A(Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Actors' Alliance of America (San Francisco). See American Labor Union: local 474
Actors' National Protective Union,* 517, 518n; strike, 1906 (local 14, New York City), 516-17, 517-18n
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
Agard, Edgar A., 5:444n, 55, 57n, 59-61, 67-68, 205, 206n
Alabama: disfranchisement of blacks in, 106, 107n
Alabama State Federation of Labor, 106, 107n, 108; convention, 1903 (Bessemer), 109, 110n
Alexander, H. M., 39, 40n
Alexander II: assassination of, 321, 326n
Alger, Russell A., 243, 244n
Allen, Joseph B., 3:664n, 174, 175n
Allen, L. B.: letter from, 115-16
Allied Trades and Labor Association (Ottawa), 156, 158n
Allimon, Walter D., 293, 294n
Alonso, Rafael, 253, 258n
Alton (Ill.) Trades and Labor Assembly, 186-89, 189n
Amalgamated Copper Co: American Labor Union and, 284, 285n
American Bridge Co: strike against (1905- ), 514-15, 515-16n
American Cigar Co., 31n
American Conference on International Arbitration, 378n, 381, 381n
American Express Co., 287
American Federationist, 161; extra numbers: 1902, 307-8n; 1904, 300-307 (excerpts from), 307-8n
American Federation of Labor: Building Trades Department, 175n, 343n; defense fund, 126-27, 128n, 134, 136n, 243-44, 244n, 310, 400n, 489, 489n; financial resources of, 409; headquarters, 47, 160-62; membership, xiv-xv; officers, election of: 1903, 208-9, 210n; 1904, 376n; 1905, 509n; office staff, 161, 237-38, 411; and secret service bureau, 430-32
--conventions: quorum at, 209-10; voting at, 225-26; 1890 (Detroit), 300, 308n; 1893 (Chicago), 35, 37n; 1900 (Louisville, Ky.), 365, 368n, 496n; 1901 (Scranton, Pa.), 9, 11n, 52-53n, 65, 67n, 109, 128n, 308n; 1902 (New Orleans), 10, 11n, 38, 41-43, 44-45n, 50-70 (accounts of), 71n, 128n, 133-34, 165, 171, 201, 206n, 208, 224, 231, 308n, 317, 324, 326n, 343n, 356, 373; 1903 (Boston), 53n, 126, 128n, 136n, 183n, 191, 196-212 (accounts of), 214-15, 224, 226-27, 231, 275, 282n, 311-12, 312n, 326n, 342, 343n, 356-57, 373-74, 396, 462, 507; 1904 (San Francisco), 209, 210n, 271-73, 340-41, 341n, 351, 354-76 (accounts of), 377-78, 378n, 483, 484n, 486n, 502-3n; 1905 (Pittsburgh), 343n, 381n, 476, 476n, 483, 484n, 485, 486n, 491-508 (accounts of), 546, 511, 512n, 515n; 1906 (Minneapolis), 381n, 509n; 1912 (Rochester, N.Y.), 343n
--Executive Council, 162; circulars issued by, 273-75, 279-81; election of, 208-9, 376n, 509n; number of members of, 205-7; letters to, 111-12, 173-74, 228-32, 241-44, 315, 384, 387-88, 487-89, 525-29
--Executive Council, meetings of: July 1902, 23n; Oct. 1902, 41, 42n; Apr. 1903, 109, 110n, 126, 133-35 (minutes); June 1903, 151n; Sept. 1903, 177, 178n, 183; Apr. 1904, 239, 240n, 260n, 282n, 315, 326n, 353, 354n; Sept. 1904, 312n, 316, 317n, 342-43; Mar. 1905, 405; June 1905, 430-31, 432n, 440, 485; Sept. 1905, 432n, 486, 486n, 487; Mar. 1906, 528, 529n, 531, 531n, 535, 546n
--federal labor unions (FLU): FLU 7295 (Knoxville, Tenn.), 119n, strike (1900-1903), 118, 119n; FLU 8892 (Waco, Tex.), 194, 194n; FLU 8921 (San Pedro, Calif.), 243, 244n; FLU 9985 (Ohio), 244, 244n, strike (1904), 245n; FLU 9989 (Bedford, Ill.), 244, 245n; FLU 10,554 (Peru, Ind.), 141n; FLU 10,722 (Poplar Bluff, Mo.), 223n, strike (1903-4), 222, 223n; FLU 10,723 (Poplar Bluff), strike (1903-4), 222, 223n; FLU 10,917 (Ft. Bragg, Calif.), 241, 244n, strike (1903-6?), 170, 171n, 241-44; FLU 11,478 (Girard, Kans.), 221, 222n
--Legislative Committee, 47, 211-12, 232, 369-73, 373n, 393, 451
--local unions, directly affiliated (LU): LU 7413 (architectural foundry workers, St. Louis), 244, 245n, strike (1904), 245n; LU 7471 (building laborers, Birmingham, Ala.), 107n; LU 8178 (quarrymen, Lithonia, Ga.), 116n, 120, 121n, 147n; LU 8990 (paving cutters, Lithonia), 120, 121n; LU 9363 (hod carriers, Stockton, Calif.), 39, 40n; LU 9560 (suspender makers, New York City), 310n, strike (1904), 310, 310n; LU 9840 (gas workers, San Francisco), 101-2, 102-3n; LU 9891 (shingle weavers, Tacoma, Wash.), 45n; LU 9914 (telephone operators, Washington, D.C.), 32-33, 33n; LU 10,315 (riggers, Boston), 210, 211n; LU 10,584 (women can workers, Maywood, Ill.), 244, 245n, strike (1904), 245n; LU 10,618 (wine and liquor workers, San Francisco), 219n; LU 10,851 (gill net stringers and helpers, Cleveland), 153-54, 154n; LU 11,102 (laborers, Jackson, Miss.), 181, 182n; LU 11,103 (street laborers, Chicago), 283, 285n; LU 11,121 (sugar beet and farm laborers, Oxnard, Calif.), 149-50, 150n; LU 11,744 (truckers and stock movers, Dayton, Ohio), 489, 489n; LU 11,754 (lime workers, Rockland, Maine), 399n, 435, 439n; LU 11,773 (stenographers and clerks, Washington, D.C.), 411, 412n; LU 11,835 (lime trimmers, Rockland), 397-98, 399n, 435, 439n; LU 11,843 (lobster fishermen, Vinalhaven, Maine), 403, 404n; LU 11,927 (barbers, Rockland), 404, 405n
--organizers, xv, 15-17, 106-9, 315, 409, 410n, 530; letters from, 4, 85-87, 106, 142-45, 149-50, 397-99, 402-4, 414-16, 435-39, 521; letters to, 33-35, 163-64, 167-70, 172, 180, 182-83, 309-10, 382-83, 470, 475-76, 516-19, 522-23, 532, 536-37; mentioned: 4-5n, 21, 22n, 39, 41-42n, 48n, 62n, 106-7n, 118n, 121, 122n, 141n, 143, 145n, 150n, 168, 174, 175n, 182n, 186, 192n, 223n, 238n, 241, 244n, 260n, 262, 264-65, 265n, 268-69, 283-84, 285n, 289-90n, 351, 352n, 368n, 387n, 399-400n, 404, 416-17n, 427, 437, 439n, 469, 469n, 473, 484n, 533n
American Fire Engine Co., 151
American Labor Union, 4:453n, 17n, 191, 284, 285n, 443-44,
