A (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Abern, Martin, 275-77, 277-78n
Abrahams, Henry, 2:*, 91n
Accidents, industrial, benefits for, 6
The Acquisitive Society (Tawney), 191, 192n
Adamski, Albert, 9:406n, 550
Addams, Jane, 9:231-32n, 427n
Adkins et al. v. Children's Hospital of D.C., 227, 228n, 230, 244, 246, 248-50, 370
Adolescents, 52-53
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
Albright, Albion D., 276, 278n
Alcorn, Robert H., 345, 348n
Alger, George W., 8:493n, 74n
Alifas, Nels P., 10:21n, 345-47
All-American Conference (1924, Washington, D.C.), 452, 452n
Allen, Andrew J., 364, 364n
Allen, Florence, 427n
Allen, Henry J., 11:290n, 169
Allen, Henry T., 435n; letter to, 435
All-Russian Congress of the Russian Communist YouthLeague, Fifth (1922, Moscow), 293, 294n
Alpine, John R.,* 550, 553n
Alschuler, Samuel B., 10:304n, 154
American Anti-Saloon League, 429, 430n
American Association for Labor Legislation, 9:277n; and AFLPermanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n
American Association of University Women, and AFLPermanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n
American Civil Liberties Union, 10:485n, 263-64, 265n, 309, 311n
American Committee for Relief of German Children, 435, 435n
American Federationist, 277
American Federation of Labor (AFL): affiliates, autonomy of,87n, 88, 89n; as bulwark against communism in U.S., 12,172-73; financial resources of, 242-43; and local unions,affiliation with central bodies, 88, 89n; and local unions,affiliation with state federations of labor, 88; membership,276; Scranton Declaration, 8:106n, 102, 102n, 126; andtransfer of union membership, 86, 87n
-- Building Trades Department, 6:175n, 155n, 399-401, 401n; and Carpenters, 163n; and Sheet Metal Workers, 163n
-- Building Trades Department, convention: 1924 (El Paso, Tex.), 518, 520n
-- Commission of Progress and Cooperation (proposed), 141-46, 146n
-- Committee on Education, 191
-- Conference Committee of Trade Union Legislative Representatives in Washington, D.C., 35, 37-38
-- conventions, specific: 1886 (Columbus), 1:387, 521-22; 1890 (Detroit), 374, 375n; 1893 (Chicago), 374, 375n;1895 (New York City), 516, 516n; 1901 (Scranton), 102, 102n; 1908 (Denver), 8:79n, 215; 1909 (Toronto), 217, 218n; 1913 (Seattle), 9:21n, 249; 1919 (Atlantic City), 270, 271n; 1920 (Montreal), 11:281n, 269; 1921 (Denver), 4, 6n, 8n; 1922 (Cincinnati), 43, 43n, 100-102, 102n, 111, 115,126- 27, 137-39, 150, 158, 208, 217, 218n, 230, 313-14,352n; 1923 (Portland, Ore.), 262, 263n, 281n, 319n, 321,321n, 326, 338-39, 343, 346, 348n, 350, 352,352n, 356-57,360, 361n, 370, 380, 382-83n, 395-97, 398n, 403-4, 407,409, 410n, 421-22, 446n; 1924 (El Paso, Tex.), 338, 338n,362n, 449n, 466, 468n, 518, 520n, 534, 535n; 1925(Atlantic City), 555, 562n
-- conventions, specific, accounts of: 1922 (Cincinnati), 86- 98; 1923 (Portland, Ore.), 327-38; 1924 (El Paso, Tex.), 520-32
-- Education Department, 157n
-- Executive Council: and election of 1924, 453-57, 458n, 462, 465, 474, 475n, 480-81, 483n, 486-94, 494n, 498-99; and industrial unionism, 55n; salaries of, 328; and Workers' Education Bureau, 157n; circulars, 113-17, 118n, 453-55, 457, 458n; letters to, 127-28, 221-22, 229, 311-15, 351, 356-59, 367-69, 455-57, 461-62, 503-4, 538-39; statement, mentioned, 146-47; tribute to SG, 560-62; wire to, 539
-- Executive Council, meetings of: June 1922, 150, 152n; Sept. 1922, 133, 136, 137n; Feb. 1923, 206n, 223, 225n, 229, 243; May 1923, 229, 229n, 244, 262, 263n, 271n; Aug.-Sept. 1923, 263n, 274n, 298, 299n; Sept.-Oct. 1923, 319n, 324, 326n; Feb. 1924, 340n, 351, 352n; May 1924, 340n, 442n, 456, 457n, 458, 458n; Aug. 1924, 391n, 457n, 462, 462n, 465, 478, 481, 494n, 499-500, 502-3, 503n, 504, 514; Oct. 1924, 514n; Dec. 1924, 562n
-- Executive Council, minutes of meetings of: Sept. 1922, 140-46; Feb. 1923, 202-5; Sept.-Oct. 1923, 339; May 1924, 438-42; Aug. 1924, 486-94; Oct. 1924, 514; Dec. 1924, 554-60
-- Information and Publicity Service, 229, 433n, 461n, 467n; and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n; bulletin issued by, 540-41
-- Legal Information Bureau, 91, 93n
-- Legislative Committee, 35, 165, 166n, 190, 343; and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n; and Daugherty impeachment, 147, 147n; and election of 1924, 433n, 461n, 462, 467n; and railway shopmen's strike, 106n, 155n; and women workers, 247n
-- local unions, directly affiliated (LU): LU 12,755 (stenographers and typists, Chicago), 10:82n, 275, 278n; LU 15,842 (railroad helpers and laborers, Spencer, N.C.), 342n; LU 15,900 (railroad helpers and laborers, Raleigh, N.C.), 342n; LU 16,304 (stenographers, typewriters, bookkeepers and assistants, Seattle), 274-75, 275n; LU17,300 (railroad shop helpers, Fitzgerald, Ga.), 342n; LU 17,362 (railroad mechanics' helpers, Americus, Ga.), 342n; LU 17,430 (boilermakers' helpers, Columbia, S.C.), 342n; LU 17,456 (machinists' helpers, Columbia, S.C.), 342n; LU17,490 (horse nail makers, Buffalo, N.Y.), 220, 221n; LU 17,535 (railroad laborers, Tampa), 342n; LU 17,545 (freight handlers, Newport News, Va.), 129-30, 130n; LU 17,597 (mechanics' helpers, Savannah), 342n; LU 17,603 (boilermakers', pipe fitters', and machinists' helpers, Jacksonville, Fla.), 342n
-- Metal Trades Department, 7:368n, 155n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1922), 106n
-- Metal Trades Department, conventions: 1923 (Portland, Ore.), 341, 343n; 1924 (El Paso, Tex.), 518, 520n
-- Mining Department, 8:368n, 151; and railroad shopmen's strike (1922), 106n
-- National Non-Partisan Political Campaign, 40, 224, 467
-- National Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee, 34-35, 37, 38n, 160-61, 163n, 170, 172n; and election of 1922, 186-87, 189, 436; and election of 1924, 433-34n, 456, 461n, 462, 465, 472n, 481, 486-94, 494n, 500-501; circulars, mentioned, 434n, 494n; report, 486-94; report, mentioned, 186-87, 189
