M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
McArdle, Peter J.,* 329n, 472, 473n, 480
MacArthur, Walter,* 42, 43n
McCarthy, P. H., 5: 339n, 383-84
McCall, Samuel W., 87, 92n
McCallister, H. G., 234, 236n
McClure's Magazine, 240n
McCollister, Charles. See McCallister, H. G.
McComas, Louis E., 85, 91n
McConville, Matthew A., 148, 150n
McCormick, Mr., 198
McCulley, W. J., 119n; letter to, 118-19
McCullough, John, 243n
McCullough, Theodore W., 419, 422n, 423
McDermott, James T., 457, 458n
Macfarland, Charles S., 443n; letter to, 442-43
McGill, Patrick, 493, 498n
McGillicuddy, Daniel J., 138-39, 143n
McGoorty, John P., 361, 362n, 363
McGuire, Christine, 6: 546n, 55-57
McGuire, James G., 254, 254n
McGuire, Peter J.,* 55-56, 56n, 57
Machinery Manufacturers' Association: strike against (1906- 7), 50, 50-51n
Machinists, International Association of,* 115n; and IWW, 41n; jurisdiction of, 221-22, 222n; local 168 (Livingston, Mont.), 25n; local 204 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 41n; local 257 (Jacksonville, Fla.) 353-54, 355n; local 365 (Troy, N.Y.), 54n; local 466 (Bath, Maine), 77, 90n; local 471 (Lynn, Mass.), 115n; local 634 (Charlestown, Mass.), 115n; strikes: 1906 (local 365, Troy), 53-54, 54n, 1906-7 (local 471, Lynn), 50, 50-51n; 1907 (Houston), 222, 222n
Mack, Norman, 377n, 387; letter to, 376-77
McKee, Robert,* 33, 36n
McLean Co. (Ill.) Coal Co., 417n
McMahon, Mr., 193
McNamara, John J.,* 13n
McNeil, John,* 75, 89n
McNulty, Frank J.,* 276-79, 279n, 482n
McVicker, Louis E., 337, 338n
Madden, Martin B. "Skinny," 364, 364n, 429
Magnolia Brewery: strike against (1907), 222, 222n
Magoon, Charles E., 163, 164-65n, 221
Maguire, James, 413, 414n
Mahon, William D.,* 70n, 342n; letters from, 69-70, 240-42, 341-42
Mahoney, Charles E., 285-86n; letter to, 283-85
Mailly, William, 144-45, 146n
Maine: campaign, 1906, in, 19-20, 57-58, 58n, 99-100, 143n; campaign, 1906, in, SG and, 19-20, 57-58, 58n, 70-89, 96, 101n, 102-3, 107-8, 138-39, 183; campaign, 1908, in, 377
Maine State Federation of Labor, 6: 439n; convention, 1906 (Lewiston), 71, 89n
Mallory, William J., 22n; letter from, 21-22
Manee, James T., 461n; letter from, 459-61
Manufacturers' Union (Havana), 221n
Marine Cook's and Stewards' Union of the Pacific: strike, 1906 (San Francisco), 93, 93n, 118n
Marine Firemen's Union, Pacific Coast: strike, 1906 (San Francisco), 93, 93n, 118n
Marine sack sewers and cargo repairers (New Orleans): jurisdiction of, 224-25, 225n
Marine Trades Council of the Port of New York and Vicinity, 170, 177n
Marion (Ind.) Central Trades Council, 407, 408n
Maritime Association (Brunswick, Ga.): strike against (1907), 187-89, 190n
Maritime Association of the Port of New York. See New York Maritime Exchange
Marston Worsted Mills: strike against (1907), 184-85, 186n
Martin, William,* 463, 464n
Maryland: campaign, 1906, in, 119-20, 120n
Massachusetts State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration: and Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, 37, 39n; and Douglas, W. L., Shoe Co., 400n
Massachusetts State Federation of Labor, 313, 314n
Mass meetings: 1906 (Des Moines, Iowa), 10, 10n; 1908 (New York City), 388
Master Builders' Association: strike against (1906-7), 49- 50, 50n
Matteson, Harry T., 25n
Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Amalgamated,* 343-45, 345-46n; jurisdiction of, 343-45, 345-46n
Meat packing industry, 344
Mecartney, Harry S., 395n
Mellor, Thomas, 151-52n
Melms, Edmund T., 130, 142n
Melon, José R., 163, 165n, 220, 221n
Merchant Marine League, 169
Merrick, William M.,* 15n, 48; letter from, 14-15
Merrill, Albert G., 77, 90n
Merriman, Henry S., 23, 25n
Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers', Brass Molders', and Brass and Silver Workers' International Union of North America,* 155n; local 5 (Dayton, Ohio), lawsuit against, 193, 194n; strike, 1906 (local 13, St. Louis), 153, 154n
Metal Trades Council of St. Louis and Vicinity, 154n
Metcalf, Victor, 6: 477n, 147
Mexican workers, 93n
Meyer, Aaron N., 230-31, 231n
Mikol, Maurice,* 18, 19n
Miller, James M., 94, 95n
Millet, Jean-François, 442, 443n
Milwaukee Federated Trades Council, 3: 460n; letter from, 64-67
Miners, Western Federation of,* 244, 246-47n, 404; and AFL, 283-85, 286n; strikes: 1899 (Wardner, Idaho), 5: 92-93n, 24, 25n; 1903-4 (Colorado), 6: 282-83n, 24, 25n; 1907 (local 220, Goldfield, Nev.), 283, 286n
