M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
McAnnich, Elisha H., 196n
MacArthur, Walter,* 618, 620-21, 659n
McBride, C. F., 69, 70n
McBride, John,* 31, 32n, 126, 128, 128n, 137, 252, 253n, 256, 259, 272, 356, 430, 434n, 480, 481n; and AFL presidential candidacy in 1893, 437-38, 441; and AFL presidential candidacy in 1894, 610, 662-63, 665, 669; and Pullman strike, 579n; letters to, 173-74, 220-21, 301-2, 663, 667-68
McBryde, Patrick,* 69, 70n, 533, 535, 586, 660n; and AFL political program, 644-45, 655-56
McCallin, Andrew, 661, 664n
McCarthy, Francis H., 251, 253n, 257, 259
McCarthy, Jeremiah G., 599, 606n
McCartney, George, 41n
McCleary, William H., 190-91, 191n
McClennan, A. G., 23
McConegly, William F., 208, 211n, 218
McCraith, Augustine,* 609, 611n, 662, 667; and AFL political program, 627-30, 657-58
MacDonald, James R., 635, 637, 660n
McGill, James,* 133, 134n
McGlynn, Edward,* 217, 218n, 428
McGlynn, Michael M., 430, 434n
McGrath, John, 429-30, 434n
McGregor, Hugh,* 369, 370n
McGuire, John J., 400
McGuire, Peter J.,* 32n, 58, 74, 106, 127-28, 129n, 133, 135-36, 157, 182, 211, 246, 250-51, 253n, 258-59, 264, 267, 430, 434n, 438, 512n, 553n, 659n, 664; AFL candidacy in 1894, 661-63; and AFL political program, 626, 628, 644, 648-51, 654-55; and Homestead strike, 206, 210; and KOL, meeting with, 441, 517, 517n, 606; and nonpartisan political action, 130-31, 256-57; and Pullman strike, 532, 534, 535n, 562; letter from, 69-70, letters to, 31-32, 64, 83-85, 138-40, 147, 150-53, 221-22, 233-34, 245, 595-97
Machinists, International Association of,* 457; convention, 1891 (Pittsburgh), 124, 124n, 166, 407; convention, 1892 (Chicago), 167n; convention, 1893 (Indianapolis), 343, 345n, 405; racial discrimination in, 124, 135, 166-67, 167n, 343, 405-7; letter to 1892 convention, 166-67. See also Machinists, National Association of
Machinists, National Association of,* 63n; racial discrimination in, 62. See also Machinists, International Association of
Machinists' Union of America, International,* 62, 63n, 407, 407n, 649-50; convention, 1891 (New York), 2:413n, 77-78; local 2 (New York City), 457; St. Louis local, 462
Machinists' Union 1, United. See American Federation of Labor: federal labor unions, 4013
McIntyre, Peter J., 257, 258n
Mackey, Thomas J., 297, 298n
McKim, James, 156, 156n
McKinley, Alexander B., 34, 41n
McKinley, William, Jr., 19, 19n
McKinley Tariff. See Legislation, U.S.: McKinley Tariff
McKinney, Joseph W.,* 532, 533n
McLaren, James, 280, 281n
McLean, H. C., 404, 405n
McLuckie, John, 207, 211n
McMahon, Martin T., 29n; letter to, 28-29
McMurphy, George L., 478n; letter to, 477-78
McNeill, George E.,* 12, 14n, 126, 128, 128n, 129-30, 136- 37, 480, 640, 655; and depression of 1893, 377-82
McSweeney, Edward F.,* 360-61, 361n, 487; letters to, 507-8, 668-69
McVey, George H.,* 298, 300n
Madden, Michael, 103n
Madden, Stephen,* 207, 211n
Madera, Adolph, 345, 346n
Mahon, William D.,* 653-54, 660-61n
Malby, George R., 456n; letter to, 456
Mann, Thomas,* 16, 18n, 94n, 516; letters to, 92-94, 222-24, 504-5, 587-89
Manuel, Joseph C.,* 228, 229n
Marden, William H.,* 256, 258n, 532; letter from, 268-69; letter to, 269-70
Marine Firemen 1 (St. Louis). See American Federation of Labor: Local unions, directly affiliated, 5464
Marine Firemen 6 (St. Louis). See American Federation of Labor: Local unions, directly affiliated, 5626
Marshall, Isaac D., 482, 482n
Martin, William,* 59, 61n
Marx, Karl, 1:43n, 10, 640-41
Marx, Mr., 340n; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 314, 316-17, 319
Mattyeser, Isaac, 141, 142n
May Day, 370
May, Moses, 141, 142n
May, Mrs. Moses, 141
Mee, John,* 400, 401n
Menche, Adam,* 34, 41n
Mendelsohn, Herman S., 340n; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 309, 319, 334-35
Metal Polishers', Buffers', and Platers' International Union of North America, 356n; convention, 1891 (Toledo, Ohio), 89-90n
Metcalf, Richard H.,* 624, 659n
Meyers, H. B., 465n
Meyers, John C.,* 455, 455n
Meyers, Mr., 145
Middleton, George W., 381, 383n
Milburn, William H., 34, 41n
Milchrist, Thomas E., 522-23
Miles, Nelson A., 521
Mill and Factory Operatives' Union, Dundee and District (Scotland), 540, 542n
Miller, Amasa S., 51, 55n
Miller, Aug. See Miller, Owen
Miller, Charles S.: letter to, 178-80
Miller, Delegate, 132
Miller, George, 117-18, 119n, 280