-- officers, elections of: 1922, 95, 97n; 1923, 337, 338n; 1924, 554-60
-- organizers, 150, 201, 276-77, 280-81; cost of, 242-43; and election of 1922, 161-62; furloughs of, 242; letters from, 48-49, 120-21, 125-26, 130-31, 219-21, 274-75, 326-27; letters to, 111-12, 148, 242-44, 299-300, 421-22; memorandum, 427-28
-- Permanent Conference for the Abolition of Child Labor, 81, 82n, 346, 348n
-- Permanent Conference for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women Wage Earners, 246-47
-- Publicity Department, 162; and railroad shopmen's strike (1922), 106n, 155n
-- Railroad (Railway) Employes' Department, 8:253n, 10, 158-59, 160n; executive council, meeting of (Feb. 1922), 20, 21n
-- Railroad (Railway) Employes' Department, conventions: 1922 (Chicago), 53-54, 54-55n, 66, 66n; 1924 (El Paso, Tex.), 518, 520n
-- Research Department, and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n
-- Trade Union Legislative Conference Committee, minutes of meeting of (Nov. 1923), 343-47
-- Union Label Trades Department, 7:457n, 155n, 247n, 444, 461n
-- Union Label Trades Department, convention: 1924 (El Paso, Tex.), 518, 520n
-- Weekly News Service, 106n, 204, 206n, 277; and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n
-- Women in Industry, Committee on Organizing, meetings: Feb. 1924, 361n, 408n; Mar. 1924, 361n, 408n, 417, 418n; Apr. 1924, 361n, 417-18, 418n; May 1924, 362n, 408n, 445-46n, 448, 449n, 450, 451n
-- Women in Industry, Committee on Organizing, minutes of meetings of: Mar. 1924, 404-7; May 1924, 443-45
-- women's department, considered, 277, 361-62n, 377, 404-7, 408n, 443-45, 446-47n, 448-49, 449n, 450-51, 451n. See also AFL: Women in Industry, Committee on Organizing, meetings; AFL: Women in Industry, Committeeon Organizing, minutes of meetings of; Women workers, AFL and; Women workers, SG and
American Friends Service Committee, 435n
American Fund for Public Service (Garland Fund), 226, 227n, 257, 264
American Individualism (Hoover), 191, 192n
American Iron and Steel Institute, 281n
"American Labor's Political Strategy--A Failure" (West), 41
American Legion:
-- conference: 1924 (Washington, D.C.; All-American Conference), 452, 452n
-- convention: 1922 (New Orleans), 159n; SG address at, 158, 159n, 162
American Lithographic Co. v. Castro, 302, 303n
"American Plan," 396, 451n. See also Open shop
American Protective Association, 3:660n, 352, 352n
American Railroad Executives' Association, 203-4
American Society of Mechanical Engineers:
-- conference: 1920 (New York City), 142, 146n
American Steel Foundries v. Tri-City Central Trades Council et al.,10:253n, 93n, 302
Anderson, Albert B., 8:414n, 22, 24n
Anderson, George M., 174n; letter to, 173-74
Anderson, Mary, 10:82n, 446n; letter from, 450-51
Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement (1921), 15n
Anthony, Daniel R., Jr., 346, 349n
Anti-Saloon League of America, 429, 430n
Anti-trust legislation, demand for repeal of, 453
Antonini, Luigi, 91n, 550, 553n
Apprentices, 6; limitation of number of, 69, 71-72
Arbitration: compulsory, 3; voluntary, 3, 6
Argentina, 386
Armaments, General Committee on Limitation of (AFL), 11:548n, 310, 311n
Asian workers, immigration of, 416n
Assembly, freedom of, 454, 487, 510
Association, freedom of, 454
Atterbury, William W., 103, 106n, 114
Auerbach, Julius, 456, 457n, 542
Ault, Erwin B. "Harry," 11:218n, 274n, 324
"Away" (Riley), 550, 552n
Blandy, Graham F., 284, 285n
Blanton, Thomas L., 10:454n, 366
Bloodgood, Rufus, 367n
Bloor, Ella Reeve, 48, 49n
Bloor, Richard, 49n
Bohn, Frank, 11:403-4n, 392; letter to, 160-63
"Bohunks," 210
Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, and Helpers of America,
International Brotherhood of,* 49n; and black
workers, 148, 341, 343n
"Bolshevism" in U.S.:
accusations of, 64, 133, 135, 309-10, 333, 447; AFL condemnation of, 255-56
Bolte, Friedrich, 393, 394n
Bookbinders, International Brotherhood of, 3:*, 446n
Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, 11:*,
Bordson, Alfred B., 326, 327n
"Boring from within," 403, 438
"Bourbons," 116
Bowen, William J.,* 550, 553n
Boycott, right to, 4
Brady, Peter J., 9:153n, 461n, 550
Brailsford, Henry N., 231, 232n
Bramley, Fred, 377n; letter to, 376
Brandeis, Elizabeth,
250, 250n
Brandeis, Louis D., 6:83n, 250, 250n
Breaker boys, 179
Breen, Michael, 550
Brewery, Flour, Cereal, and Soft Drink Workers of America,
International Union of United,* 66n; industrial
unionism and, 62
Brick and Clay Workers of America,
United,* 353-55, 355n, 446n; wages of, 353-55
-- strikes and lockouts: 1914 (Chicago), 353, 355-56n
Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' International Union
of America,*
80n, 223, 223n
-- locals: local 60 (New York City),
80, 80-81n
Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Iron Workers, International Association of,* 223, 223n
Bridgman, Mich.,
communist party meeting at (1922), 132, 132n, 338, 338n; raid on, 131-32, 132n
Briegel, Joseph A., 56, 61n
Brindell, Robert P., 9:292n, 75-76
British Columbia
Loggers' Union, 442n
Brookhart, Smith W., 170, 171n, 348n
Brophy, John, 296n
Browder, Earl, 48n
Brown, John W., 357, 360n
Brown, Mabel Elizabeth Gleaves, 11:460n, 554n
Brunson, Hartwell L., 388, 389n
Bryan, Charles W., 467n; and election of 1924,
463-64, 467-68n, 492-93
Bryan, William Jennings, 4:234n, 463, 467n
Bryant, Louise, 231, 232n
Buffalo and
Vicinity, Central Labor Council of, 219-20, 221n
Bugniazet, G. M., 383n
Building trades unions:
-- strike: 1921-22 (Chicago),
11:496-97n, 57-58
Bullard, Arthur, 286-87, 288n, 291
Bullard, Robert L., 546, 550, 552n
Burch, Frank, 350n; letter from, 349-50
Burke, John P.,* 445, 446n
Burkhard, Clemens D., 339n; wire from, 338-39
Burns Detective Agency, 132n
Burress, James H., 552, 554n
Butler, William
M., 296-97, 299n
Butte (Mont.)
