M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)
McAdoo, William G., 299-300n, 358, 437; letter to, 296-99
McArdle, Thomas E., 276n; letter to, 275-76
McBryde, Patrick,* 336, 341n
McCarthy, Frank H., 8:*, 418n, 492n
McClory, Joseph, 311n
McClurg, Harry O., 487, 488n
McCullough, Theodore W., 7:422n, 212, 213n, 345, 346n
McDonald, Duncan,* 52, 52n, 62-63, 63n, 66-67, 68n, 69-70, 72n
MacDonald, William, 48n
McGhee, Richard, 477n, 487
McGovern, Francis E., 353, 355n
McGuire, Peter J.,* 336-37, 341n
Machinists, International Association of,* 62, 63n, 191n; disaffiliation from AFL, threatened, 71, 73n; jurisdiction of, 346-47, 347n; strike, 1915 (Bridgeport, Conn.), 304, 305n
McIntyre, Frank, 72, 74n
McMorrow, Edward, 388, 390n
McNamara case, 8:131n, 279, 280n, 300n
McNamara Defense Fund, 279
MacNaughton, James, 183, 184n
McNulty, Frank J.,* 38n
McReynolds, J. C., 106n
Madero, Francisco, 160n, 360, 425, 432; reforms of, 325, 327, 436, 443n; overthrow of, 96n, 158, 436-37; and overthrow of Díaz, 158, 212n, 324; Zapata and, 307n
Magna Carta, 290
Mahon, William D.,* 31-32, 34n, 47n, 65, 208n, 255, 337; as fraternal delegate to TUC, 162, 469, 485; letters from, 206-7, 388-90; letter to, 533-34
Mahon et al. v. Guaranty Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 208n
Mahoney, Charles E., 7:285-86n, 65; indictment of, 182-83, 184n
Maintenance of Way Employes, International Brotherhood of,* 50n, 342
Male Nurses' Association of Massachusetts, 416-18
Malines, German defeat at, 193n
Manly, Basil, 312
Mann, James R., 24, 25n
Mann, Thomas, 4:*, 337
Manning, James F., 166n; letter to, 164-66
Man Nobody Knows, The (Barton), 17n
Mansfield, Frederick W., 454, 455n
Marot, Helen, 422n
Martel, Arthur, 458, 460n
Martine, James, 195n
Martínez, Edmundo E., 307n, 326-27, 426-27n, 436-38, 443n, 465; letter from, 305-7; letter to, 360-62
Marx, Karl, 1:43n, 5
Mason Forwarding Co., 83n
Mathews, James W., 422n; letter to, 419-22
Mayors, conference of, 1914 (Philadelphia), 206-7, 208n
Mayor's Committee on National Defense, 358-59, 359n
Mazur, Paul M., 229n; letter to, 228-29
Meador, C. H., 494, 495n
Mendelsohn, George, 236n; letter from, 235-36
Menge, Edward, 213n
Merritt, Charles H., 284, 285n
Merritt, Walter G., 284, 285n
Mesabi Range strike (1916), 488, 489-90n, 504-5
Metal Mine Workers' Industrial Union (IWW), 489n
Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers', and Brass and Silver Workers' Union of North America,* 224n
Mexican-American War, 434n
Mexican Federation of Labor, 305-7, 326-27, 436, 465
Mexican workers, in U.S., 43, 352n, 425, 438-39, 443n, 456, 466-68
Mexico: AFL and, 158-59, 360-61, 436, 458, 462; AFL Executive Council and, 158, 324, 326, 326n; American prisoners held by, 426n, 434-35, 435n, 437; anti-American feeling in, 439; hacienda lands, distribution of, 307n, 439, 443n; organization of labor in, 427-28, 429n, 439, 467 (see also Casa del Obrero Mundial; Federación de Sindicatos Obreros de la República Mexicana; Gran Círculo de Obreros Libres; Mexican Federation of Labor); and Pan-American Federation of Labor, 466n; religious persecution in, 440, 443n, 458; schools in, 465; Tampico incident, 95, 95-96n; U.S. intervention in, possible (1915), 306, 307n, 326-27, 361, 363n, 437; U.S. Punitive Expedition in, 212n, 426n, 437; U.S. war with, possible (1916), 428, 430-33, 433n, 434, 434n, 435, 435n, 438-39; wages in, 439
Mexico City, general strike in (1916), 426n, 499-500, 500- 501n
Meyling, Herman, 173
Migrant workers, 142, 143n, 507n
Militarism: AFL and, 524-25n, 529; SG and, 380-81, 384
Military, democracy in, 380-82
Military training, 332n; AFL and, 345-46, 379, 524, 524- 25n, 526
Military Training Camps Association of the U.S., 332n
Militia, 379, 382
Miller, Abraham, 227n; letter from, 227
Miller, Guy E., 6:460n, 179, 183n
