M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
MacArthur, Walter,* 205, 206n, 207-8, 375-76, 376n, 498, 499n
McCabe, Felix, 291, 292n
McCabe, Frank M., 408, 409n, 461
McCabe, William P., 442n; letter to, 440-42
McCarthy, Frank H., 287-88, 289n
McCarthy, Patrick F.,* 439, 439n
McCauley, James, 276-77, 278n
McComas, Louis, 232n
McCormick, F. A., 287
McCullen, Edward J., 494-95, 496-97n
McDonald, Daniel,* 408, 408n, 448, 459, 462-63
McDonald, George, 153, 154n
McDowell, Mary Eliza, 483, 484n
McGregor, Hugh,* 34, 35n
McGuire, Christine, 546n; letter from, 546
McGuire, Kate, 546n
McGuire, Lillian, 546n
McGuire, Myrtle, 546n
McGuire, Peter, 546n
McGuire, Peter J.,* 8n, 34; charges against, 5-8, 8n, 38, 38n, 92, 130; circular from, 7, 8n; death of, 546; letter from 308-9; letter to, 129-30; money for family of, 546n
Machinists, International Association of,* 152n, 240n, 384; jurisdiction of, 339n; and National Cash Register Co., 489; strikes: 1899 (local 388, Rock Island and Moline, Ill., and Davenport, Iowa), 215, 215-16n; 1901-2 (local 47, Denver), 15, 18n; 1903-5 (local 421, Elmira, N.Y.), 152, 152n
McHugh, John, 277, 278n
McKay, Charles, 443, 445n
McKee, Robert,* 502, 504n
McKenna, Charles F., 424-25, 428, 429n
McKinley, William, 3:19n; assassination of, 5:390n, 437
McKinnon, Charles H., 454
McMahon, James,* 168, 169n
McNamara, John J.,* 515-16n; letter from, 514-15
McNeill, George E.,* 34, 35n
McNulty, F. J., 493n
MacVeagh, Franklin, 5:307n, 13n
Macy, R. H., and Co.: strike against (1904- ), 380, 381n
Madden, Martin B. "Skinny," 469n
Mahon, W. D.,* 57n, 234n, 270, 271n, 531n; and AFL conventions, 53-54, 56, 504, 509n; and industrial disputes, 13n, 142, 194n, 408n, 414-16, 416n; letter from, 529-31; letter to, 407-8
Mahoney, Nellie, 484n
Mahoney, Timothy S., 463, 464n
Maine: organizing in, 397-99, 402-4, 435-39
Maine State Federation of Labor, 439n; convention, 1905 (Bangor), 438, 439n
Maloney, Robert S., 355-57, 360n
Mance, Alfred W., 466, 467n
Mangan, John, 496, 497n
Mann, Horace, 100n
Manning, Henry Edward Cardinal, 335, 340n
Manvury, Mr., 424
Marks, Marcus M., 236, 236n
Martinez, Joseph N., 31n; letter from, 30-31
Mason, William: letter to, 220-22
Masons: strike, 1903 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 175-76
Mass meetings: 1902 (Colorado Springs, Colo.), 15; 1902 (New York City), 34, 35n; 1902 (Washington, D.C.), 34, 35n; 1905 (IWW, Chicago), 457, 457n, 459; 1905 (New York City), 483, 484n
Master Painters', Paper Hangers', and Decorators' Association (Dayton, Ohio), 144, 145n
Masters, Edgar Lee, 237, 238n
Mayer, Julius M., 392-93, 394n
Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Amalgamated,* 315n; local 127 (Stockton, Calif.), 39, 40n; strike (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
Mechanics, International Association of Allied Metal,* 240n
Melnotte, Claude, 79
Menke, Mr., 155
Merchant Tailors' Association of the U.S., 191n
Merriss, L. W., 140-41
Merritt, James S., 292n; letter from, 291-92
Merritt Expanded Metal Fireproofing Co.: boycott, 292n; strike against, 292, 292n
Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers', Brass Molders', and Brass and Silver Workers' International Union of North America,* 311n; jurisdiction of, 311, 312n; local 6 (Chicago), 443, 446, 448; strike, 1904 (locals 6, 83, 127, 143, and 212, Chicago), 443, 445-46n
Metal Trades Federation of North America, 5:287n, 112, 174, 175n
Metal Workers' International Union of America, United,* 443, 445n, 447, 452, 457, 462-63, 468
Metcalf, Victor H., 477, 477n, 527n
Metropolitan Opera Co.: strike against (1906), 516-17, 517-18n
Mexican workers: organization of, 149-50, 150-51n
Michaelson, Joseph, 277, 278n
Michigan State Federation of Labor, 230, 231n
Milian, Francisco, 71n
Militia: AFL and, 361-63
Militia Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Militia Act
Miller, Guy E., 459, 460n
Miller, Max, 277, 279n
Milwaukee Brewers' Association, 453n
Milwaukee Federated Trades Council, 2:68n, 3:460n, 25n; circular issued by, 24-25, 25n
Mine Operators' Association (Colorado), 282-83n, 344n
Miners, Western Federation of,* 15-16, 19n, 364, 447, 451; affiliation with AFL, 17n, 270, 271n; AFL financial appeal in support of, 279-81, 282n, 343-44, 405-6, 407n, 504-8, 508-9n; and American Labor Union, 37; conventions: 1901, 352n; 1902 (Denver), 17n; 1904 (Denver), 270, 271n; 1905 (Salt Lake City), 504-7, 508-9n; and IWW, 405, 406n, 457, 461-62, 506-7, 508n; jurisdiction of, 352n; local 74 (Butte, Mont.), 447, 449n; local 83 (Butte), 352n; local 93 (Denver), 282n; local 125 (Colorado City, Colo.), 282n; SG and, 505-6; strikes: 1892 (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho), 3:214n, 452; 1903-4 (Colorado), 279-81, 282-83n, 343-44, 361-62, 452
