M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
McBride, John,* 32n, 72-75, 78, 127, 411-14; letter from, 30-32
McBryde, Patrick,* 221, 222n; letter to, 255-56
McCord, P. See McCord, William H.
McCord, William H., 332, 337n
McCounder, John, 332
McCullough, John, 331, 336n
McCullough, John H., 1:112n, 331, 336n
McDonnell, Joseph P.,* 29n, 156, 184, 214, 241; letters to, 28-29, 137
McGlynn, Edward,* 369, 371n
McGregor, Hugh,* 66, 69n, 99, 106, 276
McGuire, Patrick C., 332, 338n
McGuire, Peter J.,* 23n, 24n, 26n, 70-72, 75, 77-79, 103, 111, 133, 156, 165-66, 170, 206n, 215, 217, 219, 230, 232, 243, 259, 272, 316, 376, 411-13, 423-24; and Bingham House Conference, 181; and Haymarket defendants, 55n; and secretaryship of AFL, 180, 186-87; SG, criticisms of, 27, 29-30, 38; letters from, 27-30, 38, 129, 178-79, 199, 218, 228; letters to, 23-25, 99, 183-84, 186-88, 194-95, 198-201, 204-5, 209-10, 212-13, 290-91
McGuire, Thomas B.,* 18, 331-32, 336n, 341-42
McHenry, J. M. See McHenry, Michael J.
McHenry, Michael J., 66, 68, 68n, 75
Machinery, in cigar industry, 124-25
Machinists, International Association of. See Machinists, National Association of
Machinists, National Association of,* 297n, 409
Machinists, racial discrimination among, 296-97, 297n, 409-11
Machinists' Union of America, International,* 297n; convention, 1891 (New York), 413n
McKenna, Delegate. See McKiernan, Michael F.
McKiernan, Michael F., 14, 15n
McKinney, William H., 139n; letter to, 138-39
McLaughlin, Daniel,* 66-67, 69n, 79, 243
McMackin, John,* 369, 371n
MacNair, William, 332, 337n
McNaire, William. See MacNair, William
McNeill, George E.,* 163, 184, 184n, 188, 188n, 264, 267,270-71, 288, 381, 382n, 413-14, 416; letter to, 248-49
McPherson, John, 332, 337n
McVey, George, H.,* 55, 55n, 370
McWilliams, J.: letter to, 89-90
Maher, Edward, 301, 304
Malley, James, 8, 11n
Mann, Thomas,* 352, 353n, 399, 407
Mansion, Joseph R., 12, 13n
Manual of Common Procedure (AFL), 142, 142n, 202-3
Marble, Slate Workers, and Tile Layers' Union 2711 (Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.), 217n
Marble Cutters, Reliance Labor Club of, 337n
Marble Polishers, Whitestone Association of, 337n
Marden, William H.,* 23, 24n
Marron, Thomas, 332
March, Albert, 149, 150n, 156
Marshall, Matthew, 284-86, 286n
Martin, William,* 76, 79, 79-80n, 243, 269, 283; letters to, 81, 429-30
Marx, Karl, 1:43, 159n, 426
Massachusetts State Board of Arbitration, 24n
Massachusetts State Federation of Labor, 269, 272n
Mass Meeting at Clarendon Hall (New York): letter to, 151
Master Builders, National Association of. See Builders of the U.S., National Association of
Mattill, Henry, 319n; letter to, 318-19
Mechanics' lien law (New York), 5, 10-11n
Mellen, James H., 48, 50n
Mems (British labor leader), 352
Menche, Adam,* 288n, 410; letter to, 287-88
Merritt, Charles L., 22n; letter from, 20-22
Metal workers, 110-12, 115-16
Metal Workers' National Union of North America,* 110-12, 111n, 115-16, 235
Metcalf, Henry B., 325, 326n
Mettee, Charles H., 66, 69n
Meyer, George W. See Murray, George E.
