A(Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Acme Press Brick Co., 504, 505n
Acornley, A. H., 240, 243-44n
Adams, Charles Francis, 464n, 496n, 497n; letter from, 494- 96
Address, An. To the Western Federation of Miners, in Convention Assembled, Salt Lake City, Utah, 151n
Adler, Felix, 2:94n, 352
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
Agard, Edgar A., 441-42, 444n
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 64n
Ailes, Milton E., 411, 411n
Albany Central Federation of Labor, 361n
Alexander, John,* 413n; letter from, 412-13
Alfonzo, Manuel. See Alonso, Manuel
Alger, Russell, 151n
Alien Contract Labor Law. See Legislation, U.S.: Alien Contract Labor Law
Allen, Ford A., 125, 127n
Aller, Juan, 185, 188n, 232
Allied Freight Transportation Council, 497n
Allied printing trades councils: SG and, 519
Allied trade union label councils: SG and, 519
Allis-Chalmers Co., 334n
Alma, Juan, 180
Alonso, Manuel, 180, 188n
Altgeld, John P., 3:*, 414-15, 415n; letter to, 87-88
American Academy of Political and Social Science: convention, 1902 (Philadelphia), 510n; SG and, 505-10
American Bicycle Co., 157, 158n
American Federationist, xiv
American Federation of Labor: defense fund, 235n, 431 (SG and), 439-40; dues, 57 (SG and), 58, 58n, 447, 448n; financial resources of, xiii, xxn; growth of, xiii, xix-xxn, 431, 432n, 486; headquarters, location of, xiv; membership of, 73n, 431; officers, election of: 1898, 57n; 1899, 176, 177n; 1900, 294n; 1901, 445; office staff, xiv
--conventions: date of, 440-41; voting at, 397; 1888 (St. Louis), 259, 260n; 1896 (Cincinnati), 85, 85n; 1897 (Nashville), 268n; 1898 (Kansas City, Mo.), 14, 15n, 20n, 35-58 (accounts of), 68, 77, 79n, 104n, 142n, 169, 221n, 232n, 235n, 236; 1899 (Detroit), 48n, 104-5n, 119n, 121n, 140n, 142n, 158-76 (accounts of), 179, 203, 221n, 231, 232n, 235n, 236-37; 1900 (Louisville), xiv, 172n, 176, 177n, 216n, 221n, 256n, 262n, 278-94 (accounts of), 298, 328n, 333n, 342n, 344, 414, 460, 503n, 515; 1901 (Scranton), xiv, 104n, 287n, 294, 294n, 342n, 366n, 397, 398n, 416n, 430-45 (accounts of), 446-47, 447-48n, 456, 470n, 503n, 515; 1902 (New Orleans), 445, 445n, 503n
--Executive Council: circulars (mentioned), 66-67, 266, 267n; letters to, 76-78, 105-9, 155-56, 210-11, 250, 393-95, 423-25, 456-58; number of members, 56
--Executive Council, meetings of: Oct. 1898, 19, 20n; Oct. 1899, 151n; Dec. 1899, 157, 158n; Mar. 1900, 199, 199n, 209-10 (minutes); July 1900, 255-56 (minutes), 256n, 266; Feb. 1901, 325-27 (minutes), 327n; Sept. 1901, 396n; Apr. 1902, 503, 503n, 514-15 (minutes), 516-18; July 1902, 469, 470n
--federal labor unions (FLU), 440; FLU 6964 (Ouray, Colo.), 89, 92n; FLU 7010 (Owensboro, Ky.), 38n; FLU 7204 (Carbondale, Pa.), 484-85, 485n; FLU 7591 (Pana, Ill.), 402-3, 404n; FLU 8083 (Springfield, Ill.), 178-79, 179n; FLU 8276 (DeSoto, Ill.), 336-37, 337n, 338n; FLU 8875 (Scranton): 331, 332n
--Legislative Committee, 362, 457-58; letter to, 455-56
--local unions, directly affiliated (LU): LU 6087 (sprinkler fitters, Chicago), 39n; LU 6356 (water department workers, Boston), 76-78, 79n; LU 6751 (paving department workers, Boston), 79n; LU 6869 (laborers, Ludington, Mich.), 4:337n; LU 6869 strike (1898-99), 58-59, 59n, 60-61; LU 6899 (mattress makers, Chicago), 102n; LU 6961 (watch workers, Elgin, Ill.), 30-31, 32n, 392; LU 7073 (horse nail makers, New Brighton, Pa.), 17n; LU 7362 (foundry laborers, Buffalo), 209n; LU 7437 (farmers, Lentner, Mo.), 120-21, 121n; LU 7483 (coal employees, London, Can.), 401n; LU 8014 (glass packers, Bridgeton, N.J.), 200-201, 201n; LU 8104 (black laborers, Fort Worth, Tex.), 221, 222n; LU 8145 (mosaic marble workers, Philadelphia), 281n; LU 8193 (plate printers' assistants, Washington, D.C.), 199; LU 8248 (freight handlers, Buffalo), strike (1900), 247, 247n; LU 8324 (laundry workers, Denison, Tex.) 264, 264n; LU 8360 (blast furnace workers, Buffalo), strike (1901), 383, 383-84n; LU 9001 (black electrical workers and linemen, Jacksonville, Fla.), 327, 327-28n; LU 9039 (glove workers, Chicago), 373, 374n; LU 9077 (newsboys, Boston), 475-77, 477n; LU 9323 (freight handlers, Nashua, N.H.), 400n
--Metal Trades Department, 287n
--organizers: general, xiii, xxn, 46-47, 49n, 141, 143, 278-79, 279n, 280-81, 281n, 330-31, 331-32n, 338-39, 343, 361, 378, 395, 396n, 432n, 446, 448n, 449-50, 504; black, 439n, 460-61, 461n, 462; letters from, 369-71, 393-95, 415, 467-70; letters to, 119-21, 148-51, 246, 254-55, 268, 356-57, 386-87, 392, 451-52, 459-60; specific organizers mentioned, 148-49, 151n, 247, 247n, 321, 321-22n, 327n, 328, 329n, 331, 331-32n, 338-39, 339n, 340-41, 357, 357n, 370, 371n, 386, 387n, 393n, 395-96n, 408, 415-16n, 420, 421n, 423-24, 425n, 439n, 453n, 454, 454n, 455, 460, 460n, 461, 461n, 462-63, 463n, 469, 470n, 491, 492n, 504, 505n; See also Cuba: organizing in; Midwest: organizing in; Puerto Rico: organizing in; South: organizing in; West: organizing in
American Labor Union, 4:453n; local 261 (Lynn, Mass.), 492n; local 263 (Lynn, Mass.), 492n
American Sheet Steel Co.: strike against (1901), 384n
American Smelting and Refining Co.: strike against (1899), 115n
American Steel Hoop Co.: strike against (1901), 384n
American Tin Plate Co., 79; strike against (1901), 384n
American Tobacco Co., 117, 119n
American Workingman's Protective Association, 417n
Anarchy, repression of: SG and, 404
Andersonville Prison, 138n
Andrews, George P., 244n
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co.: letter to, 332-33
Anthony, Benjamin M., 160n
Anthony, Elizabeth S. Cole, 159, 160n
Anthony, Susan B., 140n, 160n; address by, 158-60; letter to, 139-40
Anthracite mining region: labor disputes in, 263n, 328-29, 329n, 334, 335n, 381, 382n, 411, 411n, 483
Anti-Imperialist League: SG and, xv
Arago case. See Robertson v. Baldwin
--compulsory, 307-8n, 308n, 310; AFL and, 291-92, 298; SG and, 291-92, 296, 298-304, 306, 328, 508-9
--voluntary, 307-8n; SG and, 299-302, 304, 306
Aristotle, 6
Armas, Francisco de, 185, 188n
Armstrong, J. B.: letter to, 140-42
Arnold, Benedict, 97, 99n
Ashby, Irene, 315-16n, 340-41, 342n, 348-49; letter to, 314-15. See also Ashby-Macfadyen, Irene
Ashby-Macfadyen, Irene: article by, 465, 465n; letter to, 465. See also Ashby, Irene
Askew, Robert,* 148, 151n
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway: strike against (1900), 295-96, 307n
Atlantic Coast Seamen's Union: local 56 (Philadelphia), 387n
Austin Trades Council, 413-14, 414n
Ayer, Jaun. See Aller, Juan
Baglin, Mrs. Thomas: letter to, 178-79
Bailey, Robert D., 462-63, 463n
Bakers' and Confectioners' International Union of America, Journeymen, 4:*; local 35 (New Orleans), 377, 379n
Baldwin Locomotive Works, 194, 198n
Balloch, Edward A., 155, 156n, 157
Barbers' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 169n; local 205 (Denver), 393, 395, 395n
Barnaby, C., 321, 322n
Barneby (miner). See Barnaby, C.
