapolis ), 569, 571n; strike (1920, Boston ), 569, 571n; strike (1920, St. Louis ), 569, 571n; strike (1920-22, Chicago ), 569, 571n; strike (1920-22, Chicago ), injunction against, 571n; strike (1921, Peabody , Mass. ), 569, 571n
Ledyard, H. C., 534n; letter to, 533-34
Lee, William G.,* 42-43, 46n, 249-50, 393-94, 400n, 460-62, 470, 472n
Lefkowitz, Abraham, 10:395n, 326n
Legien, Carl,* 10-11, 17n, 39
Legislation, Canada : Immigration Act, 75n
Legislation, state:
-- California : Alien Land Act (1913), 9:206n, 89
-- Illinois : constabulary bill (1921), 452-53, 453-54n
-- Kansas : Court of Industrial Relations Law (1920), 279-80, 280n, 289-90, 290n, 304-6, 308, 346, 347n, 408, 563
-- Mississippi : antisedition law (1920), 247, 247-48n
-- New York : antistrike bill (1921), 447, 447n; detective agency investigation bill (1921), 447n; industrial relations court bill (1922), 563, 564n
-- Texas : Open Port Law (1920), 422, 426n
Legislation, U.S. :
--Adamson Act (1916), 9:450n, 251, 259n, 331
-- Anderson amendment (to Esch railroad bill), 330, 332n
--Army Reorganization Act (1920): H.R. 12,775 (1920), 292- 94, 294n, 300
--Baer bill, H.R. 13,526 (1920), 336, 338n
--Capper-Volstead Act (1922): H.R. 2373 (1921), 338n
--Child Labor Tax Act (1919), 10:499n, 15, 512-14, 514n
--Chinese, bill to admit, into Hawaii , H.J. Res. 158 (1921), 483, 484n
--Chinese, bill to admit, into Hawaii , H.J. Res. 171 (1921), 483, 484n, 502-3, 503-4n
--Clayton Act (1914), 9:94n, 14-15, 226, 310, 335-36, 406, 408n, 424
--Cummins bill, first, S. 2906 (1919), 195n
--Cummins bill, second, S. 3288 (1919), 194, 195n, 207, 215, 232, 238, 241, 253, 271, 274n, 301, 330
--Davey-Palmer antisedition bill, H.R. 10,650 (1919), 253, 260n, 301
--Eighteenth Amendment, 10:291n, 79
--Employer-employee relations, bill to improve, S.J. Res. 44 (1919), 107, 107-8n
--Erdman Act (1898), 4:142n, 330
--Esch bill, first, H.R. 4378 (1919), 156, 157n, 216n
--Esch bill, second, H.R. 10,453 (1919), 157n, 215, 216n, 241, 253, 271, 274n, 301, 330, 332n
--Espionage Act (1917), 10:64n, 80, 91, 93n, 248n, 319n
--farmer cooperative legislation: H.R. 13,931 (1920), 338n; S. 4344 (1920), 338n; H.R. 2373 (1921), 338n. See also Capper-Volstead Act
--Federal Farm Loan Act (1920), 311, 313n
--Food Control and District of Columbia Rents Act, H.R. 8624 (1919), 338n
--Graham antisedition bill, H.R. 11,430 (1920), 245n, 253, 260n, 301
--Haugen amendment, to Food Control and District of Columbia Rents Act, H.R. 8624 (1919), 336, 338n
--Keating-Owen Act (1916), 10:86n, 15
--Lever Food and Fuel Control Act (1917), 10:112n, 79-80, 81n, 196n, 210-11, 211n, 220, 221n, 336
--longshoremen's compensation act (1917): S. 2916 (1917), 335, 337n
--meatpacking industry legislation: S. 2199 (1919), 336, 338n; S. 2202 (1919), 336, 338n; S. 3944 (1920), 336, 338n; H.R. 6320 (1921), 338n. See also Packers and Stockyards Act
--National Defense Act (1916), 9:525n, 294n
--oleomargarine law (1886, 1902), 513, 514n
--Packers and Stockyards Act (1921): H.R. 6320 (1921), 338n
--phosphorus matches, law banning (1912), 513, 514n
--Poindexter bill, S. 4204 (1920), 406-7, 407n, 469; S. 16 (1921), 407n
--Pomerene bill, S. 1256 (1919), 157n
--railroad bills. See Esch bill, first; Esch bill, second; Pomerene bill; Sims bill
--Revenue Act of 1918, 543n
--Revenue Act of 1921, 543n
--Safety Appliance Act (1893; uniform car coupler law), 3:284n, 330
--Seamen's Act (1915), 9:10n, 14-16, 88, 311
-- Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 4:28n, 196n, 492-93, 494n
--Sims bill, H.R. 8157 (1919), 130-31, 131n
--Sterling antisedition bill, S. 3317 (1919-20), 245n, 253, 260n, 301
--Transportation Act of 1920, 216n, 274n, 281, 312, 329-30, 469, 536
--War Revenue Act of 1917, 543n
--War Risk Insurance Act (1917), 10:213n, 35
--Webster amendment (to Esch railroad bill), 332n
--Workmen's Compensation Act (1908), 9:200n, 337n
--Workmen's Compensation Act (1916): H.R. 15,316 (1916), 335, 337n
Legislative agents of labor organizations: meetings of, in 1921, 465-66, 467n; minutes of meeting, 465-66
Lemke, James,* 520n, 547n; wire to, 519-20
Lenin, Vladimir I., 10:344n, 112, 371-72, 427
Lennon, John B.,* 22n, 79-81, 81n; letter to, 21-22
Lens, battle of, 57, 58n
Letter Carriers of the U.S. of America, National Association of,* 476n; and black workers, 84n
Lewis, John L.,* 128n, 138n, 199, 212, 213n, 322, 473-74, 532n; and AFL presidency (1921), 480-82; and Brackenridge, Pa., murders, 123n; telephone conversations with, 200-5; letter from, 492-93; wire from, 198-99; wires to, 138, 191-92, 195-96, 205-6
Lewis, Joseph, letter to, 327-28
Lewis, Matt, 183n, 315, 317n; letter to, 182-83
Levin, Max, 499-500, 500n
Liberator, 561n
Liebold, E. G., 508n
Liley, Henry F., 124, 125n
Linn, A. R., 365n
Listman, George P., 217, 217- 18n
Literacy test, and right to vote, 379-80, 380n
Living wage, 7-8n, 71n, 77n, 100, 159, 165, 233, 443
Lloyd George, David, 10:72n, 30n, 357
Lockwood, Charles, 399n
Lockwood Committee, 324n, 399, 399n
Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of,* 78, 78n, 131n, 539n; AFL charter application, 78, 78n; AFL charter application, withdrawal of, 78n, 308-9, 309n, 328-32, 345; convention, 1921 (Cleveland), 309, 309n; jurisdiction of, 308-9, 309n, 328-29
Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Amalgamated Society of, strike (1919, Great Britain ), 167n
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Brotherhood of, 10:*, 131n, 539n
Longshoremen's Association, International, 10:*; and black workers, 84n; strike (1920, Galveston ), 426n
Longuet, Fr é d é ric J. L., 10:554-55n, 13-14
Lord, Frank B., 97n; wire to, 97
Lord, James,* 139, 140n, 391-92, 401
Lovely, Collis,* 288n; letter to, 287-88
Lowe, Walter: letter from, 148-49
Luther, Archie E., 435, 435n
Lynching, 96, 96n, 114-15
Lynn ( Mass. ) Metal Trades Council, 186
Lyons, Joseph H., 50n; wire from, 49; wire to, 50-51