Mine Workers of America, United,* 69n; and campaign, 1908, 416-17, 417n; strikes: 1897, 5: 345n, 417n, 472, 483-84; 1900 (Pennsylvania), 5: 263n, 484; 1902 (anthracite), 6: 13-14n, 484
Minnesota State Federation of Labor, 225-26, 227n
Missouri State Federation of Labor, 161n
"Mr. Gompers and His Two Million Men" (Creelman), 372n
Mitchell, John,* 64n, 309, 309n, 322n, 400n, 424, 424n; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 249-50n, 356-57, 392, 426, 430-31, 434, 439-41, 478, 492n; and campaign, 1906, 111; and campaign, 1908, 415-16, 416n; and death threat, 393; elected AFL vice-president, 281n (1907), 427n (1908); letters to, 112-13, 461-62
Mitchell, John (of Connellsville, Pa.), 181n; letter from, 181; letter to, 190-92
Moffett, Edward A., 244, 246n
Moffett, John A., 6:*, 395n
Monnett, Francis S., 439n; letter to, 438-39
Moore, William H., 108, 109n
Morris, Esther, 471, 471n
Morris, Julia G. (Mrs. Max), 471n; letter to, 471
Morris, Max,* 7n, 9n, 111n, 453n; death of, 471, 482n; elected AFL vice-president, 281n (1907), 427n (1908)
Morris, Melvin, 471, 471n
Morrison, Alice Boswell (Mrs. Frank), 482n
Morrison, Erwin, 479-80, 482n
Morrison, Frank,* 7n, 27, 145, 309n, 455, 455n, 457; and AFL headquarters, 446-47; and AFL Labor Representation Committee, 63; and AFL organizers, 104n, 181, 190, 231, 233, 428; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 249-50n, 266, 356-57, 392, 426, 430-31, 434, 439-41, 478, 492n; and campaign, 1906, 96-97, 110n, 122-23n; and campaign, 1908, 350n, 377; and conservation conference, 322n; elected AFL secretary, 281n (1907), 427n (1908); and jurisdictional disputes, 151n, 152, 152-53n, 204n, 208-10, 210n; letters from, 96-97, 152, 208-10, 225-26; letters to, 49-50, 102-4, 209, 250-52, 413-14, 472-73, 479-81; and Miners, Western Federation of, 404; and "We Don't Patronize List" (AFL), 312-13
Morrison, John,* 257n, 377n, 396; letter from, 256-57
Morton, Lew,* 40-41, 41n; letter to, 40-41
Moyer, Charles H.,* 145, 146n
Mudd, Sydney E., 119, 120n
Mulhall, Martin M., 85, 91n
Municipal Traction Co.: strike against (1908), 342, 342n
Munson steamship line: strike against (1901), 162, 164n
Murdock, Victor, 94, 95n
Murphy, James, 482n
Murtha, Thomas, 90n
Musicians, American Federation of, 4:*; local 209 (Goldfield, Nev.), 284, 286n
National Arbitration and Peace Congress (1907, New York City), 206n, 214n; SG address at, 211-14, 214n
National Association of Manufacturers, 5: 15n, 12, 48-49, 49n, 155n, 192, 232, 232n, 245; and AFL, 267; and alleged attempted bribery of SG, 256-57, 257-58n, 271; conventions: 1905 (Atlanta), 85, 91n; 1907, 246n; and shop associations, 339
National Building Trades Council of America, 4: 416-17n, 276, 278
National Cash Register Co.: and open shop, 166-67, 169n, 192; strike against (1906- ), 166, 168-69n, 193; workday at, 166-68, 168-69n, 192
National Civic Federation, 5: 218n, 70, 371n, 473n; annual meeting (1907, New York City), 286n; executive committee, meeting of, 1908, 316n, 321n; National Conference on Trusts and Combinations (1907, Chicago), 245, 246n, 256, 258-65 (SG address before), 321n; Welfare Department, 244
National Conservation Commission, 322n
National Convention for the Extension of the Foreign Commerce of the U.S. (1907, Washington, D.C.), 166, 168n
National Council for Industrial Defense, 155n, 246n
National Erectors' Association, 12
National Fur Felt Hat Manufacturers' Association, 455-56n
National Industrial Council. See National Council for Industrial Defense
National Metal Trades Association, 5: 277-78n, 50, 50-51n
Nebraska: Democratic state convention, 1908, 300n; Democratic state platform, 1908, 300, 300n, 353n
Nebraska State Federation of Labor, 481, 482n; convention, 1909 (Lincoln), 481, 482n
Neill, Charles P., 285, 286n
Nelson, Charles B., 340, 340n
Nesbit, Robert B., 25n; letter from, 23-25
Nestor, Agnes,* 275, 275n
Nettleton, A. E., Co.: boycott of (1906-7), 186n; shop association of, 339-40; strike against (1906-7), 185, 186n, 339
Nettleton, Albert E., 339-40, 340n
New Jersey: campaign, 1906, in, 112
New Orleans Central Trades and Labor Council, 3: 244n, 493- 97, 498n
New Orleans United Labor Council, 494, 498n
New York: campaign, 1906, in, 96-97, 109-10, 110n; campaign, 1908, in, 373, 374n
New York City Board of Trade and Transportation, 168n
New York City Central Federated Union, 1: 379n, 15, 346n, 470n; and campaign, 1906, 110n; and campaign, 1908, 373, 374n