Barnes, J. Mahlon,* 398n, 439, 441n
Barter, Henry C.,* 59n, 249, 249n, 283, 286n, 417n; letter to, 416-17
Bartlett, Adolphus C., 311, 311n, 369n
Bauer, Ernest, 269-70, 271n
Bay City, Greater (Mich.), Central Trades Council, 330n
Bechtold, Charles F.,* 219, 221n, 257-58; letter to, 244-45
Beifeld, Joseph, 101-2
Beifeld, Joseph, and Co.: strike against (1898), 101, 102n
Beinke, George, 170, 172n, 292n
Belk, Mason S., 370, 371n
Bell, William H., 160n
Benedict, M. S., Manufacturing Co., 376, 377n; letter to, 376-77
Bennet, John B., 95, 98n, 134
Bennett, Lieutenant. See Bennet, John B.
Bennett, Samuel L.,* 124-26, 126n
Berkman, Alexander, 85n; AFL and, 85, 85n; SG and, 84-85
Berry, Thomas F.,* 81n; letter to, 79-81
Best, George S.: injunction against, 123
Bethlehem Steel Co., 207n
Bice, William F., 59n; letter from, 59-61; letter to, 58-59
Biefeld, Mr. See Beifeld, Joseph
Bird, Mr., 402-3
Birmingham, Ala., Trades Council, 316n
Black, David, 4:275n, 57, 58n
Blacksmiths, International Brotherhood of,* 162n, 285; jurisdiction of, 161, 162n, 516, 517n; strike, 1899-1900 (local 104, Philadelphia), 126n
Black workers: AFL and, xiv, 47, 261, 262n, 264, 327, 327- 28n, 342-46, 413-14, 430-31, 432n, 438-39, 439n, 440, 460-62; representation in central bodies, 221-22, 261, 262n, 413-14, 430-31, 432n, 439n, 440, 460-62; SG and, xiv, 221-22, 254, 261, 262n, 264, 327-28n, 342-46, 460-61, 461n; as strikebreakers, 30n, 44, 322n
Blain, W. J., 51-52, 53n
Bliss, E. W., and Co., 207n
Blissert, Robert,* 34, 35n
Bloom, Jacob E., 180, 188n; letter to, 231-32
Board of Trade (British), 87-88, 88n
Bock, Gustavo, 181, 188n; letter from, 182
Boer War, 122n; SG and, 122
Bohm, Ernest,* 286, 287n
Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders of America, Brotherhood of,* 164, 168n, 285
Bonaparte, Charles J., 464n, 484n
Bookbinders, International Brotherhood of, 3:*; local 29 (Denver), 395, 396n; local 58 (Denver), 395, 396n
Boot and Shoe Workers' Union,* 111n, 112n; benefits, 110-11, 111-12n; convention, 1899 (Rochester, N.Y.), 110-11, 111-12n; dues, 110-11, 111-12n; Joint Council 1 (Brockton, Mass.), 111n, 112n; jurisdiction of, 491, 492n
Boston Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 77-78
Bourse du travail, 3:370n, 87-88
Bowman, James H.,* 340, 342n, 437
Boyce, Edward,* 90-91, 93n, 101n, 114, 138n, 148-50, 151n, 464n, 469; letter to, 100-101
Boycotts, 209-10, 210n; AFL Executive Council and, 106-7, 107-8n, 108-9, 110n, 342n; American Tobacco Co. (1899), 119n; Chicago Daily News (1898-1903), 340, 341n, 342n; Chicago Record (1898-1903), 340, 341n, 342n; Cincinnati breweries (1902), 503n, 516n; Continental Tobacco Co. (1899-), 119n; Ganter, Francis X. (1899-1900), 107, 108n, 271n; Kimble, Andrew, (1899-), 107, 108n; National Cash Register (1901-2), 366n, 460n; New York Sun (1899-1902), 236n, 477, 477n; Pabst Brewing Co. (1899), 106-7, 107n, 108-9, 110n; Peoples' Street Railway Co., Dayton, Ohio (1901-4), 379n; San Francisco minor league baseball team (1901), 339n
Boyd, David A.,* 324n; letter to, 322-24
Boyer, William, 453n
Boynton, Charles A., 424, 425n
Bracken, Edward J.,* 282, 286n
Bramwood, John W.,* 113n, 288, 510-11
Brewers' Exchange, Buffalo, 221n
Brewers' Exchange, Cincinnati, 375, 375n, 503, 503n, 504n, 516n
Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United (NUUBW),* 162n, 210n; jurisdiction of, 161, 162n, 169-71, 172n, 219-20, 221n, 257-60, 260n, 288, 290, 292n, 374-75, 375n, 433-34, 503, 503n, 503-4n, 514-15, 515-16n; and Knights of Labor, 244-45, 245n; local 1 (New York City), 3:115n, 244-45; local 12 (Cincinnati), 501-3, 503n, 514-15; local 44 (Denver), 393, 396n; local 56 (Denver), 393, 396n; local 58 (Denver), 393, 396n; local 59 (New York City), 2:337n, 245, 245n; local 269 (Cincinnati), 374-75, 375n, 516n
--strikes and lockouts: 1900 (local 46, Kansas City, Mo.), 260n; 1902 (NUUBW), 503n, 516n
Brick, Tile, and Terra Cotta Workers' Alliance, International,* 462, 463n
Brine, R. S., Transportation Co.: strike against (1902), 496-97n
Bromley, Owen, 86, 87n
Broom Makers' Union, International, 3:*; local 40 (Denver), 393, 395, 396n
Brown, James, 4:131n, 439n, 460-61, 461n, 462
Brown, Morris, 3:143n, 101n
Buchanan, George, 331n
Buchanan and Lyall Tobacco Co., 117, 119n
Buckley, John F., 111n; letter to, 110-11
Buffalo Union Furnace Co., 382-83; strike against (1901), 383-84n
Building trades councils: AFL and, 440, 518-19; SG and, 518- 19
Building trades sections of central bodies: SG and, 350
Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Co., 93n, 97, 130-32
Bureau du Travail. See Bourse du travail
Burton, Theodore E., 326, 327n
Busch, Adolphus, 334n
Busto, Serafín, 182-83, 185, 188n, 232
Butchers' Protective Union: local 1 (Denver), 393, 396n
Byrne, Joseph F.,* 128, 129n; attack on, 454-55
Cable, James A.,* 84n, 110n; letter from, 219-20; letters to, 82-84, 257-60
Caffery, Donelson, 498, 501n
Cain, James G., 63n, 174-75, 176n
Caldwell, Ben Franklin, 189, 198n
Caldwell, Howard H., 340-41, 342n
Call, Homer D.,* 18n, 78, 164, 168n, 286, 287n; letter to, 17-18
Campbell, Humphrey B., 331, 332n, 382n; letter from, 380-82
Canadian Pacific Co., 327
Cannon, James, Jr., 94-95, 98n
Canon. See Cannon, James, Jr.
