M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Miners and Mine Laborers, National Federation of,* 390, 391n
Miners and Mine Laborers, National Progressive Union of, 391n
Miners' and Miner Laborers' Amalgamated Association of Pennsylvania, 229n, 391n
Miners of the U.S., Amalgamated Association of, 391n
Miners, 211, 284, 286n, 336, 426, 437
Monckton, James H.,* 85, 86n
Monopolies, 212-13, 285
Moonelis, Adolph, 189, 192n, 199, 260
Moore, Mark W., 165, 167n
Moore, William B., 16
Moranete, John, 108
Morrison, John,* 420, 421n
Mule Spinners' Association, Amalgamated,* 329, 353n
Mullen, William H.,* 402, 404n
Mulraney, Edward, 457, 459n, 461
Murray, George F., 403, 404n
Myers, Morris H., 11, 12n
National Labor Tribune, 60
Neebe, Oscar W.,* 462n
Nejedly, Joseph E., 432, 433n
New Haven, Central Labor Council of, 459n
New Haven Trade Council, 458, 459n
Newmark, Bernard, 384
New York and Vicinity, Amalgamated Trades and Labor Union of, 84, 96, 98, 101n, 151-52, 248, 268n
New York City, 4, 45-46, 51, 247-49, 444; anti-tenement law, 169-70; Board of Health, 47, 50, 54n, 56, 58, 67, 79, 103, 111, 112n, 130, 200, 208; cigar industry, 172-77; cigarmakers, 95-96, 365-66, 412-14; Democratic party, 439n, 444, 448; Eight-hour movement (1872), 67n; German immigrants, 4, 21; labor politics, 429-34, 441-43, 446-49, 455-46. See also Cigar industry
New York City Central Federated Union, 379n
New York City Central Labor Federation, 379n
New York City Central Labor Union, 248, 376-79, 407, 429-33; letter to, 411-12
New York Staats Zeitung, 310
New York State Branch, AFL, 361n
New York State Federation of Labor, 361n
New York state legislature, 151-52, 169-70, 207-8, 261-62, 292-93
New York State Workingmen's Assembly, 360-61, 402, 446-47
New York Sun, 169
New York Unionist, 268n
New York, Workingmen's Federation of the State of, 361n
New Yorker Volkszeitung, 97, 169, 207, 252-54, 263n, 359, 429, 459n
Newsboys, 307-8
Nickelsberg, Kaufman, 68, 69n, 74, 93
Niederstein, John, 384
Niglutsch, John C., 260, 263n
O'Brien, Michael, 283, 285n
O'Callaghan, John,* 134, 139n, 151
O'Dea, Thomas,* 390, 458
O'Reilly, Thomas,* 390, 391n
Ohio Federation of Labor, 455n
Ohio State Trades and Labor Assembly, 453, 455n
Ohio Valley Trades and Labor Assembly, 390
Oppeit, E. J., 210n
Oppenheim, Joseph, 408, 409n, 418
Oppenheim, Simeon, 7
Order and the Cigarmakers, The, 401n, 411n, 464
Osborne, George W. 165, 166n
Out-of-work benefits, 104, 134, 138, 139n
Owen, Robert, 217n
Owen, Robert Dale, 217n
Pacific Coast, Representative Council of the Federated Trades and Labor Organizations of the,* 458, 460n
Pacific Coast, Representative Assembly of Trades and Labor Unions of the, 231, 232n
Pacific Mills, 327n
Packers, cigar, 110, 374-75, 378-79, 381
Packinghouse workers, 466, 467n
Painters, 67n
Painters, New York Mutual Benevolent and Protective Society of Operative, 361, 362n
Palda, Lev J.,* 107, 108n, 119, 130
Panic of 1873, 321
Panic of 1878, 340
Pape, George, 414
Park, Noel R., 113, 115n
Parker, Willard, 204, 206n
Parnell, Charles S., 286n
Parsons, Albert R.,* 462n
Pascoe, David M.,* 426, 427n, 464
Pauperism, 313-15
Pavelk, Max, 433
Pearce, Grafton, 453, 455n
Peasants' Revolt, 29
Perina, Anton, 125, 126n
Pfrommer, Julius, 250, 251n
Phillips, Hannah B. L., 11, 12n
Phillips, Hyman, 103-6
Phillips, John,* 361, 363n, 390
Picket, 366, 383, 392, 394, 406, 412, 421
Pickets, 113, 119, 373n, 377
Pierce, George P., 167
Pinckney, Walter S., 115n