Central Labor Council, 6:285n, 339, 340n
Bytal, A. L., 541
Cable, John L., 185, 186n
Caetani, Gelasio, 415, 417n
Calder, William, 170n
California, landholding by Asians in, 171n
Calles, Plutarco Elías, 120, 121n, 392n, 525; inauguration of, 515, 515n, 535, 536n
Campbell, Henry C., 122, 123n
Canada, labor movement in, 438-42
Canada, Trades and Labor Congress of, 4:471n, 438-42, 442n; charters, issued by, 439-42; organizers, appointment of, 440-42
Canadian and Catholic Confederation of Labor. See Confédération canadienne et catholique du travail
Canadian National Railroad, 413
Canal Zone, workers in, 385-86,
410-11, 412n. See also "Gold roll" employees, in Canal Zone;
Panama Canal; "Silver roll" employees, in Canal
Capital punishment, SG and, 516, 516n
Carl, Conrad, 393, 394n
Carnegie Corporation, 185
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 69, 73n
Carpenters and Joiners of America,
United Brotherhood of,* 238, 241n, 469; jurisdiction of, 73, 163n, 399-401,
-- locals: local 75 (Indianapolis),
Carranza, Venustiano, 9:160n, 121n
Carter, William S.,* 499, 501n
Casey, Josephine, 359n
Cattell, James M., 186n; letter to, 185-86
Central bodies: affiliation of local unions in, 88, 89n
Chafin, Dan, 265n
Chamber of Commerce, 301
Charleston, S.C.,
Central Labor Union, 207, 207n
Check-off, 354-55
Chesapeake and Ohio
Railroad, 413
Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis,
and Omaha Railway Co., strike against (1922), 373n
Chicago Brick
Exchange Insurance Dept., 353
Chicago building
trades arbitration case (1921), 11:496-97n, 57-60, 6ln
Trades Council, 3:359n, 5:216n, 356n; and SG, meeting with representatives of, 55, 55n, 56-61
Federation of Labor, 1:166n, 4:159n, 4:177n, 490; AFL financial assistance to, 242-44, 244n; and industrial
unionism, 54, 54-55n, 62-63, 67, 312-15; and SG, meeting with representatives
of, 54, 54n, 55
Platform," 21n
Chicago trade
union representatives, and SG, meeting with, 61-65
Chicherin, Georgi V., 11:432n, 15n
Child, Richard, 15n
Child labor: and black women's clubs, 83; constitutional amendment prohibiting, 81, 82-83n, 91, 208, 276, 343, 346,
348n, 374, 453-54, 455n, 486-87, 510-11; prohibition of, 83-85, 91, 93, 161,
276, 343, 346, 348n, 374-75, 375n, 453-54
Child labor laws, state, 5
Children's Hospital
of D.C. v. Adkins et
al., 228n
Children's Hospital of the District of
Columbia, 228n
workers in, 285, 305
Chinese workers: admission of, into Hawaii,
210-11, 415; exclusion of, 419; membership of, in trade unions, 265;
registration of, 345; smuggling of, across Mexican border, 32
Chlopek, Anthony J.,* 7n, 49n, 390-91n, 441; letter
from, 7
Choate, Rufus, 217n
Christman, Elisabeth, 10:*, 418n, 447n, 450-51
Cigar industry, machinery in, 304-5, 308n
Cigar Makers' International Union of America,*
132n, 323, 446n, 517; and bunchmakers, 305, 308n; and cigar rollers,
305, 308n; and La Kurba Cigar Co. arbitration case, 132, 133n; membership of,
SG and, 305
-- conventions: 1877 (Rochester,
N.Y.), 308, 309n; 1880 (Chicago), 308n;
1881 (Cleveland), 305, 308n;
1920 (Cleveland), 305, 308n;
1923 (Chicago), 298, 299n,
303-8, 308n, 312
-- locals: local 144 (New York City),
1:46, 517; local 527 (Chicago), 132
Cigar mold, 304-5
Cigars, "Spanish," 304, 308n
Trades Council, 401n
Citizens' Alliance
of Ramsay and Dakota Counties, Minn.,
Citizens' Committee to Enforce the Landis Award, 58, 60
Class struggle, 181
Clay, Henry, 191, 192n
Clay, John, 91n
Agreement," 48n
Chamber of Commerce, 177
Clothing Workers of America,
Amalgamated,* 350, 350n, 388, 389n
Coefield, John,* 73, 73n, 225n, 550, 553n
Cohn, Fannia M., 11:500n, 388, 389n; letters from,
156-57, 360-61, 447-49
Colbert, John, 526, 526n, 534
Coler, Bird S., 550, 553n
Collective bargaining, 177; right to, 3, 6, 216
Colleran, Michael, 81n
Collins, William, 339-40n
Comintern. See Third (Communist) International
Committee of Forty-Eight, 99n
Committee on Elimination of Waste in Industry. See Federated American Engineering Societies
Commons, John R., 6:*, 17, 19
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 399
Communist Party of America:
-- meeting at Bridgman, Mich.
(1922), 132, 132n, 338, 338n; raid on, 131-32, 132n
Communists: in Canadian labor movement, 438; in U.S.,
276, 366, 431-32, 447, 490-91, 494n; in U.S.,
AFL as bulwark against, 12, 172-73
"Communist" sympathies, accusations of, 219-20,
224-27, 227n, 235, 253, 257-58, 263-64, 267, 271n, 272-73, 284,
294-95, 296n, 309-11, 327-29, 330n, 333, 337-38, 391, 403, 431-32, 438, 447,
452, 490. See also "Bolshevism" in U.S.
Communist Youth League of the U.S.
of A., 277n
Company unions, 23n, 106n, 109, 115, 442n
Conboy, Sara A.,* 38n, 97n, 143, 146n, 404, 406-7,
408n, 418n; letter from, 417-18
Conboy, Thomas J., 11:206n; letter from, 125-26
Conciliation, 6
Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana, 319n, 392n, 533n, 536-37; and SG, meeting with representatives of, 356-58,
-- convention: 1924 (Ciudad Juárez), 515, 515n, 520n,
524, 534
Confédération canadienne et catholique du travail, 438, 442n
Conference Board of Physicians in Industry:
-- meeting: 1924 (New York City),
419, 421n, 424, 424n
Conference for Progressive Political Action, 433n, 467n;
and election of 1924, 409, 409-10n, 432, 463-66, 467-68n,
469, 471, 472n, 473, 475n, 478, 480n, 481, 490; National Committee of, 469,
474, 475n
-- conventions: 1922 (Chicago),
467n; 1924 (Cleveland), 409-10n, 463-66, 467-68n, 469; 1925, 468n
Conlon, Peter J., 103-4, 106n, 202-3
Connolly, John J., 550, 553n
Conscription, 454
Convict labor, 454
Cooke, Morris, 348n, 425, 426n
Coolidge, Calvin, 11:146, 299n, 372, 373n, 379, 380n,
416n; bust of, 533n; and election of 1924, 463, 467n, 484-85, 492,
500, 508-10, 513n; and SG, meeting with, 296-98, 298-99n
Copeland, Royal, 170n
Corns v. Pattern Makers' Association of Toledo,
302, 303n
case, 10:323n, 153, 227, 509
Correspondence between Baker and Gompers (AFL), 183n
Cost of living, 424
Cost-plus system, 424
Cotharin, William P., 9, 10n
Coughlin, John P., 9:63n, 504
Coulter, Clarence C.,* 245, 247, 247n
Council of National Defense, 10:20-21n
-- Advisory Commission, 10:20-21n, 412
Courts, power of, 68-72, 74, 91-93, 230. See also U.S.
Supreme Court, amendment to curb veto power of
Cox, James M., 11:337n, 41, 122
Craft unionism, Foster and, 67
Cramp, Concemore T. T.,* 526, 526n, 534
Crispien, Artur, 231, 232n
Cromwell, Oliver, 548, 552n
Curran, Richard H., 550, 554n
Cuyler, Thomas D., 114, 117n
Daily Worker, SG interview with, 427-28
Dallinger, Frederick,
Daniel, F. Watt, 197n
Darrow, Clarence, 8:*, 516n
Daugherty, Harry M., 11:498n, 87n, 133, 135-36, 137n,
152-54, 155n, 158; impeachment of, 147, 147-48n,
154-55, 166-67
Daniel J., 6:339n, 398n
Davies, Hywel, 212n
Davis, James J., 11:411n, 32n, 212n, 260, 260n,
344-45, 348n; and election of 1924, 463-64, 467-68n, 484-85, 492,
495-501, 508-9; and SG, meeting with, 210-12; letter from, 344-45; letter to,
Davis, Jonathan M., 171n
Davison, Emmett C.,* 391, 392n
Dawes, Charles G., 366, 367n, 463, 467n, 486, 492