Milholland, Chief Inspector, 343
Miller, Charles L., 332, 338n
Miller, Hugo A.,* 25, 25n
Miller, Isaac B., 74-75, 76n
Milwaukee Federated Trades Council, 65, 68n
Miners, 30-31, 91, 92n, 220-21
Miners' Amalgamated Association, Ohio, 72n
Miners and Mine Laborers, National Federation of,* 30-31, 32n, 35, 51, 67; convention, 1887 (Indianapolis), 51, 51n
Miners and Mine Laborers, National Progressive Union of,* 221, 222n, 235, 256. See also Miners and Mine Laborers, National Federation of
Miners' and Mine Laborers' Amalgamated Association of Pennsylvania, 1:391n, 32n, 92n
Miners' Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois, Coal, 51
Mine Workers of America, United:* and eight-hour movement (1891), 163-64, 290, 318, 413-16, 430; district 20, 414n
Mingo Junction strike. See Strikes and lockouts: iron and steel workers (1887, Mingo Junction)
"Mistakes of Gompers," 97
Mitchell, William P., 244, 245n
"More," 151, 302-3, 313
Morgan, Elizabeth C.,* 176n; letter to, 175-76
Morgan, Thomas J.,* 398, 400, 405-6, 408n, 410-12, 415-16, 422, 426, 429; addresses by, 402-5, 420
Morrison, John (Home Club critic), 1:*, 23n
Morrison, John (organ maker), 66
Most, Johann,* 384, 385n
Moxley, James F., 409, 410n
Mulvey, Joseph, 245
Murray, George E. (housepainter), 332, 336n
Murray, Mr. (cigarmaker), 331
Musical Protective Union of New York, Mutual, 37, 37n
Musical Union, Baltimore, 228n
Musicians, National League of, 37n
Musicians' union, 235
Musicians' union (Pittsburgh), 341
Mystic Tie Association of Sash, Door, and Blindmakers, 337n
National Trade Assembly 135.* See Knights of Labor National Trade Assembly 135
Naughton's Cigar Factory. See Norton, Sleeper and Co.
Neebe, Oscar W.,* 53, 55n
Nelson, Robert, 301, 304n, 409n
Netherlandisch Isralitiche Sickefund: letter to, 116-17
New York, Housesmith's Benevolent and Protective Union of the City of. See Housesmith's Benevolent and Protective Union of the City of New York
New York, Independent Clothing Cutters' Union of. See Clothing Cutters' Union of New York, Independent
New York, Mutual Musical Protective Union of. See Musical Protective Union of New York, Mutual
New York, Workingmen's Federation of the State of, 96n
New York and Vicinity, Bakers' Association of. See Bakers' Association of New York and Vicinity
New York and Vicinity, Lager Beer Brewers' Board of Trade of. See Brewers' Board of Trade of New York and Vicinity, Lager Beer
New York and Vicinity, United Order of Carpenters of. See Carpenters and Joiners, United Order of American
New York Board of Arbitration, 5, 7, 10n
New York Board of Mediation and Arbitration, 5, 10n, 101n, 197n, 427
New York Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1:364n, 5, 10n
New York carpenters, mass meeting of: letter to. See Carpenters, mass meeting of New York: letter to
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, 382n
New York City: cigar industry in, 124-26; eight-hour conference, 183, 193
New York City, Co-operative Shirtmakers of. See Shirtmakers of New York City, Co-operative
New York City Board of Walking Delegates. See Board of Walking Delegates, New York City
New York City Central Federated Union, 1:379n, 192
New York City Central Labor Federation, 1:379n, 421-23, 426; news accounts of meetings of, 249-51, 367-70, 382-83
--1889: formation of, 191, 386, 392; conflict with Central Labor Union (CLU), 193, 195, 206-7; chartering of, by AFL, 191, 195, 206-7, 213, 387, 392; and merger with CLU, 191, 358, 387, 392-93; and SGs' nomination for senator, 245, 247n, 249-51
--1890: formation of, 191-92, 387, 393; demand for return of 1889 AFL charter, 192, 358-59, 387, 391, 393-94; application for new AFL charter, 192, 362-63, 367-70, 377-78, 387, 391, 394-95; instructions to delegate to 1890 AFL convention, 383, 418; 1890 AFL convention and, 192, 378, 386-408, 417, 421-24
--1899: merger with CLU, 192
New York City Central Labor Union, 1:379n, 45, 114; and building trades section, 120, 120n; and conflict with Central Labor Federation, 193, 195, 206-7; corruption within, 191, 207, 392; and eight-hour movement (1890), 183, 184n; factions within, 191, 392-93; and Haymarket clemency campaign, 55n, 58n, 61; and KOL, 292-93; and SGs' nomination for senator, 245; and trade union party politics, 161