Miners' Federation of Great Britain,* 157, 158n
Mine safety legislation, 96, 372
Mine Workers of America, United,* 22n, 501; conventions: May 1902 (Shamokin, Pa.), 13n, 98, 100n; July 1902 (Indianapolis), 14n, 22, 22n, 26-27; Oct. 1902 (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.), 14n, 45-46, 46n; District 12 (Illinois), 447-48, 450n; injunction against, 80-81, 84n; local 1771 (Red Lodge, Mont.), 447, 449n, 462; locals, Pittsburg, Kans., 447, 449n; and Miners, Western Federation of, 506-7; strikes: 1902 (anthracite), 12, 13-14n, 22-23, 26-27, 34, 35n, 40, 40n, 45-46, 46n, 97-98, 100n, 103-4, 104n, 162, 197; 1902 (Clarksburg, W.Va.), 81, 84n
Minimum wage: SG and, 148, 338
Mitchell, James, 430, 430n
Mitchell, John,* 22n, 162, 235, 270, 410n, 450n, 513; and AFL conventions, 197-98, 204n, 356, 358, 492, 494, 496n, 507; and anthracite strike (1902), 13-14n, 35n, 40, 40n, 45-46, 98; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); letter from, 22; letters to, 45-46, 103-4, 262, 409-10, 430; Shaffer's charges against, 104n
Mitchell, Katherine, 430, 430n
Mitchell, Margaret Katherine, 430, 430n
Mitchell, Marie: death of, 430, 430n
Mitchell, Richard, 430, 430n
Mitchell, Robert, 430, 430n
Mobile (Ala.) Central Labor Union, 293n
Mobile (Ala.) Central Trades Council, 4:28n, 293n
Modie, Frank E., 287, 289n
Moffitt, John A.,* 67-69, 70n, 178n; letter to, 177
Mohns and Mohns, 218
Monaghan, Frank B.,* 366, 368n, 373
Mondell, Franklin, 512n
Montgomery, William H., 3:41n, 4:246n, 15, 18n, 191
Montgomery Ward and Co.: strike against, 452, 453n, 469, 502
Montreal (Canada) Wage Earners' Union, 447, 449n
Montz, James O., 222-23
Moore, Charles A., 5:483n, 235, 236n
Morgan, J. P., 5:335n, 14n
Morgan, John T., 5:407n, 212
Morris, Max,* 17n, 85-86, 87n, 133-34, 164n, 239, 270, 271n, 386-87, 430; and AFL conventions, 210n, 212; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); letter from, 15-17
Morrison, Frank,* 17n, 108, 161, 227, 232, 238, 309-10, 382, 403, 409, 440, 452; and AFL conventions, 54-55, 57n, 210n, 375, 376n, 496, 497n, 501, 503n; and AFL Executive Council, 133-34, 151n, 531n, 546n; and Cincinnati agreement, 135n; and Denver trade unions, 19n; elected AFL secretary, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); letters from, 15-17, 478-79; letters to, 149-50, 397-99, 529-31, 546; and National Civic Federation, 235
Morrison, John,* 8n; letter from, 5-8
Morton, Lew,* 517, 518n
Moyer, Charles H.,* 352n, 406n, 457, 459, 461-62, 504-6, 509n; letter to, 351-52
Mulholland, John F.,* 240n; letter from, 238-40
Mulligan, P. J., 311, 312n
Murphy, Franklin, 29n
Musicians, American Federation of, 4:*; local 6 (San Francisco), 233; local 130 (New York City), 518n
Musicians' Mutual Protective Union (San Francisco). See Musicians, American Federation of: local 6
Musicians' Union, Pacific Coast (San Francisco). See American Labor Union: local 435
National Association of Clothiers, 297n
National Association of Manufacturers, 5:15n, 101n, 105, 124, 126n, 431
National Building Trades Council of America, 4:416-17n, 17-18n
National Cash Register Co., 144, 239-40, 240n, 488-89
National Civic Federation, 5:218n, 17n, 408n, 452, 492, 521, 521-22n; Committee on Conciliation and Arbitration, 235; conferences: 1903 (Chicago), 191n, 312, 314n; 1903 (New York City), 379, 379n; 1904 (New York City), 350n, 378-79, 379n, 394-96, 396-97n, 417, 423n; 1905 (New York City, on immigration), 472, 473n, 490, 490n, 513, 513n, 521-22n; mediation of industrial disputes, 13n, 186n; presidency of, 235-36, 236n; SG and, 172, 314n, 380, 380n, 381, 394-96, 396-97n, 417-23, 475
--Industrial Department, 5:218n; local branches of, 105, 105n; SG and, 104-5
--Industrial Economics, Department of: meeting, April 1905, 417-23
National Consumers' League, 180n; SG and, 180
National Council for Industrial Defense, 101n
National Detective Agency, 432n
National Erectors' Association, 515n
National Industrial Council, 101n
National Labor Bureau of Clothing Manufacturers, 297n
National League of Women Voters, 217n
National Packing Co.: strike against (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
National Wholesale Tailors' Association, 50n, 406n
National Woman Suffrage Association, 3:25n; conventions:1904 (Washington, D.C.), 216; 1906 (Baltimore), 511, 512n
National Women's Trade Union League. See Woman's Trade Union League
National Women's Trade Union League of America. See Woman's Trade Union League
Negro Artisan (W. E. B DuBois, ed.), 91n
Neihaus, Herman, 389, 390n