Carey, James F., 46, 48n, 49-50, 53n
Carhartt, Hamilton, 417n
Carmody, Walter, 374n; letter to, 373
Carnegie, Andrew, 2:36n, 166, 169n
Carnegie Steel Co., 207n, 335n, 482n
Carney, Francis, 89, 92n, 307n
Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of,* 18, 19n; General Executive Board, 233, 398-99; jurisdiction of, 421-22, 422-23n, 484-85; local 22 (San Francisco), 339n; locals of, in San Francisco, 474-75; and McGuire, P. J., 398-99n; and painters' controversy, in New York City, 447-48n
--conventions: 1898 (New York City), 18, 19n; 1902, 399n;
Carriage and Wagon Workers' International Union of North America,* 267n, 268n; affiliation of, 265-68; letter to, 265-67; local 5 (Denver), 393, 396n; local 14 (New Orleans), 377, 379n
Carrick, Michael P.,* 408, 408n; letter to, 518-20
Carter, Thomas H., 151n
Castle, Chauncey H., 311, 311n
Ceamer, James. See Creamer, James J.
Central labor bodies: affiliation of local unions with, 261, 440
Chainmakers' National Union of the U.S.A.: jurisdiction of, 516, 517n
Chalmers, Andrew, 4:197n, 452
Chance, George,* 126n, 175, 176n
Chicago Allied Printing Trades Council, 342n
Chicago American: contempt case (1901), 415, 415n
Chicago Association of Machinery Manufacturers, 216n
Chicago Building Contractors' Council, 214, 215n, 216n
Chicago Building Trades Council, 214, 215n, 216n
Chicago Civic Federation, 3:553n, 215n, 217, 218n
--conferences: 1894 (Chicago), 218n; 1898 (New York City), 218n; 1898 (Saratoga, N.Y.), 4:506n, 3-11 (SG and), 11n, 13-14, 15n, 217, 218n; 1899 (Chicago), 217 (SG and), 218n
Chicago Commercial Association, 29n
Chicago Drapers' and Tailors' Exchange, 215, 216n
Chicago Federation of Labor, 4:159n, 4:177n, 162n, 342n, 373
Chicago Peace Jubilee (1898), 29n; SG and, 20-29
Chicago-Virden Coal Co.: lockout (1898), 30n
Child labor, 70, 70n, 312-13, 316n; SG and, 314-15, 348-49, 431
China: SG and, 297, 506
Chinese, exclusion of, 406-7, 407n, 434-38, 456-58, 458n, 458-59n, 485-86, 518; SG and, xvi, 7, 28, 431, 437-38, 466-67, 470-74
Chinese, immigration of, 45, 62, 65, 280, 309, 327, 435-37, 466, 471-74
Chinese Exclusion Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Chinese exclusion legislation
Chinese exclusion conferences: 1901 (San Francisco), 457, 458n; 1901 (Washington, D.C.) 457, 458n
Chinese Question, The: Arguments against Exclusion Answered and Argument in Favor of Exclusion Presented (Morgan), 406, 407n
Chinese seamen: employed on troopships, 13, 15n
Cigar Makers' International Union of America,* 88, 88n, 234, 240; benefits, 240-41; convention, 1887 (Binghamton, N.Y.), 407, 407n; local 129 (Denver), 393, 395, 395n; local 144 (New York City), 1:46, 236n, 324, 324n, 372n; local 316 (McSherrytown, Pa.), 127-28, 128n; and mechanization, 434-35; organization of, 124, 127; representation at AFL conventions, 397-98, 398n --special assessment for (1900), 253n; AFL Executive Council and, 251-52, 253n, 255-56, 256n; SG and, 251-52, 255-56, 256n
--strikes and lockouts: 1890, 3:26n, 241, 244n; 1899, 128, 129n; 1900-1901, 234, 236n, 240-43, 234-44n, 251-52, 253n, 255-56, 256n
Cigar Manufacturers' Association, 236n, 241, 251
Cincinnati Central Labor Council, 1:212n, 503n
Clark, Edgar E., 4:*, 464n
Clarke, Albert, 144-45, 146n
Clay, W. H., 439, 439n, 462
Clerks' International Protective Association of America, Retail:* local 7 (Denver), 393, 395, 395n; local 262 (Washington, D.C.), 198-99, 199n. See also Clerks' National Protective Association of America, Retail
Clerks' National Protective Association of America, Retail,* 20n; AFL Executive Council and, 19, 20n. See also Clerks' International Protective Association of America, Retail
--conventions: 1898, 20n; 1899 (Kansas City, Mo.), 19, 20n
Cleveland, Grover, 2:127n, 464n, 511
Cleveland Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 3:403n; meeting (1900), 267n
Cleveland Citizen, 72, 73n
Cloakmakers' Union, Chicago: strike, 1898, 101, 102n
Cloak Makers' Union of America, International,* 102, 103n
Coates, David C.,* 90, 93n, 115
Cochrane, Aaron Van Schaick, 327n
Coeur d'Alene strike (1892), 3:214n, 93n
Cogan, William P., 3:199n, 99n; letter to, 99
Coleman, Griffin B., 263, 263n
Coleman, John, 286, 287n
Collective ownership of means of production and distribution: AFL and, 282, 284, 286n
Collins, Patrick A., 497n
Colorado Board of Arbitration, 115n
Colorado State Federation of Labor, 89, 92n, 115n; convention, 1899 (Denver), 89, 91, 92n
Comparison of European and American workers: SG and, 191-92
Compton, John L., 394, 396n
Conant, Ernest L., 186, 188n
Conciliation, 310-11, 354; SG and, 295-99, 306, 505-8, 513
Consolidated Coal Co., 219n
Construction workers, Chicago: lockout (1900-1901), 214-15, 215-16n, 233
Continental Tobacco Co., 117, 119n
Conventions, special: SG and, 100-101, 101n, 114
Cook, William, 321, 322n
Cooks' Union, Journeymen: local 18 (Denver), 393, 396n
Coombs, Frank, 457, 458n
Co-operative Clothing Co.: letter to, 155
Coopers' International Union of North America,* 84n; jurisdiction of, 219-20, 221n, 257-60, 260n, 290, 292n, 503, 503-4n; local 93 (Buffalo), 221n; and mechanization, 83, 106-7, 107n, 108-9, 110n; strike, 1899 (local 30, Milwaukee), 106-7, 107n, 151
Coremakers' International Union of America,* 285, 287n
Corey, William E., 4:500n, 387, 388n, 478-80
Corman, Alexander B., Sr., 402-3, 404n
Corruption fund: SG and, 153
Cortelyou, George B., 423, 425, 425n
Cory, Mr. See Corey, William E.