Dawes Plan, 367n
Dayton building
trades council, 401n
Death benefits, 6
Debs, Eugene V., 11:*, 132n
Defrem, Herman, 87n, 97n
Dehan, Joseph, 10:329n, 316n, 318-19; letter from,
Democratic National Committee, 495, 501; and AFL representatives, meeting with, 183-84
Democratic party, 41, 183-84; AFL demands of, 1920, 269; AFL demands of, 1924, 453-55, 455n, 456-57, 457n, 458, 458n,
459-60, 461n; and election of 1920, 122; and election of 1922, 169, 170n; and
election of 1924, 462-64, 467-68n, 472, 472n, 473, 481, 484, 486-87, 491-92,
495-501, 505-6, 508-11, 513, 518-19
-- conventions, national: 1920 (San Francisco), 269; 1924 (New York City), 456, 457n, 458, 458n, 459, 461n,
462-63, 481, 484, 486-87, 501, 519
Denby, Edwin, 200-201, 202n
Detective agencies: Burns detective agency, 132n; Thiel detective agency, 132n
Detroit Federation of Labor, 10:108n, 326n, 339, 340n
Dickinson, Frank G., 420n; letter to, 419-20
Dickman, Franklin J., 217n
Dill, Clarence C., 171n, 187, 436
Direct election, of president and vice-president, 487, 511
Doak, William N., 11:349n, 345
Dobson, William,* 550, 553n
Doheny, Edward L., 228n
Doherty, William, 91n
Donlin, John H.,* 80, 80n, 212n; letter from, 399-401
Doyle, Charles W., 10:400n, 241, 271, 274-75, 322-24;
letter to, 324-26
Doyle, Peter A., 550, 553n
Drake, Barbara M., 376, 377n
Drake v. Perry, 302, 303n
Draper, Patrick M.,* 438-39, 442n
Dual organizations, AFL and, 400-401, 401n
Duell, Holland, 39n
Duffy, Frank,* 117n, 333, 334n; elected AFL
vice-president, 97n, 338n; and election of successor to SG, 555, 559-60;
letters to, 352, 387-88, 470
Duncan, James,* 98n; at AFL conventions, 97; and death
of SG, 541; elected AFL vice-president, 97n, 338n; and election
of 1908, 459; and election of 1924, 430, 432, 433n, 489, 491, 493; and election
of successor to SG, 555, 557-60; eulogy for SG, 545, 549-50
Duncan, James A., 11:81-82n, 241, 271, 271n, 273,
273-74n, 275, 322-24, 334-35, 436, 437n; letters to, 223-25, 252-55
Dunne, William F., 96, 97-98n, 326-27, 332n;
expulsion from AFL 1923 convention, 327-29, 330n, 338-39, 403, 404n
Duplex Printing Press Co. v. Deering et al., 11:408n,
Duse, Eleonora, 340, 340n
Dutton Publishing Co., 378, 378n
Dyche, John A.,* 528, 532n
Dykaar, Moses W., 530, 533n, 534
Easby-Smith, James S., 155, 156n
Easley, Ralph M.,* 47n, 367n, 550; letter from, 43-47
Eatough, Henry, 11:512n, 252
Economics (Clay), 191, 192n
Education: of immigrants, 210, 212, 213n; trade unions and, 382, 387-88, 389n; of women workers, 449, 449n
Edwards, Edward I., 171n
Egan, James P., 543, 544n
Egypt, workers in, 305
Einstein, Albert, 277, 278n
Eisendrath Glove Co., strike against (1920-21), 451n
Ekern, Herman, 494n
-- 1908: Duncan and, 459; Keefe and, 459; party platforms, AFL and, 459
-- 1912, 436-37
-- 1920, 41, 269; SG and, 122
-- 1922, 34-36, 40, 147, 169, 170n, 187, 436, 464, 467n; AFL and, 160-63, 169-70; AFL Executive Council and, 162; AFL
National Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee and, 186-87, 189, 436;
Democratic party and, 169, 170n; La Follette and, 121-23, 149-50, 170; SG and,
121-23, 162, 169, 170-71n
--1924: AFL and, 409, 453-55, 455n, 456-57, 457n, 458, 458n, 459-60, 461n; AFL Executive Council and, 453-57, 458n,
462, 465, 474, 475n, 480-81, 483n, 486-94, 494n, 498-99; AFL Legislative
Committee and, 433n, 461n, 462, 467n; AFL National Non-Partisan Political
Campaign Committee and, 433-34n, 456, 461n, 462, 465, 472n, 481, 486-94, 494n,
500-501; Berry and, 468, 468n, 474; Bryan and, 463-64, 467-68n, 492-93;
Conference for Progressive Political Action and, 409, 409-10n, 432, 463-66,
467-68n, 469, 471, 472n, 473, 475n, 478, 480n, 481, 490; Coolidge and, 463,
467n, 484-85, 492, 500, 508-10, 513n; Davis and, 463-64, 467-68n, 484-85, 492,
495-501, 508-9; Democratic party and, 453-55, 455n, 456-57, 457n, 458, 458n,
459-60, 461n, 462-64, 467-68n, 472, 472n, 473, 481, 484, 486-87, 491-92,
495-501, 505-6, 508-11, 513, 518-19; Duncan and, 430, 432, 433n, 489, 491, 493;
Farmer-Labor party and, 296n, 430, 432, 433n, 484, 490; Farmer-Labor
Progressive party and, 430-33, 433n, 490-91; Federated Farmer-Labor party and,
296n, 409, 430-31; Foster and, 432, 433n, 484-85, 485n, 490-91, 508; Frayne
and, 461n, 504; Green and, 491, 493; Holder and, 468, 474; Jewell and, 474,
478-80, 481, 484n; Johnston and, 431, 433n, 468-69, 470n, 474, 478-81, 490; La
Follette and, 389n, 409, 409-10n, 432, 433n, 463-67, 467n, 468-69, 470n, 471,
473-75, 475-76n, 478-84, 484n, 485, 487-89, 491-93, 494n, 497, 501, 504-7,
507n, 508, 510-13, 513n; Manly and, 431-33, 433n, 474, 476n, 478; McGrady and,
184n, 433, 433n, 456, 461n, 467n, 474, 483; Morrison and, 184n, 433, 433n, 456,
459-60, 461n, 464, 466, 467n, 468, 468n, 470n, 472n, 474, 480-83, 483n, 489-92;
Nelson and, 430, 432, 433n, 481, 484n, 491; O'Connell and, 184n, 433n, 456,
459-60, 461n, 481, 489-90; party platforms, AFL and, 410n, 453-55, 455n,
456-57, 457n, 458, 458n, 459-60, 461n; railroad unions and, 479; Republican
party and, 453-55, 455n, 456-57, 457n, 458, 458n, 459-60, 462-63, 467n, 472,
472n, 473, 481, 484, 486-87, 491-92, 501, 505-6, 508-11, 513, 518-19; Roberts
and, 184n, 433n, 456, 460, 461n, 467n, 472n, 483n; SG and, 227-28, 384, 409,
430-33, 433n, 456-57, 457-58n, 458-60, 461n, 462-69, 470n, 471-72, 472n,
473-75, 478-85, 485n, 486-501, 503-13, 518-20; Tobin and, 461n, 489, 491-93;
Wallace and, 432-33, 433n, 456, 461n, 467n, 468, 474, 483; Wheeler and, 389n,
409n, 467-68n, 470n, 475-76n, 482, 484n, 487-89, 492-93, 505-6, 513; Wilson
and, 495-501; Woll and, 456, 458n, 459, 461n, 465-66, 467n, 468-69, 470n,
471-72, 472n, 473, 473n, 474-75, 478-83, 483n, 489, 504-5, 507n; Workers' Party
of America and, 296n, 409, 431-32, 433n, 463, 484-85, 485n; Wright and, 431,
433n, 461n, 467n, 468, 470n, 471, 474, 478-80, 502, 504
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 148n;
and black workers, 148, 343n; and women workers,
organization of, 371n
-- locals: local 481 (Indianapolis), 363
Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of:
-- lodges: Lodge 1 (New York City), 517; Lodge 15 (Washington, D.C.), 517
Emancipation Proclamation, 110
Emerson, Harrington, 142, 146n
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 217n
Emme, Julius F., 326-27, 327n
Employers' liability legislation, state, 4
Engineers' Committee on Waste in Industry. See
Federated American Engineering Societies
Equal rights amendment, 31n, 37, 39n; AFL opposition
to, 31, 372
Evans, Evan A., 154, 155n, 219
Everett, Wash., Trades Council, 237, 241n
Excess profits tax, 25, 424
Executive Council of National and International
Organizations for Organizing the Steel Industry, 281n; and
SG,meeting with, 278-81
Factory inspection laws, state, 4
Fall, Albert B., 228n
Farmer-Labor Federated party, 430
Farmer-Labor party, 187, 236, 270; and election of 1924, 296n, 430, 432, 433n, 484, 490
-- convention: 1923 (Chicago), 294, 296n, 430-32, 490
Farmer-Labor Progressive party, and election of 1924, 430-33, 433n, 490-91