Miller, Hall, and Hartwell Co., 109n, 164, 164n, 176
Miller, Henry,* 260, 260n, 436-37, 437n
Miller, Owen,* 135, 137, 138n, 533; letter to, 498-99
Miller, William H. H., 404, 405n
Miller, William J., 436, 437n
Miller Brothers, 197, 197n
Mills, Walter T., 223, 224n
Milwaukee, Industrial Council of, 459, 490, 497
Milwaukee Central Labor Union. See Milwaukee, Industrial Council of
Milwaukee Federated Trades Council, 2:68n, 459, 460n, 490-97
Milwaukee Sentinel, 495
Milwaukee Vessel Owners' Association, 496
Milwaukee Volkszeitung, 493, 497n
Mine Owners' Protective Association (Coeur d'Alene), 214n
Miners' and Mine Labourers' Protective Association of Vancouver Island, B.C., 56n
Miners' Federation of Great Britain, 429n
Miners' Union of Coeur d'Alene, 214n
Mine Workers of America, United,* 24n, 173-74, 301-2; conference with mine operators, 1891 (Pittsburgh), 40, 41n, 72-73; conference with mine operators, 1894 (Cleveland), 547n; convention, 1891 (Columbus, Ohio), 31, 32n, 72; convention, 1893 (Columbus), 302, 302n; convention, 1894 (Columbus), 545, 547n; District 4 (Connellsville, Pa., area), 58n; District 5 (Pittsburgh area), 70, 70-71n; and eight-hour movement (1891), 23, 24n, 31, 32n, 33, 40, 42, 44, 54-55, 57, 60, 64, 64n, 69, 70n, 71, 71n, 72-74, 111, 168; and KOL, 173; local 128 (Scranton, Pa.), 174; and Pullman strike, 535
Mitchell, George, 341
Mitchell, Henrietta, 79n
Mitchell, Mark J., 103n
Mitchell, Rose Gompers, 79n
Mitchell, Samuel,* 79n, 140, 142n
Modest, Rudolph, 298, 300n
Montgomery, William H., 34-35, 40, 41n
"More," 36-37, 54, 396, 447, 561
Morgan continuous billet mill, 481
Morgan, Elizabeth Chambers,* 103n, 663, 664n; letters to, 102-3, 154-55
Morgan, John T., 560, 561n, 576
Morgan, Mrs. Thomas J. See Morgan, Elizabeth Chambers
Morgan, Thomas J.,* 14n, 256-60, 365, 426-27, 429n, 463n, 613-14, 616n, 664; and AFL political program, 420, 435-36, 619-20, 623-25, 634-43, 646, 649-51, 653; and Homestead strike, 250-51, 253n; and Pullman strike, 525, 538-39, 625; and SLP, 12, 16, 83; letter from, 457; letter to, 286
Morrissey, Patrick H.,* 533, 533n, 579n
Muldoon, Frank M., 51, 55n
Murch, Thomas H.,* 469, 470n
Murdock, Kerr, and Co., 128n, 263
Murphy, James J., 367, 367n
Murray, Edward W., 257, 258n
Musée Social (Paris), 370n
Musical Union of Baltimore, 283, 284n
Musicians of America, National League of,* 283, 284n, 496, 498-99, 499n; convention, 1894 (Baltimore), 498-99, 499n; local 17 (Baltimore), 283, 284n
Musicians Protective Union of Baltimore. See Musicians of America, National League of: local 17
Nathan, Abel L., 257, 258n
National Citizens' Alliance, 6n
National Glass Budget, 420, 478
Nationalist movement, 355n
National Labor Reform party, 204n
National Labor Tribune, 186
National Labor Union, 202, 204n, 612; convention, 1872 (Columbus, Ohio), 202, 204n
National Trade Assembly 135.* See Knights of Labor: National Trade Assembly 135
Neebe, Oscar W.,* 350, 350n, 358
Neighborhood Guild (New York City), 458n
New Jersey board of arbitration, 434n
New Orleans Amalgamated Council of Labor Organizations. See New Orleans Workingmen's Amalgamated Council
New Orleans Board of Trade, 186, 243n
New Orleans Building Laborers' Council, 243n
New Orleans Central Trades and Labor Council, 244n
New Orleans Workingmen's Amalgamated Council, 186, 243n
New Slavery: Investigation into the Sweating System as Applied to the Manufacturing of Wearing Apparel (Morgan), 103n
"New Trade Unionism," 77, 78n, 113-14, 181, 403, 420, 503
New York: constitutional convention (1894), SG and, 410-11, 411n, 549-50, 550n, 593-94
New York Board of Mediation and Arbitration, 2:10n, 109n, 297n, 303, 428, 434n, 456, 456n; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 305-40
New York Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1:364n, 303, 456, 456n
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, 215n
New York Charter, Greater, 471-72, 472n
New York City, trade unions of: letter to, 367
New York City and County, Board of Aldermen of: letter to, 410-11
New York City Board of Civil Justices, 377
New York City Board of Estimate and Apportionment, 385, 385n
New York City Board of Walking Delegates, 61, 61-62n, 63, 190, 268n
New York City Building Trades Council, 61-62n