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 454, 455n
Pinner, Reuben E.,* 237
Plate, Augustus F., 137, 139n
Plate, Martin D.,* 54n
Plumbers, Steam Fitters, and Gas Fitters, International Association of Journeymen,* 458, 460n
Plunket, Thomas J., 449
Police, 101, 110, 113-14, 119, 277
Politics, SG and, 71, 139, 252-54, 446-49
Pollner, William C.,* 165, 166n, 218, 230, 235
Powderly, Terence V.,* 159, 161-62, 167, 276, 283-85, 286n, 366, 383n, 386-87, 398, 401, 411, 426-27, 438n, 454, 463-64, 466, 467n; and eight-hour movement, 276-77; and Home Club, 402-3, 404n; and trade unions, 284-85, 385-88, 425, 436; letters from, 391-92, 455; letters to, 167, 380, 382-84, 396; mentioned, 454, 463
Power, James E., 447, 448n
Powers, Richard,* 165, 211, 216, 218-19, 222, 228, 230-31, 233, 234n, 235, 239, 282, 286n, 352
Praktische Emanzipationswinke, 22-43
Printers' Union, New York German, 260n
Printers Union, New York, 362n
Printers, 31, 38, 42, 159, 161, 431, 437-38
Prison labor. See Convict labor
Productivity, of labor: SG on, 316-17, 328-30
Profits, 73, 331-35
Progress, 248
Progress and Poverty, 429
Progressive Cigarmakers. See Cigar Makers' Progressive Union
Progressive Labor Club. See Knights of Labor Local Assembly 2814
Progressive Labor party, 430
Progressive party, 28, 44n
Progressive Tailors. See Tailors' National Union, Progressive
Pronk, David, 414
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 23, 43n
Pryor, Roger A.,* 109, 111-12n
Public land commission, 230, 232n
Pugh, James L., 294-356 passim
Pyke, Lewis Eleazar, 7
Quinn, James E.,* 402, 403n, 405
Racism, 218, 230, 300-301
Radicalism, SG and, 444
Railroad workers, 356, 466
Railroads, 285, 286n, 433n; government ownership of, 227, 288
Rankin, Alexander C.,* 216, 217n, 221-22, 228, 231, 233-35, 243
"Rats." See Scabs
Raum, Green B., 125, 126n, 208
Regionalism, 218, 227-28, 238, 403
Remick, Charles E., 361, 362n
Retail store workers, 304-5
Reuf, Maurice, 204, 206n
Reveira, N., 414
Ricardo, David, 44n
Rice, David, 58, 59n
Rice, E. P., 85
Right to organize, SG and, 354-55
Robinson, Lucius, 100, 102n
Rodgers, George,* 165, 166n
Rogers, Daniel, 219, 220n
Rohner, Louis P.,* 68, 69n
Rollers, 45, 66
Roney, Frank,* 458, 460n
Rood, Moses Isayes,* 7
Rood, Sarah. See Gompers, Sarah Rood
Roosevelt, Theodore, 263n, 430, 431n, 443
Rosenbaum, Adolph, 414
Rosenberg, B., 133-34, 247-48, 255-56
Rosenthal Brothers, 178-81, 199
Roswog, Alexander, 369
Rothschild, Sir Anthony, 13n
Rowe, John H., 151
Samuel, Sampson, 13
Samuels, Aaron, 114, 115n
Saqui, Alexander, 91-92
Sargent, Frank P.,* 391n
Scabs, 114, 376, 389, 392, 395, 397-98, 406-7, 409, 411-12
Scannel, Philip J., 360, 361n
Schäfer, John,* 58, 59n, 83, 86, 88-89; letter from, 87-88
Schaefer, William C.,* 151
Schimkowitz, Samuel,* 247-48, 254n, 255, 265-66, 273; letter from, 256-57
Schonemann, Charles P. R., 206, 207n
Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann, 44n
Schurz, Carl, 444
Schutz, Fritz, 86, 87n, 88
Schwab, Michael,* 462n
Schweitzer, Johann Baptist von, 43n
Scott, John, 457, 459n
Seamen, Lake, 161, 165
Seamen's Benevolent Association of Chicago, Lake,* 165, 166n
Serr, Franz, 204-5, 206n
Sharp, Charles H.,* 390, 391n
Shattuck, John S., 215, 217n
Shea, John B., 446, 447n
Shevitch, Sergius, 430
Shinn, Dexter L., 167
Shipbuilders, 38
Shoe Salesmen's Protective Union of New York, United, 461, 462n
Shoemakers, 437
Shop delegates, 47, 109
Shop floor autonomy, 160