Mills, Ernest,* 44n; wire from, 43-44
Mills, Ogden, 403n
Milwaukee Building Trades Council, 4:183n, 354
Milwaukee-Downer College, 354, 355n
Milwaukee Female College, 355n
Miners, organization of, 222. See also Miners, Western
Federation of; Mine Workers of America, United
Miners, Western Federation of,* 28n, 66, 115, 118n; amalgamation with Mine Workers of America, United, 176-78, 178n, 271-74; in Butte, Mont., 154, 155n, 179-82, 190; convention, 1914, 178n; and eight-hour day, 121; indictment of officers of, 182-83, 184n; local 1 (Butte), 155n, 180, 182, 270-72; and Mexico, 443n; strike, 1913 (Mineville, N.Y.), 177, 178n; strike, 1913-14 (Northern Michigan), 8:512-13n, 11-13, 13-14n, 25-28, 43-44, 44n, 46-47, 47-48n, 51-52, 52n, 64-67, 68n, 177, 181-83, 210, 301; strike, 1915-16 (Arizona), 351-52, 352n, 425
Mine Workers of America, United,* 24n, 66, 115, 118n; agreements with Ohio miner operators (1914, 1915), 282, 283n; amalgamation with Miners, Western Federation of, 176-78, 178n, 271-74; conference, 1897 (Wheeling, W.Va.), 4:359n, 337; convention, 1914 (Indianapolis), 40, 40n, 52, 52-53n, 63n, 64-67, 68n, 69, 176, 178n; District 12 (Illinois), 181; and eight-hour day, 121; indictment of officers of, 39, 40n, 89; and industrial unionism, 502; and Mexico, 436, 443n; organization of, 336-37; strike, 1897, 4:345n, 33; strike, 1913-14 (Colorado), 23, 24n, 210-11, 211n, 242, 301, 399, 400n (see also Ludlow massacre); strike, 1914 (threatened), 97, 98n
Minimum Wage Law (Brown), 316, 318n
Minimum wage legislation, 19, 21-22n; AFL and, 19, 22n, 214, 532; AFL Executive Council and, 19-21, 22n, 460-61, 461n; SG and, 22n, 119, 122, 215, 258-59, 259n, 314-17. See also specific entries under Legislation, state, and Legislation, U.S.
Mitchel, John P., 358-59, 359n, 430n, 492
Mitchell, John,* 13n, 38n, 200n, 280n, 359, 359n; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 105; and Northern Michigan copper miners' strike, 12, 14n, 28n, 44n, 47n, 65; retirement of, 37-38, 41
Model state law regarding injunctions, 262, 262n, 320, 423
Molders' Union of North America, International,* 34n
Moley, Daniel M., 99, 99n
Molloy, Annie E., 270, 274n
Monon Railroad, 516
Monroe, sinking of, 201, 203n
Montana Federation of Labor, 155n
Montana State Federation of Labor, 155n
Montana Trades and Labor Council, 155n
Mooney, Rena, 517-18n
Mooney, Thomas J.,* 343, 344n, 517-18n
Mooney-Billings case, 517, 517-18n
Morales, Nieves G., letter to, 43
"More," 127-30
Morgan, J. Edward, 517, 517-18n
Moriarty, James, 479n
Morones Negrete, Luis N.,* 426-27n, 436, 443n
Morrison, Frank,* 14n, 48n, 64, 157n, 359n, 464n, 488n, 508; at AFL conventions, 29, 33, 34n, 214n; at AFL Executive Council meetings, 271-74, 436; and black workers, 282n; and Boston building trades conference, 68n, 70, 73n; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 105; and Clayton bill, 90-91, 97n, 98n, 153; elected AFL secretary, 38n, 226n, 348n; and International Federation of Trade Unions, payment of per capita tax to, 174, 175n; and jurisdictional dispute, 107-8; and Lawson protest, 309; salary of, 213, 214n; and trade union movement in Canada, 15-16n; letters to, 39-40, 227, 260-61, 281, 464; wire from, 146; wire to, 371
Morrison, Harry, 145n
Morrison, John (grocer), 343, 343-44n
Moyer, Charles H.,* 44n, 65, 154, 155n, 274; attack on, 43-44; criticism of AFL, 52n, 67, 68n; indictment of, 182-83, 184n; letter from, 179-83; letter to, 189-91
Murdock, Victor, 7:95n, 98n
Murillo, Geraldo, 433n
Murray, John, 430-31, 433-34n, 436, 438, 443n
Mushet, William, 213n
Musical Mutual Protective Union (New York City), 2:37n, 4:399n, 168-69, 169n
Musicians, American Federation of,* 169n; and black workers, 168-69, 169-70n; local 310 (New York City), 168-69, 169n
Mussolini, Benito, 489n