-- convention: 1924 (St. Paul, Minn.), 430-33, 433n,
Farmer-Labor Reconstruction League (Oklahoma), 189n
Farmers, 188, 285
Farm Organizations, National Board of, and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n
Farrington, Frank, 9:178n; letter to, 294-95
Fascist movement, 255-56, 366
Fechner, Robert, 202-3, 206n; letter to, 213-15
Federación Obrera de la República de Panamá, 411; and SG, meeting with representatives of, 385-86
-- conventions: 1921 (Panama City), 536, 538n; 1924
(Panama City), 536, 538n
Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 415, 417n; and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child
Labor, 82n
Federal Employees, National Federation of, 11:*,
446n; and women workers, organization of, 371n
Federal Reserve Board, 216
Federated American Engineering Societies, 142-43, 146n, 297, 413
Federated Farmer-Labor party, 295, 296n, 490; and
election of 1924, 296n, 409, 430-31
Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the U.S. and Canada (FOTLU):
-- conventions: 1881 (Pittsburgh), 9:370n, 351, 375,
375n, 521-22; 1884 (Chicago), 375, 376n
Feinstone, Morris C., 550, 553n
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 310, 311n
Ferry, Neal (or Neil) J., 550, 553n
Fess, Simeon D., 171n
Filipino labor union (in Hawaii), 211, 212n
Fink, Reuben, 125n; letter to, 123-25
"Fink Hall," 390, 390n
Firemen and Oilers, International Brotherhood of,* 98n,
446n;and black workers, 299-300, 341-42, 342-43n;
jurisdictionof, 300, 341-42, 342-43n
Fisch, Gustav, 219n
Fischer, Jacob,* 117n, 163n, 336, 461n, 476; elected
AFL vice-president, 97n, 338n; and election of successor to SG,
555, 559-60
Fitch, John A., 11:155n, 7, 8n
Fitzgerald, Anna, 7:299n, 38n
FitzGerald, Edward H.,* 21n, 86, 111, 112n; wire to,
FitzPatrick, James P., 536n
Fitzpatrick, John J.,* 38, 40n, 42, 43n, 55, 190,
244n, 296n,311-12, 315n, 490; and SG, meeting with, 282-83;
circular,312-15; letter to, 242-44
Flood, Emmet T.,* 295, 296n
Flores, A. J., 550
Ford, Cornelius, 8:*, 66n
Ford, Martha R., 66n; wire from, 66
Ford Motor Co., 10n
Fordney, Joseph, 26n
Forrester, James J.,* 112n, 344-46, 348n, 433n
Forrester, Rose Yates, 10:468n, 246-47, 247n
Forty Years of Action (AFL), 188, 189n, 437
Foster, Israel, 83n
Foster, John T., 438-39, 442n
Foster, William Z.,* 47n, 48, 434n; and AFL
convention, 96-97;amalgamation campaign, 43-47, 48n, 55n, 62-65, 67-68,
220, 403, 403n; arrest of, 125, 126n, 132n; and ChicagoFederation of Labor,
311, 431; and election of 1924, 432,433n, 484-85, 485n, 490-91, 508; and
Illinois StateFederation of Labor, 334n; raid on office of, 131, 132n; andsteelworkers'
organizing campaign (1918-19), 279, 281n;western tour of, 125-26, 126-27n;
letter from, 67-68; wirefrom, 484-85
Fourteen Points, 10:310n, 156
Fox, Harry W., 87-88n, 191n; letter to, 191
Fox, William W., 503, 504n
France, Joseph I., 13, 15n
Frank, Leo M., lynching of, 9:278-79n, 210n
Franklin, Joseph A.,* 128n, 341-42, 343n
Franks, Robert, 516n
Frayne, Hugh,* 50, 51-52n, 242, 368, 550; and
election of 1924, 461n, 504
Frazier, Lynn J., 170, 171n
Frelinghuysen, Joseph S., 169, 171n
Frey, John P.,* 38n, 54n, 388, 550; at AFL
convention, 91n; and death of SG, 541; letters to, 53-54, 167-68, 226-27
From Politics to Industry (SG), 420, 421n
Furuseth, Andrew,* 345-46, 348n, 433, 501
Gale, Zona, 427n
Garfield, James A., 511, 513n
Garland, Charles, 227n
Garland Fund, 226, 227n, 257, 264
Garment industry, machinery in, 306
Garment Workers of America, United,* 444, 446n; and
women workers, organization of, 371n
-- locals: local 127 (Indianapolis), 363
Garner, John Nance, 184, 184n
Garrett, Finis J., 9:9n, 184
Garrison, William Lloyd, 4:408n, 135
Gary, Elbert H., 8:227n, 121, 123, 185, 212, 260,
Gauthier, Victor S., 403n; letter to, 403
General Federation of Women's Clubs, and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 82n
General strikes: 1922 (South Africa), 47n; 1922 (threatened),133-34, 136-37, 137n, 147
Genoa conference (1922), 12-14, 15n
George, Henry, 3:*, 33, 33-34n; mayoral campaign
(1886), 33,34n
Gerber, William E., 260n; letter to, 259-60
Gerling, Asmus, 399, 399n
German Federation of Trade Unions, 368; and womenworkers, 361n
Germany: AFL financial support of trade union movement in, 367-69, 369n, 377; communists in, 369; EconomicCongress,
144-45; postwar conditions in, 368-69, 435,435n; Reichstag, 144; reparations,
13-14, 367n; trade unionmovement in, 368-69, 377
"Giant Power." See Power network, expansion
Giles, John E., 10:471n, 541, 541n, 543
Gillmore, Frank P.,* 550, 553n
Girlhood, 52-53
Gitlow, Benjamin, 485, 485n
Gladstone, William E., 3:580n, 217
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada, 10:*, 446n
Glass bottle industry, machinery in, 305
Gleaves, Albert E., 554n
Gleaves, Elsie M., 11:460n, 16
Gleaves, Walter, 551
Gleaves, William H., 554n
Gleaves, William T., 554n
"Glenwood Plan," 382, 383n, 412-13
Glove Workers' Union of America, International,* 446n, 450-51, 451n
-- locals: local 4 (Chicago), 451n; local 18 (Chicago), 451n
-- strikes and lockouts: 1920-21 (Chicago), 451, 451n
Golden, Clinton S., 350, 350n
"Gold roll" employees, in Canal Zone, 386, 386n
Gomez, Natalie, 276, 278n
Gompers, Alexander J.,* 517, 517n, 551
Gompers, Gertrude Annersly Gleaves,* 16n, 517, 546,
550-52,554n; letters to, 15-16, 340
Gompers, Henry J.,* 517, 517n, 551
Gompers, Sadie J.,* 323, 324n
Gompers, Samuel: autobiography, 316, 318-19, 321, 322n, 365, 365n, 378, 384, 533-35, 535n; birthday of, 16-17; bust
of, 530, 532, 533n, 534; as cigarmaker, 304; death of, 536n, 541-44,
560; early employment of, 393, 394n, 399;elections as AFL president, 90, 95,
97n, 337, 549; financialsituation of, 514; funeral, 545-52, 554; illness of
(1923), 218, 219n, 221-22, 222n, 243; illness of (Feb.-Apr. 1924), 424, 424n;
illness of (May-Oct. 1924), 447n, 455-56, 457-58n,461, 462n, 470, 481,
489, 500, 502-3, 503n, 504, 504n,505, 514, 519, 534, 536n; illness, final,
536n, 538-43;pacifism of, 179; salary of, 323; security of, 123; successor,
election of, 554-60; tributes to, 526-30, 544-45
-- addresses, 17-20, 303-8, 520-23, 524n, 525, 530-32, 536-38
-- addresses mentioned, 10n, 11, 39n, 53, 54-55n, 142, 146n,159n, 162, 164n, 170-71n, 278n, 285, 286n, 299n, 319n,
419, 421n, 424, 424-25n, 534
-- articles, 289, 303-8, 507-13
-- articles mentioned, 162, 365, 376, 377n, 381-83
-- circular, 370-71, 371n
-- circulars mentioned, 127, 128-29n, 147, 147n, 229, 229n, 346, 348n, 369n, 371n, 377, 377n, 491, 494n
-- editorial, 26-30
-- editorials mentioned, 12, 15n, 33, 34n, 162, 164n, 259, 260n, 379, 380n
-- interviews, 222, 427-28
-- memorandum, 296-98
-- statements, 84-85, 426-27, 518-20
-- statements mentioned, 106n, 118, 118n, 195, 197n, 351,352n
-- testimony, 68-80
-- testimony mentioned, 82-83n, 148n, 208
-- trips: New York City, Springfield, Mass. (Jan. 1922), 8, 10n,15-16; New York City, Albany (Feb.-Mar. 1922),
36, 39n;Northeast (Mar. 1922), 53, 54n; Chicago, Northeast (Apr.