461; and AFL, 37, 37n, 202-3, 224; in California, 17; in Chicago, 283, 285n; in Colorado, 15; in Denver, 85-86, 87n; and IWW, 447, 462-63, 468; local 127 (bartenders, Butte, Mont.), 285n; local 158 (firemen's and engineer's helpers, Denver), strike (1903), 131n; local 188 (paper mill workers, Denver), strike (1903), 131n; local 423 (street laborers and excavators, Chicago), 283, 285n, 463; local 435 (musicians, San Francisco), 233, 234n; local 474 (actors, San Francisco), 234, 234n; in San Francisco, 233-34; in Texas, 264; and trade unions, 203, 395-96. See also Western Labor Union
American Smelting and Refining Co.: strike against (1903), 282n
American Tobacco Co., 401, 402n
Anniston (Ala.) Trades and Labor Council, 106, 107n
Ansley, Hubert M., 183n
Anthony, Susan B., 5:140n, 482n, 512n; letter from, 511-12
Anthracite coal strike. See Mine Workers of America, United: strikes: 1902 (anthracite); Strikes and lockouts: miners, 1902 (anthracite)
Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, 14n, 45-46, 46n, 103-4, 104n, 334
Anthracite mining region, 530
Arbitration, international, 377-78, 378n
Armour and Co.: strike against (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
Arrandale, Matthew, 62n
Ashbridge, Samuel H., 6, 8n
Atkinson, Alatau L. C., 472, 473n
Atkinson, Thomas,* 176n, 220n; letter to, 219-20
Auger and Simon Works: strike against (1902), 29n
Averill, John W., 153, 154n
Avery, Martha Moore, 117, 118n
Bacon, Abraham, 277, 278n
Bacon, Robert, 490, 490n
Baer, George, 14n
Bainbridge, Alexander G., 114, 115n
Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union of America,* 393n; local 48 (Montreal), 447, 449n
Barbers' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 20n; local 166 (Denison, Tex.), 19-20, 20n; local 395 (Denison), 20, 20n
Barnes, J. Mahlon,* 70n; at AFL conventions, 69, 202, 204n, 211-12, 212n, 363, 365n, 369-70, 372, 507-8, 509n
Barney, H. S., and Co.: boycott of (1903-4), 176, 176n, 179; letter from, 175-76
Barnum, Gertrude, 483-84n; letter from, 482-83; letter to, 520
Barry, James L.,* 517, 518n
Barter, Henry C.,* 499, 499n
Baum, L., and Co.: strike against (1904), 310, 310n
Beall, Edmond, 186-89, 189n
Beall Bros., 186-89, 189n
Bean, John H., 106n; letter from, 106
Beatty, James H., 442n
Becerril, Joaquín A., 252-53, 258n
Beddall, Joseph, 104n
Beeks, Gertrude B., 386, 387n
Belk, Mason S., 5:371n, 48n; letter to, 47-48
Bell, George W., 101, 102n
Bellamy, Edward, 4:307n, 397n
Belleville (Ill.) Trades and Labor Assembly, 369n
Bell Telephone Co.: strike against (1904), 265-66
Belmont, August, 380n; president of Interborough Rapid
Transit Co., 475-76, 521-22n; president of National Civic Federation, 236n, 379-80, 381n, 417, 423n, 521
Bemis, Edward W., 3:376n, 235, 236n
Bensley, Martha, 484n
Bergdoll, Louis, Brewing Co., 503n
Berger, Victor L.,* 62n, 445; at AFL conventions, 58, 357- 60, 360n, 361-63, 491-92, 493n, 501
Berry, Edward, 215n
Bessette, Edward, 56, 57n
Bethell, Union N., 33n; letter to, 32-33
Bird, Joseph, 6, 8n
Birmingham (Ala.) Trades Council, 193n
Bischoff, John W., 12, 14n
Black, David, 4:275n, 147, 147n
Blacksmiths and Helpers, International Brotherhood of,* 186- 89, 189n; local 179 (Alton, Ill.), 186-89, 189n
Black workers, 223n, 293, 293n, 401; AFL and, 90-91, 91n, 106, 107n, 108-9, 116n, 146-47, 147n, 533-34; organization of, 106, 107n, 108-9, 113-15, 115n, 116, 116n, 120-21, 146-47, 147n, 214; representation in central bodies, 19-20, 20n, 39, 108-9, 533-34; SG and, 20n, 31n, 39, 108-9, 181-82, 182n, 533-34
Blast Furnace Workers and Smelters of America, National
Association of: strike, 1903 (local 2, Buffalo), 168, 168n, 169, 169n, 170, 170n
Bliss, Cornelius N., 236, 236n
Blunt, Stanhope, 216n
Bohm, Ernest, 5:*, 90n
Bohnen, George J., 65, 67n, 207, 207n
Bonney, Richard W., 39n; letter to, 38-39
Boot and Shoe Workers Union,* 16, 17n, 357; and American Labor Union, 203, 395
Boston Bridge Co., 515n
Boyce, Edward,* 36, 37n
Boycott, 423n; SG and, 333. See also "We Don't Patronize List" (AFL)
Boycotts: Barney, H. S., and Co. (1903-4), 176, 176n, 179;
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Co., 401; Cluett, Peabody, and Co. (1905-6), 484n; Denver contractors (1902), 18n; Denver newspapers (1903), 131, 131n, 132, 132n; Knoxville Woolen Mills (1900-1903), 118-19, 119n; Loewe, D. E., and Co. (1902), 177-78n, 440-42; Los Angeles Times (1893- ), 212-13, 213n; Merritt Expanded Metal Fireproofing Co. (1903-6), 292n; National Cash Register (1901-2), 5:366n, 240n; New York City breweries (1888-1902), 2:101n, 89n, (1902), 89, 90n; Northwestern Brewers' Association (1905), 442n; Palmers Manufacturing Co. (1903-5), 223n; People's Street Railway Co. (1901-4), 5:379n, 142-44, 145n; Poth, F. A., and Sons' Brewery (1902-3), 44-45n; Rochester, N.Y., clothing manufacturers (1903-8), 297n; Star and Western breweries (1904- ), 369n; Washburn-Crosby Milling Co., 430n; Williams Cooperage Co. (1903-5), 223n
Boynton, Henry B., 268n; letter to, 267-68
Bradley, W. J., 459, 460n
Braff, Bernard,* 276-77, 278n
Brandeis, Louis D., 83n; debate with SG, 71-83
Brass Moulders' International Union of North America,* 446n
Breckon, Mr., 221
Breen, J. L., 142
Breidenbach, Elias, 143, 145n
Brewer, David J., 340n
Brewery Workmen of America, International Union of the United,* 10n, 384; charter, revocation of, SG and, 318, 321-22, 326n, 501; convention, 1903 (Cincinnati), 90n, 135n; and IWW, 487; jurisdiction of, 9-10, 10-11n, 88-89, 89-90n, 133-34, 135-36n, 208, 223-28, 228n, 317-26, 326-27n, 365-67, 367-68n, 452, 453n, 500-502, 502-3n; local 28 (Belleville, Ill.), 369n; local 31 (New York City), 89, 90n; local 59 (New York City), 2:337n, 5:245n, 89, 90n; local 223 (Indianapolis), 226, 228n; local 246 (St. Louis), 369n; local 285 (Philadelphia), 503n; local 289 (Philadelphia), 503n; strike, 1905 (Seattle), 442n; and Western Labor Union, 9
Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United. See Brewery Workmen of America, International Union of the United
Bricklayers' and Masons' International Union of America,* 173-74, 175n
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, International Association of (IBSIW),* 173-74, 175n; convention, 1905 (Philadelphia), 514, 515-16n; jurisdiction of, 210, 211n; strikes: 1905 (local 15, New Haven, Conn.), 514, 515n; 1905- (IBSIW), 514-15, 515-16n
Brisbane, Arthur, 522n
Brounstein, Abraham A., 276-77, 278n
Brown, Edward M., 43-44, 45n
Brown, Francis Shunk, 6, 8n
Brown, James, 4:131n, 400-401
Brown, John, 331
Brown, Morris, 3:143n, 361-62, 364n, 396n
Brown, W. Sprigg, 223n
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Co.: letter from, 400-402
Browne, Carl, 3:482n; letter to, 35-37
Browne, Lennox D., 293n; letter from, 293
Bruner, John E.,* 352n, 384, 384n
Buchanan, Frank J.,* 367, 369n, 514
Builders' Exchange (San Antonio), 264
Building Material Drivers' Union (New York City): lockout (1903), 185-86n
Building Material Handlers' Union (New York City): lockout (1903), 185-86n
Building trades: AFL and, 205-6, 206n, 207, 492
Building Trades, United Board of (New York City), 185-86n
Building Trades Alliance, Structural, 173-74, 174-75n; and Philadelphia Central Labor Union Building Trades Section, 414, 414n
Building Trades Employers' Association of New York, 184-85, 186n
Building Trades Mechanics, United Board of (New York City), 186n
Building trades unions: conferences: Aug. 1903 (Indianapolis), 173-74, 174-75n; Oct. 1903 (Indianapolis), 175n
Building trades unions of New York City: lockout (1903), 183-85, 185-86n; letter to, 183-85
Burgess, William H., 114, 115n
Burns, Patrick J., 398, 400n
Business associations: SG and, 98-100, 123-25
Bustillo Bros. and Diaz (company), 71n
Butler, Michael T., 166, 167n
Butte (Mont.) Central Labor Council, 284, 285n
Caldwell, Howard H., 5:342n, 437-39, 439n
California: Chinese workers in, 149, 340-41; Japanese workers in, 149-50, 150-51n; Mexican workers in, 149-50, 150-51n
California State Building Trades Council, 4, 5n
California State Federation of Labor, 243, 244n
Call, Homer D.,* 16, 19n
Calvert, Alfred, 479n; letter to, 478-79
Campbell, Philip, 308n
Canada: labor movement in, 21-22, 134-35, 136n, 156-59, 159-60n; organizing in, 128n, 404, 404n
Canada, Trades and Labor Congress of, 4:471n, 134-35, 136n
Cannon, Joseph G., 3:20n, 477n, 526, 527n, 529n; letter to, 476-77
Capital, organization of. See Business associations
Carey, James F., 5:48n, 199, 202, 204n
Carnegie, Andrew, 2:36n, 235-36, 236n
Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated Society of,* 44n, 157; jurisdiction of, 42-44, 44-45n, 51, 62-64, 66-67n, 175-76, 176n, 178-79, 210-11, 219-20, 326n
Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of,* 8n, 173-74; and black workers, 114, 115n; and Canadian labor movement, 21-22, 156-57; circular to (from McGuire), 7, 8n; conventions: 1894, 52n; 1902 (Atlanta), 7, 8n, 22, 34, 38, 38n, 42-44, 44n, 326n; jurisdiction of, 42-44, 44-45n, 51, 52-53n, 62-66, 66-67n, 165-67, 167n, 175-76, 176n, 178-79, 181, 210-11, 211n, 219-20, 326n, 500, 503n; local 8 (Philadelphia), 546n; local 492 (Reading, Pa.), 263, 264n; local 524 (Nelson, B.C.), 21; local 717 (San Antonio, Tex.), 264-65, 265n; local 1313 (Demopolis, Ala.), 106, 107n; local 1782 (New Orleans), 533-34; and McGuire, 5-8, 8n, 38, 38n, 92, 130; and per capita tax, AFL, 42-43; San Franciso District Council, 5n; strikes: 1902 (Philadelphia), 43, 44-45n; 1903- (Schenectady, N.Y.), 175-76, 176n, 178-79; and Structural Building Trades Alliance, 414; and withdrawal from AFL, 317, 326n
Carriage and Wagon Workers' International Union of North America,* 312n, 384; jurisdiction of, 311, 312n
Carrick, Michael P.,* 114n; and building trades unions conference, 173-74; letter from, 113-14
Carter, George R., 473n
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 217n; letter from, 216-17
Cattermull, Alfred C., 121, 122n, 143
Central bodies: AFL convention decisions regarding, 273-75
Centralia (Ill.) Central Trades and Labor Assembly, 266n
Chalmers, Hugh, 488, 489n
Chance, George,* 41, 42n
Charleston, S.C.: earthquake (1886), 362, 364n
Charters: issuance of, 493-96; revocation of, 318, 321-22, 326n, 501, 502-3n
Chevalier, F., Co., 218
Chicago Brass Manufacturers' Association, 445n
Chicago Chandelier Manufacturers' Association, 445n
Chicago Employers' Association, 453n
Chicago Federation of Labor, 4:159n, 4:177n, 13n, 156n, 342, 407n, 453n; election (1905), 468, 469n
Chicago Industrial Workers' Club, 447, 449n
Child labor, 96, 214, 478-79; legislation regarding, 372
China: SG and, 338
Chinese, exclusion of, 261, 261-62n, 471; AFL and, 286, 473n, 525, 527-29; SG and, 11-12, 12-13n, 150n, 471-72, 472-73n. See also Legislation, U.S.: Chinese exclusion legislation
Chinese, immigration of, 521-22n; National Civic Federation and, 513, 513n, 521-22n; SG and, 513, 513n; Roosevelt and, 513, 513n, 525, 527n
Chinese workers, 340-41; organization of, 149, 285-86; and Panama Canal, 512, 512n; SG and, 149, 195, 285-86, 347
Christopher-Simpson Foundry Co.: strike against, 244
Cigar Makers' International Union of America,* 31n; and American Labor Union, 203, 395; constitution, amendments to, 385-86, 386n, 433-34, 434-35n; convention, 1896 (Detroit), 4:180n, 434; financial support of strikes, 30, 31n, 294n; local 25 (Milwaukee), 433-34, 435n; local 28 (Westfield, Mass.), 433, 435n; local 129 (Denver), 5:395n, 203, 385-86; local 144 (New York City), 1:46, 397n; and Miners, Western Federation of, 505; SG and, 224, 385-86, 433-34