Costello, Patrick J., 196, 198n
Cotton Yard Men's Benevolent Association, 261, 262n
Courts: and labor, 29-30n, 115n, 459; SG and, 8, 24, 62, 84, 114, 123, 240-43, 243-44n. See also Injunctions
Cowen, Isaac A., 3:402n, 45, 48n, 50
Cowen, Mr., 357
Cox, Oscar, 497n
Cramp, Charles H., 4:499n, 165, 169n, 205-6, 207n, 225-27, 230n
Cramp, William, and Sons' Ship and Engine Building Co., 165, 194, 198n, 207n, 230n; strike against (1899-1900), 124, 126n, 165, 205-6
Creamer, James J.,* 285, 287n
Croft, G. W., 312, 313n
Cronin, John, 454n; letter to, 453-54
Crossfield, Sarah A., 91, 93n
Crow, James W., 264n; letter to, 264
Crowley, Florence, 79n
Cuba: organizing in, 280; SG and, xv-xvi, 21-22, 139, 180- 81, 183, 186-87; strikes in (see Strikes and lockouts: bakers; Strikes and lockouts: cigarmakers; Strikes and lockouts: general strikes; Strikes and lockouts: masons)
Cumberland Glass Co.: strike against (1900), 246
Cummings, George, 403, 404n
Czolgosz, Leon F., 390n
Daily Newspaper Association of Chicago, 342n
Daley, James E., 174, 176n
Damm, Peter, 265, 267n
Danville Central Labor Union, 439n
Danville Trades and Labor Council, 370-71, 371n
Darrow, Clarence S.,* 211, 211n, 414-15, 415n
Davis, Mr., 403-4
Dawes, Mr., 248
Dayton Central Trades Council, 379n, 460n
Dayton Employers' Association, 365, 367n
Debs, Eugene V.,* 42n
Deernel, John C. See Dernell, John C.
De la Vergne Refrigerating Co., 332-33, 334n
DeLeon, Daniel,* 72-73, 73n, 74n, 147, 148n, 351-53, 429, 491
Democratic national conventions: 1868, 159, 160n; 1900, 211, 211n
DeNedrey, Mrs. Samuel, 452
DeNedrey, Samuel, 328, 329n, 371n, 420, 421n, 452, 453n; letter from, 369-71
Denver: significance of, for labor movement, 394, 450
Denver City Tramway Co., 99n
Denver Times: letter to the editor, 94-98
Denver Trades and Labor Assembly, 2:288n, 393-95, 396n, 450- 52
Denver tramway controversy, 99n; SG and, 97-98
Dernell, John C., 4:453n, 398n, 434, 435n, 438, 438n
DeSpagna, Francis, 280-81, 281n
Detective agencies. See Manufacturers' Information Bureau
Detroit Trade and Labor Council, 2:69n, 323
Devans, Henry F. See Devens, Henry F.
Devens, Henry F., 275-77, 278n; letter to, 276
Devery, William S., 33, 35n
Devine, Michael, 148, 151n
Dewey, George, 4, 11n, 21
Dibble, Frederick W., 31, 32n
Dickens, Frederick C., 47, 48n
Dillon, James C., 460, 461n, 462
Dinkey, Alva C., 478, 482n
Distribution: SG and problem of, 229
Dock, Wharf, Riverside, and General Labourers' Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 68, 69n
Dolan, Patrick, 4:347n; letter to, 408
Dold, Charles,* 54, 56n, 57
Dold, Jacob, Packing Co., 17
Dole, Sanford B., 6, 11n
Dolphin, Michael M.,* 124-25, 127n, 307n
Donnelly, Michael J.,* 164, 168n, 453n
Donnelly, Patrick J.,* 106, 108n
Donnelly, Samuel B.,* 43-44, 46-47, 48n, 50, 174, 176n, 234; letter to, 405-6
Douglas, W. L., Shoe Co., 112n
Doyle, Peter F.,* 126, 127n
Dresler, Frederick E.,* 140-41, 142n
Dressler, Mr. See Dresler, Frederick E.
Driscoll, Dennis D.,* 288, 292n
Duffy, Frank,* 398n, 399n, 423n, 448n; letter from, 398; letters to, 421-22, 474-75
Duncan, James,* 54, 56n, 163n, 165, 292n, 410n, 419-20n, 448n, 464n; as chair of AFL 1899 convention, 158n, 163; elected AFL vice-president, 57n (1898), 177n (1899), 294n (1900), 445 (1901); and jurisdiction questions, 78, 288, 438, 439n, 443-45; letters from, 236-39, 418-19; letter to, 233-35
Dunnell (delegate). See Dernell, John C.
Easley, Gertrude Beeks, 218n
Easley, Ralph M.,* 218n, 335n, 355n, 464n, 483n; letters from, 334, 367-69, 372, 387-90, 410-11, 482-83, 489-90; letters to, 477-78, 494-96; and mediation of industrial disputes, 361n, 366n, 367-69, 369n, 372, 387-90, 411n, 489-90, 497n
Eaton, Horace M.,* 112n, 492n; letter from, 490-92
Echard, Charles E., 440, 441n
Edmonds, Charles N., 92, 94n
Edmonston, Gabriel,* 232, 232n
Eight-hour workday: AFL and, 285-86; SG and, 186, 189-97, 201-7, 207n, 212-13, 222-30, 230n, 350, 478-82, 482n, 497-500
Eikhoff, Henry J.,* 239, 240n
Elderkin, F. F. See Elderkin, Thomas J.
Elderkin, Thomas J.,* 37, 38n
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 277, 278n, 285; and black workers, 327, 327-28n; local 100 (Jacksonville, Fla.), 327, 327-28n (see also American Federation of Labor: local unions, directly affiliated: LU 9001)
Elgin Watch Co., 31, 32n
Elgin Watch Workers' Union. See American Federation of Labor: local unions, directly affiliated: LU 6961
Elliott, Charles H., 318n; letter from, 316-18
Elliott, Charles H., Co.: letter to, 318-20; strike against (1900-1901), 318n, 320
Employers' Federation of Engineering Associations, 68, 69n
Employers' Parliamentary Council, 69n
Erdhaus, Henry B., 502, 503n
Erdman, Constantine, 308n
Erdman Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Erdman Act
Estenor, Evaristo. See Estenoz, Evaristo E.