1922), 53-55, 55n; New Orleans (Oct. 1922), 158, 159n,162;
Indianapolis (Oct. 1922), 160, 163n; New Jersey, NewYork City, New
Haven, Conn. (Nov. 1922), 162, 164n; NewYork City (Feb. 1923), 208, 209n;
New York City (Mar.1923), 219n, 243; Chicago, New York City (June
1923), 277-78n; Chicago, Milwaukee, New York City, Philadelphia
(Aug.-Sept. 1923), 298, 299n, 312; western trip (Sept.-Nov.1923), 319, 319n,
321, 356, 365; Panama (Dec. 1923-Jan.1924), 383, 383-84n, 385, 536,
538n; New York City,Bethlehem and Harrisburg, Pa., Chicago (Apr. 1924), 418, 418n,
422, 424, 425n; New York City (May 1924), 456, 457n; Texas, Mexico
(Nov.-Dec. 1924), 518, 520n, 534-35, 536n
-- will, 516-17
Gompers, Samuel J.,* 457n, 517, 517n, 543, 551
Gompers, Samuel Moses,* 323, 324n
Gompers, Sophia J.,* 323, 324n
Gordon, H. F., letter to, 206
Gorey, John W., 56, 61n
Gorozave, Eusebio, 101n
Granite Cutters' International Association of America,* 129n,223
-- strikes and lockouts: 1921-, 127, 129n
Grant, Ulysses S., 1:328n, 519
Grassmann, Peter O.,* 526, 526n, 534, 537, 538n
Gray et al. v. Building Trades Council et al.,
303, 303n
Green, William,* 82-83n, 120n, 150, 544n; and AFL conventions, 327-29, 330n, 520, 524n; elected AFLpresident,
555, 557-60; elected AFL vice-president, 97n,338n; and election of 1924, 491,
493; letter to, 81
Greene, Michael F.,* 550, 553n
Greene, William, 228n
Greenfield v. Central Labor Council, 302, 303n
Greenstein, Abraham,* 221n
Gregor, Edward C., lynching of, 192-93, 196n
Guard, R. Lee,* 131n, 156, 157n, 428n, 433n, 483n;
and deathof SG, 543-44; and SG illness (1923), 218; and SG
illness(May-Oct. 1924), 458n, 461, 462n, 470, 502, 503n; and SGillness,
final, 538-39; and SG memoirs, 365, 378n, 385n,533-34; letters from, 365, 470,
533-35, 538-39;memoranda, 502, 543-44; wires from, 218, 539
Guest, William J., 36, 38-39n
Gulick, Sidney L., 9:515n, 417n
Gunther, William, 57-58, 61n
Haberman, Roberto, 359n
Haggerty, Thomas T., 495, 498n
Hall, E. G., 333n
Hall, Harry L., 337, 337n, 550, 552n
Hamilton, Albert H., 320, 321n
Hamrock, Patrick, 127n
Hanly, David, 31n; letter to, 30-31
Hanson, William S., 540, 540n, 541-42
Harding, Florence M. K., 296, 299n
Harding, Warren G., 11:376n, 13, 26n, 39n, 48n, 260,
281n, 310; bust of, 533n; death of, 299n; and railroadshopmen's
strike (1922), 86-87n, 103, 105, 106n, 116, 135,137n, 203; and World Court,
209, 210
Harmon, Gilbert, 22, 24n
Harris, Daniel,* 393, 394n
Harrison, Ark., strike (1921-23), 192-95, 196-97n
Harrison, Byron P., 380n; letter to, 378-80
Harrison, Cabel, 132, 132n
Hartwig, Otto R., 11:*, 212n
Hastings, Charles E., 17n; letter to, 16-17
Hatters of North America, United, 9:*, 446n
Hawaii: admission of Chinese workers into, 210-11, 415; commission to investigate labor conditions in, 211, 212n;
Filipino labor union in, 211, 212n; Japanese workers in, 415
Hayes, Max S.,* 89n; at AFL conventions, 88, 94-96,
Hays, Arthur G., 265n
Hays, John W.,* 126, 127n
Hays, William H., 263n; letter to, 261-63
Hayward, William, 80n
Healy, Timothy,* 96-97, 98n, 299-300, 342-43, 467n;
letter from, 341-42
Hedrick, George, 383n
Hell Gate Power Station, 68, 72, 73n
Hempstead, H. K., 184n
Henderson, George, 195, 197n
Henning, Edward J., 546, 550, 552n
Hensel, Otto, 457n, 503, 504n
Hering, Frank E., 218n; letter to, 217-18
Herrin Massacre, 99, 99n, 195, 197n, 329, 330n; Lewis
and, 99n; SG and, 99-100n
Hesketh, Robert B.,* 258, 259n
Hickey, John H., 300n; letter to, 299-300
Hickory Steel-Grip Glove Co., strike against (1920-21), 451n
Hilfers, Henry F.,* 305, 308n
Hillquit, Morris,* 208, 209n
Hirsch, David, 1:76n; cigar shop of, 393, 394n, 399
Hitchman Coal and Coke Co. v. Mitchell et al.,
10:287n, 23, 93n
Hod Carriers', Building and Common Laborers' Union of America, International,* 238, 241n
-- locals: local 120 (Indianapolis), 363, 364n
Holden, Henrietta, 222, 222n
Holder, Arthur E.,* 470n; and 1924 election, 468, 474
Holdom, Jesse, 366, 367n
Holland, James P.,* 550, 553n
Hoover, Herbert C., 10:304n, 30n, 142, 146n, 191,
192n, 413;and SG, meetings with, 12-15, 381, 382n
Hopkins, J. A. H., 10:161n, 99n; wire from, 99
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America,* 259n
-- locals: local 33 (Seattle), 259n; local 380 (Bisbee,
Ariz.),injunction against, 93n
Hours of labor, 279-80, 281n, 304-5
Howard, Robert, 4:*, 376n
Howlin, William H., 543, 544n
Huber, Henry, 215n
Huddell, Arthur M.,* 550, 553n
Hudson, Manley O., 210n
Huerta, Adolfo de la, 9:468n, 391-92, 392n
Hughes, Charles Evans, 8:259n, 12-13, 210n, 211,
294n, 417n, 492; bust of, 533n; letter from, 290-94; letters to,
100,255-56, 286-88
Hughes, William, 8:101n, 496
Hulbert, George M., 546, 550, 552n
Hull, Cordell, 184, 184n
Hull, Harry, 348n
Humphrey, H. Ben, letter to, 515-16
Hungary, immigrants from, 415
Hunter, Samuel N., 99n
Huntington, Henry, 265n
Hushing, William C., 246, 247n, 383n
Hutcheson, William L.,* 550, 553n
Hylan, John F., 10:238n, 546, 550
Ice Delivery Company of Spokane v. Local No. 690
of Teamsters, 302, 303n
Idar, Clemente N., 11:341n, 358-59, 525, 541; letter
from, 120-21
If I Were an Employer (Crowther), 419, 421n
Iglesias Pantín, Santiago,* 201-2n, 356, 358, 391;
and SG, meeting with, 197-201
Illinois Conference for Progressive Political Action, 409, 410n
Illinois State Federation of Labor, 2:202n, 7:364n,
295, 296n;and SG, meeting with representatives of, 54
-- conventions: 1922 (Rockford), 295, 296n, 314; 1923
(Decatur), 295, 296n, 334n
Immigrants: Americanization of, 51n, 297, 348n, 378; education of, 210, 212, 213n; literacy test for, 164;
registration of, 50-51, 211-12, 213n, 344-45, 348n, 379,380n; restriction of,
166n, 259-60, 260n, 344, 348n, 378,414-16, 416-17n; restriction of, SG and,
124-25, 164-66,297; surveillance of, 50-51
Immigration: and intelligence tests, use of, to restrict, 185, 186n; Japanese, 415, 416-17n
Income tax, 454
India, independence of, 223, 234-35
Indianapolis Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 3:512n,
362-64, 364n
Industrial hygiene, 419
Industrial mobilization, wartime, 422-23, 424n
Industrial unionism, 395-98; AFL and, 86-87, 87n, 88-89, 101-2, 102n, 126, 307, 330-31, 332n; and AFL Railway
Employes' Department, 66, 66n; and Chicago Federation ofLabor, 54, 54-55n,
62-63, 67, 312-14; Foster and, 43-47,48n, 55n, 62-65, 67-68; and Illinois