--strikes and lockouts: 1902 (local 220, New Orleans), 30-31, 31n; 1903-4 (locals 219 and 433, Mobile, Ala.), 293, 293n
Cincinnati agreement, 90n, 134, 135n, 208, 226, 326-27n
Cincinnati Industrial Workers' Club, 447, 449n
Cintron (striker), 425
Citizens' Alliance. See Citizens' Industrial Association of America
Citizens alliances, local: Birmingham, Ala., 192, 193n; Colorado, 279-80, 344n; Cripple Creek, Colo., 283n; Denver, 234, 282n; Grand Rapids, Mich., 230; Los Angeles, 213n; San Francisco, 234, 234n, 386; Telluride, Colo., 282n; Waco, Tex., 194
Citizens' Industrial Association of America, 193n, 353, 354n, 362; and IWW, 384, 522
Citizens' Protective League (Colorado), 282n
Citizens' Railway Co.: strike against (1903), 193-94, 194n
Clark, Ephraim, 3:119n, 206, 207n
Clarke, Edgar E., 4:*, 14n
Clarksburg (W.Va.) Fuel Co: strike against (1902), 84n
Clerks' International Protective Association, Retail,* 176n, 192; local 330 (Seattle), 19n
Cleveland, Grover, 2:127n, 302
Cloak Makers and Custom Tailors: local 38 (Montreal), 447, 449n
Closed shop. See Union shop
Clothing Makers' Union of America, Custom, 50n
Clothing Makers' Union of America, Special Order, 50n; jurisdiction of, 49-50, 50n
Clothing Manufacturers' Association of New York City, 297n
Cluett, Peabody, and Co.: strike against (1905-6), 483-84n, 492
Coates, David C.,* 18n, 191-92, 192n, 467; and IWW founding convention, 452, 455-65
Cohen, Henry, 354n; letter from, 353-54
Cohen, Simon A., 277, 278n
Cohen, William, 374, 376n
Coleman, John, 169n
Collar and Shirt Manufacturers' Association (Troy, N.Y.): strike against (1905-6), 483-84n
Collar Starchers' Union: strike, 1905-6 (local 1, Troy, N.Y.), 483-84n, 492
Collective ownership of means of production and distribution: AFL and, 196, 197n, 199, 205n
Colorado: organizing in, 15-17, 203
Colorado Springs (Colo.) Federated Trades Council, 15, 17n
Colorado State Federation of Labor, 5:92n, 18-19n, 87n; convention, 1902 (Trinidad, Colo.), 16-17, 19n
Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, 5n
Commons, John R.,* 478, 480n
Company benefits system, 138
Compton, John L., 5:396n, 85, 87n
Connolly, Patrick H., 177, 177-78n
Conried, Heinrich, 516-17, 517n
Conroy, James B., 367, 369n, 502, 504n
Consolidated Traction Co., 13n
Conspiracy, 353, 526n
Contempt of court, 353
Contracting Carpenters' Association (Schenectady, N.Y.), 176n, 179, 179n
Contractors' and Material Men's Association (Denver), 18n
Contracts: SG and, 148
Conway, Frank, 32-33, 33n
Cooks, organization of, 390-92
Copeland, T. V., 308n
Copely, DeWitt C., 364, 365n
Cornelius, Richard, 270, 271n
Cortelyou, George B., 5:425n; letter to, 195
Counsel: labor's right to be heard by, 96-97
Courts: and labor. See Injunctions; Lochner v. New York; Loewe v. Lawlor; People v. Lochner; Taff Vale decision; Wunch v. Shankland
Coxey, Jacob, 3:482n, 37n
Cranston, Frederick P., 459, 460n
Crider, Mr., 122
Critchlow, Walter G.,* 398, 400n, 403, 436
Crockett, George L., 435, 439n
Cronin, Frederick W., 461, 463, 464n
Cullom, Shelby, 232n
Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co: strike against (1902), 32n
Dahlstrom, George E., 189n; letter from, 186-89
Darrow, Clarence S.,* 104, 104n, 237, 238n; letter to, 113
Davenport, Daniel, 327-29, 333-38, 339n
Day, William R., 421, 423n
Dayton (Ohio) Baseball Club, 145n
Dayton (Ohio) Central Labor Union, 145n
Dayton (Ohio) Employers' Association, 5:367n, 144, 145n
Debs, Eugene V.,* 17n, 36-37, 37n, 395, 397n, 432, 432n; and founding of IWW, 384, 384n, 449, 452, 454, 457, 459-60, 464-65, 467, 468n
Degetau Gonzalez, Federico, 251, 257n
DeLeon, Daniel,* 117, 118n, 202; and founding of IWW, 444, 449, 455, 458-59, 467, 468n
Democratic party, 36
Denby, Edwin, 527n
Denison (Tex.) Labor Trades Council, 19-20, 20n
Denver: divisions in labor movement in, 18-19n, 85-87, 87n
Denver Amalgamated Trades and Labor Assembly (independent), 18-19n, 353
Denver Building Trades Council, 15, 17-18n
Denver Federation of Labor, 18n
Denver Incorporated Trades and Labor Assembly (AFL affiliate), 18-19n, 85-86, 87n, 353
Denver Trades and Labor Assembly (AFL affiliate), 2:288n, 16, 18-19n, 353
Denver Trades and Labor Assembly (independent), 18, 85-86, 87n
DeVeaux, Harry,* 517, 518n
Devine, Edward T., 486n
Dickens, Charles, 98, 100n
Dietrich, Charles E., 411, 412n
Dilke, Charles W., 337, 340n
Dillworth, Daniel L., 145n
Direct employment: by state and local governments, SG and, 478
Dold, Charles,* 469n, 495, 497n
Donegan, Mr., 270
Donnelly, Michael J.,* 313, 315n, 321, 326n, 468, 469n
Douglas, William L., 350n
Downey, Daniel, 164, 164n
Downey, Patrick J., 53n, 166, 167n, 211
Downing, William C., 475, 476n
Doyle, John, 475, 476n
Draper, Patrick M.,* 134, 136n; letter to, 156-58
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 331-32, 340n
Drinkhouse, John A., 341, 341n
Driscoll, Dennis D., 5:*, 11n
"Driscoll substitute," 11n, 133
DuBois, W. E. B., 91n; letter to, 90-91
Duffy, Frank,* 8n, 67n, 207, 207n, 290n, 473n; and jurisdiction, 62-66, 176n; letters to, 21-22, 42-44, 165-67, 178-79, 181, 264-65, 533-35; and McGuire, 6, 92-93, 546n
Dukes, Aaron N., 140, 141n
Duncan, James,* 4, 5n, 116n, 217n, 232, 239, 259, 308n, 314, 316, 512; and AFL conventions, 54, 56, 57n, 64, 196, 197n, 200, 206, 212, 357-58, 360n, 362, 364-66, 370, 374-75, 492, 493n, 498-500, 502n; and AFL Executive Council meeting, 133-34; candidacy for AFL presidency, 171; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); letters from, 146-47, 183-85
Dyche, John A.,* 276-77, 278n, 518-19, 519n; letter to, 473-74
Dyers' Helpers and Finishers of America, United, 29n
Easley, Gertrude B. See Beeks, Gertrude B.
