A (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
Abrahams, Albert, 140-41, 141n
Accidents, industrial, 31-33. See also Assumption of risk; Cherry, Ill., mine disaster; Contributory negligence; Employers' liability legislation; Fellow-servant rule; Triangle Shirtwaist fire; Workmen's compensation
Adair, John A. M., 7:99n, 342
Adames, William J., 258, 259n
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
Alameda Co. (Calif.), Federated Trades of, 414, 414n
Alexander, George, 248, 249n, 291
Alger, George W., 489, 493n
Allen, Jacob S., 184, 185n, 493n, 498; letter to, 496-97
Allen, Mary E. (Mrs. Jacob), 497, 497n
Alpine, John R.,* 18n, 125n, 159, 295, 402, 500-501, 503-4
American Academy of Political and Social Science: convention, 1911 (Philadelphia), 203n
American Anti-Boycott Association, 7:246n, 198, 204n, 319
American Bridge Co., 6:515n, 227n, 272, 434
American Federation of Labor: defense fund, 6:128n, 3-6; growth of, 352-53; headquarters, 338; leadership of, 348; legislative program of, 370-80; officers, election of, 17-18, 18n, 144, 282-85, 286n, 295, 397, 414-15, 416n; office staff, 56-61, 62n, 125-26; organization of, 348; per capita tax, 145, 354, 355n; powers of, 185-86
--Building Trades Department, 6:175n, 234-38, 238n, 295-96, 355n, 367; and Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, 149-50, 151n, 295; convention, 1909 (Tampa), 151n; convention, 1910 (St. Louis), 149-50, 150-51n; per capita tax, 150; and Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of Journeymen, 151n, 296; and Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated, 151n, 295; and Steam, Hot Water, and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers, International Association of, 149-50, 151n, 296
--central bodies, affiliation of locals in, 141-42, 142n; and boycotts, 142-43, 144n; and organizers, 355-56, 357n; powers of, 174-75, 185-87; and sympathy strikes, 140-41, 141n
--conventions, date of, 146, 146n; 1901 (Scranton, Pa.), 105, 106n, 407; 1903 (Boston), 173, 173n; 1907 (Norfolk), 52n, 122, 123n; 1908 (Denver), 16, 16n, 78, 79n; 1909 (Toronto), 6n, 137-38, 139n; 1909 (Toronto), accounts of, 3-18; 1910 (St. Louis), 18n, 107, 108n, 128-30, 130n, 133, 240; 1910 (St. Louis), accounts of, 136-46; 1911 (Atlanta), 144, 146n, 151n, 352, 400; 1911 (Atlanta), accounts of, 282-301; 1912 (Rochester, N.Y.), 286n, 295, 456; 1912 (Rochester), accounts of, 399-416; 1913 (Seattle), 414-15, 416n
--Executive Council: circular issued by, 146-48; circulars issued by, mentioned, 29, 31n, 76n, 214n, 236-37, 238n; letter from, 123-25; letters to, 100-101, 107-8, 152-54, 158, 213, 216-17, 335, 424-25, 453-54, 469-71, 498-99
--Executive Council, meetings of: Jan. 1910, 9n; Mar. 1910, 76n, 79n, 86; Mar. 1910, minutes of, 77-78; June 1910, 62n, 86-87, 87n, 126, 338; Jan. 1911, 49n, 106n, 169-70, 170n, 175n, 188n; June 1911, 151n, 193n, 238n, 351; June 1911, minutes of, 234-38; Oct. 1911, 279-80n; Jan. 1912, 299, 301n, 311, 346n, 400; May 1912, 380n; May 1912, minutes of, 370-80; Aug. 1912, 386n, 393, 394n; Nov. 1912, 425n; Jan. 1913, 443, 448n; July 1913, 501, 501n, 503-4
--federal labor unions (FLU), 7-9; FLU 12,362 (Galeton, Pa.), 35n; FLU 12,362 (Galeton), strike (1909-10), 33-35, 35n
--Labor Representation Committee, 100-101, 124
--Legislative Committee, 4:113n, 370, 372, 376, 379-80, 386, 386n, 425n
--local unions, directly affiliated (LU), 36-37, 38n, 142-43, 144n; LU 11,773 (stenographers and clerks, Washington, D.C.), 6:412n, 56-61, 62n, 125-26; LU 12,766 (newspaper solicitors, San Francisco), 142-43, 144n; LU 12,821 (laborers, Woodward, Okla.), 46, 46n; LU 12,854 (button workers, Muscatine, Iowa), strike (1911-12), 297-98, 298n; LU 12,952 (machinists' helpers and laborers, Pocatello, Idaho), 156n
--Metal Trades Department, 7:368n, 237, 238n, 367
--Mining Department, 367, 368n
--organizers, 28, 36-38, 38n, 44, 44n, 47n, 55, 103n, 157n, 189-90n, 227n, 231n, 237, 251, 253n, 278-79, 279n, 280, 280n, 325, 342, 346n, 355-56, 357n, 386n, 517; letters from, 47, 188-89, 230-31, 297, 439-40, 473-74; letters to, 80-81, 131-32, 188-89, 228-29, 298, 397-98
--Railroad (Railway) Employes' Department, 35n, 252, 253n, 323n, 367
--Union Label Trades Department, 7:457n, 237, 238n, 367, 475
American Newspaper Publishers' Association, 142-43
American Sheet and Tin Plate Co., strike against (1909-10), 7:473n, 7, 9n, 12, 12n, 27-30
American Socialist Society, 398n
American Steel and Wire Co., strikes against (1913), 391n, 453, 455n
American Tobacco Co., 153, 154n
American Tobacco Co. v. U.S., 153, 154n
American Woolen Co., 326n
Ames, Walter, 232-34, 234n
Anderson, Albert B., 238n, 413, 414n, 434
Anderson, Carl C., 100, 101n
Appleton, William A.,* 518, 519n
Arbitration: compulsory, 409; international, 205-8
Arizona, labor party in, 283-84
Armaments, 206-7
Armenian workers, 115
Ashton, Thomas,* 116, 117n
Asian workers, immigration of, 145, 340; organization of, 145. See also Chinese workers; Japanese workers
Associated Waist and Dress Manufacturers, 40n
Association, right of, 68, 318-20
Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experimental Stations, 398-99, 399n
Assumption of risk, 32, 181, 317-18
Astor, John Jacob, 274, 277n
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fé Railroad Co. v. Matthews, 479, 492n