New York Maritime Exchange, 177n
New York Peace Society, 214n
Nicholls, Thomas D., 96, 98n, 113, 130, 142n, 457
Niehaus, Charles H., 442, 443n
Nockels, Edward N., 6: 342n, 347, 347n, 350n, 387, 417n; letters from, 357-60, 362-64
Norris, George W., 27, 31, 32n
North Carolina: and alien contract labor law, 185, 186n
O'Brien, Michael F.,* 314n; letter from, 313-14
O'Connell, James,* 7n, 145, 209, 244; at AFL conventions, 135-36, 142n, 271, 272n; and AFL headquarters, 446; and AFL Labor Representation Committee, 63; and campaign, 1906, 111n, 120; and campaign, 1908, 377; and conservation conference, 322n; elected AFL vice-president, 281n (1907), 427n (1908); and jurisdiction disputes, 148-49, 150n, 204n; and "We Don't Patronize List" (AFL), 312-13
Officers, trade union: salaries of, 463, 464n
Ohio: campaign, 1906, in, 105-7, 107n; campaign, 1908, in, 397
Olney, Richard, 3: 405n, 250n; letter to, 247-49
O'Neill, John 387, 387n
O'Neill, Joseph F., 44, 44-45n
Open shop: Allen, John W., and Sons, 461n; American Bridge Co., 12; American Sheet and Tin Plate Co., 472, 473n, 480; Battle Creek Breakfast Food Co., Ltd., 302-4, 304n; Buck's Stove and Range Co., 434; building trades, 183n; Chicago Typothetae, 11n; Davis, Mark, Sons and Co., 19n; Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 69-70, 70n; Machinery Manufacturers' Association, 50; Master Builders' Association, 49-50, 50n; National Cash Register Co., 166-67, 169n, 192; National Fur Felt Hat Manufacturers' Association, 456n; New Orleans breweries, 496; Pinches, John, Co., 461n; Schultz, Otto B., bakery, 158n; Tell City, Ind., 235
"Opposing Forces in the Industrial World" (Easley), 244, 246-47n
Oregon: campaign, 1908, in, 414, 414n
Oregon v. Bock, 118n
Organizers: AFL and, 156-58, 158n. See also AFL: organizers
Organizing: cost of, 165, 191; of ladies' garment workers, 165, 166n; of textile workers, 183
Oriental workers: SG and, 477. See also Chinese workers; Japanese workers; Korean workers
O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney,* 237-38, 238n
O'Sullivan, Michael, 41-42n
Otis, Harrison Gray, 6: 213n, 383
Ouray Building, 446-47
Owen, William L., 111, 112n
Pacelli, Tito,* 150n; letter from, 148-49
Packer, Launcelot, 452, 453n
Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of,* 451n; jurisdiction of, 449-50, 451n; local 398 (Danville, Ill.), 358, 360n; local in Tell City, Ind., 235
Panama Canal: and Chinese workers, 93, 93n, 119; hours of labor, 3, 94, 105; working conditions in, 244
Panic of 1907, 291, 294n, 484
Pape, Ernest G.,* 112n, 378; letters from, 111-12, 206
Paper Box, Bag, and Novelty Workers' International Union,* 105n; local 10 (Rumford Falls, Maine), 105, 105n; local 12 (Rumford Falls), 105; strike, 1906 (local 10, Rumford Falls), 104-5, 105n
Paper Makers, Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 151n; convention, 1907 (Northampton, Mass.), 151-52n, 204n; jurisdiction of, 150-51, 151-52n, 202-4, 204n; local 9 (Rumford Falls, Maine), 104, 105n; local 28 (Ft. Edward, N.Y.), 204, 204n; strike, 1907 (local 28, Ft. Edward), 202-4, 204n
Paquette (Canadian organizer), 236-37
Parker, Alton B., 295-96, 296n, 441, 458n, 462n; letter to, 465-68
Parker, Harry C., 375, 375n
Parry, David M., 6: 126n, 49n, 138, 153, 245, 401-2, 405
Parry, J. S., 384n
Parsons, Thomas C., 329n
Patterson, John H., 166; letter from, 192-94
Patterson, Mr., 361
Payson, Louis E., 4: 499n, 28-31
Peabody, James H., 6: 283n, 25n
Pearre, George A., 83, 91n, 289n, 311n; letter to, 287-88
Peckham, George, 413, 414n
Peetz, Charles, 380, 381n
Pennsylvania: campaign, 1906, in, 96, 112-13, 120-22, 122- 23n, 132-33; campaign, 1908, in, 375
Per capita tax, 353-55
Perham, Henry B.,* 457, 458n, 481, 482n
Perkins, Chester O., 126n; letter to, 123-25
Perkins, Edgar A.,* 199n, 376, 378n
Perkins, George W.,* 221n, 309n, 387, 463, 464n; letters to, 220-21, 306-8, 308n, 463-64
Perkins-Campbell Co.: strike against (1905- ), 11n
Perkins-Campbell Co. v. Albert Teeters et al., 11, 11n
Petry, Charles W., 17, 17n
Pettibone, George A., 145, 146n
Pettingill, Millard F., 20n; letter to, 19-20
Pfeiffer, John J.,* 11n, 141n; letter from, 11
Phelan, Frank W., 92n
Philadelphia Typothetae: lockout (1905-8), 85, 91n
Photo-Engravers' Union of North America, International,* 422n
Piano, Organ, and Musical Instrument Workers' International Union of America,* 133, 142n