State Federation ofLabor, 295, 296n, 314; and Minnesota State Federation of
Labor, 126, 127n
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 48, 64, 234, 253-54, 257, 266-67, 272, 389-90
Industry's Manifest Duty (AFL Executive Council),
420, 421n
Inheritance tax, 454
Injunctions in labor disputes, 24n, 171n, 453, 486-87, 495-96,510; legislation to limit, 317-18, 318n
-- in specific labor disputes: against AFL Railway Employes'Department, 87; and Bedford Cut Stone Co., 398n;
againstBlacksmiths, 9n; and Blacksmiths' local, 267; andCarpenters, 400;
against Chafin, 265n; and Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railway
Co., 373n; againstHotel and Restaurant Employees' local, 94n; and Ladies'
Garment Workers' local, 428, 428n; against Logan CoalOperators' Association,
265n; against Railroad LaborBoard, 27, 30n, 109, 115; against railroad
shopmen, 87,133-36, 137n, 147, 147n, 152-55, 158-59, 161, 167, 248,486;
against Springfield, Mass., Central Labor Union, 10n;against Street Railway
Employes, 21-22, 24n
Intelligence tests, 167-68, 168n; and immigration, restriction of,185, 186n
"Intelligencia" and labor movement, 26, 42-43. See
also Tradeunions and "outsiders"
Interborough Rapid Transit Co., strike against (1916), 9:492n, 23n
International Conference on Limitation of Armaments (1921-22,Washington, D.C.), 11:524n, 13, 180, 310, 311n
International Conference on Workers' Education (1922, Uccle,
Belgium), 156-57, 157n
International Federation of Trade Unions, 8:394n; AFL
and, 137-39, 139-40n, 357-58, 360n
-- meetings: Apr. 1922 (Rome), 138-39, 139n; Dec.
1922(The Hague), 140n
International Labor News Service, 277
International Labor Organization, 190; publications of, 231-32,232n
Interstate Commerce Commission, 115
Interstate Council on Immigrant Education, 50
Irish World, 33, 34n
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of,* 66n, 281n, 333n; and industrial unionism, 62;
jurisdiction of,221n
Iron Age, 164, 166n
Italian workers, 282-83
Italy, immigrants from, 415
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World
Jackson, John J., Jr., 495, 498n
Jaeckel et al. v. Kaufman et al., 302, 303n
James, Newton A.,* 247, 247n
Jameton, Marie S., 541, 542n
Japanese: landholding by, in California, 171n
Japanese workers, 32, 211, 336; in Hawaii, 415; and railroadshopmen's strike (1922), 119
Jefferson, Thomas, 135, 291, 294n
Jewell, Bert M.,* 11n; and election of 1924, 474,
478-80, 481,484n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1922), 86, 87n,
105,106-7n, 118, 127-28, 128-29n, 131n, 204, 206n; letter from,148; letters
to, 10-11, 146-47, 158-59, 382-83; wires to,106-7n, 153, 248, 373
Jewelry Workers' Union, International,* 221n
Jewish Daily Forward, 321n
Jewish Division, American Committee for Relief of German Children, 435
Jewish immigrants, 415-16
Johnson, Albert, 11:484n, 39n, 52n, 165, 166n, 211,
213n, 416-17n
Johnson, Edwin L., 426n; letter to, 425-26
Johnson, Frederick E., 375n; letter to, 374-75
Johnson, Hiram, 8:277n, 170
Johnson, Magnus, 432-33, 433-34n, 491, 494n
Johnston, William H.,* 341-42, 342-43n, 383n, 467n,
550; andelection of 1924, 431, 433n, 468-69, 470n, 474, 478-81,
490; letter to, 349-50
Jolin, Mazaire, 301n; letter to, 300-301
Jones, Andrieus A., 170, 172n
Jones, Jerome,* 112n, 159n; letters to, 111-12, 148
Jones, Mary Harris "Mother,"* 495, 498n
Jones, Wesley L., 7:109n, 228n
Jones and Laughlin Steel Works, 212
Jouhaux, Léon, 11:*, 369n
Junta Organizadora del Partido Liberal Mexicano, 392n
Jurisdictional disputes:
-- Carpenters v. Sheet Metal Workers, 73, 163n, 400, 401n
-- Plumbers v. Steamfitters, 68-69, 73n
-- Quarry Workers v. Steam and Operating Engineers,
394-98, 398n
Justice and the Poor (Smith), 69, 73-74n
Karston, Carl E., 335, 337n
Kasten, Frank M.,* 355n; letter from, 353-55
Kat, Tomosabur, 12, 15n
Keating, Edward, 10:125n, 432, 433n, 474, 475n,
Keefe, Daniel J.,* 459, 461n
Keegan, John J., 493, 494n
Keep, Arthur, 9:482n, 96
Keightly, Fred, 212n
Kelleher, Mary J., 252, 252n, 406, 408n
Kelleher, William, 551
Keller, Oscar E., 147-48n, 433, 433-34n
Kelley, Florence,* 81, 82n
Kellogg, Frank B., 169, 171n, 210n, 431, 434n
Kelly, José W., 356, 358-59, 359n, 524-25
Kendrick, John B., 170, 171n
Kennedy, Thomas,* 550, 552n
Kenny, Patrick F., 68, 73n
Kenworthy, Robert J., 551-52, 554n
Keough, Michael J.,* 550, 553n
Kern, Charles W., 11:267n, 363
Kerr, Archie R., 551, 554n
Keuffel and Esser v. International Association of Machinists,302, 303n
King, William H., 170, 171n
Kitchin, Claude, 496, 498n
Kline, James W.,* 113n, 128n, 237; letter from, 112;
letter to,118
Knights of Labor (KOL), local assembly 1562 (Spread the LightClub, Brooklyn), 1:276, 33, 34n
Knollin, James C., 285n; letter to, 283-85
Know-Nothing party, 352
KOL. See Knights of Labor
Kollontai, Aleksandra M., 231, 232n
Koveleski, Emanuel,* 550, 553n
Krasin, Leonid B., 14, 15n
Krause, L., 145, 146n
Krumbein, Charles, 275, 278n
Kuhn, Conrad, 304, 308n
Ku Klux Klan, 89-90, 90n, 352, 352n, 366, 421-22; IndianapolisCentral Labor Union and, 362-64, 364n; murders
by, inLouisiana, 194, 197n
Kvale, O. J., 433n
Labor banks, SG on, 401-3
Labor Day, 3:106-7n, 289
Labor Herald, 44, 63, 66n
Labor Injunction (Frey), 166
"Labor Is Not a Commodity" (SG), 249, 250n
Labor-management relations, 412-13
Labor movement, idealism of, 222
Labor party, 94, 430, 436; AFL and, 296n, 332-33, 333n, 410n,
468n; SG and, 187-89, 437. See also Third party
"Labor's Political Demands" (AFL). See
Election, 1924: partyplatforms, AFL and
Labor's Position in the 1924 Campaign (AFL National
Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee), 486-89, 501, 502n,
510-11, 513n
Labour party (of Great Britain), 505
Ladd, Edwin F., 6n; letter to, 3-6
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International,* 91n, 156, 157n, 389n, 414-15, 444, 446n, 527-32, 532n; and
womenworkers, organization of, 371n
-- convention: 1924 (Boston), 447, 449n
-- strikes and lockouts: 1910 (New York City), 8:114n,
528-29,531; 1924 (local 100, Chicago), 427-28, 428n
La Du, Dwight, 382n
Lady barbers, in Seattle, 237-39, 241n, 267-68
La Follette, Robert M., 11:471n; and election of
1922, 121-23,149-50, 170; and election of 1924, 389n, 409,
409-10n,432, 433n, 463-67, 467n, 468-69, 470n, 471, 473-75,475-76n, 478-84,