Shop stewards, 47, 63-64, 79-80
Shully, W. M., 391
Sick benefits, 103-4, 135, 137-38, 139n, 156-58
Siegel and Co., 110, 112n
Silk weavers, 98
Silversmiths, 31
Silverthau and Co., 190-91, 192n, 199
Simon Brothers, 112, 115n, 191-92, 199
Single-tax, 430
Sinking fund, 150
Skarda, Frank, 108n
Slimp, Marshal, 115n
SLP. See Socialist Labor party
Smith, Charles J., 447, 448n
Smith, Charlotte, 283n
Smith, Christian W., 151
Smith, James W.,* 454, 455n, 469-70
Smith, John, 361, 362n
Smith, Matthias M., 116, 117n, 118, 121-24
Smith, Oliver, 447
Smith, Walter T., 111, 112n, 113-14
Smith, William J.,* 458, 459n
Snell, Judge William B., 372, 373n
Social Democratic Workingmen's party (German), 22-24, 28-29, 31, 33-37, 40, 43n
Social Democratic Workingmen's Party of North America, 84n, 203n
Social-Demokrat, 203n
Socialism, 21-22, 32, 40, 71; alleged, 213, 216, 262; SG and, 21-22, 43n, 83-84, 216-18, 239, 245n, 345-47; and trade unions, 83, 86-88, 345-47
Socialist Labor party (SLP), 83, 97, 430
Socialist Labor Party of Germany, 43n
Socialistic Labor party. See Socialist Labor party
Socialists, 91, 248, 404n; and anti-tenement campaign, 247, 252-54; cigarmakers, 247-48, 251, 258-60; and Cigar Makers' International Union 144, 250-54; German immigrants, 21, 91, 247-48, 259-60, 274n; and Henry George campaign, 429-30; and labor politics, 250-54, 259-60; and New York City Central Labor Union, 379n
Solidarity, 26n, 36, 60
Solkey, Charles, 257, 266; letter to, 263-64
Somers, Perry G., 221, 227, 229n
Sorge, Friedrich Adolph, 22n
Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei. See Social Democratic Workingmen's party (German)
Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands. See Socialist Labor Party of Germany
Spies, August,* 277, 462n
Spiess, Louis, 113, 115n
Spread the Light Club. See Knights of Labor Local Assembly 1562
Squire, John R. M., 444
St. Louis Central Trades and Labor Union, 166n
St. Louis Trades Assembly, 165, 166n
Stachelberg, M., and Co., 4, 95, 106, 108
Standard, 430, 438n
Statistics, labor. See Bureau of labor statistics
Steamboat hands, 308-9
Steel workers. See Iron and Steel Workers
Steinbach, L., letter to, 391
Stereotypers Association, New York, 458, 460n
Steward, Ira,* 83, 315, 317, 327n
Stiebeling, Dr. George C., 203n
Stoltz, Peter, 414
Stone, W. W., 447
Stove Manufacturers' Association, 402n
Stove mounters, 402n
Straiton and Storm, 75, 76n, 115n, 365, 378
Strasser, Adolph,* 46, 50n, 68, 71-74, 84, 94, 98, 100, 108, 114, 125, 158n, 159, 169, 207, 247-48, 251, 260n, 262, 287, 365, 374, 389-90, 393, 396, 426, 451, 457, 460, 463, 470; and cigarmakers' strike (1877), 95-96, 110-11, 116, 119; and Cigar Makers' International Union 144, 77, 79, 255-57, 264; and KOL, 385-86, 409, 464-65; letters from, 73-74, 126-27, 254, 380, 382
Straus, David, 68, 69n
Streat, Harrison S., 211, 212n, 242
Strike benefits, 47, 56-57
Strike fund, 72, 109, 132-33, 337-39
Strikes and lockouts, 40, 64, 287-88, 335-39, 395; and congressional hearings, 335-37; SG on, 132-33, 335-39, 343, 411-12, 422-24; strategy, 132-33; use of military in, 95, 98, 410; use of police in, 113, 119
--cigarmakers: 1870, 49, 50n; 1873, 66; 1874, 56-57; 1877, 95-96, 106-14, 115n, 116-21, 123, 207; 1881, 297-99, 327n; 1883, 357-58; 1886, 365-66, 375-79, 382-84, 407-8, 411-12, 422-24, 465
--clothing cutters (1886), 466, 467n
--collar and cuff workers (1886), 466, 467n
--eight-hour strikes (1886), 276-77
--freight handlers (1882), 296-97, 327n, 335