Atlantic City, as site of AFL Executive Council meeting, 86- 87, 87n
Attorney General ex rel. Prendergast et al. v. Bedard et al., 502n
Bachelder, Nahum J., 45, 45n
Bacon, Augustus O., 373-74, 380-81n
Baine, Charles L.,* 415, 416n
Bakers, 344
Balcomb, E. E., 80n
Baldwin Locomotive Works: organization of, 228-29, 230n; strike against (1911), 228-29, 230n
Ballard, Everett G., 53, 54n
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, dynamiting of, 232-34, 234n
Barbers, strike of, 1913 (New York City), 501-2, 503n
Barbers' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 302n, 502, 503n
Barbier v. Connolly, 479, 492n
Barbosa, José Celso, 88, 89n
Barnes, J. Mahlon,* 3, 6n, 172, 405-6, 406n, 415, 416n
Barnett, Augustus E., 442n; letter to, 440-41
Barrett, Charles S., 7:59n, 10n, 45, 45n
Bartlett, Charles L., 374-75, 381n
Bates, Edward A., 327, 327n, 472n
Baumeister, Albert,* 241, 242n, 412n, 518
Beach, John K., 42n, 78, 194n
Beale, W. N. R., 154n
Beard, Butler, 48, 49n
Bechtold, George,* 200, 202n
Beck, James M., 217, 217n
Bedard, Joseph, 502n
Belgian workers, 115
Belmont, August, 6:380n, 288
Berger, Victor L.,* 376-80, 381n, 518, 519n
Bergoff Detective Bureau, 50
Berres, Albert J.,* 158, 159n, 228, 237, 257
Bethlehem Steel Co., 331, 345, 459-60; strike against (1910), 43, 44n
Beutler, Otto G., 198, 199n
Birmingham, John, Jr., 249n
Bittner, Van Amberg,* 475, 476n
Blacksmiths and Helpers, International Brotherhood of,* 189n, 323n; strike, 1909-10 (local 287, Galeton, Pa.), 35n
Black workers, 46-47, 278-79, 279n; AFL and, 46, 245n, 336- 37, 504; and railroads, 244, 244-45n, 246-47, 247n, 250, 253n; representation in central bodies, 336-37; SG and, 137, 139n, 145, 146n, 165
Blanck, Max, 297n
Boehne, John W., 246n; letter to, 245-46
Bohm, Ernest, 5:*, 232n
Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of,* 82n; strike, 1909-10 (local 438, Galeton, Pa.), 35n
Bonaparte, Charles J., 5:484n, 204n
Booher, Charles, 332n
Bookbinders, International Brotherhood of, 3:*, 302n
Boot and Shoe Workers' Union,* 103n; local 159 (Syracuse, N.Y.), 157; local 216 (San Francisco), 175n; local 339 (San Francisco), 174, 175n, 185
Borah, William E., 332n, 372, 374-75, 380n, 395-96
Bowerman, Charles W.,* 518, 519n
Boycotts: AFL and, 13-14; and AFL local unions, directly affiliated, 142-43, 144n; beer, in Los Angeles, 148n; Buck's Stove and Range Co. (1906- ), 7:154n, 271; and central bodies, 142-43, 144n; Cheyenne (Wyo.) Street Railway Co. (1911-12), 269, 277n; San Francisco Call (1909), 142-43, 144n; SG and, 64-65, 167, 348-49, 481, 483, 486-87, 491; Taft and, 152
Braddock wire mill, strike against (1913), 391n, 453, 455n
Brais, Eugene J.,* 38n
Brandeis, Louis D., 6:83n, 110-12, 114n, 202
Brandenburg, Broughton, 7:270n, 52n
Brewery Workmen of America, International Union of the United,* 92n, 406; strike, 1910-11 (Los Angeles), 147, 148n
Bricklayers, 344. See also Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' International Union of America
Bricklayers', Masons', and Plasterers' International Union of America,* 150, 151n, 302n; local 8 (So. Bethlehem, Pa.), 43, 44n; local 34 (So. Bethlehem, Pa.), 43, 44n
Bridge and Beach Manufacturing Co., 201
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, International Association of,* 209n, 213, 214n, 227n, 236-37, 434, 436-37, 475; convention, 1913 (Indianapolis), 470, 471n; local 40 (New York City), 231n
Brockhausen, Frederick, 7:67n, 409, 412n
Bryan, William Jennings, 4:234n, 90, 256n, 257; letter to, 255-56
Bryce, Joseph W., 313, 314n
Brydon Brothers Harness and Saddlery Co., 148n
Buchanan, Frank J.,* 184n; letter to, 183-84
Buchanan, Joseph R.,* 416, 416n
Buck's Stove and Range Co., 131n, 217; boycott of (1906- ), 7:154n, 271; settlement with, 107-8, 108n, 161-63, 164n, 200
Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases: contempt case, 7:249-50n, 10-11, 11n, 12, 12n, 13-15, 16n, 17-18, 21, 23, 130, 133, 154, 161-64, 201, 204, 216-17, 217n, 240-41, 243n, 270-71, 292-93, 323n, 333, 335, 349, 358, 491; injunction case, 7:249-50n, 108n, 154, 161-64, 164-65n, 269-70; Mitchell and, 10-12, 12n, 13-15, 16n, 17-18, 160-64, 217, 217n, 240-41, 266, 270, 292-93, 323n, 358; Morrison and, 10-11, 12n, 17-18, 160-64, 217, 217n, 240-41, 266, 270, 292-93, 323n, 333, 335; SG and, 10-11, 12n, 17-18, 21, 23, 130, 133, 154, 161-64, 204, 216-17, 217n, 240-41, 243n, 269-71, 292-93, 323n, 333, 335, 349, 358, 491
Buffalo and Susquehanna Railroad, strike against (1909-10), 33-35, 35n
Building trades, strikes: 1910 (Gary, Ind.), 159, 160n; 1910 (Germany), 198, 199n
Burke, Edmund, 482, 492n
Burleson, Albert S., 494, 495-96n
Burley Society, 276n
Burnett, John L., 342, 346n, 430
Burns, William J., 214n, 230; and McNamara case, 209n, 214, 248, 272-74, 293, 295n, 301, 305-6, 308-9; prosecution of, 209n, 235-37, 238n, 254, 273-74, 350, 353
Busse, Frederick A., 149, 151n
Butler, Nicholas M., 24-25n; letter to, 23-24
Butler, William K., 498, 499n
Button workers, strike of. See American Federation of Labor, local unions, directly affiliated (LU): LU 12,854
Cain, John, 230, 231n
Caldwell, Henry C., 491, 493n
California Farmers' Union, Inc., 276n
California Industrial Welfare Commission, 384n
California State Building Trades Council, 6:5n, 122n, 221
California State Federation of Labor, 6:244n, 122n