Easley, Ralph M.,* 105, 105n, 172, 236n, 237, 417, 513; letters from, 235-36, 386-87, 489-90
Echel, James, 13n
Edmonston, Gabriel,* 91-93, 93n
Education: SG and, 479
Edwards, Enoch, 62n
Edwards, Thomas J.,* 260n; letter from, 258-60
Eggs, William L., 15, 19n
Eight-hour workday: SG and, 478. See also Legislation, state: Colorado: eight-hour law; Legislation, U.S.: eight-hour legislation; Workday: 8-hour
Eisenrath, William C., 15, 19n
Eisner, A. G.: letter to, 218-19
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 122n; convention, 1903 (Milwaukee), 139, 140n; jurisdiction of, 297-99, 299n; local 355 (Wilkinsburg, Pa.), 121-22, 122n; strike, 1902 (local 4, New Orleans), 31, 31-32n
Eliot, Charles W., 356-59, 360n, 417, 423n
Elm, Johann Adolph von,* 413n; letter to, 412-13
Elmira (N.Y.) Central Trades and Labor Assembly, N.Y.), 152n
Elton, Charles, 415, 417n
Emmendorf, M., 276, 278n
Employees, injuries of, 353
Employers' liability act: SG and, 479
Engel, Anton J.,* 228-30, 231n
Engineers, Amalgamated Society of,* 157, 158n, 447, 449n
Evans, Christopher, 4:*, 270, 271n
Fahey, Charles P., 4:408n, 3, 4n
Fairgrieve, Alexander,* 455, 457n, 462
Fall River (Mass.) Textile Council, 350n
Falú, Pedro, 253, 258n
Fay, Stephen, 493n
Federación Libre de los Trabajadores de Puerto Rico (Free Federation of the Workers of Puerto Rico), 252-54, 258n; strike (1905), 424-25, 427-28, 429n
Federación Regional de los Trabajadores de Puerto Rico (Regional Federation of the Workers of Puerto Rico), 252-54, 257-58n
Findley, Alvin I.: letter to, 411
Firemen, International Brotherhood of Stationary,* 135n; conventions: 1898 (Kansas City, Mo.) 319, 326n; 1904 (Washington, D.C.), 317-26, 326n; jurisdiction of, 9-10, 10-11n, 88-89, 89-90n, 101-2, 102-3n, 133-34, 135-36n, 208, 223-28, 228n, 297-99, 299n, 317-26, 326-27n, 365-67, 368n, 452, 453n, 500-502, 502-3n; local 42 (Philadelphia), 503n; local 86 (San Francisco), 101-2, 102-3n; strike, 1904- (local 75, Belleville, Ill.), 367, 369n; and withdrawal from AFL, 317-18, 323, 326n
Fischer, Henry,* 214n, 400; letter from, 214
Fishermen of the Pacific, United, 5n
Fishermen's Protective Union of the Pacific Coast and Alaska, 5n
Fitchie, Thomas, 111n
Fitzpatrick, John, 283, 285n
Flat Janitors: local 102 (Chicago), 447, 449n
Flett, John A.,* 21, 22n, 134, 404, 404n
Flint Glass Workers' Union, American,* 448, 450n; convention, 1905 (Martins Ferry, Ohio), 448-49, 450n; jurisdiction of, 448
Flood, Emmet, 469, 469n
Flynn, Edward, 193
Flynn, Thomas H., 5:393n, 169n, 262-63, 268-69, 270n; letters to, 167-70
Fosdick, Sherman G., 16, 19n
Foster, David, 527n
Foster, Frank K.,* 362-63, 364n, 375-76, 504-5, 508, 508n
Foster, John W., 378n; letter to, 377-78
Foster, Volney W., 232n
Frankel, J., 277, 278n
French, Mr., 31n
Freund, John C., 396, 397n
Frey, John P.,* 147, 147n
Frohlichstein Cigar Manufacturing Co.: strike against (1903-4), 293, 293n
Fuller, Hugh R., 544, 545n
Furniture Manufacturers' Association (Grand Rapids, Mich.), 229-30, 231n
Furuseth, Andrew,* 11, 12n; and AFL conventions, 212, 212n, 374-75, 376n, 501, 503n, 507, 509n; letter from, 261; letters to, 170-71, 270-71
Gallagher, John, 546n
Galley, Alford A., 398, 400n
Galveston, Tex.: flood (1900), 362, 364n
Gardner, John J., 5:198n, 526, 527n, 529n
Garland, Mahlon M.,* 235, 236n
Garment Workers of America, United,* 4n, 116, 116n, 355n; convention (1904), 297n; jurisdiction of, 49-50, 50n, 189-90, 191n; organizing in South, 3; strikes: 1902 (Chicago), 50n; 1903-8 (local 136, Rochester, N.Y.), 297n; 1904 (New York City), 294-96, 297n, 313; 1904 (local 110, Philadelphia), 297n; 1904-5 (Chicago), 405-6, 406-7n, 409-10, 410n
Garrett, John, 70, 71n
Garrison, William Lloyd, 4:408n, 333
Gaul, Joseph, 15, 19n
Geary Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Chinese exclusion legislation
General Railway Co., 13n
George, Herbert, 234, 234n
Germany: trade union movement in, SG and, 412-23
Gill, Charles M., 102n; letter from, 101-2
Gilthorpe, William J., 5:*, 473n
Gitterman, Alice Sterne, 267, 268n
Gladstone, William E., 3:580n, 335
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada,* 62n; convention (1904), 509n; jurisdiction of, 448; and Miners, Western Federation of, 505, 509n
Glass Workers' International Association, Amalgamated: local 1 (Chicago), 448, 450n
Golden, John,* 113-14, 115n, 355, 355n
Goldowsky, Bernard M., 432n; letter from, 430-32
Goldstein, David, 118n
Goldzwig, Emanuel, 489, 489n
Gompers, Abraham J.,* 34, 35n, 41, 108n; death of, 35n, 107, 117, 130, 232n
Gompers, Alexander J.,* 34, 35n, 238, 238n
Gompers, Sadie J.,* 12, 14n, 33, 41
Gompers, Samuel: addresses, 93-100, 245-57, 317-39, 345-50, 417-23; addresses mentioned, 31n, 35n, 158n, 191n, 314n, 378n, 389, 486n; article about, 160-63; article mentioned, 484n; articles by, 426-28, 480-82; circulars, 24-25, 158-59, 192-93, 405-6, 433-34; circulars mentioned, 136n, 218; debate with Brandeis, 71-83; description of, 160; editorials, 25-29, 123-25, 394-96; editorials mentioned, 11, 12-13n, 451; elected AFL president, 208, 210n (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); family of, in New York, 128-29; illness of, 190, 381, 381n, 382; leadership, philosophy of, 321-22; residence of, 12; Shaffer's charges against, 55-56, 57n, 60-61, 67-68, 70n, 103, 104n; testimony, 537-45; work schedule of, 126, 128-29