Pierce, Jefferson D.,* 96-97, 98n, 152, 152-53n, 209, 347n; letters from, 152, 209; letters to, 115, 428
Pinches, John, Co., 461n
Pinchot, Gifford, 322n
Pioneer Hat Works, 230-31
Plumbers, National League of Journeymen, 15n
Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of Journeymen,* 14-15, 15n; and IWW, 47-48; jurisdiction of, 272
Plummer, Edward C., 76, 90n
Polish workers: organization of, 45
Political action: AFL and, 60-66, 126-41, 141-42n, 269, 269n, 311, 319, 404-5, 418-22, 426; SG and, 68, 136-41, 419-21, 486n. See also Campaign, 1906; Campaign, 1908
Political candidates: legislative records of, 16, 19, 58, 69, 72-84, 94-95, 99, 105-6, 333, 346-47, 347n 391, 416
Post, Charles W., 6: 511n, 49n, 84-85, 138, 153, 245, 337- 38, 401-2, 405
Postal Telegraph-Cable Co.: strike against (1907), 250-51, 252n
Post Office Clerks, National Federation of, 114, 115n
Post Office Clerks of the U.S., United National Association of,*, 114, 115n
Potter, Edward W.,* 345, 346n
Pouren, Jan J.: extradition case, 387-88, 388n
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. of America: Department of Church and Labor, 10, 10n; General Assembly meeting, 1906 (Des Moines, Iowa), 10, 10n
Pressmen's and Assistants' Union of North America, International Printing,* 338n; local 99 (Elizabeth, N.J.), 337
Prince, Samuel, 3:*, letter to, 371-72
Proebstle, Joseph,* 208-9, 210n; letter from, 221-22
Progressive Alliance: and campaign, 1906, in Illinois, 110n
Prohibition party: and campaign, 1908, 397-98, 399n
Protest Conference, 1908 (Washington, D.C.), 319-20, 320n, 323-29, 341, 342n, 346, 389-90
Puerto Rico: agricultural workers' strike (1906), 51-52, 52n; organizing in, 231-32; SG and, 231-32
Pugh, Judge, 438-39
Pullman Strike (1894), 3: 521-25, 3: 526n, 24, 25n, 92n, 402-3
Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 151n; conventions: 1907 (Northampton, Mass.), 151-52n, 204n; jurisdiction of, 150-51, 151-52n, 202-4, 204n; local 1 (Ft. Edward, N.Y.), 204, 204n
Racine (Wis.) Trades and Labor Council: lawsuit against, 157, 158n
Railway Union, American,* 402-4, 405n
Rainey, Henry T., 96, 98n
Ralston, Jackson H., 4: 294n, 253, 312, 441, 457; letter to, 453-54
Ray, George W., 80, 84, 90-91n
Raynes, Edward, 77, 90n
"Red Special," 375, 402, 425
Reeder, William A., 94, 95n
Reese, S. B., 379
Reese, S. B., Lumber Co.: strike against (1908), 378-80
Reid, James, 482n
Reid, Stuart, 6: 145n, 48, 48n, 102, 121, 461n; letter from, 99-100; letters to, 57-58, 126
Reiss, George, 338n; letter to, 337-38
Republican party, 420-21; and campaign, 1906, 108; and campaign, 1908, 328, 341, 369, 370n, 371-72, 381-82, 397-98, 398n, 410-11; conventions, national: 1888, 79; 1908 (Chicago), 310n, 348-49, 351-52, 369, 389, 410; conventions, state: 1908, 348; platform, 1908, 309, 310n, 348, 348n, 349, 351-52, 369, 372, 372n, 380, 389. See also Campaign, 1906; Campaign, 1908
Reynolds, DeElbert A., 406n; letter to, 405-6
Reynolds, James B., 245, 247n, 388, 388n
Richardson, James D., 3: 138n, 80
Rickert, Thomas A.,* 97, 98n
Riggs National Bank, 455, 456n
Roach, James, 347n
Roanoke (steamer), 42, 43n
Robertson v. Baldwin, 4: 294n, 7n
Robinson, Elmer F., 50n; letter from, 49-50
Robinson, Herman, 6:*, 69, 70n, 97, 396, 449, 469-70, 471n, 482n, 492; letter to, 373-74
Rogers, J. H.: letter from, 219-20
Rollers (cigar workers), 307
Romanian workers: organization of, 45
Rooney, T. J., 23-25
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1: 443n, 24, 25n, 88, 229n, 244, 251; and campaign, 1908, 397, 398n, 413-14, 414-15n; and Cannon, 97n; and Chinese workers, 93; and conservation conference, 322, 322n; and eight-hour law, 6n, 76, 90n; Executive Order 402 (1906), 5, 7n, 114; Executive Order 504 (1906), 76, 90n; and extradition of Pouren, 388n; and Goldfield, Nev., miners, 286n; and Gentlemen's Agreement (with Japan), 148n; and government employees, petitioning by, 5, 7n, 114; and Japanese students in San Francisco, 147, 148n; letters to, 3-6, 195-97, 322, 387-88; and Littlefield, 96, 97n; and open shop, 192; and Sherman Antitrust Act, 322n
Root, Elihu, 5: 438n, 245, 388n
Ruiz, Rufus M., 224, 225n
Rummel, Jacob, 130, 142n
Russell, Wesley A.,* 251, 252n
Russia: and extradition of Pouren, 387-88, 388n; SG views of, 46
Russian workers, organization of, 45, 297-98
Russo-Japanese War, 267
Ryan, Daniel, 256, 257n
Ryan, Father, 235
Ryan, Frank M.,* 13n
Ryan, William D.,* 269n, 270, 270n, 347n; letter to, 346-47