Calumet and Hecla Mining Co., strike against (1913-14), 512-13n
Campaign, 1906: AFL financial report, 84, 85n
Campaign, 1908, 90; AFL financial report, 84, 85n; SG and, 270
Campaign, 1910, 91-92, 131-32, 134-35, 135n; AFL financial appeal for, 76n, 86, 123-25, 125n
Campaign, 1912, 354, 355n, 385, 386n, 431; AFL and, 386, 386-87n, 394, 409-11; party platforms, AFL and, 386, 386-87n, 409-10; SG and, 386, 386-87n, 395-96
Campaigns, political, and coercion of employees, 245-46
Canada, Trades and Labor Congress of, 4:471n, 120, 121n, 142, 142n; convention, 1913 (Montreal), 415, 416n; per capita tax, 421
Canadian Federation of Labor, 120-21, 121n
Cannon, Joseph D., 283-84, 286n, 410
Cardinale, Giuseppe, 342, 346n
Carlson, Harry G., 357n; letter to, 355-56
Carnegie, Andrew, 2:36n, 288-89
Carpenters, 344. See also Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of
Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of,* 125n, 302n; and AFL Building Trades Department, 149-50, 151n, 295; and black workers, 278, 279n; jurisdiction of, 151n, 295; local 1131 (Waycross, Ga.), 278, 279n
Carroll, Beryl F., 297, 298n
Carter, William S.,* 51n; letters to, 49-51, 249-53
Car Workers, International Association of,* 296, 297n
Cary, William J., 7:142n, 100-101
Catlin, Theron E., 340, 346n
Caton, Elijah F., 396n; letter to, 395-96
Cavanaugh, Peter, 357n
Central bodies, affiliation of locals in, 141-42, 142n; and boycotts, 142-43, 144n; and organizers, 355-56, 357n; powers of, 174-75, 185-87; and sympathy strikes, 140-41, 141n
Central Loan and Trust Co. v. Campbell Commission Co., 479, 492n
Central Vermont Railroad, strike against (1910), 112-13, 114-15n
Century Magazine, 226-27n
Chapman, Pleasant T., 132, 132n
Charter Oak Stove and Range Co., 201
Cherry, Ill., mine disaster, 6, 9n, 32
Cheyenne (Wyo.) Street Railway Co., boycott against (1911- 12), 269, 277n
Chicago Federation of Labor, 4:159n, 4:177n, 213n, 355n; SG address before, 62-75, 75n
Chicago Wholesale Clothiers' Association, 277n
Child labor, 180, 331; federal regulation of, SG and, 345
Children's Dress Manufacturers' Association, 442n
Chilton, William E., 362n; letter to, 361-62
Chinese Revolution of 1911-12, 317, 320n
Chinese Summary Trial, 479
Chinese workers, 9, 46, 102
Churchill, Horace W., 81, 82n
Cigarmakers, 344; strike of, 1901 (Tampa, Fla.), 25, 26n. See also Cigar Makers' International Union of America
Cigar Makers' International Union of America,* 20n; benefits, 419, 421, 422n; classes of membership in, 419, 422n; convention, 1877 (Rochester, N.Y.), 1:106n, 417; convention, 1896 (Detroit), 4:180n, 417; convention, 1912 (Baltimore), 396-97, 397n, 417-22; 1920 (Cleveland), 422n; and industrial unionism, 419-20; initiative and referendum in, 284; local 144 (New York City), 1:46, 333-34, 397n, 417, 422n; local 293 (Ft. Smith, Ark.), 227n; local 336 (Tampa), 26n; and National Civic Federation, 227n, 421, 422n; officers, election of, 172, 173n, 417, 420-21; per capita tax, 421; and Puerto Rican joint advisory board, 19-20, 21n
Clabaugh, Harry M., 7:250n, 161, 164n
Clark, C. Peter, 34, 35n
Clark, James B. (Champ), 257, 258n
Clayton, Henry D., 257, 258-59n, 317, 373, 380-81n, 425n, 445-46
Cloakmakers, New York City, strike of, 1910, 109-13, 114n, 218, 219n, 229, 269, 450
Cloak, Suit, and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association, 111, 114n
Closed shop, 111, 114n, 119, 122n, 167-68, 277n
Coal Wheelers' Union (New Orleans), 182n
Cochran, Negley Dakin, 474, 474n
Cochrane, Aaron Van Schaick, 332n
Cohen, Julius H., 440n; letter from, 439-40
Cole, Martin, 292n
Collins, James A., 273, 277n, 350
Colonel Sellers (Twain), 497n
Colton, George R., 88, 89n
Commissioner of Corporations, 361
Commissions, SG and, 361-62
Committee on Industrial Relations, 329, 331n, 455-56, 456n. See also U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations
Company benefits system, 102-3, 103n, 157
Compton, Elias, 257, 259n
Conboy, Sara A.,* 215, 216n
Confédération Générale du Travail (General Confederation of Labor), 7:479n, 186
Conlin, Peter J., 35n, 43; letter from, 33-35
Conroy, James B., 413, 414n
Conry, Michael F., 85n; letter to, 82-85
Conspiracies, labor organizations as, 65-66, 114n, 182n, 265, 462-63, 465-66, 481-83, 485
Continental Wall Paper Co., 163
Continental Wall Paper Co. v. Louis Voight and Sons Co., 165n
Contributory negligence, 32, 181
Convict-made goods, AFL and, 146
Cooks and waiters, strikes of: 1913 (Albany), 448-49, 452n; 1913 (New York City),449, 452-53n
Corporation Tax Cases, 484, 492n
Cotton Garment Manufacturers of New York, 442n
Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, 10, 11n, 17-18, 161, 163, 164-65n, 216, 217n
Crampton, Herbert, 8, 10n
Cribben, William H., 107, 108n, 201
Crisp, Charles F., 183, 184n
Crothers, Austin L., 245-46, 246n
Curley, James M., 345, 346n
C. W. Post v. American Federation of Labor et al., 130, 131n, 133, 149
C. W. Post v. Buck's Stove and Range Co. et al., 130, 131n, 133, 265
D'Alessandro, Domenico,* 343, 346n
D'Andrea, Joseph, 343, 346n
Darlington, Joseph J., 217, 217n
Darrow, Clarence,* 238n, 294, 351; and McNamara trial, 136n, 213-14n, 235, 237, 248-49, 249n, 299-300, 305, 305n, 358-59, 360n; letters from, 248-49, 299, 346-47; letter to, 358-59