--trips: western (July-Aug. 1902), 23n; New Orleans (Aug.-Sept. 1902), 30, 31n; New York and Pennsylvania (Sept. 1902), 38, 40n; Philadelphia (Jan. 1903), 92; Canada and New England (Apr.-May 1903), 109, 110n, 140, 159n; Kentucky (July 1903), 158, 158n; Midwest (July-Aug. 1903), 170n; Chicago (Oct. 1903), 189-90, 191n; New York City (Oct. 1903), 183-84, 186n; New York City (Dec. 1903), 217n; Puerto Rico (Feb.-Mar. 1904), 217n, 228, 228n, 231-32, 232n, 235, 237-39, 245-57, 257n, 426-27, 470; Ohio (Mar. 1905), 409; Midwest (May-June 1905), 430, 430n; Pennsylvania and New York City (Sept. 1905), 478, 479n; New York City (Dec. 1905), 512-13
Gompers, Samuel J.,* 35n
Gompers, Sophia Julian,* 34, 35n, 41, 117
Gordon, F. G. R., 117, 118n
Gordon, Kate M., 532, 532n
Grace, Lawrence A., 172n; letter to, 172
Gracy, George W., 243, 244n
Grange, 303, 308n
Granite Cutters' National Union of the U.S. of America,* 147n; Lithonia, Ga., branch, 120, 121n
Grant, Luke, 445n, 450n; letters from, 465-66, 468-69; reports of IWW founding convention, 442-64, 465n, 467-69n
Graves, Frank N., 387-88, 388n
Gray, George, 14n
Gray, Horace, 340n
Gray, James A., 241, 244n
Greenbaum, Leon, 203, 204n
Greenberger, Jesse, 474n
Gregg, Laura A., 532, 533n
Grieb Rubber Co.: strike against, 260n
Grimes, James F., 93n, 237, 264-65, 265n; letter to, 91-93
Gronland, Laurence, 395, 397n
Grossman, Herman,* 276-77, 278n
Grosvenor, Charles, 232n
Grout, Adelbert B.,* 443, 446n
Guard, R. Lee,* 150n, 154n, 161, 163n, 512n; letters from, 169-70, 237-38
Gubbins, George P.,* 173, 175n
Gutstadt, Herman,* 12n; letter to, 11-12
Haeselbarth, A. C., 426-28
Hagerty, Thomas J., 445n; and IWW founding convention, 443, 448, 450, 452, 454-55, 457-60, 462, 465, 467
Haggott, Warren, 282n
Hale, Marshall, 386, 387n
Hale, Prentis C., 386, 387n
Hale, Reuben B., 386, 387n
Hale Brothers, Inc., 386-87, 387n
Hall, William L., 408, 409n
Hamilton, M. Grant, 18n, 191, 192n, 262, 262n, 284, 285n
Hancock, John, 332-33, 349
Hanger, G. Wallace, 237, 238n
Hanna, Marcus A., 4:221n, 17n, 122, 138, 167-70, 170n, 212, 379; death of, 235, 236n, 379-80n; letter to, 40
Hannahan, John J.,* 235, 236n
Hardman, George S., 146, 147n
Harlan, John Marshall, 4:294n, 421, 423n
Harriman, Charles A., 398, 399-400n, 403-4, 405n, 435-39, 439n
Harris, George W., 4:391n, 119, 119n
Harris, William V., 15, 19n
Harrison, Thomas H., 498-99, 499n
Harry, George Y., 237, 238n; letters to, 532, 536-37
Hart, Lee M.,* 494, 496n
Hartzell, Charles, 424-25, 429n
Harzbecker, Frank,* 10n, 393n; letter to, 392-93
Haskell, William E., 299n; letter from, 297-99
Haskins, William H., 67-68, 70n
Hat and Cap Makers of North America, United Cloth,* 355n, 407n; strike, 1904-5 (New York City and New Jersey), 405-6, 407n, 409-10, 410n
Hatters of North America, United,* 177-78n; strike, 1902 (Danbury, Conn.), 177n. See also Loewe v. Lawlor
Hawaii: Chinese workers in, 195; Japanese workers in, 151n, 195; Korean workers in, 195, 195n; oriental labor in, 471-72, 472-73n; working conditions in, 372
Hay, Arthur A., 415, 416-17n
Hay, John, 378n
Hayes, Denis A.,* 63, 67n, 199, 204n, 361, 364n, 450n; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905)
Hayes, Max S.,* 62n; at AFL conventions, 59, 63-64, 67n, 69,
196, 197n, 200, 202, 204n, 501, 503n; letter to, 485-86
Haywood, William D.,* 37n, 281, 282-83n, 344n, 406n, 504-6, 509n; and IWW founding convention, 442, 450-52, 456-57, 459, 461-63; letter to, 343-44
Healy, Timothy,* 56, 57n, 501, 503n
Hearst, William Randolph, 5:63n, 213, 213n, 521, 521-22n
Hedley, Frank, 475, 476n
Heine, Heinrich, 419, 423n
Heinze, Frederick A., 285n
Heller, Charles, 222, 223n
Hernsheim factory: strike against (1902), 31n
Herwegh, Georg, 423n
Hibbert, Albert,* 119n, 358; letter to, 118-19
Higginson, Thomas H., 356
Hinchcliffe, John, 29n
Hitt, Robert, 232n, 261-62n
Hod Carriers' and Building Laborers' Union of America,
International,* 173-74, 175n
Hoehn, G. A., 2:*, 196, 197n
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 421, 423n
Honolulu Trades and Labor Council, 151n
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America,* 286n; local 14 (Denver), 5:396n, 15; local 767 (Washington, D.C.), 390
Hours of labor. See Workday
Houston, C. C., 107n
Huber, Jacob, 3:115n, 90n
Huber, William D.,* 6-7, 8n, 44, 92-93, 546n; elected AFL vice-president, 509n (1905)
Hudson, Oliver, 308n
Huebner, Adam,* 487, 488n
Hunt, William H., 254-55
Huntington, Henry E., 415-16, 417n
Huntington (W.Va.) Central Labor Union, 62n
Iglesias Pantín, Santiago,* 232n, 248, 252-54, 257n, 424-27, 429n; letters to, 382-83, 470
Illinois State Board of Arbitration, 5:510n, 314n
Income tax, 332
Income Tax Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Income Tax Act
Indiana: organizing in, 141
Indiana, State Federation of Trades and Labor Unions of the State of, 141n
Indiana Federation of Labor, 141n
Indiana State Federation of Labor, 3:229n, 141n
Individual: in modern industry, SG and: 95-96, 125, 338-39, 417-23, 543
Industrial disputes: mediation of, 14n, 29n, 40, 40n, 45-46, 46n, 103-4, 104n, 105, 241, 245n, 314n, 453n, 484n; AFL and, 516n; Duncan and, 183-85, 217n; National Civic Federation and, 13n, 408n; SG and, 154-56, 156n, 168, 176n, 178-79, 183-85, 186n, 189n, 214, 215n, 217n, 287-89, 350n, 380, 381n, 408n, 516-17, 517-18n
Industrial workers' clubs, 449n
Industrial Workers of the World, 518, 522; and Brewery Workmen of America, International Union of the United, 487; constitution of, 454-62; conventions: 1905 (Chicago), 384, 384-85n, 408, 442-64 (accounts of), 464-68; 1906, 461n; and Miners, Western Federation of, 506-7, 508n; SG and, 451, 467
Ingraham, Dr., 335
Initiative, 302-6, 308n
Injunctions, 74-75, 80-81, 83-84n, 90n, 194, 226, 228n, 229-30, 344, 353, 406-7n, 424-25, 428, 429n, 442n, 510; SG and, 331, 440-41, 537-45. See also Legislation, U.S.: anti-injunction bills
Insurance companies: AFL and, 492; investigation of, 493n
Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 475; strike against (1905), 407, 408n, 452, 521n