Nelson Morris (company): strike against (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
Nesmith, Charles C., 293, 294n
New Orleans Central Labor Union, 5:262n, 534
New Orleans Central Trades and Labor Council, 3:244n, 533-34
New York and Porto Rico Steamship Co.: strike against (1905), 470, 470-71n
New York City: free lectures, 267, 268n
New York City Cap Manufacturers' Association, 407n
New York City Central Federated Union, 1:379n, 10n, 394, 396, 396-97n, 518n; Miners' Relief Committee, 35n
New York Evening Journal, 521, 521-22n
New York Evening Post: and sympathy strikes, 25-27, 29n
New York Life Insurance Co., 493n
New York State Board of Mediation and Arbitration, 2:10n, 484n
New York State Workingmen's Assembly, 1:361n; convention, Sept. 1903 (Schenectady), 179, 179n
Nicholas II, 5:15n, 491n
Nockels, Edward N., 342n, 469n; letter to, 342
Noonan, Martin J., 4:431n, 5:48n, 3, 4n
North Carolina: organizing in, 400-402
North Carolina State Federation of Labor, 48n
Northwestern Brewers' Association: strike against (1905), 442n
Oberwager, Charles, 396, 397n
O'Brien, John R.,* 176, 176n
O'Brien, William J., 5:154n, 516n
O'Connell, James,* 19n, 67n, 112, 135n, 190, 216n, 232, 259, 488-89; at AFL conventions, 62, 210n, 370, 500, 503n; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904), 509n (1905); letter from, 151-52
O'Neil, Edward J., 15, 19n
O'Neill, John M., 452, 453n, 454
Open shop, 401, 406, 407n, 442n, 445-46n, 488-89, 515n; SG and, 327-30, 334, 337, 339n
Oregon: senators, direct election of, 536-37, 537n; and woman suffrage amendment, 532, 533n
Organizers. See American Federation of Labor: organizers
Oriental workers, 471-72. See also Chinese workers; Japanese workers; Korean workers
Osborne, Loyal A., 136, 139, 139n
O'Sullivan, John F.,* 35n; death of, 33-35, 35n, 38, 40-41, 117
O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney,* 41-42n, 355, 355n, 483, 484n; letters to, 40-41, 117-18
Otis, Harrison G., 213, 213n, 415-16
Ottawa Trades and Labor Council, 156, 158n
Pacelli, Tito, 290n; letter to, 290
Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of,* 115n, 173-74; and black workers, 113-14, 115n; local 25 (Augusta, Ga.), 114, 115n; local 26 (Augusta), 114, 115n; local 194 (Chicago), 448, 450n; local 275 (Chicago), 448, 450; local 584 (Chicago), 447-48, 450n; local 847 (Selma, Ala.), 106, 107n; strike, 1900 (Augusta), 115n
Palmers Manufacturing Co.: strike against (1903-4), 222, 223n
Panama Canal, 382-83, 383n; and Chinese labor, 512, 512n; hours of labor, 525-28; Puerto Rican workers, 382-83, 383n
Paper Makers, Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 205n; and American Labor Union, 203, 395; local 34 (Denver), 131n; local 91 (Denver), 131n
Parker, Alton B., 394n
Parker, E. W., 14n
Parks, Samuel J., 186n, 339n
Parliamentary procedure: SG and, 523-25
Parry, David M., 124-25, 126n, 328-29, 333, 335-38, 510, 522
Parry Association. See Citizens' Industrial Association of America
Parsons, Lucy Eldine Gonzalez, 453, 453n
Partido Federal de Puerto Rico (Federal Party of Puerto Rico), 258n
Partido Obrero Socialista de Puerto Rico (Socialist Labor Party of Puerto Rico), 258n
Partido Republicano de Puerto Rico (Republican Party of Puerto Rico), 258n
Paterson (N.J.) Trades Council, 29n
Patrons of Husbandry. See Grange
Patten, Simon N., 482n
Patterson, J. H., 116n; letter from, 120-21
Patterson, John H., 144, 488
Patterson, Thomas M., 131-32n, 286-87n, 354, 354n; letter from, 131-32; letters to, 131-32
Pattison, Robert, 212, 212n
Paving Cutters' National Union. See Paving Cutters' Union of the U.S. of America
Paving Cutters' Union of the U.S. of America,* 115-16, 116n, 146, 147n
Payne Engine Co.: strike against (1903-5), 152, 152n
Peabody, James H., 279-80, 282-83n, 344, 344n, 362
Pearre, George, 527n
Peckham, T. A., 151n
Penning, George C., 186, 189n
Pensions: AFL and, 58-60, 363-64, 492
People's Street Railway Co.: strike and boycott (1901-4), 5:379n, 142-44, 145n
People v. Lochner, 392-93, 393-94n
Peregrine, Philip A.,* 15, 19n
Perkins, Edgar A.,* 141n; letter to, 140-41
Perkins, George W.,* 30, 31n; letter from, 519-20; letters to, 104-5, 283-84, 385-86
Peru (Ind.) Central Labor Union, 140, 141n
Peru (Ind.) Contractors' Association, 140
Peteet, J. Walton, 264-65, 265n
Pettingill, Noah B. K., 428, 429n
Pfahler, William, 5:368n, 236
Piano and Organ Workers' International Union of America: jurisdiction of, 66n
Pierce, Jefferson D.,* 4, 5n, 15-16, 87n, 128n, 260n; financial affairs of, 163-64, 164n; letter from, 85-87; letter to, 163-64
Pierce, John F., 473, 474n
Pimpin, Edward F., 153-54, 154n