--horse car drivers (1880), 327n, 335
--iron and steel workers (1882), 272, 339-40, 353n
--locomotive engineers (1882), 343, 353n
--miners: 1882, 286n; 1884, 426; in England, 336
--packinghouse workers (1886), 466, 467n
--railroad: 1877, 95, 98-99, 102; 1885-86, 399-400, 402n; 1886), 409-10
--stove mounters (1886), 402n
--tanners and curriers (1886), 471n
--telegraphers (1883), 343, 353n
--textile workers: 1880, 268n; 1882, 264, 265n, 267-68, 293-96, 327n
--weavers (1875), 66n
Strippers, tobacco, 51, 110, 304
Stuermer, J. Adam, 397, 398n
Suffrage, universal, 26, 32, 44n
Sullivan, James W.,* 438
Sutro and Newmark, 108, 109n, 193, 198n, 199, 384, 418
Sweatshops. See Anti-tenement campaign; Cigar industry; Tenement factories
Swinton, John,* 200, 203n, 288
Tailoresses, 303-4
Tailors' National Union, Journeymen,* 390, 391n
Tailors' National Union, Progressive,* 461, 462n
Talbot, Thomas, 269, 270n
Tammany Hall, 430, 439n, 448
Tanners, 161, 471n
Tanners' and Curriers' Union, National, 165
Tansill, R. W., 393
Tariff, 212-13, 221, 226-28, 241-42. See also Cigar industry
Taylor, Thomas W., 215, 217n
Telegraph companies, 306. See also Western Union Telegraph Co.
Telegraph lines, government ownership of, 227, 288
Telegraphers, 343, 353n, 354-55
Telegraphers, Brotherhood of (Knights of Labor District Assembly 45),* 353n
Telegraphers' Protective League, 353n
Ten-hour law, Massachusetts, 290, 327n, 329-30
Tenement factories, 51-52, 169-70, 172-210, 261-62
Tenement House Manufacturers' Association, 358n
Tenement production. See Cigar industry
Tenement workers, 45-46. See also Cigar industry
Textile industry, 328-30
Textile workers, 265n, 267-68, 293-96, 355. See also Mule Spinners; Strikes; Weavers
Thayer, Walter N.,* 360, 361n
Theiss Music Hall boycott, 430n
Thompson, Thomas, 165, 166n
Tilton, Elizabeth (Mrs. Theodore Tilton), 100, 102n
Tobacco workers, 31, 431-33
Tocsin, 427n
Todd, William V.,* 137, 140n, 151
Tomson, William E.,* 371, 452
Tracy, Roger S., 201-4
Trade assemblies: Boston, 166n; Chicago, 166n, 461, 462n; Cincinnati, 211, 212n; Cleveland, 165, 166n; Columbus, Ohio, 455n; Indianapolis, 165, 166n; Milwaukee, 216, 217n; New Haven, Conn., 458, 459n; New York City, 84, 96, 98, 101n, 151-52, 248, 268n, 376-79, 407, 411-12, 429-33; New York state, 360-61, 402, 446-47; Ohio Valley, 390; Ohio (state), 453, 455n; Pacific Coast, 231, 232n, 458, 460n; St. Louis, 165, 166n; Washington, D.C., 222, 229n, 286
Trade autonomy, 279, 386
Trade union autonomy, 450, 452
Trade union congresses: Sheffield, England (1866), 24, 43n; Erfurt, Germany (1872), 26, 32, 42; Gotha, Germany (1875), 43n;
Terre Haute (1881), 160-61, 164-65, 212; Pittsburgh (1881), 161-62, 164-65, 167, 210-32, 238-44; Cleveland (1882), 231, 232n, 282-85;
New York (1883), 323, 328n; Chicago (1884), 364n; Columbus (1886), 387, 437, 451-58, 460-62
Trade unions, 21-22, 27-28, 31, 34-42, 71, 279-81, 395-96, 401, 425-26, 449; and arbitration boards, 37; benefit system, 28, 30, 37, 39, 41, 71, 341-42; federation of, 26, 36, 40, 100, 159, 161, 164-65, 211-14, 220-22, 232-37, 275, 279-81, 435-54, 450-51, 456-58,461; incorporation of, 218, 225, 287, 351, 354n, 361; and KOL, 159-63, 385-89, 395-98, 402-4n, 406-9, 425-27, 437-38, 440, 454-55, 460-62, 466-69; and political organization, 26-29, 30-34, 38-40, 71, 83, 84n, 85-90, 97, 215, 253, 272-73, 360, 453, 467; SG on, 88-89, 344-45, 372-73, 454; and socialism, 71, 86-87, 345-47; strategy, 28, 30-31, 35, 41-42, 77-78, 211-12