Estenoz, Evaristo E., 185, 188n
Evans, E. Lewis,* 119n; letter from, 461-63; letters to, 117-19, 460-61
Evans, Newton W.,* 391, 391n
Exposition Universelle de 1900, 91, 93n
Fairbanks, Charles W., 470, 474n
Farmers: organization of, 177-78; SG and, 119-21, 121n
Farmers' Union, International, 121n
Farney, Michael J. See Harney, Michael J.
Farquhar, John M.,* 142-46, 146n
Farrell, John H., 123n; letter to, 123
Federación Libre de los Trabajadores de Puerto Rico (Free Federation of the Workers of Puerto Rico), 416n, 425n
Fenorio, Jaun. See Tenorio, Juan
Ferguson, Frank C., 91, 93n
Ferrell, Wesley P., 485n; letter from, 484-85
Firemen, International Brotherhood of Stationary (IBSF),* 162n, 396n, 446; convention, 1901 (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.), 382n; jurisdiction of, 161, 162n, 169-71, 172n, 290, 292n, 374-75, 375n, 434, 503, 503n, 503-4n, 514-15, 515-16n; local 49 (Cincinnati), 501-3, 503n, 514-15
--strikes: 1901 (IBSF), 381, 382n; 1901 (local 49), 374-75, 375n
Firemen and Engineers' Helpers' Union: local 158 (Denver), 393-94, 396n
Fischer, Henry,* 430-31, 432n
Fitzgerald, John (congressman), 363n
Fitzgerald, John J.,* 167, 169n
Flagler, John H., 367-68, 368n, 369
Flaherty, Martin D., 331, 331n, 332n, 396n
Fleming, Robert P., 4:344n, 254-55
Fleming, William H., 326, 327n
Flint, Charles R., 368, 368n
Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad, 58-59, 59n, 60-61
Flint Glass Workers' Union, American,* 94n; convention, 1899 (Muncie, Ind.), 92, 94n
Flynn, Thomas H., 392, 393n
Foraker (socialist). See Forker, Max
Foran Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Alien Contract Labor Law
Forbes, Gerrit A., 241-42, 244n
Ford, Joseph E., 91, 93n
Ford, M. J., 368, 369n, 372
Foremen: SG and eligibility of, for union membership, 400- 401
Forker, Max, 429, 430n
Fort Worth Trades Assembly, 221, 222n
Foster, Addison, 457, 458n
Fox, Martin,* 216n, 311, 311n, 368, 464n
France, Hugh, 98n
France: Industrial Courts in, 300-301
Frazier, William H.,* 164, 168n
Freedman, John J., 243n; injunction against picketing, 240- 43, 243-44n
Free speech: agitation against, and SG, 404
Freight Handlers' Union (New Orleans), 261
French, George W., 311, 311n
Frey, Michael, 209n; letter to, 207-9
Frick, Henry C., 3:68n, 84, 85n
Frye, William P., 168n
Furisthe (delegate). See Furuseth, Andrew
Furuseth, Andrew,* 14n, 15n, 45, 48n, 69n, 168n, 171, 438n, 470n; and Chinese exclusion, 406-7, 437; and eight-hour legislation, 481; letter from, 338-39; letters to, 13-14, 455-56; and seamen's legislation, 67, 74-76; and ship subsidy legislation, 164, 166-67
Gage, Lyman J., 3:*, 426, 426n
Gallagher, Thomas, 410n
Gansser, August H., 330n; letter to, 329-30
Ganter, Francis X., 107, 108n, 269-71, 271n
Gardner, John J., 189, 197n, 198n, 201, 206-7, 212, 222, 411n, 455-56, 478-79, 482n, 498
Gardner, Jonathan E., 473, 474n
Garment Workers of America, United,* 102; 102n, 103n; jurisdiction of, 102, 102n; local 139 (Denver), 395, 396n
Gartica, Manuel. See Gatica, Manuel
Gary, Elbert, 384n
Gates, Philetus W., 214, 216n
Gatica, Manuel, 180, 184, 188n, 232
Gaver, Lavina A., 392, 393n
Geary Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Geary Act
General Federation of Trade Unions of Great Britain and Ireland, 68, 69n, 210-11
--conventions: 1899 (Manchester), 69n; 1900 (Nottingham), 211
George, Henry, Jr., 361n; interview by, 357-61
Gilthorpe, William J.,* 164-65, 168n; letter to 488-89
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada, 4:*; conferences, 1901 (with manufacturers), 341, 342n; convention, 1901 (Milwaukee), 341, 342n; strike, 1899 (locals 8 and 19, Bridgeton, N.J.), 286n
Goldensmith, W. R., 151n
Gompers, Abraham J.,* xvi, 407, 407n, 420
Gompers, Alexander,* 324, 324n
Gompers, Alexander J.,* 256, 257n
Gompers, Catherine, 1:*, 324n
Gompers, Emanuel,* 324, 324n
Gompers, Louis,* 257n, 325n; letters to, 256-57, 324-25
Gompers, Rose. See Mitchell, Rose Gompers
Gompers, Sadie Julian,* 256, 257n
Gompers, Samuel: accidents: 1899, 155-56, 156n, 157, 163, 179; 1901, 377-78, 378-79n, 380; addresses, 3-11, 20-29, 129-38, 294-307, 475-77, 505-10; addresses mentioned, 13, 67, 85-86, 89-90, 94n, 126n, 150, 182-84, 199, 243n, 245, 245n, 257n, 263n, 336n, 357n, 512-13, 514n; articles by, 179-87; biographical sketch of, 39, 41; circulars, 70, 335-36, 349-51, 485-86, 501-3, 517; circulars mentioned, 91, 93n; description of 39-40; editorials, 342-46, 486-88; editorials mentioned, 39n, 112n, 363, 363n, 486, 488n, 497n, 517, 517n; elected AFL president: 1898, 57n; 1899, 177n; 1900, 294n; 1901, 445; interviews, 12, 39-42, 357-61; leadership, philosophy of, 40-41; nominations for political office, 488-89, 489n; testimony, 142-46, 146n, 189-97, 201-7, 212-13, 222-30, 230n, 466-67, 470-74, 478-82, 482n, 497-500; work schedule of, xvi, 67-68, 231