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, 1:455n, 431
Pittsburg Meter Co., 137
Philadelphia: building trades dispute in (1902), 43-44, 44- 45n
Philadelphia Central Labor Union, 2:179n, 503n; boycott (1902-3), 44-45n; Building Trades Section, 414, 414n; and Structural Building Trades Alliance, 414, 414n
Philadelphia Council of Allied Building Trades, 44n; strike (1902), 43-44, 44-45n
Phillips, Wendell, 2:382n, 333, 335
Plate Printers of North America, International Steel and Copper: local 8 (Brooklyn), 381n; strike (1904), 380, 381n
Platt, James P., 178n
Platt, Orville, 4:509n, 48n, 212
Platt, William A., 71n; letter from 70-71
Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of Journeymen,* 145n, 173-74; jurisdiction of, 342, 343n
Plummer, William P., 243, 244n
Pocatello (Idaho) Trades and Labor Council, 284, 285n
Polakoff, Sol, 276, 278n
Political action: AFL and, 68-70; nonpartisan, AFL and, 300-307; partisan, 234; partisan, AFL and, 196-97, 197n, 198, 205n, 371, 492-93, 493n; SG and, 35-36, 202
Political candidates: legislative record of, 47-48
Pollock v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., 4:38n, 332, 340n
Pommer, Charles, 5:245n, 90n
Porter, John A., 111n
Post, Charles W., 510, 511n, 522
Post and McCord: strike against (1905-), 515n
Potemkin (Russian battleship), 454n
Poth, F. A., and Sons, 44-45n
Pottsville (Pa.) Central Labor Union, 529-30, 531n
Powderly, Terence V.,* 111n; letter from, 110-11
Pressmen's and Assistants' Union of North America, International Printing,* 129, 129n
Prida, Charles, 293, 293n
Priestersbach, August, 4:414n, 365, 368n, 501, 503n
Prince, Alfred, 414n; letter from, 413-14
Pritchard, Jeter C., 48n; legislative record of, 47-48
Public schools, 96, 100n; use of, SG and, 479
Pueblo Workers' Industrial and Educational Union, 447, 449n
Puerto Rican workers: and Panama Canal, SG and, 382-83, 383n
Puerto Rico: conditions in, 246-51, 255-57, 425, 427-28; longshoremen's strike (1905), 470, 470-71n; SG and, 245-57, 423-24, 426-28, 429n, 470 (see also SG trips: Puerto Rico); and Spain, 250; statehood convention (1904), 256, 258n; sugar plantation workers' strike (1905), 424-25, 427-28, 429n; and U.S., 250-52, 256-57
Puerto Rico Sugar Co.: strike against (1905), 424-25, 427- 28, 429n
Pullman strike (1894), 3:521-25, 526n, 432, 432n
Punch Press Operators: local 224 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 447, 449n
Quarry Workers' International Union of North America,* 439, 439n; local 73 (Rockland, Maine), 399, 400n, 439, 440n; local 74 (Stonington, Maine), 439, 440n; local 78 (Mt. Waldo, Maine), 439, 439-40n
Quick, Leon W.,* 199, 204n
Rabinowitz, Hyman, 276, 278n
Railway Employees, United Brotherhood of,* 265n, 444, 447, 462; division 24 (San Antonio), 264, 265n
Railway Expressmen of America, Brotherhood of,* 287, 289n
Railway Servants, Amalgamated Society of, 83-84n; strike (1900), 74, 78, 83n
Railway Union, American,* 36, 37n
Randall, Harvey N., 107n, 109, 110n, 193
Reading (Pa.) Federated Trades Council, 262-63, 264n, 270n
Referendum, 303-6, 308n
Reid, Mary, 399, 400n
Reid, Nell, 399, 400n
Reid, Stuart, 145n, 399-400n, 404n; letters from, 142-45, 397-99, 402-4, 435-39
Republican party, 36
Reuter, M. P., 181, 182n
Rhodes, Clarence W., 4:197n, 15, 18-19n
Rice, Gordon, 308n
Richards, John K., 11-12, 12n
Richardson, William, 182n; letter from, 181-82
Riordan, John, 461, 463, 464n
Rivera, Esteban, 253, 258n
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 401, 402n
Roach, John, 13n
Robertson v. Baldwin, 4:294n, 148
Robinson, George S., 276, 278n
Robinson, Herman,* 129, 129n, 381n, 473-74, 474n, 496, 497n, 516n; letter from, 521; letters to, 309-10, 475-76, 516-19
Rocker, Charles: letter to, 522-23
Rock Island (Ill.) Arsenal: strike against (1899), 215, 215-16n
Rockland and Rockport Lime Co., 435, 439n; strike against (1905), 436-39, 439n
Rockland (Maine) Central Labor Union, 404, 404n, 438, 439n
Rockwell, E. Benjamin, 92
Rocky Mountain Paper Mills, 131, 131n, 132
Rodriian, Henry W., 263n; letter from, 262-63; letter to, 268-69
Rogers, James E. T., 2:206n, 80
Rogers, Thorold. See Rogers, James E. T.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:443n, 206, 207n, 216n, 425; and anthracite strike (1902), 13-14n, 40, 40n, 45, 46n; and arbitration treaties, 378n; and Chinese immigration, 513, 513n, 525, 527n; and deficiency bill, 525-26, 526n, 527-28; and injunctions, 510, 511n, 513; letter from, 378-79; letter to, 215; message to Congress (1905), 509-11, 511n, 512-13, 513n, 525, 527n; and National Civic Federation, 378-79, 380n; and Panama Canal, hours of labor, 525; and Powderly, 110, 111n; and trade union movement, 510-11