Trades Union Congress of Great Britain,* 211, 212n, 235, 275
Tramps, 258, 260n, 341-42
Traveling benefits, 72, 103, 147-48, 158, 341
Truck system, 225-26, 336-37, 361
Turner, Frederick,* 394n, 401, 411, 466; letter to, 392-94
Tweed, William M., 172, 173n
Typesetters, 39
Typographers, 275
Typographia, German-American,* 258, 260n, 275, 390, 391n
Typographical Union, International,* 165, 166n, 385-86; local 6, 361n, 362n; local 7, 258, 260n; local 8, 220n; local 16, 211, 212n; and scabs, 389
Unemployment benefits, 47, 62, 103-4
Unemployment. See Cigar industry
Union label, 449. See also Label, cigarmakers'
United Labor party, 248, 430
United States Tobacco Journal, 404, 418n
U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue, 125-26, 129, 131, 169
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 288
U.S. Congress, 126-27, 131, 207-8, 211, 287-356
U.S. Department of Labor, 288
U.S. Department of State, 328, 353n
Vanderbilt, William H., 99, 101n, 432
Vanderburgh, Joseph, 262, 263n
Vanderpoorten, Abraham, 107, 108n
Varnishers of New York and Vicinity, United, 361, 362n
Verband der deutschen Gewerkvereine. See German Workingmen's Associations, Federation of
Vince, Joseph, 432, 433n, 434
Wages, 313-15, 331-37, 339-40, 373-74; SG on, 282
Wage system, abolition of, 86-87, 90
Wagner, Leopold, 414, 442, 447
Wahrheit, Die, 274n
Waiters' Union 1, 457, 459n
Walder, G., 73, 74n
Walker, John P.,* 92n; letter to, 91-92
Walsh, Francis, 103-6
Walsh, Michael P., 216, 217n, 218, 228
Walters, A. J., 237
Walther, Herman, 250, 251n, 254n
Washburn, William B., 270n
Washington, D.C., Central Labor Union, 229n
Washington, D.C., Federation of Labor, 222, 229n, 286
Wealth, concentration of, 140-41
Weavers' Protective Association, 66n
Weavers, 60, 66n. See also Silk weavers; Textile workers
Weber, Robert E., 218, 220n, 230
Weihe, William,* 385-86, 390, 396, 426, 451, 458, 463-64
Weil, Jean,* 98, 101n
Weinstein, Gregory, 429
Western Union Telegraph Co., 287, 306, 343, 353n, 354, 433n
Whitfield, Smith A., 208, 210n
Whyte, William P., 207, 210n
Wiener, Joseph, 204-5, 206n
Wiener, Julius,* 457, 459n
Wilson, William, 217-18, 220n
Winders, John R., 457, 459n, 471
Window Glass Workers' Local Assembly 300,* 215, 217n, 388
Winkler, John,* 257
Winter, Ernst G.,* 110, 112n
Wise, Morris, 263n
Wismar, William, 414
Witter, Martin R. H.,* 385, 396; letter from, 396
Wolders, George, 134n
Wolf, Jacob, 418
Women's National Labor League, 282, 283n
Women workers, 32, 37, 40, 45-46, 313; "cash girls," 304-5; cigarmakers, 50, 53, 66, 102, 107, 110, 122; and FOTLU, 282; sewers, 313; SG on, 313; tailors, 303-4; textile workers, 267-68; tobacco strippers, 304
Workday, 28, 30-31, 40, 61, 75-76, 78, 83, 87, 98, 212-13, 219, 225, 281, 315-26, 328-30, 363-64, 372-73; and labor productivity, 316-17, 328-30; Australia, 318-19, 327n. See also Eight-hour movement
Workers of America, Association of United, 84n
Working class, 28, 31, 213; as consumers, 317; and emancipation, 23-25, 29-31, 33-34, 36, 59, 86; English, 23-24, 32, 41, 340-41; and equal rights, 34; German, 23, 32; SG on, 290-91
Working conditions. See Cigar industry
Workingmen's associations, European, 23-25, 26n, 30-40, 61
Workingmen's Party of the U.S., 71, 83, 85-86, 88, 97, 203n
Woytisek, Vincent W.,* 250, 251n, 358
Wright, Carroll D.,* 291, 327n, 329, 342
Wright, Julian L, 454, 455n
"Zehn Philosophen, Die," 83
Zoatzer, Henry, 431