New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, 124, 126
New Yorker Volkszeitung, 191, 400; letter to, 211-12
New York Press: letter to, 349-53
New York Railroad Commission, 4, 10n
New York Society for Ethical Culture, Workingmen's School of the. See Ethical Culture, New York Society for, Workingmen's School of the
New York State: constitutional convention, 6, 11n; jury duty in, 8
New York State Branch of the AFL, 81n, 96n, 121; convention,1888 (Albany), 81, 81n
New York State Federation of Labor, 96n
New York State Printing Office, 7, 11n
New York State Workingmens' Assembly, 1:361n, 96n; convention, 1886, 9; convention, 1887 (Albany), 3-14, 10n
New York State Workingmen's Assembly, Political Branch of the, 1:447n, 8-9; convention, 1886 (Syracuse), 8-9, 11n
New York Stereotypers' Association: letter to. See Stereotypers' Association, New York: letter to
New York Sun: letter to, 284-86
New York Supreme Court, 427n
New York Working Women's Society, 154, 155n, 289n
Norton, Sleeper and Co., 208, 208n
O'Brien, Patrick L., 129, 129n, 135-36
O'Connell, John, 332
O'Dea, Thomas,* 131n; letter to, 131
Ogden, Harry M., 70, 71n, 73
Ogg, Robert Y., 213, 213n, 268, 275
Oglesby, Richard J., 53, 59n, 60-62, 62n; letter to, 59
Ohio Miners' Amalgamated Association. See Miners' Amalgamated Association, Ohio
Ohio State Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1:353n, 143
Ohio Valley Trades and Labor Assembly, 1:390n, 75, 76n
Oliver, Lucien S., 60, 63n
O'Malley, Timothy T.,* 256, 256n
O'Neill, John J., 123, 123n
Order and the Cigar-Makers, 1:401n, 21, 23n, 142-43
O'Reilly, John. See O'Reilly, Thomas J.
O'Reilly, Thomas,* 55, 55n
O'Reilly, Thomas J., 332, 338n
Organ Makers, United Association of, 69n
O'Rourke, Delegate, 245
O'Shea, John E., 315, 315n
O'Sullivan, John F.,* 407, 409
Our Toiling Children (Kelley), 156, 157n
Out-of-work benefits, Cigar Makers' International Union, 144-46, 146n
Owens, Charles E.,* 305-6, 307n
Oyler, Charles P.,* 65, 68n; letter to, 224
Oyster, Edward W., 70, 71n, 79
Oystermen, 67-68
Oystermen's union, 67
Pacific Coast, Representative Council of the Federated Trades and Labor Organizations of the,* 122, 123n
Painter, 248, 248n
Painters, Progressive, local 1, (New York), 337n
Painters and Decorators of America, Brotherhood of,* 76n, 118, 120, 120n, 235; Executive Board, 417, 417n
Painters' unions (New York), 120, 120n
Palmer, Courtland, 57, 58n
Parker, William C., 120-21, 121n
Parsons, Albert R.,* 53, 55n, 56, 59
Parsons, Solomon, 324, 326n
Peck, Charles F., 29, 29n
Pender, Edward J., 66, 69n
Pender, J. See Pender, Edward J.
Pennsylvania, Miners' and Mine Laborers' Amalgamated
Association of. See Miners' and Mine Laborers' Amalgamated Association of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania state labor convention, 156
Perkins, George W., 13n
Perry, George A. P., 8, 11n
Perry, James H., 169, 171-72, 172-73n; letter to, 177-78
Philadelphia, Architectural Sheet Iron Cornice Workers' Union of. See Architectural Sheet Iron Cornice Workers' Union of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, conference of trade and labor unions of (1889), 179, 179n, 187
Philadelphia, United Labor League of, 179n
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 92n, 108n
Philadelphia Building Trades Council, 26n
Philadelphia Central Labor Union, 26n, 179, 179n
Philadelphia Central Short-Hour League, 179n
Philadelphia Lager Beer Brewers' Association. See Brewers' Association, Philadelphia Lager Beer.
Philadelphia Tageblatt. See Arbitration: Philadelphia Tageblatt; Boycotts: Philadelphia Tageblatt
Phillips, Wendell, 379, 382n
Piano Makers' Union, 235
Picket, 1:366, 15, 16n, 344
Pilots' Association, Sandy Hook, 332
Pingree, Hazen S., 384, 385n
Plasterers' Association, Employing (New York), 292
Plasterers' Union, Operative (New York), 292, 295
Plumbers', Journeymen, Union 5180 (Columbus, Ohio), 366n
Plunkett, James E. See Plunkett, John E.