--trips, 67, 158n; western (Sept. 1898), 16n; western (Apr.-May 1899), 48n, 85-86, 87n; western (May-June 1899), 48n, 87n, 88-92, 124-26, 130, 149-50; Pa. (Oct. 1899), 124, 126n, 127; Midwest (Nov. 1899), 148n; N.Y. (Dec. 1899), 157; Chicago (Jan. 1900), 156n; Cuba (Jan.-Feb. 1900), 156n, 179-87, 187n, 188n, 199, 231-32; N.J. (Aug. 1900), 257n; Pa. (Sept. 1900), 262, 263n; Chicago (Oct.-Nov., 1900), 271n; N.Y. (Nov. 1900), 271n; N.Y. (Jan. 1901), 324, 324n; New England and Mid-Atlantic (Apr. 1901), 339, 341n, 346; Midwest (May 1901), 357, 361n; N.Y. and Conn. (May 1901), 356, 357n; Philadelphia (May 1901), 357, 357n; N.Y. (June 1901), 372n; Scranton (Oct. 1901), 400n; N.Y. (Nov. 1901), 411, 411n; Midwest (Mar.-Apr. 1902), 501, 511n
Gompers, Sarah Rood,* xvi, 14, 16n, 41; SG and death of, 14, 16n
Gompers, Simon (SG's uncle), 3:*; SG and death of, 16n
Gompers, Solomon,* 41, 42n
Gompers, Sophia J.,* 154n, 421n
Grady, Michael R., 4:159n, 215, 216n
Graham, William H., 190, 198n
Graham, William T., 387, 388n
Granite Cutters' National Union of the U.S.A.,* 79n; strike, 1900, 235n, 237
--special assessment for (1900), 235n; AFL Executive Council and, 233, 236-39; SG and, 233-35, 235n, 236-39
Greene, Ellen, 274n
Greene, Prince W.,* 274n, 336, 336n, 370, 418-19, 420n; letter from, 271-73
Greene Willie, 273, 274n
Griggs, John W., 326, 327n
Grocery Employes' Union: local 167 (Denver), 393, 396n
Guard, R. Lee,* 91, 93n, 155, 413n; letter from 399-400; letters to, 105, 380-82
Gudstadt, Herman. See Gutstadt, Herman
Gunter, R. L., 312, 313n
Gunton, George, 3:*, 483, 483n
Gutstadt, Herman,* 407, 407n
Gzeluch, Nikoleg, 29n
Haag, Harry O., 328, 329n
Hague conferences: 1899, 15n; 1907, 15n; SG and, 14
Hahn, William, 198
Hahn, William, and Co., 198, 199n
Hall, Horatio J., 400n; letter to, 399-400
Hanecy, Elbridge, 415, 415n
Hanna, Daniel R., 383n; letter from, 382-83
Hanna, M. A., and Co., 383n
Hanna, Marcus A., 4:221n, 165, 215n, 248, 335n, 382-83, 406n, 426, 508; and National Civic Federation, 463-64, 464n, 482, 497n, 511
Harlan, John Marshall, 4:294n, 8, 305-6
Harney, Michael J., 363n; letter to, 362-63
Harrah, Charles J., Jr., 189-97, 198n
Harris, Daniel,* 429, 429n
Harrison, Thomas, 255n
Hart, Lee M.,* 175, 176n, 284, 286n; letter to, 450-51
Harzbecker, Frank, 453n
Haskell, Mr., 504
Haslam, James,* 154, 154n
Hatters of North America, United,* 73n
Havana Herald, 184, 186, 188n
Havana Journal, 184
Hawaii: annexation of, 44-46; labor conditions in, 44;
SG and, xv-xvi, 5-6, 8, 22-24, 139
Hawley, Joseph R., 248, 249n
Hayden, James H., 207n, 225-26, 230n
Hayes, Denis A.,* 170, 172n, 283-84, 286n, 341n, 342n; elected AFL vice-president, 294n (1900), 445 (1901); letter to, 339-41
Hayes, John, 491, 492n
Hayes, John W.,* 153, 154n
Hayes, Max S.,* 44-45, 48n, 72, 166, 169n, 286n, 437, 438n, 440; and socialist resolutions, 50, 162n, 281-82, 284
Head, Franklin, 218n
Hearst, William Randolph, 63n, 64n, 415n; editorial by, 64- 66
Heenan, Frank C.,* 427, 428n
Heim, Ferdinand Brewing Co.: strike against (1900), 260n
Heitfeld, Henry, 151n, 457, 458n
Henry VIII, 303, 309n
Hepburn, William, 363n
Heraldo Habanero. See Havana Herald
Herbert, Hilary A., 4:182n, 201-3, 207n, 228, 231n, 481
Hewett, Abram S. See Hewitt, Abram S.
Hewitt, Abram S., 1:*, 411
Hibbard (textile worker). See Hibbert, Albert
Hibbert, Albert,* 418, 419n
Hickey, Thomas, 429, 430n
Hill, Albert, 279n
Hints to Unions, Organizers, and Others (AFL), 399, 400n
Hixson, C. E., 120, 121n
Hoag, Mr. See Haag, Harry O.
Hobson, Richard P., 4, 11n, 21
Holcomb, Walter L., 489, 489n
Holden v. Hardy, 4:453n, 114, 115n
Holder, Arthur E.,* 455n; letter to, 454-55
Holt, Edwin M.: family of, 272-73, 274n
Holt, Thomas M., 273, 274n
Homestead strike (1892), 3:189n, 84
Honolulu Sugar Co. See Honomu Sugar Co.
Honomu Sugar Co., 24
Honomu Sugar Co. v. A. Sayewiz, 24, 29n
Honomu Sugar Co. v. Nikoleg Gzeluch, 24, 29n
Hoops: driving (tightening) of, 4:330n, 221n
Horseshoers of the U.S. and Canada, International Union of Journeymen,* 162n; jurisdiction of, 161, 162n; local 29 (Denver), 393, 396n
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America,* 140-41, 142n, 161, 162n, 396n; AFL Executive Council and, 142n; convention, 1899 (Chicago), 142n; local 14 (Denver), 395, 396n
Hours of labor: reduction of, and SG, 137-38, 198, 202- 4, 212-13, 223-24, 229-30, 349-51
Hoyt, Henry W., 311, 311n
Huber, William D.,* 398, 398n, 399n, 474
Hughes, C. N., 438, 439n, 443-45
Hughes, O. H. See Hughes, C. N.
Hull-House, 316n
Humphrey, Charles F., 184, 188n, 231
Humphries, General. See Humphrey, Charles F.