Sailors' Union of the Pacific,* 43n, 116; strike, 1906 (San Francisco), 93, 93n, 116, 118n
Sailors' Union of the Pacific et al. v. Hammond Lumber Co., 118n
Salaries: SG and, 463, 464n; of trade union officers, 463, 464n
Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison, and John Mitchell v. Buck's Stove and Range Co., 249-50n. See also Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases: contempt case
San Francisco: campaign, 1908, in, 381-82, earthquake and fire (1906), 17, 17n, 32, 42-43, 43n; Japanese students in, 147, 148n
San Francisco Examiner: editorial in, 93, 93n
San Francisco Labor Council, 4: 172n, 5: 475n, 43n, 220, 220n
San Francisco Steam Ship Association: strike against (1906), 93, 93n
Sangree, Allen, 256, 257n
Sargent, Sumner B., 186n
Scersey, Benjamin, 379
Schaverin, Oscar, 499
Schenectady Trades Assembly, 6: 179n; 41n
Schertzinger, August: letter from, 224-25
Schmitz, Eugene, 6: 67n; 93n
Schultz, Otto B., bakery: boycott against (1905-6), 158n
Scott, Charles F., 94, 95n
Scott, Henry S., 278, 280n
Scott, Hugh S., 25n
Scott, Thomas H., 379, 381n
Scranton (Pa.) Central Labor Union, 4: 263n, 96
Scully, Christopher, 224, 225n
Seamen: conscription of, 73, 171-72, 175-76; working conditions of, 174
Seamen's Union, Atlantic Coast,* 498n
Seamen's Union of America, International,* 43n; jurisdiction of, 270
Seibertz, William, 234-35, 236n
Seibold, George C., 447, 447n
Shackleton, David J.,* 288, 289n, 489, 490n
Shaffer, Theodore J.,* 120-21, 122n
Shamp, Chauncey L.,* 210, 210n
Shea, Cornelius P.,* 98n, 104n, 429, 430n
Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated: local 5 (Youngstown, Ohio), 41n; local 39 (Youngstown), 42n
Sherman, Charles,* 44, 45n
Sherman, James S., 96-97, 98n, 410, 412n
Sherman, Robert M., 180n; letter to, 179-80
Shields, John A., 388, 388n
Shingle Weavers' Union of America, International,* 112n; and IWW, 111
Shipowners' Association of the Pacific Coast, 93n
Ship subsidies, 73-75, 169-76; AFL and, 177n
Shipwrights, Joiners, Caulkers, Boat Builders, and Ship Cabinet Makers of America, International Union of,* 243n; jurisdiction of, 242-43, 243n
Shop associations, 339-40
Siddons, Frederick L., 4: 294n, 253, 441, 457; letter to, 453-54
Simpson, Charles C., 25n
Simpson, James, 267, 268n
Skeffington, Henry J.,* 376, 377-78n, 396, 400n
Skemp, Joseph C.,* 134, 139, 142n
Skilled workers, 148-49, 150-51n, 202-4, 262, 306-8, 308n, 343-44
Skinner, J. Herbert,* 419, 422n
Skowhegan (Maine) Central Labor Union, 184-85, 186n
Slaughter, Eugene, 379
SLP. See Socialist Labor party
Small, Lennington, 359, 361n
Small, Sylvester J. "Sam,"* 250-52, 252n
Smith, Alexander R., 169-71, 176, 177n
Smith, Edward A., 186n
Smith, George M., 120, 120n
Smith, Oliver P., 198, 199n
Smith, Peter, 5: 168n, 177n
Snapp, Howard M., 346-47, 347n
Social Democratic Party of the U.S., 5: 342n, 66
Socialism (Spargo), 239, 240n
Socialist Labor party: and Freight Handlers' and Warehousemen's International Union, Interior, 44; and Hat and Cap Makers of North America, United Cloth, 19n; and organization of General Electric Co., 41n; SG and, 40, 42n
Socialist party: and campaign, 1906, in Illinois, 110n; and campaign, 1908, 374-75, 375n, 401-5, 425, 427n, 486n; and trade unions, 422
Socialists: AFL and, 425-26, 427n; Easley and, 244-45; SG and, 238-40, 425-27n, 479. See also Socialist Labor party; Socialist party
Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 4: 97-98n, 18, 184
South Carolina: and alien contract labor law, 156n, 195
Southern Pacific Railroad Co., 116
Spargo, John, 240n; Socialism, 239, 240n
Sparks, John, 286n
Spelling, Thomas C., 253, 254n, 300
Spencer, William J.,* 368, 368n, 443, 481
Spight, Thomas, 177n; letter to, 169-76
Spreckels, John D., 239, 240n
St. Louis Central Trades and Labor Union, 1: 166n, 154n; and campaign, 1908, 373
Standard Oil Co., 398n, 473n
State, City, and Town Employees' Unions, National Federation of,* 313-14, 314-15n; convention, 1908 (Brockton, Mass.), 314, 315n
Steam Engineers, International Union of,* 36n; convention, 1908 (Philadelphia), 219n; jurisdiction of, 32-35, 36-37n, 152, 152-53n, 199-201, 201-2n, 208-10, 210-11n, 272-74, 274n, 317-18, 451-52; letter to, 217-19; local 20 (New York City), 373, 374n; local 56A (New York City), 219n; local 184 (New York City), 150n
Steam, Hot Water, and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers, International Association of,* 158n; jurisdiction of, 272