New York City Central Labor Federation, 1:379n, 62n, 85n, 353, 378, 397-98; application for AFL charter, 8-9, 12; chartering of, AFL and, 7, 9, 12-13, 17, 110, 655; SLP membership in, 8-9, 11, 65-66; circular issued by, 110-14, 132; meeting of, news account of, 11-14
New York City Central Labor Union, 1:379n, 8, 62n, 65, 106n, 115n, 378
New York City Committee of One Hundred, 161-62
New York City Department of Docks, 384, 385n
New York (City) Federation of Labor, 111, 113-14, 115n, 133
New York City United Board of Building Trades, 62n
New York Department of Labor, 456n
New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, 484, 486n
New Yorker Volkszeitung, 17
New York Office of Factory Inspection, 456, 456n
New York state constitutional convention (1894), 273-74, 274n, 410, 549-50, 550n, 594, 594n
New York State Workingmen's Assembly, 1:361n, 303
New York Supreme Court, 148
New York Working Women's Society, 2:155n, 29n
New York World: letter to the editor of, 553-54
Nickel Plate Railroad, 215n
Nolan, J. C., 468n; letter to, 466-68
Norfolk and Norwich Amalgamated Labourers' Union (Great Britain), 146n
"Northwestern Alliance." See Farmers' Alliance, National
Norton, George L.,* 162-63, 163n, 177-78; letters to, 170- 73, 275-76, 350-51
Notton, Frank M., 409n; letter to, 408
Novel Proposition (Lubin), 474, 477n
Oates, William C., 163
Oates bill. See Legislation, U.S.: Oates bill
O'Brien, John,* 82n, 255, 257, 258n, 259, 371-72n; letters to, 81-82, 213-14, 370-71
O'Connell, James,* 407n; letter to, 405-7
O'Connell, John H., 190, 190n
O'Dea, Thomas,* 145, 145n
O'Donnell, Hugh, 207, 210-11n, 217-18, 218n
O'Donnell, John R., 472, 472n
Ogg, Robert Y., 2:213n, 137
Ohio Railroad Commission, 294n
Olney, Richard, 343n, 404, 405n, 522-23, 647
O'Mahoney, Thomas F., 34, 41n
Operators' and Tailors' Union 27 (Brooklyn). See Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen, local 23
Oppermann, Charles, 397, 399n
O'Rielly, Thomas F.: letter to, 469
O'Rourke, Matthew J., 373n; letter to, 372-73
O'Sullivan, John F.,* 119, 120n, 607, 607n, 647, 655-56, 660n; letters to, 414-15, 586-87
O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney.* See Kenney, Mary E.
Ottendorfer, Oswald, 484, 486n
Overcoat and Suit Makers' local 30 (New York City), 379
Owen, William C., 355n; letter to, 353-54
Pacific Coast, Representative Council of the Federated Trades and Labor Organizations of the,* 27, 27n, 30, 31n, 477n; convention, 1893 (Seattle), 214, 215n
Padgett, Frank H., 119, 120n
Padrone system. See Immigration: padrone system
Painters and Decorators of America, Brotherhood of,* 61, 61-62n, 63-64, 149; and KOL, 61; local 182 (New York City), 62n, 63-64, 111, 115n
Palmer, Bertha Honoré, 92n; letter to, 91-92
Palmer, Charles E., 455n; letter to, 454-55
Panics: of 1857, 614; of 1873, 373, 448, 614-15; of 1893, 363, 544. See also Depression of 1893
Pape, George, 1:414n, 141
Paperhangers 182. See Painters' and Decorators' Union of America, Brotherhood of, local 182
Parker, C. M., 67, 68n
Party politics, AFL and, 136-38, 442n (See also AFL political program)
Patterson, Corydon T., 117-18, 119n
Patterson, David F., 139, 140n, 263-64
Patterson, William M., 117-19, 119n
Pattison, Robert E., 185, 189n, 191, 191n
Paving Cutters' Union of the U.S. and Canada,* 165, 165-66n
Paxson, Edward, 233n, 299
Payne, George W., 257, 258n
Peck, Charles F., 2:29n, 28
Penna, Philip H.,* 250, 252, 253n, 259, 438, 440n, 630-31, 654-55, 659n, 662
Pennsylvania Federation of Labor, 279n
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 148
People, 14n, 626; letter to, 671
People's party, 366; convention, 1891 (Cincinnati), 3-4, 6, 6n; convention, 1892 (Omaha), 4, 263n; and labor movement, 3-4, 201-2, 277, 281-82, 442n, 491, 562, 562n; SG and, 4, 6, 201-2, 277, 281-82, 593
Perkins, George W.,* 77n, 532, 534; letters to, 76-77, 148, 483
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 434n
Philadelphia Tageblatt, 643-44
Phillips, Mrs., 141
Phillips, Samuel, 15, 18n
Phillips, Wendell, 2:382n, 633, 660n
Phoenix Park murders (Dublin), 241n
Pillsbury, Charles, 547n
"Pingree Potato Scheme," 364
Pinkertons, 1:455n, 139, 140n, 185-86, 188, 189n, 190, 191n, 192-93, 207, 209, 214n, 237, 249, 254-56, 266n, 635; legislation regarding, 26, 52
Pinner, Reuben E.,* 141, 142n
Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette: letter to the editor of, 116-17
Plank 10. See American Federation of Labor: political program, plank 10
Plasterers' union (Milwaukee), 494