Inter Mountain Publishing Co.: American Labor Union and, 284
International Laborers' Union, 403-4, 435-39; local 196 (Rockland, Maine), 399n, strike (1905), 436-39, 439n
Iron Molders' Union of North America, 4:*; local 45 (Dayton,
Ohio), 144, 145n
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of,* 57n; convention, 1902 (Wheeling, W.Va.), 55, 57n, 103, 104n
Italian workers: organization of, 290, 290-91n
Jackson, John J., 80-81, 84n
Jackson (Miss.) Trades and Labor Council, 182, 182n
Japanese: exclusion of, SG and, 150n
Japanese-Mexican Protective Association: strike (1903), 150, 151n
Japanese workers: AFL and, 151n; organization of, 149-50, 150-51n; SG and, 149, 151n, 195
Jefferson, Thomas, 333
Johnson, C. R., 243
Johnson, Jacob E., 443-44, 446n
Johnson, Robert C., 194n; letter from, 193-94
Johnstown, Pa.: flood (1889), 362, 364n
Jones, A. W. "Puggy," 59, 62n
Jones, Jerome,* 38n; letters to, 37-38, 180
Jones, Mary Harris "Mother,"* 84n, 262, 262n, 270, 443, 453
Jordan, Edward L., 110, 111n, 492, 493n
Julier, H. S., 289n; letter from, 287-89
Jurisdictional disputes, 297-99; AFL and, 11n, 44n, 50n, 52-53n, 53-55, 62-66, 67n, 101-2, 102-3n, 133-34, 135-36n, 165-66, 207-8, 208n, 210-11, 211n, 312n, 326n, 342, 343n, 365-67, 368n, 373-76, 377n, 493-96, 496n, 497-502, 503n; AFL Executive Council and, 10-11n, 43-44, 44n, 54-55, 62-64, 66n, 89, 90n, 133-34, 135-36n, 165-66, 167n, 181, 312n, 326n, 342, 343n, 450n, 502-3n; SG and, 9-10, 10-11n, 42-44, 45n, 50-52, 88-89, 90n, 158n, 165-67, 167n, 219-20, 223-28, 276-78, 299n, 312n, 317-26, 351-52, 352n, 473-74, 475n, 499n, 500, 502-3n
--Brewery Workmen of America, International Union of the United (IUUBW): v. Firemen, International Brotherhood of Stationary (IBSF), 5:162n, 172n, 292n, 375n, 515-16n, 9-10, 10-11n, 88-89, 89-90n, 133-34, 135-36n, 208, 223-28, 228n, 317-26, 326-27n, 365-67, 368n, 452, 453n, 500-502, 502-3n; v. Steam Engineers, International Union of (IUSE), 5:162n, 172n, 292n, 515-16n, 9-10, 10-11n, 88-89, 89-90n, 133-34, 135-36n, 208, 223-28, 228n, 365-67, 368n, 452, 453n, 500-502, 502-3n; v. Teamsters, International Brotherhood of, 365-67, 367-68n, 452, 500-502 --Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, International Association of, v. AFL Local Union (LU) 10,315, 210, 211n
--Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of: v. AFL LU 9891, 44, 45n; v. Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated Society of, 42-44, 44-45n, 51, 62-64, 66-67n, 175-76, 176n, 178-79, 210-11, 219-20, 326n; v. Wood-Workers' International Union of America, Amalgamated (AWWIU), 5:422-23n, 51, 52-53n, 64-66, 66-67n, 165-67, 167n, 181, 211, 211n, 500, 503n --Carriage and Wagon Workers' International Union of North America v. Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers', Brass Molders', and Brass and Silver Workers' International Union of North America, 311, 312n
--Clothing Makers' Union of America, Special Order, v. Garment Workers of America, United, 49-50, 50n
--cooks, 390-92
--Flint Glass Workers Union, American, v. Glass Bottle Blowers Association of the U.S. and Canada, 448, 450n
--IBSF 86 v. AFL LU 9840, 101-2, 102-3n
--IUSE v. Miners, Western Federation of, 352n
--Longshoremen, Marine, and Transport Workers' Association, International, v. Seamen's Union of America, International, 51, 52n, 53-55, 373-76, 377n, 497-99, 499n, 502
--Machinists, International Association of, v. Typographical Union, International, 5:104-5n, 292n, 339n
--Piano and Organ Workers' International Union of America v. AWWIU, 66n
--Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of, v. Steam, Hot Water, and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers, International Association of, 342, 343n
Justi, Herman, 5:311n, 123-24, 126n
Kean, John, 341n; letter from 340-41
Keefe, Daniel J.,* 57n, 235, 259, 470, 513; at AFL conventions, 53-55, 375-76, 376n, 498-99, 499n; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905)
Keegan, John J., 121, 122n, 140n; letter from, 139
Keene, Rufus, 182, 182n
Kemper, Louis,* 9, 10n, 449, 487; at AFL conventions, 210, 210n, 366, 368n, 500-502, 503n; letters to, 88-89, 223-28
Kenehan, Roady,* 504, 507, 508n
Kennaday, Paul, 485, 486n
Kennedy, Adolphus, 116n; letter from, 115-16
Kennedy, John, 62n
Kennedy, William E., 122n, 139, 493n; letter from, 121-22
Keogh, Mae, 492, 493n
Kerr, Robert B.,* 188, 189n
Ketterer, William, 291-92, 292n
Keyes, John, 201, 204n
Kidd, Thomas I.,* 17n, 134, 165, 408n, 432n, 468-69, at AFL conventions, 63, 65-66, 67n, 198, 204n, 508, 509n; elected AFL vice-president, 209, 210n (1903), 376n (1904); letters from, 15-17, 316; letters to, 191-92, 432; resignation of, 316, 317n
Kirby, John Jr., 5:367n, 98-99, 100-101n
Kirkpatrick, Charles G.,* 443, 445n, 461, 487-88n
Klapetzky, William E.,* 16, 19n
Kneeland, Frederick J.,* 205, 206n
Knights of Labor: local assembly 2025 (Ft. Bragg, Calif.), 242, 244n
Knox, Philander, 14n
Knoxville Woolen Mills: strike against (1900-1903), 118-19, 119n
KOL. See Knights of Labor
Kolb, Robert, 147, 147n
Koreans: exclusion of, 471; SG and, 195
Korean workers, 195n; SG and, 195
Kreft, Ernst, 4:411n, 208, 210n
Labadie, Joseph A.,* 108n; letter to, 107
Labor: history of organization of, 418-19; specialization of, SG and, 338-39
Labor Day, 3:106-7n, 197n, 202-3
Laborers' Union, International,* 397-98, 399n
"Labor's Bill of Grievances," 535, 535n