Stelzle, Charles M., 9-10, 10n, 267
Stemburgh, Henry A.,* 444, 445n; letter to, 443-45
Sterling, John, 329n
Steunenberg, Frank, 5: 98n, 24, 25n, 146n
Stevenson, Adlai E., 361-62, 362n, 363, 416-17, 417n
Stevenson, Letitia Green (Mrs. Adlai), 361, 362n
Stoddard, Isaac T., 25n
Story, Arthur B., 170, 177n
Stove Founders' National Defense Association, 154, 155n, 245
Strasser, Adolph,* 464, 464n
Straus, Oscar S., 6: 236n, 195, 197n, 251
Stream, John, 25n; letter from, 23-25
Street and Electric Car Barn Men, United Association of, 242n
Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of,* 70n; jurisdiction of, 240-41; strikes: 1908 (division [div.] 241, Chicago), 342, 342n; 1908 (div. 268, Cleveland), 342, 342n
Strike: benefits, 365, 365n; right to, SG and, 490
Strikes: AFL assessments for, 454-55, 455-56n, 486n; AFL financial appeals for, 12-13, 251, 252n, 473n; AFL financial support of, 51, 52-53n, 472, 480
Strikes and lockouts:
--agricultural workers: 1906 (Puerto Rico), 51-52, 52n
--boot and shoe workers: 1905 (Brockton, Mass.), 37, 39n; 1906-7 (Syracuse, N.Y.), 185, 186n, 339
--brewery workers: 1907 (Columbus, Ohio), 209-10, 210n; 1907-8 (New Orleans), 498n
--bridge and structural iron workers: 1905-, 6: 515-16n, 12-13
--building trades unions: 1906-7 (Lynn, Mass.), 49-50, 50n
--carpenters: 1909 (New Britain, Conn.), 460, 461n
--chair makers: 1907 (Tell City, Ind.), 227-29, 229n, 234-35
--cigarmakers: 1907 (Havana), 220-21, 221n
--dock and waterfront workers: 1901 (Cuba), 162, 164n
--foundry workers: 1906 (Troy, N.Y.), 53-54, 54n
--general strikes: 1906 (Havana), 162, 164n; 1909 (Sweden), 484, 486n
--hat and cap makers: 1903-4 (New York City and New Jersey), 18, 19n; 1904-5 (New York City and New Jersey), 6: 407n, 207; 1905-6 (Detroit), 18, 19n, 184, 186n; 1905-6 (New York City), 18, 18n, 184
--hatters: 1909, 454-55, 455-56n
--iron molders: 1906 (St. Louis), 153, 155n; 1906 (Troy, N.Y.), 53-54, 54n
--leather workers: 1905- (Cincinnati), 11n
--longshoremen: 1903 (Brunswick, Ga.), 187, 190n; 1907 (Brunswick), 187-89, 190n; 1907 (Havana), 163, 165n
--machinists: 1906 (Troy, N.Y.), 53-54, 54n; 1906-7 (Lynn, Mass.), 50, 50-51n; 1907 (Houston), 222, 222n
--marine cooks and stewards: 1906 (San Francisco), 93, 93n, 118n
--marine firemen: 1906 (San Francisco), 93, 93n, 118n
--meat cutters and butchers: 1904, 6: 314-15n, 345
--metal and machinery workers: 1906 (Schenectady, N.Y.), 41n
--metal polishers: 1906 (St. Louis), 153, 154n
--miners: 1897, 5: 345n, 472, 483-84; 1897 (Illinois), 417n; 1899 (Wardner, Idaho), 5: 92-93n, 24, 25n; 1900 (Pennsylvania), 5: 263n, 484; 1902 (anthracite), 6: 13-14n, 484; 1903 (Arizona), 24, 25n; 1903-4 (Colorado), 6: 282-83n, 24, 25n; 1907 (Goldfield, Nev.), 283, 286n
--motormen and conductors: 1906 (Cuba), 162, 164n
--paper bag workers: 1906 (Rumford Falls, Maine), 104-5, 105n
--paper makers: 1907 (Ft. Edward, N.Y.), 202-4, 204n
--printers: 1905- (Chicago), 11n; 1905-8, 483, 485-86n; 1905-8 (Philadelphia), 85, 91n; 1906- (Dayton, Ohio), 166, 168-69n, 193; 1906 (New York City), 85, 91n
--sailors: 1906 (San Francisco), 93, 93n, 116, 118n
--sheet metal workers: 1906 (Youngstown, Ohio), 41-42n
--shoe workers: 1906-7 (Syracuse, N.Y.), 185, 186n, 339
--steel workers: 1909-10, 472, 473n, 480
--street and electric railway workers: 1908 (Chicago), 342, 342n; 1908 (Cleveland), 342, 342n
--telegraphers: 1907, 250-51, 252n
--textile workers: 1904 (Fall River, Mass.), 6: 350n, 237; 1907 (Skowhegan, Maine), 184-85, 186n
--tobacco strippers: 1908 (Boston), 309n, 365, 461-62
--woodsmen and sawmill workers: 1908 (Farmers, Ky.), 378-80
Strippers (cigar workers), 307, 308-9n
Structural Building Trades Alliance, 6: 174-75n, 275, 276n, 278, 459-60
Sullivan, James W.,* 481, 482n
Supreme Court of the District Columbia, 247-48, 249-50n, 253, 287, 289, 430, 440, 453-54, 465
Svenska Arbetsgivareföreningen (Swedish Employers' Federation), 486n
Svenska Landsorganisationen (Confederation of Swedish Labor Unions): general strike (1909), 484, 486n
Swansey, John P., 58, 58n, 89n
Swedish Employers' Federation. See Svenska Arbetsgivareföreningen
Swedish Labor Unions, Confederation of. See Svenska Landsorganisationen
Sweeney, John W., 384, 385n
Switchmen's Union of North America,* 424n
Taff Vale decision, 6: 83-84n, 24, 289n, 310, 326, 421