Plunkett, John E., 282n; letter to, 281-82
Political action, partisan, by trade unions: SG and, 45-48, 121, 160-62, 364-65, 424, 427-29
Powderly, Terence V.,* 22n, 142-43, 143n, 171, 209-10, 212n, 230, 242-43, 324, 340-43, 404-5, 417, 428; and Bingham House agreement, 195, 198-201, 204-5, 212-13, 215, 217-19; and Bingham House conference, 181; Cooper Union address (June 20, 1890), 332-36, 338-39, 338n, 353-54; and Cooper Union meeting with SG, 326-30; and KOL trade assemblies, 49-50; and meetings with SG, 205, 209-10, 212, 228, 326-30, 335, 341; and reorganization of KOL, 49-50; Thirty Years of Labor, 227, 228n, 247, 248n; and trade unions, 17-19, 49-50; letters from, 48-50, 132-33, 198-201, 215, 326, 328-29, 353-55; letters to, 20-22, 30-32, 131-32, 199, 217-18, 228, 234, 326-27, 329-30
Production, limitation of, 153
Progressive Labor party (New York), 45
Prohibition, 321-25
Prosser, Rees W., 414, 415n
Pryor, Roger A.,* 184, 184n
Publishing House of the Evangelical Association, 319n
Purdy, Thomas: letter to, 95-96
Quarrymen, 287
Quarrymen's National Union of the U.S. of America,* 288n
Quinn, James E.,* 53, 55, 55n, 62
Rae, Robert, 324, 325n
Railroad Brakemen, Brotherhood of,* 108n, 218, 220n
Railroad employees, twelve-hour law for (New York), 4, 10n
Railroad Engineers, Amalgamated, 339
Railway Conductors of America, Order of,* 335, 338n
Raleigh, J., 332
Reardon, Thomas, 332, 337n
Regulation of vessels in domestic commerce, bill for, 123, 123n
Reilly, John, 332
Reinhardt, Ernst, 172, 173n
Reliance Labor Club of Marble Cutters. See Marble Cutters, Reliance Labor Club of
Republican party of New York's Seventh Senatorial District, Committee of Notification of the: letter to, 245-47
Reynolds, Patrick, 332, 338n
Rheinpfallzer Maennerchor, 250
Richmond, Cora V., 62n
Ricker, B. O., 194
Riedel, John G., 403, 409n
Rist, Frank L.,* 391, 408n
Roberts, James C., 357, 358n
Roberts, William T.,* 267, 268n
Rochester Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association. See Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association, Rochester
Rodgers, Charles P., 332, 337n
Roesch, George F., 250, 251n
Rogers, James E. T., 206, 206n
Rogers, Thorold. See Rogers, James E. T.
Roney, Frank,* 16n; letter to, 15
Rosenfelder, Christian, 367, 370n
Ross, David, 256n, 267, 268n
Ruhle, Theodore F., 245, 247n
Ruhll, Theo. F. See Ruhle, Theodore F.
Ryan, M., 332
Sandy Hook Pilots' Association. See Pilots' Association, Sandy Hook
San Francisco, trade and labor unions of: letter to, 121-22
Sanial, Lucien D.,* 192, 371n, 384-85, 390-91, 395, 398-99, 406, 426, 428; addresses by, 368-69, 386-90, 418-20; editorial by, 421-23
Sargeant, W. N. See Sargent, Frank P.
Sargent, Frank P.,* 181, 182n, 219; letter to, 361-62
"Saturday Half Holiday Law" (New York). See Saturday Holiday Act (New York); Factory Act of 1867 (England)
Saturday Holiday Act (New York), 108-10, 110n
Schelling, Henry, 375, 375n
Schevitsh, Sergius E. See Shevitch, Sergius E.
Schilling, George A.,* 60, 62, 62n
Schilling, Robert,* 341, 343n
Schmidt, Ernst, 409n
Schulenburg, Charles, 60
Schultz, Henry A., 68
Schwab, Michael,* 53, 55n, 56, 59
Second International, 105. See also Labor congresses, international
Seidel, Oscar G.,* 233n; letter to, 232-33
Seifert, Albert E., 100, 101n
Sergeant, Grand Master Fireman. See Sargent, Frank P.