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International,* 156n; convention, 1904 (Boston), 276-77, 278n; local 1 (New York City), 276, 278n; local 6 (New York City), 278n, 473-74, 474-75n; local 7 (Philadelphia), 278n; local 9 (New York City), 276, 278n; local 10 (Cleveland), 278n; local 10 (New York City), 475n; local 12 (New York City), 278n; local 14 (Cleveland), 278n; local 15 (New York City), 278n, 473, 475n; local 20 (Philadelphia), 278n; local 23 (New York City), 276, 278n; local 26 (Boston), 278n; local 35 (New York City), 276, 278n; local 38 (Montreal), 279n; local 63 (Philadelphia), 278n; SG mediation of dispute, 276-78; strike: 1903 (Chicago), 155, 156n
LaFrance Fire Engine Co., 152
Lambert, Frederick J., 6-7, 8n
Lanphere, Emma, 386-87, 387n
Lansing, Theodore F., 195, 195n
Larger, Bernard A.,* 406, 407n
Laughlin, Gail, 532, 533n
Laundry Workers' International Union, Shirt, Waist, and,* 493n; strike, 1905-6 (local 2, Troy, N.Y.), 484n, 492
Lavery, John T., 367, 368-69n
Lavery amendment, 367, 368n, 502, 504n
Lavin, Charles, 197, 204n
Lawrence, Joseph M.,* 536n; letter to, 535
Leak, Walter R., 402n
Leake, Harry P., 424, 428, 429n
Lectures, free: SG and, 479
Lee, Robert E., 31, 31n
Leffingwell, Samuel L.,* 523, 525n
Legislation, foreign:
--Canada: labor agitation in, 158-59, 159-60n
--Puerto Rico: eight-hour law, 254-55, 258n
Legislation, state: AFL financial support of lobbying for, 388, 389n
--Alabama: antiboycott law (1903), 108, 110n, 192, 193n, 293, 293-94n, 388; child labor law (1903), 108, 109-10n
--Colorado: eight-hour law (1899), 5:115n, 283n
--New York: bakers' ten-hour law (1895, 1896, 1897), 393, 393-94n, 420-21
--Texas, 387-88, 388n; garnishment of wages law (1905), 388, 388n; poll tax law, 388, 388n; railroad safety laws (1905), 388, 388n
Legislation, U.S.:
--anti-injunction bills: H.R. 89 (1903), 231, 232n, 301-6, 308n; H.R. 4445 (1905), 525, 526n, 527, 537-45; H.R. 18,752 (1906), 525, 526-27n
--antitrust legislation: Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 4:28n, 178n
--arbitration bill, S. 3259 (1904), 231, 232n
--Chinese exclusion legislation: Geary Act (1892), 3:371-72n, 261, 262n; Act of 1902, 5:458-59n, 286n, 471; H.R. 9330 (1902), 5:458-59n, 48, 48n; H.R. 13,031 (1902), 5:459n, 11, 12-13n, 48, 48n; S. 2960 (1902), 5:458-59n, 48, 48n; Act of 1904, 286, 286-87n, 372, 472n; H.R. 15,167 (1904), 261, 261n; H.R. 12,973 (1906), 525, 527, 527n, 529; H.R. 18,022 (1906), 525, 527n
--convict labor bill, H.R. 10,006 (1904), 231, 232n
--deficiency bill, H.R. 12,320 (1906), 525-26, 526n, 527-28
--eight-hour legislation: Act of 1892, 3:405n, and Panama Canal workers, 525-28; H.R. 6882 (1900), 5:197-98n, 48, 48n; H.R. 4064 (1903), 231, 232n, 302-6, 308n, 477, 525; H.R. 8134 (1903), 308n; S. 489 (1903), 231, 232n; H.R. 11,651 (1906), 527, 529n. See also Legislation, U.S.: deficiency bill
--free lecture bill, 267, 268n
--Geary Act (1892), 3:371-72n, 261, 262n
--Income Tax Act (1894), 3:548n, 332, 340n
--interstate commerce court bill, S. 7051 (1905), 353-54, 354n
--Militia Act (1903), 201, 204n
--railroad legislation: Safety Appliance Act, 3:284n, 372
--Safety Appliance Act (1893; uniform car coupler law), 3:284n, 372
--seamen's legislation: White Act, 5:15n, 371
--Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 4:28n, 178n
--tariff legislation: Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894), 3:554n, 340
--White Act (1898), 5:15n, 371
--Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894), 3:554n, 340
Legislative demands of labor, 96, 300-307, 372, 493n; demonstration regarding (1906), 526, 528-29, 535; SG and, 478-79, 525-27, 527n, 528-29, 545. Seealso "Labor's Bill of Grievances"
Legislative records: of political candidates, 47-48
Lennon, John,* 19n, 57n, 128n, 133-34, 163n, 239; at AFL conventions, 54, 59-60, 207, 207n, 369, 373n, 492, 493n, 501; elected AFL treasurer 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); letters from, 464-65, 509-11; letters to, 126-27, 189-90, 312-14, 467-68, 512-13
Lennon, Juna Allen (Mrs. John B.), 3:142n; letter to, 523-25
Leonard, James, 3:243-44n, 182-83, 183n; letter to, 182-83
Lewis, Thomas L.,* 67, 70n, 366, 368n, 508, 509n
Libby (company): strike against (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
Liebig, Albert F.,* 291, 292n
Lien laws, 372; SG and, 479
Lighthall, George,* 60, 62n
Lincoln, Abraham, 333, 335
Lindstrom, Ellen, 483, 484n
Little, John, 526n
Littlefield, Charles E., 5:327n, 537, 539-43
Livernash, Edward J., 261, 261-62n, 270-71
Living wage: SG and, 148. See also Minimum wage
Lizarraras, J. M., 150n
Lochner, Joseph, 393-94n
Lochner v. New York, 394n, 420-21
Lockman, Frank, 32n
Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of, 4:*; strike, 1905 (local 105, New York City), 407, 408n, 452, 521n
Locomotive Firemen, Brotherhood of,* 36, 37n; strike, 1905
(local 149, New York City), 407, 408n, 452, 521n
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 4:147n, 212
Loewe, D. E.: boycott against (1902), 177-78n; strike against (1902), 177n. See also Loewe v. Lawlor
Loewe v. Lawlor, 177, 177-78n, 328, 440
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 81, 84n
Longshoremen, Marine, and Transport Workers' Association, International,* 52n, 126, 127n; jurisdiction of, 51, 52n, 53-55, 373-76, 377n, 497-99, 499n, 502
Los Angeles: organizing in, 414-16, 416n
Los Angeles Co. Council of Labor, 4:480n, 151n
Los Angeles Examiner, 213, 213n
Los Angeles Railway Co.: strike against (1903), 416n
Los Angeles Times, 415; boycott of, 417n; strike against (1890-92, 1893- ), 212-13, 213n
Lougheed, James, 159n
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904, St. Louis), 121, 123n; AFL and, 237, 238n
Lovely, Collis P.,* 15, 17n, 233
Lowman, John H., 485, 486n
Lynch, Edward J.,* 112, 112n, 312n, 443; letter from, 311
Lynch, James M.,* 132n, 213n; letter to, 212-13