Taft, William Howard., 6: 383n, 244, 458n, 473n; and campaign, 1906, 103, 118-19; and campaign, 1908, 281, 281n, 362n, 369, 375, 385n, 397, 398n, 402, 410-11, 413, 414n, 415-16, 416n; and injunctions, 87, 91-92n, 118-19, 251, 252n, 281, 379, 410
Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen,* 424n
Tampa (Fla.) Central Trades and Labor Assembly, 6: 71n, 355
Taylor, Charles G., 96, 97n, 102n
Taylor, E. E., and Co.: strike against (1905), 37, 39n
Taylor, Louis H., 460, 461n
Taylor, William S., 102n; letter to, 101-2
Tazelaar, Jacob, 6: 175n, 100, 104, 345, 347n, 445n
Teamsters, International Brotherhood of,* 98n, 364; conventions: 1906, 98n; 1907 (Boston), 235, 236n; jurisdiction of, 36n, 199-201, 201-2n, 272-74, 274n, 317-18, 493-97; local 701 (New Orleans), 495-96, 498n; local 704 (Chicago), 97, 98n; local in Tell City, Ind., 235; secession movements in, 97, 98n, 364, 429-30, 430n
Teamsters' and Helpers' Union, Chicago, 430n; jurisdiction of, 429
Teamsters of America, United, 97, 98n, 364, 429-30, 430n
Telegraphers of North America, Order of Railroad,* 143n, 252n
Telegraphers' Union of America, Commercial,* 250, 252n; strike, 1907, 250-51, 252n
Tell City, Ind.: floods (1907), 227, 229n
Tenement-house workers: Cigar Makers' International Union of America and, 308n; SG and, 307
Terry, William E., 383, 384n
Texas: campaign, 1908, in, 385-86
Textile workers, organizing of, 183
Textile Workers of America, United,* 185n; and Canadian textile workers, 236-37; and IWW, 184-85; strike, 1904 (Fall River, Mass.), 6: 350n, 237
Textile Workers of Canada, Federation of, 236, 237n
Thomas, Harry D., 6: 154n, 281-82
Thomas, Percy, 250-51, 252n
Thompson, Carl, 130, 142n
Thompson, Charles C., 447n; letter to, 446-47
Thorpe, John J., 241, 242n
Tilden, Laurin W.,* 15, 15n; letter from, 47-48
Tilton, Clint C., 359-60, 361n
Tin-Plate Workers' International Protective Association of America: merger with Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of, 473n; strike, 1909-10, 473n, 480
Titus, Herman F., 146n
Tobin, Daniel J.,* 430n; letter from, 429-30
Tobin, John F.,* 340n; letter from, 339-40
Todd, A. M., 406n
Toledo, Ann Arbor, and Northern Michigan Railroad, 91-92n
Tracy, George A.,* 383, 385n, 413, 414n
Tracy, Thomas F.,* 238n, 287-88, 311, 347n, 395, 458n, 481; letter from, 237-38
Trade agreements: with employers, 293, 302-4, 485
Trade schools, 14-15, 15n, 426, 427n
Trades Union Congress of Great Britain, 4:*, 130; meetings: 1906 (Liverpool), 68n; 1908, 401n; 1909 (Ipswich), 401n, 489-90, 490n, 491
Trade union disputes: AFL and, 470-71n; AFL Executive Council and, 470-71n, 482n; SG and, 98n, 429-30, 430n, 468-70. See also Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of, secession movement in; Jurisdictional disputes; Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, International, dispute with local 10; Teamsters, International Brotherhood of, secession movements in
Trade unions: in America, SG on, 477, 483-85, 489-91; constitutions of, SG critiques of, 123-25; in France, SG and, 479; in Germany, SG and, 485; in Great Britain, SG and, 68, 401n, 473-74n, 474-76, 478, 489-91; leadership of, 463-64; objectives of, 326; and trusts, 260-62, 265
Traiser, H., and Co.: strike against (1908), 309n, 461-62
Trautmann, William, 6:*, 42n
Trusts: SG and, 258-65, 352
Tuberculosis, 212
Tveitmoe, Olaf A.,* 148n, 383; letter to, 147-48
Twentieth Century Fund, 462n
Typographical Union, International,* 142n; and campaign, 1908, 383-84, 384n; local 3 (Cincinnati), 403, 405n; local 23 (Milwaukee), 130, 142n; local 57 (Dayton, Ohio), 168-69n, 192, 194n; local 83 (New York City), 297, 298n; local 286 (Marion, Ind.), 407, 408n; and National Cash Register Co., 166-68, 168n, 195n; strikes: 1905- (local 16, Chicago), 11n; 1905-8, 483, 485-86n; 1905-8 (local 2, Philadelphia), 85, 91n; 1906 (local 6, New York City), 85, 91n; 1906- (local 57, Dayton), 166, 168-69n, 193
Typothetae. See Chicago Typothetae; Philadelphia Typothetae; United Typothetae
Unemployment, SG and, 491
Union Co. (N.J.) Trades Council, 337-38, 338n
Union Labor party: and campaign, 1908, 382, 382n, 383-84, 384n
United Labor party (Pa.): and campaign, 1906, 122n
United Shipping and Transportation Association, 116
U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor, 77; and alien contract labor law, 155, 156n, 195-96, 197n; and iron and steel industry, 473n
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Labor, 26-32, 43, 43n, 77