Davenport, Daniel J., 6:339n, 41, 198, 217, 217n, 319
Davis, Charles R., 79, 80n
Davis, Edward H., 273, 277n
Davis, John W., 446, 448n
Debs, Eugene V.,* 136n, 251, 253n, 303, 518, 519n
DeFalco, Vincenzo, 343, 346n
DeForest, Robert E., 42n
DeLeon, Daniel,* 116, 117n
Dellinger, Charles W., 232, 234n
Democratic party, 179; convention, 1908 (Denver), 7:310n, 257; platform (1908), 467, 477; platform (1912), 386, 386n, 409, 467, 477, 494
DeNedrey, Samuel,* 7, 9n
Deportations, 26, 26n
Detective agencies, 49-51, 70, 225, 302, 311, 349-50, 353; Bergoff Detective Bureau, 50; Waddell-Mahon Detective Agency, 513n; William J. Burns National Detective Agency, 214n, 412
Devine, Edward T., 329, 332n, 455
Díaz, Porfirio, 193n, 317, 320n
Dickinson, Jacob M., 87-89, 89n
Diego, José de, 88, 89n
Direct action, 509
Dix, John A., 240n, 299; letter to, 239-40
Doherty and Co., strike against (1913), 503n
Dolliver, Jonathan P., 79, 79n, 182
Dominick Connors v. Patrick Connolly et al., 490, 493n
Dreadnought, H.M.S., 206, 208n
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 6:340n, 74
Dreier, Mary E., 301n
Dress and Waist Manufacturers' Association, and Protocol Agreement, 439-40, 440n, 442n
Drew, Walter W., 225, 227n, 303, 309
Duffy, Frank,* 17n, 125n, 138, 139n; letter from, 302; letter to, 123-25
Duffy, Peter E., 395n; letter to, 394
Duncan, James,* 3-4, 6n, 18n, 295, 325, 450, 501, 503-4; and AFL Building Trades Department, 149-50; at AFL conventions, 284-85, 286n, 290, 293, 402, 402n, 405-6; and organization of Fore River shipyards, 80-81, 82n; letters from, 149-50, 259-60; letters to, 218-19, 240-42, 500-501
Duncan, Lillian Holman (Mrs. James), 242, 243n
Dyche, John,* 109-11, 114n, 219n
Dyer, David, 131n
Easley, Ralph,* 23, 24n, 227n, 304n; letters to, 202, 323-24
Eastman, Crystal, 33n
Eden Musee, 230-31, 231-32n
Edmunds, George F., 463, 468n
Education test, for immigrants, 330
Edwards, Clarence R., 87, 89n
Eells, George, 156n; letter to, 155-56
Efficiency. See Taylor system
Egan, James P., 408, 409n
Eichelberger, Harry L., 47n, 190n; letter from, 47; letters to, 188-89, 228-29
Eight-hour legislation and Panama Canal workers, 341, 370- 72, 380n. See also Legislation, U.S., deficiency bill
Eiland, J. H., 247n
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 12n; local 9 (Chicago), 470, 471n; local 9, injunction against, 470, 471n, 490; local 134 (Chicago), 470, 471n; local 134, injunction against, 470, 471n, 490; local 571 (Gary, Ind.), 160n; McNulty faction, 16, 160n, 413; Reid-Murphy faction, 16, 150, 159, 160n, 413-14, 414n; secession movement in, 7:482n; secession movement in, AFL and, 15-16, 16-17n, 137-39, 139n, 413-14, 414n
Eliot, Charles W., 6:360n, 135
Elkus, Abram I., 329n, 389n; letter to, 328-29
Emory, James A., 198, 199n
Employers', Builders', and Building Material Men's Association of Gary (Ind.), 160n
Employers' liability legislation, 32, 181-82, 190-91, 413, 443-47, 457-58
Episcopal Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, 468n
Ettor, Joseph J., 325-26n, 501-2, 502-3n
Evans, Edward, 131, 132n
Evans, Joseph E.,* 149, 151n
Ex parte Sing Lee, 479, 492n
Farmers, AFL and, 7-9, 9-10n; SG and, 10n, 44-45, 45n, 72
Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, 7:59n, 276n; convention, 1910 (St. Louis), 10n, 45n
Farmers' National Congress, 45n
Fellow-servant rule, 32
Ferris, Woodbridge, 513n
Filene, Edward A., 7:462n, 110-12
Firemen, International Brotherhood of Stationary,* 148n, 290n
Fitzgerald, Frank A., 355, 357n
Fitzgerald, John J., 468n, 492, 493n, 496n
Fitzgerald, Thomas D., 327, 327n
Fitzpatrick, John J.,* 75n
Fletcher, Albert H., 143, 144n
Flint v. Stone Tracy and Co. See Corporation Tax Cases
Flood, Emmet T.,* 298n; letters from, 297, 473-74; letter to, 298
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 325, 326n, 452-53n, 503n
Flynn, Thomas H., 7:122n, 189n
Ford, Cornelius,* 358n; letter to, 357-58
Fore River, Mass., shipyards, organization of, 80-81, 81-82n
Forker, Reuben, 135n; letter from, 134-35
Forney, Frank, 188, 190n
Forys, Frank: letter from, 459-60
Foss, Eugene N., 325, 326n
Foster, William Z., 260, 260-61n
Foundry Employes, International Brotherhood of,* 200, 202n
Fox, Martin, 5:*; memorial to, 389, 389n
Franklin, Joseph A.,* 322, 323n
Franks, Bernard J., 440, 440n
Frayne, Hugh,* 36, 38n, 231n, 456; letters from, 230-31, 439-40; letter to, 397-98
Fredericks, John D., 248, 249n, 291
Freisinger, Victor, 496, 497n
French-Canadian workers, 345
Fresno (Calif.) Farmers' Union, 263, 276n
Frey, John P.,* 17n, 293, 293n
Frick, Henry C., 3:68n, 288-89
Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Federation of Labor, 9n
Furuseth, Andrew,* 139n, 491; at AFL conventions, 138, 291, 292n, 293, 400-401, 404, 407-11
Gallagher, Andrew J., 7:385n; at AFL conventions, 138, 139n, 141, 143, 145-46, 410-11, 412n, 413; letters from, 174-75, 301; letters to, 185-88, 302
Gallagher, John J., 139n, 291, 292n
Gallinger, Jacob H., 3:469n, 132n
Gardner, Frederic W., 107-8, 108n, 162; letter from, 200-201
Gardner, John J., 5:198n, 134, 135n, 183, 344
Gardner, Mrs. Frederic, 201
Garment workers, 344; strike, 1910-11 (Chicago), 269, 277n. See also Garment Workers of America, United; Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International
Garment Workers of America, United, 7:*, 277n; strike, 1913 (New York City), 452, 453n