Root, Elihu, 5:438n, 14n, 215, 216n, 490
Rosenberg, Abraham,* 276-77, 278n
Rosenberg, Edward, 5:292n, 4-5n, 60, 86, 87n, 101, 499, 499n; letter from, 4; trip to Asia, 5n, 111-12, 112n
Rowe, Thomas W.,* 448, 450n
Rubber Workers' Union of North America, Amalgamated,* 260n; strike, 1903-4 (local 4, Trenton, N.J.), 258-60, 260n
Rucker, William, 529n
Rucker and Witten Tobacco Co., 214, 214-15n
Russell, Agnes, 238, 238n
Russia: AFL and, 492; assassinations in, 321, 326n; police in, 415; revolutionary upheaval in (1905), 422, 454, 454n, 490-91, 491n; SG and, 490-91
Russo-Japanese War, 454n
Ryan, John C., 276, 278n
Ryan, William D.,* 502, 503n
Safety Appliance Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Safety Appliance Act
Salt Lake City Federation of Labor, 368-69n
Sánchez, Eugenio López, 253, 258n, 425, 429n
Sánchez, Sandalio, 253-54, 258n
San Francisco: building trades dispute in (1901-10), 4, 5n; organizing in, 386-87, 387n
San Francisco Building Trades Council, 5:339n, 4, 5n
San Francisco Labor Council, 4:172n, 5:475n, 5n, 102, 233, 234n, 241, 441, 442n
Sanitary conditions for workers: SG and, 479
Sargent, Frank P.,* 195, 195n
Saturday half-holiday: SG and, 479
Scheibel, Louis, 277, 278n
Schenectady (N.Y.) Trades Assembly, 176n, 179, 179n
Schlesinger, Benjamin,* 155, 156n, 276-77
Schmitz, Eugene E., 13n, 67n
Schoeller, Charles, 448, 450n
Schwarzschild and Sulzberger (company): strike against (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
Scott, Dred, 340n
Seamen's Union of America, International,* 5n, 126, 128n;jurisdiction of, 51, 52n, 53-55, 374-76, 377n, 497-99, 499n, 502
Seattle Brewing and Malting Co., 442n
Selleck, C. W., 287
Senators, direct election of: Oregon referendum on, 536-37, 537n; SG and, 536-37
Shaffer, Theodore J.,* 55-56, 57n, 61, 67-68, 70n; charges against Mitchell, 104n; charges against SG, 55-56, 57n, 60-61, 67-68, 70n, 103, 104n
Shakespeare, William, 345, 350n
Shamp, Chauncey, 5:*, 102-3n
Shankland, David, 340n
Sharp, J. H., 114, 115n
Shaw, Albert, 513, 513n
Shaw, Anna Howard, 532, 532n
Shea, Cornelius P.,* 365-66, 368n, 453n, 496, 497n, 502
Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, Amalgamated: strike, 1904 (local 246, Maywood, Ill.), 245n
Sheridan, John P., 55, 57n, 68, 70n
Sherman, Charles O.,* 407-8, 408n; and IWW, 443-44, 452, 455, 457, 459, 461, 463-67
Sherman, H. W., 299n, 473n
Sherman Antitrust Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Antitrust Act
Shibley, George H., 307-8n
Shields, Albert S., 6-7, 8n
Shipwrights, Joiners, and Caulkers of America, International Union of,* 377n
Shiras, George, Jr., 332, 340n
Sibley, Joseph, 232n
Silver Bow (Mont.) Trades and Labor Assembly, 285n
Simons, Algie M., 443, 445n, 449, 452,
Sirino, Severo, 253, 258n
Six Centuries of Work and Wages (Rogers), 2:206n, 80
Skemp, Joseph C.,* 470, 471n
Skilled workers: organization of, 119
Slayton, John W., 5:286n, 67-68, 70n, 209, 210n
Slocum, John,* 186, 188, 189n
Smith, Clarence,* 233, 234n, 285n, 384, 385n, 408, 455
Smith, William S., 365, 368n; letter from, 414-16
Snyder, Charles A., 142, 145n
Socialist Labor party, 36-37
Socialist Party of America, 202, 204n, 285n; convention, 1904 (Chicago), 356, 360n
Socialists, 510, 518; AFL and, 196-97, 197n, 198-204, 205n,209, 211-12, 355-59, 359-60n, 360-64, 491-92; and IWW, 444, 449, 455, 458-60, 466, 468; SG and, 199-204, 208, 262-65, 268-69, 357-59, 369-72, 394-96, 396-97n, 433-34, 453n, 467-68
Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 4:97-98n, 202, 396; and IWW, 447, 449, 468
Sommer, B., 276, 278n
Sorenson, Anna, 50n; letter from, 49-50
South: organizing in, 3, 11, 106, 107n, 108-9, 119
Sozialdemokratischen Partei der Schweiz, 364n
Spalding, John, 14n
Spatz, John J., 142-43, 145n
Spelling, Thomas, 527n
Spencer, William J.,* 143, 145n, 205, 206n, 207, 414n; elected AFL vice-president, 209 (1903), 376n (1904)
Spiegel, Frank, 85, 87n
St. Louis Founders' Association: strike against (1904), 245n
Stallings, Jesse F., 293, 294n
Steam and Hot Water Fitters and Helpers of America, National Association of. See Steam, Hot Water, and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers, Internation Association of
Steam Engineers, International Union of,* 135n; jurisdiction of, 9-10, 10-11n, 88-89, 89-90n, 133-34, 135-36n, 208, 223-28, 228n, 297-99, 299n, 352n, 365-67, 368n, 452, 453n, 500-502, 502-3n; local 2 (Chicago), 342, 343n; local 35 (Philadelphia), 503n; local 138 (Butte, Mont.), 352n; strikes: 1903 (local 2, St. Louis), 367, 369n, 500, 502; 1904 (local 13, Belleville, Ill.), 367, 369n