Plumb, Preston B., 137, 138n
Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of Journeymen, local 75 (Milwaukee), 494, 497, 498n
Plummer, Mr., 34
Plymouth Rock Pants Co., 179, 180n
Political action, partisan, by trade unions: SG and, 4, 17-18, 99, 181, 200-204, 380, 444-45
Political action, non-partisan, by trade unions: SG and, 99, 143, 201, 203-4, 419, 421, 590-91, 593, 611-12
Polk, Leonidas L., 263n
Pomeroy, William C.,* 356n, 358, 359n, 438, 659n; and AFL political program, 436, 617-18, 651-53, 657-58; address by, 423-24
Porter, William D., 238, 241n
Portland (Ore.) Central Labor Council, 371n
Portland (Ore.) Federated Trades Assembly, 82n, 371n
Portland Oregonian, 586, 587n
Portland (Ore.) Sun, 586, 587n
Potter-Palmer, Mrs. See Palmer, Bertha Honoré
Powderly, Terence V.,* 6n, 74, 78-79, 268, 270; and farmers' alliances, 3, 6, 6-7n, 262; and People's party, 3; resignation as general master workman of KOL, 414, 415n, 665-66
Power, Charles A., 6n; letter to, 6
Powers, Richard,* 438, 440n
Poynton, J. F., 586, 587n
Pray, Small, and Co., 412n, 460
Prescott, William B.,* 169n, 430, 434n, 512n, 609, 611n, 662; letter to, 168-69
Press Association, National Reform, 24n
Price, William, 47, 48n
Primrose, Archibald P. See Rosebery, Lord
Prince, Mary, 141, 143n
Prince, Samuel,* 141, 143n
Printing Pressmen's Union, International, local 13 (Pittsburgh), 128n
Proctor, Fletcher D., 271, 271n
Proctor, Redfield, 271, 271n
Production, improvement in the processes of: SG and, 190, 229, 348, 393, 556, 573, 586
Pullman, George M.,* 524, 527-29, 531, 532n, 537, 555-56, 559, 580, 582
Pullman Palace Car Co., 521-23, 525, 537, 579n
Pullman strike, 366, 521-25, 526n, 527-31, 538-39, 564-66, 604, 632; AFL Executive Council and, 523-25, 532-38, 562-69, 573, 625, 659n; armed suppression of, by state, 521, 523, 526n, 530, 538, 559, 598; arrests, 523-25, 561n (see also Pullman strike: injunctions against); financial support for, 562-63, 567; and general strike, proposed, 523-25, 526n, 534-38, 565-69, 579n, 625, 659n; injunctions against, 186, 523-25, 526n, 530, 531n, 538, 559-60, 561n, 563; KOL and, 526n; SG and, 523-25, 527-33, 535-39, 548-49, 562-82, 587, 604, 625, 659n; sympathy strikes, 524, 526n, 534, 564; violence in, 523
Quarrymen's National Union of the U.S. of America, 2:*, 165-66n
Queen City Clerks' Assembly. See Knights of Labor: Local Assembly 767
Rae, John B.,* 31, 32n, 58
Railroad Trainmen, Brotherhood of,* 93, 94n, 215n, 442n, 511
Railway Conductors, Brotherhood of, 247n
Railway Conductors of America, Order of,* 93, 94n, 215n, 246, 247n, 442n, 511, 547n
Railway Union, American,* 512, 512n, 547n, 568, 587, 592, 622; convention, 1894 (Chicago), 522, 529, 532n; and Pullman strike, 186, 521-25, 526n, 527, 529, 534-35, 537-38
Raphael, Michael, 472n; letter to, 471-72
Reed, Thomas B., 19, 19n
Reichers, Charles F.,* 107, 108n, 299, 381, 383, 437, 440n; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 305-6, 313-17, 319-21, 324, 326, 333; letter from, 453-54
Rhode Island Granite Works, 341
Richardson, James D., 137, 138n
Ricks, Augustus J., 293, 294n, 295, 299, 302, 559, 576
Riggs, James P., 175n, 227; letter from, 174-75
Rist, Frank L.,* 14n, 199n, 356n; letters to, 197-98, 355-56
Rochester Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association, 20-21
Rochester Shoe Council, 20-21
Rochester Trades Assembly, 23n
Roesch, George F., 2:251n; letter to, 158
Rogalino, Mrs., 141
Rogalino, Netty, 141
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:443n, 120n
Rosebery, Lord, 565, 580n, 640
Rosenberg, Delegate, 85n
Rosenkranz, Charles, 196n, 298
Rosenstein, Nathan, 141, 142n
Rosenstein, Rachel, 141, 142n
Roubik, Joseph, 150, 153n
Routt, John L., 43, 44n
Royal Commission on Labour (Great Britain), 92-93, 94n
Rudge, J. H., 637
Russell, William E., 137, 138n
Russo-American extradition treaty, 346-47, 347n
Sacramento Federated Trades Council, 474, 477n
Safety Appliance Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Safety Appliance Act
Sailors' and Firemen's Union, International Amalgamated,* 117, 120n
Salvatore, Siepto, 513
Sandusky, Mrs. J., 141
San Francisco Federated Trades Council, 30
Sanial, Lucien D.,* 12, 14n, 16, 78n, 84, 85n, 199n
Sarfaty, Joseph, 141, 142n
Sarfaty, Mrs. Joseph, 141
Saxton, Charles T., 26n, 29; letter to, 25-26
Schaefer, Frederick, 404n
Schaffer, Mr., 380-81