Shea, Mary, 332
Sheridan, Philip H., 214, 215n
Shevitch, Sergius E.,* 48n, 184n, 277, 278n; debate with Henry George, 398, 408n
Shields, William J.,* 171, 173n, 267, 390-91, 414
Ship Joiners' Association, 337n
Shirtmakers of New York City, Co-operative, 337n
Sieverman, Frank, 427n
Sigley, Mr., 214
"Significant Straw" (Journal of United Labor), 194-95, 195n, 198-200, 204
Silberstein, Bernard, 365n
Silberstein and Bondy, 365n
Simcott, W. S. See Simsrott, William A.
Simscott, William A. See Simsrott, William A.
Simsrott, William A.,* 181, 182n, 219
Sing Sing Prison, 320, 363
Single tax, 47
Six Centuries of Work and Wages (Rogers), 206, 206n
Skeffington, Henry J.,* 18, 209n, 228, 269, 336, 400, 412, 427n; letter to, 208-9
Slaters' union (Pittsburgh: AFL affiliate), 234, 234n
Slaters' union (Pittsburgh: KOL local assembly), 234, 234n
SLP. See Socialist Labor party
Smith, James W.,* 27, 28n; letter to, 56
Smyth, Arthur B., 216, 217n
Social Darwinism, 110n
Social Democratic Federation, 399, 408n
Social Democratic Party of Germany, 159n, 371n
Social Democratic Workingmen's party (German), 1:43n, 159n
Socialist Labor party (SLP), 306-7, 417, 422-24; and AFL, 384-408, 415, 418-19, 421, 424; SG and, 407, 416, 418-19, 425-27; and United Labor party, 45, 369, 371n, 400
Socialist Labor party, American Section (New York): membership in New York City Central Labor Federation, 192, 363, 367-70, 378, 387, 394
Socialist Labor party, German Section (Baltimore), 388
Socialist Labor Party of Germany, 1:43n, 159, 371n
Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 192
"Song of the Shirt" (Hood), 80, 80n, 83, 323
Sons of St. Crispin. See Knights of St. Crispin
Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei. See Social Democratic Workingmen's party (German)
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. See Social Democratic Party of Germany
Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands. See Socialist Labor Party of Germany
Spaulding Iron and Nail Co., 343n
Specht, Gus. See Sprecht, Gus
Spencer, Herbert, 109, 110n, 196
Speyer, Carl,* 384, 385n
Speyer, Charles. See Speyer, Carl
Spies, August V. T.,* 53, 55n, 56, 59
Spinners', Operative Cotton, Union 2709, (Kearney, N.J.),`221, 222n
Sprecht, Gus, 340, 343n
St. Louis, German Progressive Waiters' Union of. See Waiters' Union of St. Louis, German Progressive
Stairbuilders' union (New York), 332
Starr, Joseph G., 102-3, 103n
Steckler, Alfred, 140, 141n
Stephens, Luther P., 143, 144n
Stephington, Harry J. See Skeffington, Henry J.