Steamfitters' Protective Association of Chicago. See Steam Engineers, International Union of: local 2 (Chicago)
Steam, Hot Water, and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers, International Association of,* 496n; and AFL charter, 493-96, 496n; jurisdiction of, 342, 343n, 496n
Steele, John, 129n; letter to, 128-29
Sterne, Simon, 267, 268n
Stockton (Calif.) Federated Trades Council, 39, 40n, 151n
Stoddart, Thomas, 93, 100n
Stone, Lewis P., 15, 19n
Stone, Warren, 408n
Stone, William, 14n
Storer, José, 425, 429n
Storrow, James J., 76, 84n
Strasser, Adolph,* 30, 31n, 44n, 219, 502n
Straus, Isidor, 381n
Straus, Oscar S., 235-36, 236n, 381n; letter to, 380-81
Street Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of,* 145n; convention, 1905 (Chicago), 475-76, 476n; division (div.), Pottsville, Pa., 529-30; div. 205 (San Francisco), 13n, 233; div. 241 (Chicago), 13n; div. 260 (Chicago), 13n; div. 308 (Chicago), 475, 476n
--organizing: in Chicago, 12, 13n; in Los Angeles, 414-16, 416n
--strikes: 1901-4 (div. 51, Dayton, Ohio), 5:379n, 142, 145n; 1902 (div. 205, San Francisco), 12, 13n; 1903 (div. 86, Waco, Tex.), 193-94, 194n; 1903 (div. 203, Los Angeles), 415, 416n; 1905 (div. 332, New York City), 407, 408n, 452, 521n
Strike, right to, 330
Strikes: AFL assessments for, 350n, 354-55, 355n, 446n; AFL financial appeals for, 22-23, 297n, 347, 350n, 445n, 484n; AFL financial support of, 228-31, 231n, 243-44, 244n, 258-60, 260n, 310, 407n, 409-10, 410n, 484n, 489, 489n, 492; SG and, 78, 312-14, 345, 420
Strikes, sympathy, 44n, 151-52, 175-76, 176n, 179, 186n, 369n, 407n, 470n, 518n; SG and, 25-29, 184-85, 266
Strikes and lockouts:
--blast furnace workers: 1903 (Buffalo), 168, 168-69n, 169-70, 170n
--brewery workers: 1905 (Seattle), 442n
--bridge and structural iron workers: 1905, 514-15, 515-16n
--building trades unions: 1903 (New York City), 183-85, 185-86n
--carpenters: 1902 (Philadelphia), 43, 44-45n; 1903 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 175-76, 176n, 178-79
--chandelier workers: 1904 (Chicago), 443, 445-46n
--chorus singers: 1906 (New York City), 516-17, 517-18n
--cigarmakers: 1902 (New Orleans), 30-31, 31n; 1902 (Tampa), 70, 71n; 1903-4 (Mobile, Ala.), 293, 293n
--clay miners: 1904 (Midvale, Ohio), 245n
--farm workers: 1903 (Oxnard, Calif.), 150, 151n
--firemen, stationary: 1904- (Belleville, Ill.), 367, 369n
--foundry workers: 1904 (St. Louis), 244, 245n
--garment workers: 1902 (Chicago), 50n; 1903-8 (Rochester, N.Y.), 297n; 1904 (New York City), 294-96, 297n, 313; 1904 (Philadelphia), 297n; 1904-5 (Chicago), 405-6, 406-7n, 409-10, 410n
--general strike: 1902 (Denver), 18n
--hat and cap makers: 1904-5 (New York City and New Jersey), 405-6, 407n, 409-10, 410n
--hatters: 1902 (Danbury, Conn.), 177n
--Homestead strike: 1892, 3:189n, 235
--iron, steel, and tin workers: 1901, 5:384-85n, 104n
--ladies' garment workers: 1903 (Chicago), 155, 156n
--lime workers: 1905 (Rockland, Maine), 436-39, 439n
--linemen: 1902 (New Orleans), 31, 31-32n
--longshoremen: 1905 (Puerto Rico), 470, 470-71n
--lumber workers: 1903-6? (Ft. Bragg, Calif.), 170, 171n, 241-44
--machinists: 1899 (Rock Island, Ill.), 215, 215-16n; 1901-2 (Denver), 15, 18n; 1903-5 (Elmira, N.Y.), 152, 152n
--masons: 1903 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 175-76
--meat cutters and butchers: 1904, 313-14, 314-15n
--metal lathers: 1903-6 (Philadelphia), 292, 292n
--miners: 1892 (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho), 3:214n, 452; 1902 (anthracite), 12, 13-14n, 22-23, 26-27, 34, 35n, 40, 40n, 45-46, 46n, 97-98, 100n, 103-4, 104n, 162, 197; 1902 (Clarksburg, W.Va.), 81, 84n; 1903-4 (Colorado), 279-81, 282-83n, 343-44, 361-62, 452
--painters: 1900 (Augusta, Ga.), 115n; 1903 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 176n
--paper mill workers: 1903 (Denver), 131n
--plate printers: 1904- (Brooklyn), 380, 381n
--railway workers: 1900 (Wales), 74, 78, 83n
--rubber workers: 1903-4 (Trenton, N.J.), 258-60, 260n
--sheet metal workers: 1904 (Maywood, Ill.), 245n
--silk workers: 1902 (Paterson and Lodi, N.J.), 29n
--starchers: 1905-6 (Troy, N.Y.), 483-84n, 492
--steam engineers: 1903 (St. Louis), 367, 369n, 500, 502; 1904- (Belleville, Ill.), 367, 369n
--street railway workers: 1901-4 (Dayton, Ohio), 5:379n, 142, 145n; 1902 (San Francisco), 12, 13n; 1903 (Los Angeles), 415, 416n; 1903 (Waco, Tex.), 193-94, 194n
--subway workers: 1905 (New York City), 407, 408n, 452, 521n
--sugar plantation workers: 1905 (Puerto Rico), 424-25, 427-28, 429n
--suspender makers: 1904 (New York City), 310, 310n
--teamsters: 1905 (Chicago), 452, 453n, 469, 502
--telephone employees: 1904 (Centralia, Ill.), 265-66