Garretson, Austin B.,* 332n, 455, 456n
Gary, Elbert H., 225, 227n
Gary, Ind., building trades strike (1910), 159, 160n
Gaumer, Clarence, 255n; letter to, 254-55
General Federation of Trade Unions of Great Britain and Ireland, 5:69n, 4, 6n
Generalkommission der Gewerkschaften Deutschlands (General Commission of the German Trade Unions), 4:137n, 186
General strike, 508-9
George, Henry, 3:*, 133-34; mayoral campaign of 1886, 1:429-30, 133-34
George, James Z., 463, 468n
Germany, building trades' strike in (1910), 198, 199n
Germer, Adolph,* 518, 519n
Gibson, George W.,* 296, 297n
Gilded Age, The (Twain), 497n
Gilded Age: A Tale of To-Day, The (Twain and Warner), 497n
Gill, Alfred H.,* 116, 117n
Giovannitti, Arturo, 326n, 511n
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada,* 256, 258n, 475
Golden, John,* 49n, 117n, 324n, 360-61; letters from, 215-16, 324-25; letter to, 115-16
Goldfogle, Henry M., 342, 346n
Gompers, Alexander,* 77, 77n
Gompers, Florence, 4:175n, 267, 277n, 347
Gompers, Louis,* 77, 77n
Gompers, Sadie J.,* 185n, 241-42, 243n; letter from, 416
Gompers, Samuel: addresses, 31-33, 62-75, 175-82, 261-76; addresses mentioned, 75n, 133, 134n, 222-23, 227n, 258n, 276n; and alleged National Association of Manufacturers' bribery attempt, 49, 52n; article, 417-22; articles, mentioned, 166, 169n, 198, 199n, 202, 203n, 224, 226, 227n, 309, 334, 335n; biographical information, 340; circulars, 27-30, 389-91; circulars mentioned, 85, 108, 108n, 370, 391n, 453; editorials, 102, 243-44, 506-11, 513-17; editorials mentioned, 23, 24n, 41, 42n, 50, 52n, 139n, 154, 155n, 332n; elected AFL president, 17-18, 18n, 144, 295, 414-15; flag incident, 280-81, 281n, 282; illness of (cold, 1912), 416, 416n, 428; illness of (mastoiditis, 1913), 461, 468n, 469-71, 477, 493n, 495-501; interviews, 128-30, 299-301, 347-55; statements to press, 90-91, 120-21; testimony, 94-99, 209-12, 317-20, 339-45, 430-37, 442-47; testimony mentioned, 40, 42n, 258, 259n, 457
--trips: Puerto Rico (Feb.-Mar. 1904), 6:228n, 20; Europe (June-Oct. 1909), 7:473-74n, 241; New York City, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh (Dec. 1909), 22, 22n; New York City (June 1910), 109, 114n; Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago (July 1910), 107, 108n; New York City (mid-July 1910), 110, 114n; New York City (late July 1910), 110, 114n; Midwest (Sept.-Oct. 1910), 133, 134n; Indianapolis, Kankakee, Chicago (Apr.-May 1911), 213, 213-14n, 220; New York City (May 1911), 218-19, 219n; Midwest (June-July 1911), 242; Wooster, Ohio, Chicago, New York City (July-Aug. 1911), 257-58, 259n; New York City (Aug. 1911), 258, 259n; Pacific Coast (Aug.-Sept. 1911), 256, 258n, 261-76, 280-81, 281n, 282, 300, 339, 352; New York City (mid-Jan. 1912), 322, 323n; New York City (late Jan. 1912), 333, 334n; Utica, N.Y., Cincinnati (July 1912), 386, 386n; Trenton, N.J. (July 1912), 386; Columbus, Ohio (Aug.-Sept. 1912), 394, 395n; New York City (mid-Dec. 1912), 427n; New York City (late Dec. 1912), 428, 429n; New York City (later Dec. 1912), 428, 429n; Albany, New York City (Jan. 1913), 439n, 448-49; New York City (late Jan. 1913), 451, 452n; Indianapolis (Feb. 1913), 470, 471n
Gompers, Samuel J.,* 267, 277n
Gompers, Samuel M.,* 347, 355n
Gompers, Solomon,* 76-77, 77n, 267, 347
Gompers, Sophia Julian,* 184, 184n, 241-42; illness of, 184, 184-85n, 194, 201, 204, 258, 259n; letter to, 416
Gomperz, Rosa, 7:501n, 241
Gould, Ashley M., 7:287n, 161, 269
Governors, conference of (1911), 269, 277n
Grady, Thomas F., 239, 240n
Grand Central Station explosion, 307, 312n
Grand Trunk Railroad, strike against (1910), 112-13, 114-15n
Grange, 6:308n, 45
Granite Cutters' International Association of America, 7:*; jurisdiction of, 188n
Greek workers, 115, 155
Greenawalt, Elmer E.,* 191n; letter to, 190-91
Grice, Benjamin F., 48, 49n
Gruber, Charles W., 232-34, 234n
Guard, Rosa Lee,* 258, 259n, 427-28, 429n, 451, 472n, 493n; letter from, 499-500
Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fé Railroad Co. v. Ellis, 479-80, 492n
Gutstadt, Herman,* 134n; letter to, 133-34
Gutstadt, Richard, 133, 134n
Haggerty, Charles, 214n
Hague, International Court at The, 207
Hall, John M., 393n; letter to, 392-93
Hamill, James A., 460, 468n, 469, 494
Hamilton, M. Grant,* 110-11, 114n, 257, 375
Hammerling, Louis N., 342, 344, 346n
Hammond, John H., 323, 324n
Hanscom, Charles W., 81, 82n
Harlan, John Marshall, 4:294n, 491
Harley, John D., 285, 286n
Harriman, Job, 136, 136n, 291
Harriman System Federation, 322-23n, 367
Harris, Daniel,* 327n, 427n, 449; letter from, 326-27; letter to, 426-27
Harris, Isaac, 297n
Harrisburg (Ill.) Trades and Labor Assembly, 132n
Hart, Schaffner, and Marx, 277n, 410
Hatfield, Henry, 519n
Hatters of North America, United,* 42n; and Loewe v. Lawlor, 40-42, 42n, 62-68, 70, 75-76n, 77-78, 265, 403-6, 406n, 489-90; strike, 1909, 7:455-56n, 77
Hawkins, John T., 210, 212n
Hayes, Denis A.,* 125n, 256, 258n, 501, 503-4; at AFL conventions, 18n, 288, 295, 408
Hayes, Dora Schneider (Mrs. Max), 22n
Hayes, Frank,* 407, 409n, 413
Hayes, John W.,* 72, 76n
Hayes, Max S.,* 6n; at AFL conventions, 4, 11, 285, 289, 290n, 405, 406n, 409, 415, 416n; letter to, 21-22
Haynes, George E., 504, 504n
Hays, John W.,* 30, 31n, 53