Stereotypers' Association, New York, 1:460n; letter to, 90-92
Steward, Ira,* 426, 428n
Stonemasons' Local Protective and Benevolent Union 1 (Syracuse, N.Y.), 96n
Strasser, Adolph,* 23n, 25, 26n, 130, 130n, 226, 360, 361n; letter from 229
Streeter, A. J., 62n
Strikes: AFL assessments for, 75, 268-72, 293-94; AFL financial support of, 76-77, 114-15, 115n, 165-67, 203, 203n, 220-21, 242, 283; SG and, 34, 87, 89, 281-82, 378-82
Strikes and lockouts:
--bakers: (1880, New York), 241; (1889, New York and Brooklyn), 240, 242n, 417n
--brewers: (1886-87, Philadelphia), 38, 38-39n, 42; (1888-1902, New York), 100-101, 101n, 107, 113-14, 203n, 341
--carpenters: (1890, Chicago), 295, 296n, 306; (1890, Indianapolis), 299n
--cigarmakers: (1885-86, Syracuse, N.Y.), 13n, 340; (1886, New York), 1:365-66, 340-41; (1888, Boston), 208
--cloakmakers: (1890, New York), 192, 348-49, 349n
--compositors: (1884, Troy, N.Y.), 341, 343n
--dockworkers: (1889, London), 279-80, 281n, 325
--featherworkers: (1889, New York), 155n
--flint glass workers: (1887-88), 134, 197
--granite polishers: (1890, Barre, Vt.), 281-82, 282n
--iron and steel workers: (1887, Mingo Junction), 24, 24n, 40, 339-40; (1887-88, Brilliant, Ohio), 340, 343n; (1888), 134, 135n, 197
--lasters: (1887, Worcester Co., Mass.), 24, 24n
--miners: (1887-88, Pennsylvania), 91, 92n, 107; (1889, Illinois and Indiana), 220-21, 221-22n; (1890-91, Alabama), 414, 414n
--packinghouse workers: (1886, Chicago), 1:467n, 22, 23n, 341, 343n
--printers: (1886, Jacksonville, Fla.), 340-41, 343n
--railroad workers: (1886, southwest), 1:402n, 341; (1888, Philadelphia and Reading Railroad), 108n; (1888-89, Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad), 107, 108n, 341; (1890, New York Central Railroad), 378-79, 382n, 399
--shoemakers: (1890-91, Rochester, N.Y.), 423, 427-28n
--slaters: (1889, Pittsburgh), 234n
--spinners, cotton: (1889, Kearney, N.J.), 222n
--stovemakers: (1884, Troy, N.Y.), 1:402n, 8
--street railway workers: (1889, New York and Brooklyn), 197, 197-98n, 286
--tailors: (1890, Columbus, Ohio), 341-42, 343n
Sullivan, John J., 332, 337n
Sullivan, Miss, 332
Suter, George J., 136n; letter to, 135-36
Swinton, John,* 39n, 51, 429
Swiss Federal Council, 157n
Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association of the U.S. of America,* 108n, 182n, 218
Syndical Chambers of France, United. See Union des chambres syndicales
Tailors' National Union of the U.S., Journeymen,* 80n, 118, 235; local 27 (Columbus, Ohio), 343n
Talbot, Thomas W.,* 297n; letter to, 296-97
Talbott, Nicholas B., 69, 71n
Taylor, Charles F., 172, 173n
Tea Operatives' and General Labourers' Association, 281n
Telegraphers, Brotherhood of,* 335, 338n, 339
Temperance Congress, National (1890), 321-25, 349-51
Temperance movement, 321-25. Also see Drinking, SG and
Tenements, 6-7, 124-25, 216
Textile Workers', Progressive, Union of America,* 74, 76n; convention, 1889 (New York), 232, 233n
Thayer, Walter N.,* 8, 11n
Thirty Years of Labor (Powderly), 227, 228n, 247, 248n
Thomas, Charles: letter to, 222-23
Thomas, John L., 325n, 349-51; address by, 323-25
Thompson, Mr. See Thomas, John L.
Tillett, Benjamin,* 352, 353n, 399, 407
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Workers' International Association,* 110-11, 111n, 115-16
Tinners' National Union. See Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Workers' International Association
Tompkins Square demonstration (1874), 57, 58n
Toney, Sterling B., 308, 314n
Tracey, Roger S., 1:203n, 216, 217n
Trade schools, 183n; SG and, 182-83
Trades Union Congress of Great Britain,* 105, 135n, 158, 399, 408n
Trade unions, 118, 153, 273; autonomy of, SG and, 35; benefit system, 144-46, 146n; benevolent features of, SG and, 34-35, 144-46; dues, SG and, 284; federation of, SG and, 361-62; incorporation of, 140 (see also Incorporation of trade union law); and KOL, 17-22, 24, 30-31, 33-35, 39-40, 49, 102, 194, 198, 204, 207-9, 212, 292-93; and party politics, 45-48, 121, 160-62, 386-408; purpose of, SG and, 144; salaries of officers, 72, 235; SG and, 28, 32-34, 88, 102, 196-97, 260, 262, 425, 429
Trade Unions, Their Origin and Objects, Influence and Efficacy (Trant), 205-6, 206n
Trant, William, 206n; letter to 205-6
Troy, N.Y., labor convention (1888), 151, 152n
Turner, Frederick,* 18, 342, 343n
Typographia, German-American,* 37, 37n, 372-73; local 1 (Philadelphia), 25-26n; local 7 (New York), 1:260n (See Arbitration: Morgen Journal); local 12 (Louisville, Ky.) 213, 213n
Typographical Union, International,* 26n, 36n, 40, 67, 165, 213, 213n, 235, 335, 339, 372-73; convention, 1887 (Buffalo), 36, 37n; convention, 1889 (Denver), 213, 213n; local 6 (New York), 1:362n (see Arbitration: Morgen Journal); local 101 (Washington, D.C.), 70, 71n; local 162 (Jacksonville, Fla.), 343n
Unemployment, 153; SG and, 86
Union Advocate, 29, 29n, 75, 96, 107
Union des chambres syndicales, 108n
United Brethren Benefit Society, 117n
United Labor League (Philadelphia), 232
United Labor party: Chicago, 60, 409n; New York, 45-47, 48n; convention, 1887 (Syracuse), 45, 48n, 369, 371n; and socialists, 45, 369, 371n, 400
United Syndical Chambers of France. See Union des chambres syndicales
Urban, William, 60, 63n
Uriah Stephens Assembly. See Knights of Labor Local Assembly 5214
U.S. Brewers' Association. See Brewers' Association, U.S.