--textile workers: 1900-1903 (Knoxville, Tenn.), 118, 119n; 1901 (Danville, Va.), 5:336n, 349; 1903 (Philadelphia), 349, 350-51n; 1904 (Fall River, Mass.), 345-50, 350n, 354-55, 355n, 452
--typographers: 1890-92, 1893- (Los Angeles), 212-13, 213n
--upholsterers: 1903 (Grand Rapids, Mich.), 229-30, 231n
--woodworkers: 1902 (Denver), 15, 17-18n
Sullivan (gas worker), 101
Sullivan, Jere,* 10n, 16, 19n; letter from, 390-92; letter to, 285-86
Swift and Co.: strike against (1904), 313-14, 314-15n
Switzerland: militia in, 361, 364n
Taber, Esther, 520, 520n
Taff Vale decision, 74, 78, 83, 83-84n
Taff Vale Railway Co., 83-84n
Taft, William Howard, 382-83, 383n, 490, 490n
Tailors' Protective and Benevolent Union, Journeymen (San Francisco), 4:172n, 447, 449n, 462
Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen,* 50n, 62n; AFL financial appeal in behalf of, 189-90, 191n; convention, 1905 (Bloomington, Ill.), 389-90, 390n; jurisdiction, 189-90, 191n; local 102 (Pueblo), 447-48, 449n, 462
Tampa Central Trades and Labor Assembly, 70, 71n
Tanquary, Lee A., 61, 62n, 67-68, 196, 197n
Tansey, James,* 358, 360n
Tarbell, Ida M., 482n
Tazelaar, Jacob, 174, 175n
Teamsters, International Brotherhood of,* 223n, 407n; conventions: 1904, 367n; 1905 (Philadelphia), 469, 469n; jurisdiction of, 365-67, 367-68n, 453n, 500-502; strike, 1905 (Chicago), 452, 453n, 469, 502
Tennessee: organizing in, 3, 119
Texas State Federation of Labor, 387-88, 388n; convention, 1904 (Galveston), 388, 389n
Textile Workers of America, United,* 119n, 357; local 1 (Fall River, Mass.), 350n; local 23 (Fall River), 350n; local 32 (Fall River), 350n; local 35 (Fall River), 350n; local 51 (Fall River), 350n; organizing in South, 11
--strikes and lockouts: 1901 (local 150, Danville, Va.), 5:336n, 349; 1903 (Philadelphia), 349, 350-51n; 1904 (locals 1, 23, 32, 35, 51, Fall River, Mass.), 345-50, 350n, 354-55, 355n, 452
Textile Workers of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Central Union of, 350n
Theatrical Protective Union: local 1 (New York City), 518n
Theatrical Stage Employees of the United States and Canada,International Alliance of,* 509n; local 16 (San Francisco), 234, 234n; and Miners, Western Federation of, 505
Theis, Edward H.,* 239, 240n
Thomas, Harry D., 153-54, 154n, 492, 493n
Tilden, Laurin W.,* 472n; letter to, 471-72
Timothée, Pedro, 253-54, 258n
Tobacco Workers' International Union,* 214-15n
Tobin, John F.,* 358, 360n
Tracy, Thomas,* 4, 5n, 11, 12n, 69, 70n, 237-38, 519-20; letter to, 33-35
Trades councils: AFL and, 492
Trade unions: character of members of, SG and, 77-78, 83, 99, 319-20, 422-23, 423n; constitutions of, critiques of, by SG, 218-19; duties of officers of, SG and, 294-97, 297n; incorporation of, 71-83, 147-48; industrial organization of, 264, 449n, 455-57, 501; organization of, SG and, 95-96, 98, 125, 172, 339
Transport Workers' Federation, International,* 157, 158n
Trautmann, William E.,* 384; and IWW, 384, 385n, 449, 452, 459-61, 463, 466, 468
Tuberculosis, 203, 385-86; AFL and, 485-86, 486n
Turk, Samuel, 155, 156n
Turk Brothers: strike against (1903), 155, 156n
Turley, Edward L.,* 223n; letter to 222-23
Tveitmoe, Olaf A.,* 273n; letter to, 271-73
Typographia, German-American, 5:*; local 7 (New York City), 1:260n, 396, 397n
Typographical Union, International,* 129, 129n; jurisdiction, 339n; letter to local 101 (Washington, D.C.; 2:71n), 47; local 1 (Indianapolis), 523; local 2 (Philadelphia), 210n; local 49 (Denver), 131n; local 348 (Girard, Kans.), 221, 222n; strike, 1890-92, 1893- (local 174, Los Angeles), 212-13, 213n
Union Furnace Co.: strike against (1903), 168, 168-69n, 169-70, 170n
Union label, 218-19, 423n; SG and, 180-81, 389-90
Union Lumber Co.: strike against (1903-6?), 170, 171n, 241-44
Union shop, 401, 423n, 442n, 514, 516-17n; SG and, 327-30, 337-38
Union Switch and Signal Co., 137
Union Traction Co., 13n
United Labor League (Birmingham, Ala.), 193n
United Labor party, 37n
United Railways of San Francisco: strike against (1902), 13n
U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor, 110, 111n
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Labor, 231,232n, 476-77
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, 231, 232n, 237, 537-45
U.S. Industrial Commission, 4:505n, 334, 340n
U.S. Reduction and Refining Co.: strike against, 282n
U.S. Senate, Committee on Education and Labor, 231, 232n, 526
U.S. Steel Corp., 5:335n, 514-15, 515n
Unskilled workers: organization of, 119
Untermann, Ernest, 443, 445n
Upholsterers' International Union of North America,* 231n; convention, 1903 (St. Louis, Mo.), 229; strike, 1903 (local 26, Grand Rapids, Mich.), 229-30, 231n