Haywood, William D.,* 103, 104n, 326, 415, 416n, 501, 503n
Healy, Timothy,* 30, 31n, 289
Hedrick, George, 151n
Helgesen, Henry T., 345, 346n
Henderson, David B., 7:90n, 183
Henley, John J., 199n; letter to, 195-99
Henry, Patrick, 74
Henry, Robert L., 374-75, 381n
Hepburn, William P., 361, 363n
Hewitt, Abram S., 1:*, 330
High, James L., 491, 493n
The History of Trade Unionism (Webb and Webb), 304n
Hitchcock, Frank H., 495, 496n
Hoar, George F., 463, 468n
Hod Carriers' and Building Laborers' Union of America, International,* 346n
Hoffman, Fred W., 297, 298n
Hogan, C. H.: letter to, 46
Hogan, Thomas J., 107, 108n, 201
Holder, Arthur,* 101, 101n, 158, 257
Home work, 393-94
Home Work Congress, International, 1912 (Zurich), 393, 394n
Hosick, James, 209n, 272-73, 277n; prosecution of, 209n, 235-37, 238n, 254, 273-74, 350, 353
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International League of America,* 44n, 451, 452n, 475; local 362 (Albany, N.Y.), 449, 452n; strike, 1913 (local 362), 452n
Hotel workers, strikes of: 1913 (Albany), 448-49, 452n; 1913 (New York City), 449, 452-53n
Hours of labor, federal regulation of, SG and, 345, 379
Huber, William D.,* 18n, 106n, 125n, 295, 379, 501, 503-4
Huebner, Adam,* 91, 92n
Hughes, Charles Evans, 120n, 258, 259n
Hughes, William, 100, 101n, 492, 494; and amendment of sundry civil appropriation bill (H.R. 25,552), 132n, 460, 469; and eight-hour bill (H.R. 9061), 259n; and industrial relations commission, bill to create (H.R. 21,094), 381n
Hunter, Robert, 335n
Huntington, Henry E., 136n
Iglesias Pantín, Santiago,* 19, 20n, 87-88, 470
Illinois Central Federation of Shop Employees, 322-23n, 367
Illinois Central Railroad, strike against (1911-15), 321-22, 322-23n
Immigrants, AFL and, 342-45, 346n; education test for, 330
Immigrant workers, 155-56, 517. See also specific nationalities
Immigration, 97; Asian, 145 (see also Chinese workers; Japanese workers); restriction of, 339-44
Independent Trade Union Educational League, 261n
Indiana legislature, SG address before, 175-82
Indianapolis Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 3:512n, 213n, 355n
Indiana State Federation of Labor, 6:141n, 213n, 303n, 355n
Industrial disputes, arbitration of, 56n, 115n, 198, 199n, 277n, 453n; mediation of, 40n, 110-12, 114n, 253n, 452n
Industrial unionism, 363, 366, 396-97, 505; AFL and, 402, 406-8, 411-12, 412n; Cigar Makers' International Union of America and, 419-20; Industrial Workers of the World and, 363, 406-7, 505; socialists and, 412
Industrial Workers of the World, 103, 195, 229, 260, 507-11, 517; free speech campaigns, 502, 503n; and industrial unionism, 363, 406-7, 505; local 20 (textile workers, Lawrence, Mass.), 324, 326n; local 152 (textile workers, Paterson, N.J.), 503n; local 374 (barbers, Brooklyn), 503n; and National Women's Trade Union League, 398; and textile workers, 115-16, 117n
--strikes: 1912 (textile workers, Lawrence), 324-25, 325-26n, 360, 406, 450, 501-2, 502n, 517, 518n; 1913 (barbers, Brooklyn and New York City), 501-2, 503n; 1913 (cooks and waiters, Albany, N.Y.), 448-49, 452n; 1913 (cooks and waiters, New York City), 449, 452-53n; 1913 (textile workers, Paterson, N.J.), 502, 503n, 517
Initiative, 282-85, 382, 384n, 397, 413, 417, 420
Injunctions: against Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of, locals 9 and 34 (Chicago), 471n; Cloak, Suit, and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association, 114n; in labor disputes, 53, 152-54, 177, 266, 293, 317, 349, 385, 410, 434, 478, 487, 491; in Los Angeles, 121; Post, C. W., 131n, and railroad shopmen's strike, 322n. See also Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases
Inland Steel Co., strike against (1913), 391n
International Federation of Trade Unions, 394n
International Secretariat of the National Centers of Trade Unions, 115, 394n; conference, 1909 (Paris), 7:486n, 205; conference, 1911 (Budapest), 219n, 260, 260n, 393; conference, 1913 (Zurich), 506n
International trades secretaries, conference, 1913 (Zurich), 506n
International Workingmen's Association, 1:22n, 151n
Interstate Commerce Commission, 3:301n, 361
Iowa State Federation of Labor, 5:455n, 16
Ireland, Arthur E., 7:122n, 251, 253n
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of,* 9n, 189, 453; strike, 1909-10, 7:473n, 7, 9n, 12, 12n, 27-30, 54-55
Iron and steel workers, 345; AFL organizing campaign, 389-91, 391n, 453-54, 473-76; strike, 1910 (So. Bethlehem), 43, 44n; strike, 1913, 391n, 453, 455n. See also Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of
Iron City Trades Council, 5:408n, 454
Iron workers, structural, 432-33. See also Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, International Association of
Irwin, John T., 131, 132n
Italian workers, 115, 155, 345
Ives v. South Buffalo Railway Co., 327n
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World
James, Charles E., 3, 6n
Jamieson, William D., 100, 101n
Japanese workers, 9, 46, 102
Jefferson, Thomas, 74, 85
Johannsen, Anton, 291, 292n
Johnson, Hiram, 273, 277n
Johnson, Robert U., 220, 226n
Johnston, William H.,* 322, 323n, 415, 416n
Jones, Jerome,* 373-74, 381n
Jones, Mary Harris "Mother," 6:*, 519n
Joyner, James Y., 79-80n; letter to, 79
Judges, recall of, 413
Judson, Henry P., 258, 259n
Junius, 482, 492n, 507, 511n