Hunt, William, 416n, 423-25
Idaho State Tribune, 97, 98n
Iglesias, Santiago Pantín,* 281n, 415n; arrest of, 415-16n, 423-25, 425n; letter from, 415
Illinois Mine Managers, 494n. See also Mine Managers' and Assistants' Mutual Aid Association, National
Illinois State Board of Arbitration, 215-16n, 216-17n, 509, 510n
Iloilo (Philippines), 63, 64n
Immigrants: SG and, 152. See also Chinese, exclusion of; Chinese, immigration of; Chinese exclusion conferences; Japanese, exclusion of
India: SG and, 506
Indiana Labor Commission and Arbitration Board, 300, 308n
Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act. See Legislation, foreign: New Zealand
Industrial disputes, mediation of, 411, 411n, 489-90, 490n, 496-97n; Easley, Ralph, and, 361n, 366n, 367-69, 369n, 372, 387-90, 411n, 489-90, 497n; Kidd, Thomas, and, 340, 342n, 366n; Lennon, John, and, 106-7, 107n, 108n, 109, 340, 342n; SG and, 32n, 58-59, 101-2, 102n, 106-7, 107n, 108n, 110n, 151, 157, 158n, 180-82, 198, 215n, 236n, 247n, 250n, 269-71, 271n, 278n, 316-18, 318n, 319-20, 333, 334n, 336n, 364-65, 366-67n, 376-77, 385, 385n, 386-88, 388n, 389-90, 479, 507-8, 513
Injunctions, 99n, 219n, 322n, 326, 414-15, 459, 460n, 497n, 516n; SG and, 97-98, 123, 240-43, 243-44n, 244n
Innis, George A.,* 391, 391n, 410n; letter from, 409-10
In re Morgan, 114, 115n
Inskip, William,* 39n, 68, 69n
Insurance companies: SG and, 416-17
Interstate Commerce Commission, 3:301n, 363, 363n
Iowa State Federation of Labor, 455n
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, National Amalgamated Association of,* 386n, 482; advisory board, 386; convention, 1901, 384n; strike, 1901, 384, 384n, 385, 385n, 386-88, 388n, 389-90, 411, 411n, 479
Iron Molders' Union of North America,* 175, 176n, 277, 285
Iron Trades Council, 432-33n
Italian workers: SG and, 386-87, 387n
Jackson, Joseph G.,* 418, 419n
Jahns, Louis O., 47, 48n
Jamestown Street Railway Co.: strike against (1901-2), 378, 379n
Japanese, exclusion of: AFL and, 435-38; SG and, 437-38
Jenkins, Helen P., 159, 160n
Jenks, Jeremiah W., 388n, 389n; letters from, 387-88
Johnson, Claude M., 232n; SG and charges against, 231, 232n
Jones, Jerome,* 285-86, 287n, 378
Jones, Luther C., 4:408n, 70, 70n
Joplin Central Labor Union, 151n
Jurisdictional disputes: Blacksmiths, International Brotherhood of (IBB), v. Chainmakers' National Union of the U.S. of A., 516, 517n; IBB v. Horseshoers of the U.S. and Canada, International Union of Journeymen, 161, 162n; IBB v. tool and hardware makers, 516, 517n; Boot and Shoe Workers' Union v. Leather Workers, Amalgamated, 491, 492n; Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United (NUUBW), v. Coopers' International Union of North America (CIUNA), 257-60, 260n, 292n, 503, 503-4n; NUUBW v. CIUNA 93 (Buffalo), 219-20, 221n; NUUBW v. Firemen, International Brotherhood of Stationary (IBSF), 161, 162n, 169-71, 172n, 292n, 374-75, 375n, 503, 503n, 503-4n, 514-15, 515-16n; NUUBW local 12 v. IBSF local 49 (Cincinnati), 501-3, 503n, 514-15; NUUBW local 269 v. IBSF local 49 (Cincinnati), 374-75, 375n; NUUBW v. Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of (BPDPA), 292n; NUUBW v. Steam Engineers, International Union of (IUSE), 161, 162n, 170-71, 172n, 292n, 503, 503n, 503-4n, 514-15, 515-16n; NUUBW local 12 v. IUSE local 18 (Cincinnati), 501-3, 503n, 514-15; NUUBW v. Team Drivers' International Union, 292n, 503, 503n, 503-4n; Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of (UBCJA), v. AFL Federal Labor Union (FLU) 7204 (Carbondale, Pa.), 484-85; UBCJA v. Wood-Workers' International Union of America, Amalgamated (AWWIU), 421-22, 422-23n; Machinists, International Association of (IAM), local 264 v. AFL Local Union 6356 (Boston), 76-78; IAM local 230 (Scranton) v. Mechanics, International Association of Allied Metal, 331, 332n; IAM v. Typographical Union, International, 103-4, 104n, 104-5n, 112-13, 113n, 172-76, 288-92, 292n; Mine Workers of America, United, local 746 v. AFL FLU 8276 (DeSoto, Ill.), 336-37, 338n; BPDPA v. Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, National Amalgamated Association of, 446-47, 447-48n, 449; BPDPA v. Paper Hangers' Protective and Beneficial Association of America, National, 161, 162-63n; BPDPA v. Sign Writers of America, International Association of, 427-28, 428-29n, 429n, 518; Wood Carvers' Association of North America, International, v. AWWIU, 161, 162n
Justi, Herman, 311, 311n, 353, 367-68
Kaefer, Jacob H.,* 277n; letter to, 275-77
Kahn, Julius, 459n
Kansas City (Mo.) Industrial Council, 4:287n, 125-26, 127n
Kansas City (Mo.) Typothetae, 236n
Kee, Walter D., 392, 392n
Keefe, Daniel J.,* 249n, 249-50n, 368, 464n, 474-75; letter to, 248-49
Kelly, John J., 30-31, 32n
Kenna, Edward D., 294-96, 307n, 311
Kennedy, Frederick E., 121n; letter to, 119-21
Kennedy, John L., 3:120n, 4:198n, 266-67, 268n
Kent, A. W., 181, 188n, 231
Kent, Alexander, 181, 188n, 231
Kent, Sidney J.,* 48n, 165-66, 169n, 171
Kerbs, Wertheim, and Schiffer: strike against (1900-1901),
236n, 241, 244n, 251-52
Kerbs et al. v. Rosenstein et al., 244n
Kern, Frederick, 458n
Kerr, Robert, 435n
Kidd, Thomas I.,* 56n, 162n, 171n, 271n, 286n, 372n; elected AFL vice-president, 57n (1898), 177n (1899), 294n (1900), 445 (1901); and jurisdiction questions, 169-70, 172n, 175; letters from, 401-4, 414-15; letters to, 269-71, 364-66; mediation of industrial disputes, 340, 342n, 366n; and socialist resolutions, 53-54, 284
Kimball, Andrew Camp. See Kimble, Andrew
Kimble, Andrew, 107, 108n
King, Mr. (of Midvale Steel Co.), 196
Kipling, Rudyard, 472, 474n
Kirby, John, 3:302n, 35-36, 38n, 44, 57
Kirby, John, Jr., 367n
Kissinger, William B., 321, 321n, 322n; letter from, 321
Klapetzky, William E.,* 167, 169n
Kleffner, George J., 282, 286n
Klein, Samuel, 89, 92n
Kneeland, Frederick J.,* 284, 287n
Knights of Labor, 381; and AFL, 77; and Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United, 244-45, 245n; District Assembly 49, 1:383n, 245; general assembly: 1886 (Richmond), 2:23n, 289; Local Assembly 8390, 2:337n, 244-45, 245n; SG and, 289, 331n, 449
Knights of St. Crispin, 2:413n, 55