Utah State Federation of Labor, 262, 262n, 368-69n; convention, 1904 (Salt Lake City), 262, 262n
Vail, John M.,* 448, 450n
Valentine, Joseph, 5:*; elected AFL vice-president, 509n, (1905)
Valesh, Eva McDonald,* 161, 163n, 238
Vaughen, R. E.: letter to, 265-66
Veal, Philip, 447, 450n
Vega, José, 30, 31n
Venable Bros., 116
Vincens, George E., 209, 210n
Wages: SG views of, 34
Walker, Henry M., 5:395n, 15, 19n
Walling, William E., 412, 413n
Walmsley, Herbert E., 347, 350n
Wambaugh, Eugene, 148, 149n
War: SG views of, 377-78
Ward, Edmond F., 365, 368n, 502, 504n
Warner, George H., 4:272n, 5:168n, 376, 377n
Washburn-Crosby Milling Co., 430n
Washington, George, 332-33
Washington Co. (N.Y.) Agricultural Society, 339n
Washington, D.C.: free lectures, 267-68, 268n
Washington, D.C., Central Labor Union, 4:171n, 35n
Watkins, Thomas, 14n
Wayland, Julius A., 220-21, 222n
Wayman, James C., 149n; letter to, 147-49
Weaver, John, 6-7, 8n
Weber, John, 53, 57n
"We Don't Patronize List" (AFL), 440, 516n
Weidman Dyeing Works: strike against (1902), 29n
Welsh, Bertha: letter from, 153-54
Wendelken, Harry J., 501, 503n
West: organizing in, 15-17
Western Agricultural Contracting Co.: strike against (1903), 150, 151n
Western Labor Union, 4:452-53n, 15-17, 18n; AFL and, 23n; and Brewery Workmen of America, International Union of the United, 9; convention, 1902 (Denver), 17n; SG and, 9. See also American Labor Union
Westinghouse, George, 121-22, 122n, 139; letter from, 136-39
Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 136
Westinghouse companies: labor conditions at, 136-38
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., 121-22, 123n, 136-39
Westinghouse Machine Co., 137
Westoby, Thomas, 376, 377n
Wheeler, Fred C., 150n; letter from, 149-50
"Wheel of Fortune,"(IWW) 445n, 450, 454-55, 458-61, 463, 522
White, Edward D., 421, 423n
White, Frank A., 20, 20n
White, Henry,* 4n, 190, 198, 202, 204n, 235, 297n, 313; letters to, 3-4, 294-97
White, John, 270, 271n
White Act. See Legislation, U.S.: White Act
Whitney, F. Stacy, 5:470n, 16
Williams, Charles F., 20n; letter from, 19-20
Williams, David U., 107n, 109n; letter to, 108-9
Williams, J. W., 106, 107n
Williams Cooperage Co.: strike against (1903-4), 222, 223n
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 482n
Wilson, Francis, 238n
Wilson, John, 14n
Wilson, William B.,* 22n, 165; and AFL conventions, 55, 57n, 66, 67n, 69, 506-7, 509n; letter from, 22; letter to, 23
Wilson, Woodrow, 83n
Wilson-Gorman Tariff. See Legislation, U.S.: Wilson-Gorman Tariff
Wimsett, C. A., 71n
Winthrop, Beekman, 382-83, 383n, 424-26, 428, 429n
Wisler, Russell I., 218, 219n, 234n, 341n; letter from, 233-34
Withers, Pauline M., 237, 238n
Witte, Sergey Yulyevich, 491n; letter to, 490-91
Witzel, John, 214, 215n
Woman's Trade Union League, 483-84n; conventions: 1905 (Chicago), 484n; 1905 (Pittsburgh; cancelled), 483, 484n
Woman suffrage, 216-17, 512n; AFL and, 511, 512n, 532, 533n; Oregon referendum on, 532, 533n; SG and, 217n, 511-12, 512n, 532, 533n
Women's Protective and Provident League. See Women's Trade Union League
Women's Trade Union and Provident League. See Women's Trade Union League
Women's Trade Union League, 483, 484n; convention, 1905 (Hanley, England), 483, 484n
Women workers, 32-33, 33n, 153-54, 214, 218; AFL and, 49-50,50n, 244, 245n, 484n; organization of, 520; SG and, 32-33, 154n, 218, 265-66, 479-83, 484n
Wood, Joseph W., 502, 504n
Woodman, Con W., 264-65, 265n
Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers' International Union,* 292n; strike, 1903-6 (local 53, Philadelphia), 292, 292n
Wood-Workers' International Union of America, Amalgamated,* 53n; jurisdiction of, 51, 52-53n, 64-66, 66-67n, 165-67, 167n, 181, 211, 211n, 500, 503n; local 99 (Colorado Springs), 15, 17n; strike, 1902 (local 3, Denver), 15, 17-18n
Work: SG and, 345-46, 348
Workday: 7-hour, 411; 7 1/2-hour, 411; 8-hour, 13-14n, 17-18n, 45n, 176n, 229, 366, 397, 411, 418, 420, 422, 442n, 478, 502, 503n, 507; in Colorado, 279, 281, 282-83n; 9-hour, 14n, 18n, 45n, 187, 218, 229-30, 231n, 283, 408n, 418, 425, 428, 429n, 442n; 9 1/2-hour, 283; 10-hour, 13n, 32n, 187-88, 229-30, 393, 393-94n, 420-21, 429n; 11-hour, 119n, 241; 12-hour, 13n, 194n, 241-42, 397, 418-19, 429n, 502, 503n; 13-hour, 429n; 14-hour, 419, 429n; 16-hour, 419, 427
Workers: safety of, SG and, 479
Wright, Carroll D., 4:*, 13-14n
Wunch, Edward, 339n
Wunch v. Shankland, 330, 339-40n
Wyatt, Cal, 4:375n, 141n
Zaring, John, 361, 364n
Ziesing, August, 515n
Zorn, Julius,* 10n; letter from, 8-10
Zuckerman, Max,* 406, 407n
Zwerling, T., 276, 278n