Schilling, George A., 2:*, 359n
Schlüter, Hermann, 10n
Schofield, Andrew B., 119, 120n
Schrick, Andrew W., 350, 350n
Schroeder, Louis: letter to, 459-60
Schulteis, Hermann J., 94, 95n; letter to, 291-92
Schwab, Michael,* 350, 350n, 358
Schweitzer, Johann B. von, 1:43n, 639
Scott, William L., 490n
Scott Exclusion Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Scott Exclusion Act
Scott Saxton, Mrs., 34, 41n
Seamen's Union, Lake (Milwaukee), 496, 498n
Seamen's Union of America, National,* 281n, 496; convention, 1893 (New Orleans), 280-81, 281n
Selz, Schwab, and Co., 155n
Senators, popular election of: SG and, 52-53
Senft, Eveline, 140
Senner, Joseph H., 513, 514n
Seubert, William, 485n; letter to, 484-85
Sherman, John, 373, 375n, 387, 615
Sherman Antitrust Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Antitrust Act
Sherman Silver Purchase Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Shevitch, Sergius E.,* 10, 10n
Shields, William E., 119, 120n, 126, 129n, 135, 138n
Shields, William J., 2:*, 14n, 126, 129n
Shipton, George,* 516, 517n
Shipwrights, Associated Society of (Great Britain), 640, 660n
Shirt Ironers' Union, Philadelphia, 220
Shoemakers, Western Association of. See Shoe Makers, Western Union of
Shoe Makers, Western Union of: convention, 1893 (Chicago), 411-12, 412n
Shoe Operators' Protective Union (Chicago), 154
Sieverman, Frank A., 20, 22n
Silver question, AFL and, 440, 613-15; SG and, 373-74, 387, 546, 609
Sino-American treaty (1894), 372n, 488-89, 489-90n
Sinsheimer, Levenson, and Co., 296n, 453-54
Skeffington, Henry J.,* 22n, 126, 128n, 131, 135, 151, 155, 251, 253n, 411-12, 412n, 430, 434n, 461, 461n, 496; letter from, 20-22; letter to, 180-81
Slavery, 630, 633-34, 641
SLP. See Socialist Labor party
Small, L. Linn, 460, 461n
Smead, Franklin H., 134, 138n
Smith, Andrew J., 382, 383n
Smith, Mr.: and arbitration of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 334-35
Smith, Oliver P., 146n; letters to, 145-46, 582-84
Snyder, William A., 51, 55n
Socialist Labor party (SLP), 10n, 84, 121, 419, 445, 480, 491, 562, 562n, 626, 650, 652-56; and AFL, 13, 15, 83, 90, 110, 121, 132-33, 197-98, 397-99, 440-41, 665; branch 8 (New York City), 355n; branch 17 (New York City), 355n; and Hebrew Trades, United, 354, 355n; and "new trade unionism," 78n, 181; SG and, 15-17, 90, 181-82, 261, 353, 397-99, 416, 440-41, 503, 626
Socialist Labor party, American Section (New York City): membership in New York City Central Labor Federation, 8, 11, 65-66, 83-84, 114
Socialist Labor Party of Germany. See Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 355n; District Alliance 2, 355n
Solomons, Adolphus S., 375, 376n
Sorge, Friedrich A.,* 121n; letter to, 120-21
Sotock, Mike, 240
South Dakota Alliance, 24n
"Southern Alliance." See Farmers' Alliance and Co-operative Union of America, National
Southern Pacific Railroad, 659n
Sovereign, James R.,* 3, 442n, 526n, 579n; letter to, 441-42
Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, 1:43n; conference, 1893 (Cologne), 469, 642, 660n
Spaeter, Henry J., 410n; letter to, 409
Speyer, George J., 133, 134n
Spinners' Association, National Cotton Mule, 56n
Spring, Abraham, 51, 55n, 116n; letters to, 115-16, 193-94
St. Louis Brewers' Association, 346n
St. Louis Central Trades and Labor Union, 1:166n, 205, 206n, 249, 343-45
Stair Builders, New York Brotherhood of. See American Federation of Labor: local unions, directly affiliated, 5616
Stair Builders, United Order of American, 150, 153n
Stauffer, Henry, 501n; letter from, 506-7; letter to, 500- 501
Stead, William T., 543, 547n
Steam and Hot Water Fitters and Helpers of America, National Association of: local 18 (Milwaukee), 494, 497, 498n; local 24 (Milwaukee), 494, 497, 498n
Stelle, John P., 262, 263n
Sterling, W. R., 656
Stevenson, Adlai, 489n; letter to, 488-89
Steward, Ira,* 640, 660n
Stewart, Delegate, 380
Stillwagon, William C., 139, 140n, 263
Stodart, Henrietta H., 141, 142n
Stone Masons' International Union: local 1 (Denver), 79, 80n
Stonemasons' union (Great Britain), 639, 660n
Story, William, 34, 41n
Strasser Adolph,* 77n, 613, 616n; and AFL political program, 619, 621, 627, 630-31, 634-35, 639-41
Straus, Isidor, 506n; letter to, 505-6
Street-car Conductors, Motormen, and Car-drivers, Brotherhood of, 154n