KOL. See Knights of Labor
Krausse, John, 279n
Krebs, Wertheim, and Schiffer. See Kerbs, Wertheim, and Schiffer
Kreyling, David J.,* 250, 251n
Kuhn, Henry, 429, 430n
Kyle, James H., 4:499n, 498, 501n
Labor, specialization of, 30-31
Labor conferences: 1897 (Wheeling), 4:355-59, 4:359n, 386; 1899 (Chicago), 101n, 114
Laborers' union: AFL and, 440
Labor journals, mailing of: as second-class matter, 412, 413n
Lamb, Harry: letter to, 200-201
Land, Horace: letter to, 400-401
Lattimer massacre, 4:376-77n, 26
Laundry Workers' Union: local 165 (Denver), 393, 396n
Laurrell, Carl Malcolm Ferdinand,* 514n; letter to, 512-14
Lawrence, Sidney B., 395, 396n
Lawson, Victor, 342n
Leadville strike (1896-97), 4:253-56, 4:257n, 90, 150
Leadville Trades and Labor Assembly, 89-90, 92n
Leather Workers, Amalgamated: jurisdiction of, 491, 492n; local 20 (Lynn, Mass.), 492n; local 21 (Lynn, Mass.), 492n
Lee, Fitzhugh, 21, 29n
Lee, Uriah M., 221, 222n
Legislation, foreign:
--England: "poor laws" (1597, 1601), 303, 309n; Statute of Labourers (1351), 303, 308-9n
--Germany: Zuchthausvorlage (penitentiary bill), 301-2, 308n
--Great Britain: Masters and Servants Act (1823), 304, 309n
--Hungary: legislation regarding strikes, 301-2
--New Zealand: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act (1894), 300, 302-3, 307-8n
--Sweden: legislation regarding strikes, 301
Legislation, state:
--Alabama: child labor bills (1898-99), 70, 70n; (1900-1901), 70n, 315, 316n, 341; compulsory education bill (1900-1901), 315, 316n; ten-hour bill (1898-99), 70
--Colorado: eight-hour law (1899), 114, 115n
--Hawaii: Masters and Servants Act, 24, 29n
--Illinois: arbitration law (1895, 1899), 300, 302-3, 308n
--Indiana: arbitration law (1897), 300-303, 308n
--Louisiana: suffrage restriction (1898), 239, 240n
--Massachusetts: fifty-four hour bills (1897, 1898, 1899), 315, 316n
--New York: tenement law (1901), 254n
--Pennsylvania: compulsory arbitration bill (1901), 328, 329n
--South Carolina: child labor bill (1901), 312-13, 313n
--Tennessee: child labor law (1893, 1901), 348, 349n
--Utah: eight-hour law (1896), 4:453n, 114, 115n
Legislation, U.S.:
--Alien Contract Labor Law (Foran Act, 1885), 3:195-96n, 15n, 326
--anarchism, bills to repress, (1901), 404, 405n
--anti-injunction bills: H.R. 8917, S. 4233 (1900), 211, 211n, 242, 244n, 325-26
--arbitration legislation: H.R. 8556 (1895), 301, 308n; Erdman Act (1898), 4:142n, 300, 308n --Chinese exclusion legislation: Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 15n; Geary Act (1892), 3:371-72n, 7, 33, 326-27, 406, 407n, 431, 435, 456-57, 458n; 1901-2 (general), 406-7, 426, 431, 435-38, 456-58, 458-59n, 518; H.R. 6525 (1901), 456, 458n; S. 1450 (1901), 457, 458-59n; H.R. 9330 (1902), 457-58, 458-59n; H.R. 13,031 (1902), 459n; S. 2960 (1902), 457-58, 458-59n, 466-67, 467n, 470-74, 485-86
--department of industry and commerce, bill for creation of, S. 624 (1897), 13, 15n
--eight-hour legislation: H.R. 1645 (1888), 362, 363n; eight-hour law for letter carriers (1888), 362, 363n; H.R. 7939 (1896), 4:143n, 497-98, 501n; H.R. 7389 (1898), 4:453n, 14, 66-67, 165, 498, 501n; H.R. 6882 (1900), 189-97, 197-98n, 201-7, 207n, 212-13, 222-30, 230n, 248-49, 249-50n, 325, 327n, 498-99, 501n; H.R. 3076 (1901), 410-11, 411n, 456, 478-82, 482n, 497-500
--Erdman Act (1898), 4:142n, 300, 308n
--Foran Act (1885), 3:195-96n, 15n, 326
--Geary Act (1892), 3:371-72n, 7, 33, 326-27, 406, 407n, 431, 435, 456-57, 458n
--letter carriers' legislation: eight-hour bill, H.R. 1645 (1888), 362, 363n; eight-hour law (1888), 362, 363n; forty-eight hour bill, H.R. 11,075 (1900), 362, 363n
--mail train bill, S. 1214 (1893), 301, 308n
--Olney arbitration bill, H.R. 8556 (1895), 301, 308n
--Postal Appropriations Act (1894), 413n
--prison labor bills: H.R. 5450 (1900), 325, 327n; H.R. 9958 (1902), 456, 456n
--railroad legislation: Safety Appliance Act (1893), 3:284n, 362; H.R. 10,302 (1901), 362-63, 363n; accident reporting law (1901), 362-63, 363n
--Safety Appliance Act (1893; uniform car coupler law), 3:284n, 362
--seamen's legislation: S. 95 (1897), 14, 15n, 67, 69n, 74-76; White Act (1898), 15n, 67, 69n, 75 --ship subsidy bills: H.R. 64, S. 727 (1899), 164-68, 168n
--uniform car coupler law. See Safety Appliance Act
--War Expenditures Revenue Act (1898), 84n
--White Act (1898), 15n, 67, 69n, 75
Lennon, John B.,* 20n, 37, 38n, 40, 160n, 172n, 211, 365, 391n, 410, 432, 432n, 437-38; elected AFL treasurer, 57n (1898), 177n (1899), 294n (1900), 445 (1901); and Granite Cutters' assessment, 234, 237; and jurisdiction questions, 171, 173-74, 446-47; letters from, 390-91, 446-47; letters to, 385-86, 406-7, 448-50; mediation of industrial disputes, 106-7, 107n, 108n, 109, 340, 342n; and socialist resolutions, 49, 52, 446
Lentz, John J., 326, 327n
Leonard, James, 3:243-44n; letter to, 254-55
Letter Carriers of the U.S.A., National Association of,* 363n
Letts, Frank C., 17, 18n
Levy, Sigismond, and Co.: lockout (1900): 241, 243n
Levy et al. v. Rosenstein et al., 244n
Lewis, Thomas L.,* 56, 57n
Liga General de Trabajadores Cubanos (General League of Cuban Workers), 182, 188n
Liga Trabajadores Cubanos. See Liga General de Trabajadores Cubanos
Liggett and Myers Tobacco Co., 118
Lincoln, Abraham, 6, 506
Littlefield, Charles E., 326, 327n
Livernash, Edward, 474n
Living wage: SG and, 319
Lloyd, Henry,* 44, 48n, 55
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 4:147n, 457, 459n
Longshoremen's Association, International,* 249n; convention, 1901, 379n; jurisdiction of, 445; local 231 (New Orleans), 377, 379n; local 237 (New Orleans), 377, 379n; local 251 (New Orleans), 377, 379n
Longshoremen's Protective Union and Benevolent Association (New Orleans), 261, 262n
Lopez, Francisco Armas. See Armas, Francisco de
Lossie, William A., 36-37, 38n
Loud, Eugene, 457, 458n
Ludlow, William, 180, 185-86, 187n, 187-88n, 188n, 231, 232n
Lynch, Edward J.,* 157, 158n, 275, 366n, 377n, 435n; letter from, 276
Lynch, James M.,* 290-91, 293n, 311, 464n
Lynch, John J., 4:159n, 324, 324n
Lynn (Mass.) Central Labor Union, 4:189n, 491