Junta Organizadora del Partido Liberal Mexicano (Organizing Committee of the Mexican Liberal Party), 193n
Jurisdictional disputes: AFL and, 151n, 295-96, 296-97n, 399-402, 402n, 413, 414n; AFL Building Trades Department and, 295-96; AFL Executive Council and, 151n
--Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, v. Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated, 151n, 295; Granite Cutters' International Association of America v. Paving Cutters' Union of the U.S. of America and Canada, International, 188n; Machinists, International Association of, v. Miners, Western Federation of, 105, 106n, 144-45; Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of Journeymen, v. Steam, Hot Water, and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers, International Association of, 151n, 296, 399-402, 402
Kaminski, George, 455n
Kautsky, Karl, 241, 242-43n
Keefe, Daniel J.,* 316n; letter from, 316
Kelly, John A., 282, 282n
Kelso, Charles, 188-89, 190n
Kemper, Louis,* 91, 92n, 415; letter from, 423
Kenney, John, 233, 234n
Kentucky farmers' case, 265, 276-77n
Kentucky Railroad Tax Cases, 479, 492n
Kenyon, William S., 424n
Kern, John, 519n
Keystone Carmen, 51, 52n, 70
King, A. E., 244-45n
King, William L. Mackenzie, 114n
Kingman (boiler maker), 81
Kinsella, John T.,* 160n, 402
Kirby, James,* 150, 151n
Kirby, John, Jr., 5:367n, 6:100-101n, 70, 90, 198, 307, 494, 506-7, 511; and McNamara case, 223, 225, 301n
Kline, James W.,* 322, 323n
Knights of Labor, 5, 72, 151n, 505
Knotts, Thomas E., 473, 474n
KOL. See Knights of Labor
König, Ludwig, 241, 243n
Koopman, John, 334n
Koveleski, Emanuel,* 449, 452n
Kreyling, David,* 128, 131n
Kruger, Charles O., 69, 76n
Kruttschnitt, Julius, 321, 323n
Kugler, Albert J., 407, 408n
Labor conference: Dec. 1909 (Pittsburgh), 7:473n, 7, 12n, 22-23
Labor Day, 3:106-7n, 237
Labor Forward Movement, 391, 474, 474n
Labor legislation, federal, SG and, 392. See also Child labor, federal regulation of, SG and; Hours of labor, federal regulation of, SG and; Women workers, hours of labor of, federal regulation of, SG and
Labor legislation, state, SG and, 392. See also Wages, state regulation of, SG and
Labor party. See Political action, partisan
"Labor's Bill of Grievances" (1906), 7:6n, 71
"Labor's 1912 Political Programme," 386-87n
"Labor's Protest to Congress" (1908), 7:320n, 71
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International,* 114n; convention, 1910 (Boston), 109, 114n; local 1 (New York City), 6:278n, 114n; local 9 (New York City), 6:278n, 114n; local 10 (New York City), 7:470n, 114n, 442, 442n; local 11 (New York City), 114n; local 15 (Philadelphia), 56n; local 17 (New York City), 114n; local 23 (New York City), 6:278n, 114n; local 25 (New York City), 40n, 442n; local 35 (New York City), 6:278n, 114n; local 41 (New York City), 442n; local 50 (New York City), 442n; local 62 (New York City), 442n; local 64 (New York City), 114n; local 68 (New York City), 114n; mass meetings (New York City), 40n, 109-10, 114n, 218-19, 219n; and Protocol Agreement, 439-40, 440n, 442n; strike, 1909-10 (New York City), 39, 40n; strike, 1909-10 (Philadelphia), 56n, 269; strike, 1910 (New York City), 109-13, 114n, 218, 219n, 229, 269, 450; strike, 1913 (New York City), 442n, 450
Lamar, Joseph R., 152-53, 154n
Lamoreux, Forrest P., 261, 276n
Laredo, Tex., Trades Council, 47, 47n
Lathers' International Union, Wood, Wire, and Metal,* 416n
Lattimer massacre, 4:376-77n, 303
Laundry workers, organization of, 47, 47n
Lavin, Charles, 6:204n, 293, 293n
Lawrence, Groce, 290n
Lawrence, Mass., textile workers' strike (1912), 324-25, 325-26n, 360, 406, 450, 501-2, 502n, 517, 518n
Lawyer, Charles E.,* 30, 31n, 53
League to Enforce Peace, 208n
Leather Workers on Horse Goods, United Brotherhood of, 7:*; strike, 1910, 148n; strike, 1910-12 (Los Angeles), 147, 148n
Leaventritt, Edgar M., 387, 389, 389n
Lee, John F., 130
Lee, Robert E., 234, 234n
Legien, Carl,* 116, 117n, 241, 252, 409, 412n, 518; letter to, 393-94
Legislation, foreign:
--Canada: Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, 115n
--Great Britain: Act of 1824 regarding combinations and trade societies, 466-67, 468n; Employers' Liability Act (1880), 457, 459n; Trade Disputes Act (1906), 7:289n, 74, 467, 490, 494; Workmen's Compensation Act (1906), 7:289n, 457
Legislation, state:
--California: wages and hours for women and children, legislation on (1913), 384n
--Indiana: child labor law (1911), 180, 182n
--Maryland: political campaign law (1908), 246
--Massachusetts: fifty-eight-hour law (1892), 3:283n, 180, 182n; fifty-four-hour law (1911), 324, 325n
--Missouri: Oliver Law (1911), 493n; Orr Law (1913), 493n
--New Mexico: personal injury law, 132n
--New York: fire hazard law (1913), 471-72, 472n; labor legislation, 426-27, 427n; penal law, amendment of (1911), 239-40, 240n; workmen's compensation act (1910), 327n; workmen's compensation act (1913), 327, 327-28n
--Oklahoma: Coach Law (1907), 46, 46n
--Pennsylvania: building construction safety law (1893), 190, 191n; employers' liability law (1915), 191n; workmen's compensation law (1915), 191n
Legislation, U.S.
(The date in parentheses after an act designates the year the law was passed; the date after a bill is the year the legislation was introduced in Congress.)