Street Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of,* 225-28, 229n, 359; convention, 1892 (Indianapolis), 174, 175n, 225-28; and KOL, 226, 228
Strigel, John, 133, 134n, 136-37
Strikes: AFL assessments for, 168; AFL financial support of, 21-22, 23n, 79, 149, 168-69, 250-53, 266-67, 268n, 453-54, 454n, 461, 461n, 470, 471n (see also AFL defense fund; AFL sinking fund); armed suppression of, by state, 214-15n, 243n, 254-57, 632, 659n (see also Homestead strike; Pullman strike); arrests in, 214n (see also Homestead strike; Pullman strike); injunctions against, 21, 25-26, 26n, 125-26, 128n, 129-30, 139, 148, 214n, 243n, 263-64, 293-94, 294-95n, 295-96, 296n, 297-300, 302, 412n, 420, 547n, 576, 632-33 (see also Pullman strike); SG and, 37-38, 100-101, 185-87, 546, 568-73, 578, 600-601, 605; sympathy strikes (see also Homestead strike; Pullman strike); violence in, 58n, 67, 68n, 186, 214-15n, 221, 266n, 659n (see also Homestead strike; Pullman strike)
Strikes and lockouts:
--bakers: (1891, Rochester, N.Y.), 105n
--building trades: (1892, New York City), 152, 153n
--cabinetmakers: (Feb. 1892, New York City), 267, 268n; (Apr.-July 1892, New York City), 152, 153n
--carpenters: (1891, Newark, N.J.), 70, 70n
--cigarmakers: (1883, Chicago), 640; (1890, Binghamton, N.Y.), 26, 26n, 148
--clothing cutters: (1891, Rochester, N.Y.), 299, 300n; (1893, New York City), 295-96, 296-97n, 297-300, 300-301n, 302, 304-41 (see also Knights of Labor and clothing cutters' strike [1893, New York City])
--collar, cuff, and shirt starchers: (1891-92, Troy, N.Y.), 109, 109n
--dockworkers: (1889, London), 2:281n, 78n, 504
--electrical workers: (1892?, St. Louis), 260
--garment workers: (1892, Boston), 180n; (1894, New York City and Newark, N.J.), 587-88, 589n
--general strike: (1892, New Orleans), 185-86, 241-42, 243n, 252, 295n. See also Pullman strike: and general strike, proposed
--granite cutters: (1892, Northeast), 165, 165-66n
--iron and steel workers: (1892, Beaver Falls, Pa.), 234n, 238; (1892, Homestead; see Homestead strike); (Lawrenceville, Pa.; see 1892-93, Union Mills, Pittsburgh); (1892-93, Union Mills, Pittsburgh), 234n, 238
--jute mill workers: (1893, Dundee), 542n; (1895, Dundee), 542n
--knife grinders: (1892), 197, 197n
--lasters: (1891-95, Brockton, Mass.), 296n; (1892, Chicago), 155, 155n
--locomotive engineers and firemen: (1893, Toledo, Ann Arbor, and Northern Michigan Railroad), 294n, 329-31
--metal workers: (1893, Chicago), 356n
--miners: (1890-91, Vancouver Island, B.C.), 56n; (1891, Connellsville coke region), 56-58, 58-59n, 64n, 66, 66n, 67-68, 73-74; (1891, Iowa), 69, 70n; (1891, Tennessee), 215n; (1892, Coeur d'Alene), 185-86, 213, 214n, 251-52, 255, 293-94, 420; (1892, Tennessee), 185-86, 213, 215n, 220, 251-53, 420; (1893, Great Britain), 426, 429n, 432, 565, 575; (1894), 542-44, 547n
--printers: (1891-92, Pittsburgh), 125-26, 128n, 129-30, 263; (1892, New York City), 486n
--Pullman Palace Car Co.: (1894), 521-22, 525, 527-28, 580-82
--railroad workers: (1877), 1:95, 190; (1893, Lehigh Valley Railroad), 432, 434n; (1894, American Railway Union; see Pullman strike); (1894, Great Northern Railroad), 521, 544, 547n; (1894, Northern Pacific Railroad), 561n; (1894, Southern and Central Pacific railroads), 632, 659n
--shoe workers: (1890-91, Rochester, N.Y.), 2:427-28n, 20-21, 26; (1893-94, Auburn, Me.), 411, 412n, 460-61
--spinners: (1890-91, Newark, N.J.), 56n
--stonemasons: (1877-78, London), 639, 660n
--streetcar employees: (1892, Indianapolis), 154, 154n
--switchmen: (1892, Buffalo, N.Y.), 185-86, 213, 214-15n, 219, 222, 420
--tailors: (1891, New York City), 125; (1892, Boston), 180n
--textile workers: (1882, Cohoes, N.Y.), 1:265n, 318, 340n
--waiters: (1893, Brooklyn), 485-86n Striking for Life: Labor's Side of the Labor Question (Swinton), 592, 593n
Suchanek, Joseph, 150n; letter to, 149-50
Sullivan, Dora, 109n, 176-77, 177n; letters to, 108-9, 163-64
Sullivan, James W.,* 472, 472n, 631-32, 659n
Sumner, Charles, 633, 659-60n
Sweatshops, 103, 103n, 587, 589n
Sweeney, Frank, 215n
Sweeney, Thomas, 148, 148n
Swinton, John,* 298, 300n, 592
Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association of the U.S. of America,* 93, 94n; lodge 39 (Buffalo, N.Y.), 185, 214n
Sykes, Edward, 400, 401n
Syndicat de Chambre. See Union des chambres syndicales
Taft, William H., 293, 294n, 295, 299, 302, 559, 576
Tailors, Brotherhood of, 379