484n, 485, 487-89, 491-93, 494n, 497,501, 504-7, 507n, 508, 510-13, 513n; and
SG, meetingswith, 471, 472n, 504-7
Laidler, Harry W., 387-88, 389n
La Kurba Cigar Co.: arbitration case, 132, 133n; boycott of (1917), 133n; strike against (1918), 133n
Lampert, Florian, 346, 349n
Landis, Kenesaw M., 11:496n, 30n, 57-59, 61n, 80,
Lane, Franklin K., 9:466n, 499
Lang, Harry, 11:299n; and SG, meeting with, 320
Langer, Louis E., 530, 533n, 550
Lansbury, George, 231, 232-33n
Lares, 151, 152n
Larraga, Manuel, 101n
Laurell, Carl Malcolm Ferdinand,* 315-16, 316n,
318-19, 393,399
Laurell, Clara, 316n
Laurell, Emma, 316n
Laurell, Louisa, 315, 318, 319n
Laurell, Margaret, 316n
Laurell, Sophia, 316n
Lawlor, Martin,* 550, 553n
League for Industrial Democracy, 387, 389n
League of Nations, 10, 209; AFL and, 455
League of Nations Covenant, 11:59n, 210n
Leary, John J., Jr., 210n, 506-7; wire to, 209
Leather Workers' International Union, United, 11:*,
Legassie, James, 89-90n
Legislation, states and territories:
-- California: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Colorado: compulsory investigation law, 5
-- Florida: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Georgia: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Kansas: Court of Industrial Relations Law (1920), 11:280n,3, 5, 36
-- Maine: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Michigan: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Mississippi: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Montana: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- New York: Duell-Miller Industrial Relations bill (1922), 36, 39n
-- Ohio: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Puerto Rico: homestead law (1917, 1921), 198, 201n;
landgrant law, 199
-- Rhode Island: anti-strike bill (1922), 36, 38n;
trade unionincorporation bill (1922), 36, 38n
-- South Carolina: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- South Dakota: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of,5
-- Texas: children, legislation to limit hours of labor of, 5
-- Wisconsin: unemployment compensation bills (1921, 1923),214, 215n
Legislation, U.S.:
(The date in parentheses after an act is the year the law
was passed; the date in parentheses after a bill number is the year the
legislation was introduced in Congress.)
-- Adamson Act (1916), 9:450n, 497, 498n, 499
-- aliens, resident, bill to federalize state-level suits against, S.1943 (1921), 169, 171n
-- bonus bill, H.R. 10,874 (1922), 25-26, 26n
-- child labor amendment: H.J. Res. 407 (1922), 82-83n,
208;S.J. Res. 232 (1922), 82-83n, 208; H.J. Res. 184
(1924), 83n, 453-54, 455n
-- Child Labor Tax Act (1919), 10:499n, 82n, 84
-- Chinese, bills to admit, into Hawaii: H.J. Res. 158 (1921), 11:484n, 37; H.J. Res. 171 (1921), 11:484n,
37, 210-11,212n
-- Clayton Act (1914), 9:94n, 71, 134, 373-74n,
496-97, 499;amendment of, 91, 93
-- Department of Public Welfare, bills to create (1921), 37,39n
-- Esch-Cummins Law. See Legislation, U.S.:
TransportationAct of 1920
-- extradition bill, S. 657 (1921), 37, 39n
-- immigrant intelligence screening bill, H.Res. 476 (1922),185, 186n
-- immigrant naturalization bill, H.R. 10,860 (1922), 50, 52n
-- immigration bills: H.R. 14,273 (1923), 211, 213n;
S. 2365(1924), 348n
-- immigration law of 1921, 39n, 416n
-- immigration law of 1922, H.J. Res. 268 (1922), 37, 39n
-- immigration law of 1924, 416n; H.R. 101 (1923),
415, 416-17n; S. 35 (1923), 415, 417n; H.R. 6540
(1924), 417n;H.R. 7995 (1924), 414-16, 416n
-- minimum wage law for women in the District of Columbia (1918), 228n
-- munitions, manufacture of, bills regarding: H.R. 2702 (1923), 346, 348-49n; S. 742 (1923), 348-49n
-- pension bill, H.R. 14,494 (1909), 217, 218n
-- Poindexter bill, S. 4204 (1920), 11:407n, 436
-- refugee immigration bill, S.J. Res. 252 (1922), 211, 213n
-- sales tax bills: H.R. 14,956 (1920), 38, 39-40n;
H.R. 2226(1921), 38, 39-40n; S. 202 (1921), 38, 39-40n
-- Seamen's Act of 1915, 9:10n, 501
-- Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 4:28n, 85n; and
labor organizations, 80n; repeal of, proposed, 91-93
-- ship subsidy bills: H.R. 10,644 (1922), 228, 228n;
H.R. 12,021 (1922), 228, 228n; H.R. 12,817 (1922), 228, 228n;
S. 3217 (1922), 228, 228n
-- Soviet Union, request for information regarding, H.Res. 635(1921), 286-87, 288n, 291
-- Transportation Act of 1920, 11:274n, 3, 103,
108-9, 113, 135, 300, 454
-- Volstead Act, 206, 429, 454
Legislative records, of political candidates, 34-35, 160-61,169, 187, 436-37, 487-88
Leipart, Theodor, 369n
Lenin, Vladimir I., 10:344n, 14, 64-65, 96, 98, 288n,
293, 294n
Lenox Hill Hospital, 219n, 221, 222n, 456, 457n, 461, 462n
Leonard, Edwin F., 9, 10n
Leopold, Nathan, Jr., 516, 516n
Letter Carriers of the U.S. of America, National Association of, 11:*
-- locals: local 39 (Indianapolis), 363
Lewis, J. C., 550
Lewis, John L.,* 29-30n, 105, 297, 329, 469, 550; and
AFL presidency (1922), 90; and Herrin Massacre, 99n; andminers'
strike of 1922, 146; permission to circularizemembers of union, 377, 377n;
letter from, 150-51; letter to,377; wire to, 312, 315n
Lewis, Reuben A., Jr., 403n; letter to, 401-3
Liberal party (in U.S.), 99n
Life of John Marshall (Beveridge), 171n
Lincoln, Abraham, 92, 110, 135, 269, 511, 548, 562
Lindsay, Martha M., 81, 82n
Lindsay, Samuel M., 8:456n, 82n
Literacy test, for immigrants, 164
Living wage, 248
Lockwood Committee, 11:399n, 80n; SG testimony
68-73, 73n, 74-80
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 4:147n, 299n, 417n
Loeb, Richard, 516, 516n
Logan Coal Operators' Association, 265n
London, Meyer, 8:114n, 39n, 208, 209n
Longshoremen's Association, International,* 7n, 238,
241n,268, 389-90, 440-41, 442n; wage scale of, establishmentof,
-- locals: local 38-A2 (Seattle), 237-38, 241n,
267-68; local38-18 (San Pedro, Calif.), 48, 49n
-- strikes and lockouts: 1923 (Vancouver), 442n
Longworth, Nicholas, 346, 349n
Lord, Alice M., 241, 242n, 271, 273
Lord, James,* 150-51, 152n
Loree, Leonor F., 103, 106n, 114
Lovestone, Jay, 485n
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, 10:246n, 234,
Lumber Workers' Industrial Union, 442n
Lumber Workers' Union of Canada, 439-42, 442n
Lynch, James M.,* 550, 553n
Lynch, Joseph L., 541, 542n
Lynch, M. W., 32n