U.S. Bureau of Labor, 127n, 129
U.S. Department of Labor, 127, 127n, 129, 131-33
U.S. Secret Service, 224, 224n
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 399, 409n
Van Etten, Ida M.,* 155n, 289n, 415-16; letters to, 154-55, 288-89
Vann, Delegate. See Vaughan, John D.
Vaughan, John D., 263, 268, 268n, 288
"Vindex:" letter from, 214-15
Vogt, Hugo,* 371n; address by, 369-70
Volksstaat, 159n
Vorwärts, 159n
Wade, Jefferson D., 189n; letter to, 188-89
Wages: SG and, 91-92
Waiters' Union of St. Louis, German Progressive, 173n
Wakeman, Thaddeus B., 55n, 323-25, 325n, 429
Waldinger, August, 390, 396, 408n
Walton, Henry,* 181, 182n
Warner, George, 332, 337n
Washington, D.C., Central Labor Union of, 71n
Washington, D.C., Federation of Labor, 18, 69-71, 71n, 75, 189, 189n
Weaver, John G.,* 293, 293n
Weed, Parsons and Co., 11n
Weinstein, Gregory, 94n; letter to, 94
Welsh (carpenter?), 28
Welter, John M.,* 248, 248n
Western Iron Association of Manufacturers, 135n
Wheaton, Calvin S.,* 181, 182n
White, W. P., 50
Whitestone Association of Marble Polishers. See Marble Polishers, Whitestone Association of
Wilkinson, Joseph,* 79, 80n
Wilkinson, Stephen E.,* 181, 182n
Willard, John F., 417, 417n
William II, Emperor, 157n, 289, 289n
Williams, Alexander S., 331, 336n
Williams, Timothy S., 320, 320n
Wilson, James, 320
Wischnewetzky, Florence Kelley,* (glossary entry under Kelley, Florence), 149-50n; letters to, 148-49, 155-56
Wischnewetsky, Lazare, 148-49, 149n, 156
Woman and child labor, international conferences on: 1890 (Switzerland), 156, 157n; 1890 (Berlin), 157n, 289, 289n
Women workers, 176, 289, 289n; SG and, 48, 80, 83. See also Woman and child labor, international conferences on
Wood, Isaac, 57, 58n
Woods, Master Workman, 332
Workday, SG and, 85-86, 184-86, 284-86, 298-99, 302-4, 308- 14, 316, 325
Workers: non-wage, excluded from membership in AFL, 90, 128;
unskilled, AFL and, 73-74, 315
Working class, 121-22; SG and, 90-91, 196
Workingmen's Federation of the State of New York. See New York, Workingmen's Federation of the State of
Workingmen's School of the New York Society for Ethical Culture. See Ethical Culture, New York Society for Workingmen's School of the
Working Women's Society, New York. See New York Working Women's Society
Workmen's Advocate, 191
World's Fair (1892), New York City as site for, 233, 233n, 257
World's Fair (1893). See Columbian Exposition, World's, 1893
Wright, Alexander W.,* 230, 232n, 243, 332-36, 343
Wright, Carroll D., 1:*, 127n, 129, 132-33
Wright, John H., 36, 36n
Young Men's Society for Ethical Culture. See Ethical Culture, Young Men's Union for
Young Men's Union for Ethical Culture. See Ethical Culture, Young Men's Union for