Tailors' Union, Operative (New York City), 379
Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen,* 108n, 587, 589n; local 12 (Boston), 179, 180n; local 23 (Brooklyn), 379, 382n
Takano, Fusataro,* 473n; letter to, 472-73
Talbot, Thomas W.,* 406, 407n
Talley, Benjamin C., 583, 584n
Tanners and Curriers of America, United Brotherhood of,* 493, 495, 498n; local 1 (Milwaukee), 492-95, 497, 497n; local 2 (see Tanners and Curriers of America, United Brotherhood of, local 3); local 3 (Milwaukee), 494, 497, 498n
Taylor, Perry D.: letter to, 183
Teall, Oliver S., 418n; letter to, 418
Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Co., 215n
Tennessee miners' strike (1892). See Strikes and lockouts: miners (1892, Tennessee)
Terrell, Ben, 263n; letter from, 262-63
Theatrical Stage Employes of the U.S., National Alliance of,* 520n; convention, 1894 (Chicago), 520n; letter to 1894 convention, 518-20
Thomas, Arthur L., 43, 44n
Thomas, Delegate, 381
Thomas, Hiram W., 424-25, 425n
Thomson-Houston works (St. Louis), 260
Thorne, William J.,* 33n, 34n; letter to, 32-33
Thornton, William T., 98, 102n
Thurber, Francis B., 375n; letter to, 373-74
Tile Layers and Trade National Union, Mosaic and Encaustic,* 429n
Tillett, Benjamin,* 16, 18n, 516
Tillman, James F., 104n, 262; letter to, 104
Tin, Sheet Iron, and Cornice Workers' International Association,* 235, 236n
Tobin, John F.,* 622-26, 656, 659n
Todd, Sullivan, and Baldwin, 107, 108n
Todtenhausen, August A., 135, 138n, 220-21, 251, 253n
Toledo, Ann Arbor, and Northern Michigan Railroad, 294n
Toledo and Vicinity, Central Labor Union of, 124, 124n
Tozier, Albert, 82, 83n
Tracy, Thomas F.,* 662, 664n
Trade schools: SG and, 375-76, 557
Trades Union Congress of Great Britain,* 223, 224n, 419; 1889 (Dundee), 636, 660n; 1891 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), 223, 224n; 1892 (Glasgow), 223-24, 224n, 348-49; 1893 (Belfast), 619-20, 635-36, 640, 659n; 1894 (Norwich), 516, 517n, 588, 636-37; 1895 (Cardiff), 664, 665n; Parliamentary Committee of, 612; and political action, independent, 619-20, 622, 625-26, 636-37; socialism, endorsement of, 635-38, 640
Trade unions: ethnic divisions in, 490-92, 494; growth of, SG and, 49, 603-4; leadership of, SG and, 332, 400; need for federation of, SG and, 144-45, 166-67, 280-81, 301, 405-7, 466-68, 498-99, 499n, 518-20, 572; need for organization of, SG and, 183, 194, 280, 473, 531; officers and delegates of, SG and, 248; and political party, independent, 23-24, 479-81, 491; and political party, independent, SG and, 6, 77-78, 78n, 181, 202, 403, 421, 444-45, 504, 585-86, 588, 608, 612; right to counsel of, SG and, 395, 602-3; SG and, 9, 17, 36-37, 75, 90-91, 95-102, 144-45, 200, 324-25, 354, 392-93, 417, 431-33, 510-11, 554-56, 559, 577-79, 669-70; unaffiliated, SG and, 166-67, 225-29, 280-81, 301, 405-7, 466-68, 498-99, 499n, 518-20, 572 (see also Cigar Makers' International Union, and political party, independent; "New Trade Unionism")
Trade Unions, Their Origin and Objects, Influence and Efficacy (Trant), 2:206n, 102n
Transportation, government ownership of, AFL and, 258-59, 260n, 401, 551, 635; SG and, 475, 574 (see also AFL political program)
Trant, William, 2:206n, 97-98, 102n
Treaties. See Russo-American extradition treaty; Sino- American treaty
"Triple Alliance" (New Orleans), 243n
Tucker, Gideon J., 550n; letter to, 549-50
Tuttle, Charles: letter to, 229-30
Tweed, William M., 1:173n, 373n
Typographia, German-American, 2:*; local 7 (New York City), 1:260n, 115n, 379, 484, 486n; local 10 (Milwaukee), 493-94, 498n
Typographical Union, International,* 68, 69n, 137, 457, 627, 629; convention, 1892 (Philadelphia), 162, 163n, 168-69, 245; convention, 1894 (Louisville), 618; and eight-hour movement (1892), 162, 168-69; local 6 (New York City), 1:362n, 379; local 7 (Pittsburgh), 128n; local 23 (Milwaukee), 494-97, 498n; local 215 (Decatur, Ill.), 362n; local 276 (New Bedford, Mass.), 362n; local 317 (New York City), 379, 382n
Unemployment: SG and, 229-30, 288, 366n, 431
Union Co-operative Laundry (Philadelphia), 161n
Union des chambres syndicales, 2:108n, 369
Union for Practical Progress, 468, 469n
Union leagues, 380, 382-83n
Union Pacific Railroad, 551, 552n
Union shop: SG and, 324-25, 484
University Settlement (New York City), 458n
U.S. Department of Labor, 2:127n, 477-78, 478n; commissioner of, 477-78