--Alien Contract Labor Law (1885), 3:195-96n, 316
--appropriation bills. See deficiency bill; sundry civil appropriation legislation
--Bacon bill. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Antitrust Act, bills to amend, S. 6266 (1912, Bacon)
--Bartlett bill. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Antitrust Act, bills to amend, H.R. 23,189 (1912, Bartlett)
--Bureau of Labor, act to establish (1884), 95, 100n
--campaign contribution act (1910), H.R. 2250 (1909), 82-85, 85n
--child labor act (1908), S. 4812 (1908), 132, 132n
--Clayton bill. See Legislation, U.S., injunction limitation bills, H.R. 23,635 (1912, Clayton)
--contempt bill, H.R. 22,591 (1912), 424, 425n
--convict labor bills: H.R. 5450 (1900), 330, 332n; H.R. 5601 (1911), 330, 332n
--deficiency bill (1906), H.R. 12,320, 6:526n, 132, 132n, 341, 371
--Department of Commerce and Labor, act to create (1903), 100n
--Department of Labor, act to create (1913), H.R. 22,913 (1912), 333n, 376, 395, 424-25, 425n, 470; other bills to create: H.R. 3646 (1909), 94-99, 100n, 331, 332-33n; H.R. 13 (1911), 331, 333n
--eight-hour act (1892), 3:405n, 371
--eight-hour act (1912), H.R. 9061 (1911), 257, 259n, 370-72, 379, 380n, 395, 459-60
--eight-hour act, for letter carriers (1912), H.R. 21,279 (1912), 494, 495-96n
--employers' (railroad) liability act (1908), H.R. 20,310 (1908), 458, 459n
--Foraker Act (1900), 88, 89n; bill to amend, H.R. 19,718 (1910), 88-89, 89-90n
--Income Tax Act (1894), 3:548n, 264
--industrial relations commission, act to create (1912), H.R. 21,094 (1912), 376, 381n
--injunction limitation bills: H.R. 18,752 (1906, Pearre), 6:526-27n, 373, 380n; H.R. 94 (1907, Pearre), 7:311n, 373, 380n; H.R. 21,334 (1910, Moon), 100, 101n, 152, 158, 159n; H.R. 25,188 (1910, Wilson), 100, 101n, 158, 159n, 373, 380n; H.R. 11,032 (1911, Wilson), 257, 258-59n, 354, 355n, 373, 380, 380n; H.R. 23,635 (1912, Clayton), 259n, 373-75, 380-81n, 424-25, 438n, 445, 448n
--intoxicating liquors, act prohibiting transportion of (1913), S. 4043 (1911), 423, 424n
--judiciary act (1911), H.R. 23,377 (1910) and S. 7031 (1910), 158, 159n
--labor dispute investigation bill, H.R. 15,447 (1908), 132, 132n
--lobbying bill, H.R. 22,912 (1912), 377-79, 381n
--Moon bill. See Legislation, U.S., injunction limitation bills, H.R. 21,334 (1910, Moon)
--New Mexico personal injury resolution (1908), S.R. 37 (1908), 132, 132n
--Pearre bill. See Legislation, U.S., injunction limitation bills, H.R. 18,752 (1906, Pearre) and H.R. 94 (1907, Pearre)
--political campaigns and coercion of employees, legislation on, H.R. 11,177 (1911), 245-46, 246n
--Post Office appropriation act (1912), H.R. 21,279 (1912), 494, 495n; resolution (1913), H.J. Res. 80 (1913), 495, 496n
--Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 4:28n, 131n, 154-55n, 165n, 362, 410; amendment of, 153, 355n, 402-6, 413; and labor organizations, 41, 53, 62-63, 65-68, 264-66, 318-19, 385, 463, 465-66, 469-70, 477, 479-81, 483, 487-88, 490 (see also Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of, local 9 [Chicago], injunction against, and local 134 [Chicago], injunction against; Kentucky farmers' case)
--Sherman Antitrust Act, bills to amend: H.R. 19,745 (1908, Hepburn), 7:322n, 361-62, 363n; S. 6440 (1908, Warner), 362, 363n; H.R. 23,189 (1912, Bartlett), 374-75, 380, 381n; S. 6266 (1912, Bacon), 374-75, 380, 381n; Chilton bill (1912), 361-62
--sundry civil appropriation legislation: act for 1911 (1910), H.R. 25,552 (1910), 132, 132n, 460, 469, 492; H.R. 25,552, Hughes amendment of, 132, 132n, 158, 460, 469, 492; bill for 1914, H.R. 28,775 (1913), 460-61, 468n, 469, 478-79, 484; H.R. 28,775, Hamill amendment of, 460-61, 468n, 469, 478-79, 484; act for 1914 (1913), H.R. 2441 (1913), 468n, 469, 491-92, 494, 495n, 507
--tariff act (1894). See Legislation, U.S.: Wilson-Gorman tariff
--tariff act (1909), H.R. 1438 (1909), 484, 492n
--tariff act (1913; Underwood tariff), H.R. 10 (1913) and H.R. 3321 (1913), 484-85, 493n
--Underwood tariff. See Legislation, U.S., tariff act (1913; Underwood tariff)
--vocational education bills: H.R. 20,374 (1910), 79, 80n; S. 4675 (1910), 79, 80n, 182, 182n; S. 3 (1911), 376, 381n, 398-99, 399n
--Wilson bill. See Legislation, U.S., injunction limitation bills, H.R. 25,188 (1910, Wilson) and H.R. 11,032 (1911, Wilson)
--Wilson-Gorman tariff (1894), 3:554n, 264
--workmen's compensation bill, S. 5382 (1912), 442-47, 448n, 457
Legislative records, of political candidates, 131-32, 387n, 395-96
Lehmann, Frederick W., 130
Lennon, John B.,* 6n, 332n, 371, 455-56, 501, 503-4; at AFL conventions, 6, 8-9, 16, 18n, 146n, 283, 286n, 295, 407, 409n, 411; and cloakmakers' strike, 110-12; and McNamara case, 235, 238n; and temperance, 38n, 92-94, 94n; letters to, 35-38, 92-94, 171-73, 386
Levi, Abraham G., 230, 231n
Levi, Isaac M., 244n, 246-47; letter from, 244
Levi and Co., 230, 231n
Levy, Samuel, 127
Lewis, John L.,* 279-80, 280n; letter from, 475-76
Lewis, Thomas L.,* 9n, 30, 93, 94n, 106n, 170; at AFL conventions, 7, 137, 139n, 288, 290n
Lightner, Hamilton W., 232-34, 234n
Lincoln, Abraham, 85
Lindsay, Samuel M., 455-56, 456n
Literacy test, for immigrants, 330
Lithuanian workers, 345
Livernash, Edward J., 6:261-62n, 491
Llewellyn Iron Works, bombing of, 131n, 209n, 299n
Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of,* 251, 253n, 313
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Brotherhood of,* 51n, 302n; affiliation with AFL, 249-53; and black workers, 250, 253n; convention, 1910 (St. Paul), 52n; and Southern Railway Co., 253n
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 4:147n, 430
Loewe, Dietrich E. See Loewe v. Lawlor
Loewe v. Lawlor, 6:177-78n, 40-42, 42n, 62-68, 70, 74, 75n; AFL and, 402-6, 406n; AFL assessment for appeal, 76n, 78, 86; appeal of decision, 41, 76n, 77-78, 79n, 193-94, 194n, 203, 204n, 265, 402-6, 406n; and conspiracy laws, 463, 466, 488-90
London, Meyer, 110-11, 114n, 127, 127n
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 511n
Los Angeles, Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association of, 121, 122-23n, 146-47, 148n, 248, 272
Los Angeles, organizing in, 121-22, 122n
Los Angeles Central Labor Council, 4:480n, 148n
Los Angeles Founders' and Employers' Association, 122-23n
Los Angeles Metal Trades Council, 122n
Los Angeles Saddlery and Finding Co., 148n
Los Angeles Times, 349; photograph of SG in, 280, 281n, 282; strike against (1890-92, 1893- ), 6:213n, 129, 146
Los Angeles Times building, bombing of, 128-30, 130-31n, 136, 306-7, 349-50; and Los Angeles brewery workers' strike, 148n; and Los Angeles metal workers' strike, 123n; and McNamaras, 131n, 209n, 299n; SG condemnations of, 129, 220-24, 271-72, 349
Lovett, Robert S., 321, 323n
Low, Seth, 7:321n, 118, 227n, 304n, 323, 324n; letters to, 220-26, 321-22
Lowell, Abbott L., 258, 259n
Lubitz, Yetta, 243
Lusk Committee, 398n
Lynch, James M.,* 4-5, 6n, 13, 138, 142-43, 290, 439n; letter from, 302