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 72, 78, 90n, 171, 177n
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, 84
U.S. Senate, Committee on Education and Labor, 26-27
U.S. Steel Corp., 5: 335n, 473n
U.S. Supreme Court: and Buck's Stove and Range Cases, 249- 50n, 290; and Loewe v. Lawlor, 310, 312-13, 319, 320n, 323-25, 329-31, 338, 346, 351, 372n, 389, 392, 409-10, 420
United Typothetae: and printers' strike, 1905-8, 483, 485- 86n
Unorganized workers, 305-6; SG and, 474-75
Unskilled workers, 148-49, 150n, 202-4, 240-41, 242n, 262, 306-8, 308n, 343-44
Urick, Ambrose L.,* 10n; letter to, 9-10
Valentine , Joseph F.,* 7n, 32-33, 111n, 155n; elected AFL vice-president, 281n (1907), 427n (1908); letter from, 53-54
Van Cleave, James W., 155n, 245, 246n, 273; and alleged National Association of Manufacturers bribery attempt of SG, 257-58n, 271; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. 153-54, 154-55n, 250n; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 253, 263, 426; and campaign, 1908, 369, 370n; SG and, 251, 401-2, 405
Vose, Edwin S., 100, 100n
Wade, Martin J., 387, 387n
Wages: SG on, 291-94
Walker, Charles M., 14, 15n, 342n
Walker, Henry M., 5: 395n, 385
Walker, John H.,* 102n; at AFL conventions, 137, 140, 142n, 269, 273, 274n, 418-19, 422; and campaign, 1906, 101; and campaign, 1908, 350n, 359, 416-17; letter from, 416-17
Wallace, Mr., 302
Walling, William E., 6: 413n; letter to, 46-47
Walz, Fred C., 460, 461n
War: SG views of, 211-14
Ward steamship line: strike against (1901), 162, 164n
Warner, George H., 4: 272n, 5: 168n, 141, 143n
Washington (state): campaign, 1906, in, 108, 109n; campaign, 1908, in, 414, 414n; Democratic state convention, 1906 (Seattle), 108, 109n
Washington Brewery Co.: and brewery workers' dispute, 152- 53n
Washington, D.C.: government of, SG and, 315-16
Washington Post: letter to the editor of the, 315-16
Watson, James E., 97n
Watson, Thomas E., 371n; letter from, 371
Weber, Frank J., 5:*, 130, 142n
Weber, John, 6: 57n, 281n
Webster, Daniel, 88, 92n
Webster, James B.,* 449n; letter from, 447-48
Wecker, Der, 297, 298n
"We Don't Patronize List" (AFL), 33, 53-54, 54n, 154, 154n, 167-68, 168n, 178-79, 179n, 186n, 193, 194-95n, 249n, 287, 289, 295-96, 296n, 430, 434-35; discontinuation of, 312-13, 313n, 330-31
Weeks, Walter S., 170, 176, 177n
Wells, William E., 106, 107n
Welty, John, 107n
West, Walter,* 451n; letter from, 449-51
Western Labor Union, 4: 452-53n, 404
Western Union Telegraph Co.: strike against (1907), 250-51, 252n
Weston, C. E., 354, 356n
Whalen, John S., 257, 257n
Wheeler-Holder Tie Co.: strike against (1908), 378-80
Whistler-Scersey Lumber Co.: strike against (1908), 378-80
Whitcomb, William A., 204n, 202-4
Whitlam, Harry J., 137, 142n
Wholesale Clothiers' Exchange of Chicago, 178, 179n
Whyte, Joseph C., 447n; letter to, 446-47
Wickersham, George, 473n
Wight, Fred C., 76, 90n
Wilkerson, A. B., 240, 242n
Wilkie, John E., 393n
Williams, E. C., 286n
Williams, John S., 130, 142n
Willison, W. M., 379
Wilson, William B.,* 113, 113n, 130-33, 142n, 322n, 357
Wilson, William J., 355, 356n
Wisconsin: campaign, 1906, in, 64-67, 130-31, 139, 143n
Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, 3: 498n, 157; convention, 1906 (Madison), 67n, 157; letter from, 64-67
Woman's International Union Label League, 299n
Women's Trade Union League, National, 6: 483n, 237
Women workers, 197-99, 199n, 219-20, 228, 234-35, 237-38, 302-3, 365, 365n; AFL and, 275; SG and, 230-31, 239, 298-99
Wood, Leonard, 5: 188n, 162-64, 164-65n
Woodman, Con W., 6: 265n, 301, 385
Woodsmen and Sawmill Workers, International Brotherhood of,* 112n; and IWW, 111; local 17 (Fields Landing, Calif.), 111, 112n; local 26 (Farmers, Ky.), 378, 381n; strike, 1908 (local 26, Farmers), 378-80
Wood-Workers' International Union of America, Amalgamated,* 272n; jurisdiction of, 272
Workingmen's Political League (Md.), 120n
Wright, Daniel T., 249-50n, 430-31, 434-38, 438n, 440, 465, 478, 492n
Wright, Edwin R.,* 360, 361n, 363
Wright, George P., 108, 109n
Wyatt, Calvin, 96, 98n, 107n, 121-22, 122n, 347n; letter from, 378-80
Yiddish, trade union publications in, 297-98, 298n
Young, Albert,* 97, 98n
Young, Charles O., 109n, 267, 268n
Young, John R., 248, 357
Younger, Maud, 46, 47n; "Diary of an Amateur Waitress," 239, 240n; letter to, 238-40
Zoercher, Jacob, 227, 229n
Zuckerman, Max,* 18-19n, 142n; Deceit of the I.W.W., 19n; letters from, 17-18, 207-8