U.S. Immigration Commission, 271, 271n, 361
U.S. Post office, 629, 631-32
U.S. Strike Commission, 571, 579n; SG testimony before, 563-79
Valentine, Joseph F.,* 662, 664n
Valesh, Eva McDonald,* 131, 132n, 419; letters to, 143-44, 591-93
Valesh, Frank, 126, 128n, 130, 251, 253n, 259, 265, 591-92
Valesh, Frank, Jr., 592
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 2:409n, 481
Van Etten, Ida M.,* 29, 29n, 133, 136
Van Gülpen, George W.: letter to, 551
Van Patten, Simon P.,* 15, 18n
Vermont Marble Co., 271
Vigouroux, Louis, 368, 370n
Vince, Joseph, 1:433n, 141
Vince, Mrs. Joseph, 141
Vogt, Hugo,* 16, 18n, 397
Voice, 217
Volders, Jean,* 86, 87n
Von der Fehr, Frank, 344, 345n
Voorhees, Daniel W., 137, 138n
Vrooman, Harry C., 468n; letter to, 468
Wages: SG views of, 229-30, 274-75, 316-18, 395, 575, 604
Wage workers of the U.S.: letter to, 15-18
Wagnalls, Adam W., 217, 218n
Wagner, Karl H.: letter to, 169-70
Wagstaff, William, 196, 197n
Waiters' and Bartenders' National Union,* 89, 90n, 401n
Waiters' Union, German (New York City), 379
Waldinger, August, 2:408n, 12, 14n, 397
Walker, Edwin, 523
Walker, Eugene, 128n, 263
Walsh, Thomas C., 367, 367n, 378, 380, 382
Ware, Fred J., 51, 55n
Washington, Mr., 450
Washington and British Columbia, District Building Trades Council of, 55n
Washington (state) Farmers' Alliance, 55n
Washington State Federation of Industrial Organizations, 55n
Watchorn, Robert,* 277, 279n
Watkins, David: letter to, 356-57
Weaver, James B., 4, 277, 277n; letter to, 593
Weber, Frank J.,* 496, 498n
Weber, John B., 196, 271n; letter to, 271
Weeks, Joseph D., 602, 606n
Weihe, William,* 189n, 191n, 199n, 206, 219n, 231, 239-40, 250, 253n, 401; letters to, 191, 218-19
Weinhard, Henry, Brewery, 82, 83n
Weismann, Henry,* 111-12, 114n, 250, 252, 253n, 256, 353, 430, 480, 609-10, 611n; and AFL political program, 419, 436, 445, 621-22, 624, 641-44, 654; and compulsory arbitration, 259, 427-28; and depression of 1893, 367, 380-84
Wellington collieries, 53, 56n
Western Central Labor Union (Seattle), 55n
Western Wheel Co., 356n
White, Charles L., 533, 533n
White, Harry (mayor of Seattle), 51, 55n
White, Henry,* 111, 115n, 260, 261n, 381-83, 421; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 305, 313-14, 319-22, 326, 333, 338
White, James E., 413, 414n
White, Rufus A., 424, 425n
Wickes, Thomas H., 522
Willard, Cyrus F., 415, 415n
Willard, Frances E. C., 598-99, 599n
Willey, Norman B., 214n
Williams, Henry W., 559, 561n, 576
Williams, Owen A., 125-28, 128n, 134, 137
Williams, Victor, 139, 140n
Williamson, Henry, 540, 542n
Williston, Martin L., 424, 426n
Wilson, Charles F., 397, 399n
Wilson-Gorman Tariff. See Legislation, U.S.: Wilson-Gorman Tariff
Windom, William, 119, 120n
Winkel, Mrs. Abraham, 141, 142n
Winnick, Henry, 141, 142n
Winnick, Mrs. Henry, 141
Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, 496, 498n
Wisconsin Vorwärts, 490, 492-94, 498n
Wisdom, Thomas J.,* 356, 356n
Wise, Peter, 67, 68n
Wolder, Louis, 141, 142n, 381, 383n
Wolf, E., 403n
Wolfson, Louis, 615, 616n, 633, 641
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 598, 599n; convention, 1894 (Cleveland), 598, 599n
Woman's Temperance Crusade, 599
Woman suffrage, AFL and, 25, 428; SG and, 40, 159, 428
Woman Suffrage Association, American, 25n
Woman Suffrage Association, National, 25n
Woman Suffrage Association, National American, 25n
Women workers, AFL and, 133, 136, 160, 180, 428; SG and, 102-3, 155, 284, 347-48
Wood, Francis N., 362n; letter to, 361-62
Wood, Joseph W., 463n; letter from, 462
Woodbridge, Alice L., 452n; letter to, 452
Woods, Samuel,* 596-97, 597n
Woods, W. G., 362
Woods, William A., 523, 526n, 531n, 559, 561n, 563n, 576, 632
Wood Workers' International Union of America, Machine,* 533n
Worden, S. F., 659n
Workday: hours, reduction of, SG and, 44-46, 49, 53-54, 393-94, 447, 450, 547, 550, 605, 609; SG and, 229-30, 278, 285
Workmen's Advocate, 14n
World's Congress Auxiliary, 224n
Worthington, Nicholas E., 572-75, 579n
Woytisek, Vincent, 1:*, 15, 18n
Wright, Alexander W., 2:*, 3
Wright, Carroll D.,* 288, 291n, 477, 564, 567-71, 578, 579n, 602, 606n
Wright, Hendrick B., 448, 451n
Zacharias, Benjamin, 340n; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 306
Zuber, John J., 340n; and mediation of clothing cutters' strike (1893, New York City), 305-6, 314, 326-27, 332