Mutual Beneficial Association of Pennsylvania Railroad Employes, 48, 50n
Myers, Joseph S., 352, 352n
Myrup, A. A., 145n
National Association for Universal Military Training, 451n
National Association of Manufacturers, 5:15n, 3, 78, 82, 135, 221, 229-30, 230n
National Association of Manufacturers Exposed (AFL), 229, 230n
National Civic Federation, 5:218n, 51n, 138; annual meeting, 1916 (Washington, D.C.), 382n; annual meeting, 1916, SG address before, 372-82; Department on Regulation of Interstate and Municipal Utilities, 163, 164n; Minimum Wage Commission, 461n; and minimum wage laws, 460-61, 461n; model bill for regulating public utilities, 163-64, 164n; SG testimony regarding, 132-36; survey of social and industrial conditions, 139, 140n; and workmen's compensation laws, 199, 200n
National Constitutional Prohibition Committee on Cooperation, 179
National Emergency Peace Conference, 1915 (Chicago), 269, 274n
National Erectors' Association, 8:227n, 221
National Founders' Association, 5:368n; convention, 1916 (New York City), 523, 523n
National Industrial Conference Board, 523, 523n
National Labor Union, 3:204n, 241
National League (baseball), 237n
National League of Professional Baseball Clubs et al. v. Federal Baseball Club of Baltimore, Inc., 238n
National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, 353, 353n
National Society for Vocational Education, 353n
Neary, Timothy F., 267n, 453; letter to, 266-67
Neff, William B., 138n
Nelson, Knute, 8:363n, 10n, 92
Nestor, Agnes, 7:*, 422n
Neutrality, American, 254n
New Jersey State Federation of Labor, 8:135n; convention, 1914 (Newark), 168, 168n
Newlands, Francis G., 55, 57n, 92
New Orleans Dock and Cotton Council, indictment of members of, 8:182n, 82
New Orleans longshoremen's case, 8:182n, 82
Newspaper Enterprise Association, 397
New York and Vicinity, Central Federated Union of Greater, 1:379n, 167, 269, 274n, 278n, 291n
New York City, Gary Plan in, 429, 430n
New York City Allied Printing Trades Council, 153n; investigation of, 72, 74n, 89
New York City Building Trades Council, 292n
New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, 516
New York Railways Co., strike against (1916), 490-92, 492n
New York state constitutional convention, 279-80, 280n
New York State Department of Labor, 277, 277n
New York State Factory Investigating Commission, 8:301n, 137, 138n, 156, 258-59, 259n, 316
New York State Federation of Labor, 2:96n, 62, 278n, 280, 280n, 408n; convention, 1914 (Schenectady), 178n
New York state industrial board, 277n
New York state industrial commission, 277n
New York state workmen's compensation commission, 277, 277n
New York World, statement to, 45
Nimmo, John, 283n
Nockels, Edward N., 6:342n, 91, 205n, 354
Nolan, Edward, 517-18n
Nolda, Henry, 214n
Nolde and Horst Co., 263n
Nolde and Horst Co. v. Kruger et al., 263n
Nolte, Ed, letter to, 166-67
Northcliffe, Charles W. H., 289n
Northcliffe press, 288, 289-90n
North Dakota Non-Partisan League, 422, 424n
Northern Michigan copper miners' strike (1913-14), 8:512- 13n, 11-13, 13-14n, 25-28, 43-44, 44n, 46-47, 47-48n, 51-52, 52n, 64-67, 68n, 177, 181-83, 210, 301; congressional investigation of, 28n, 46, 47-48n, 51-52, 52n, 65-66, 68n, 96n
Nurses, male, 416-18
Obregón Salido, Alvaro, 160n, 306, 307n, 427n
O'Brien, Patrick, 13n
Observer, 289n
O'Connell, James,* 10n, 71, 157n, 488n, 508; at AFL convention, 224-25, 225n; at AFL Executive Council meetings, 272, 436; and Clayton Act, 91; and Committee on Industrial Relations, 422n; elected AFL vice-president, 38n, 226n, 348n; and jurisdictional dispute, 388, 390n; and U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 9, 138, 171-72, 311, 312n, 322; letter from, 171-72
O'Connell, John, 518n
O'Connor, T. V., 83n, 104n
Office employees, organization of, 142
O'Gorman, James A., 194, 194n
O'Hara, John J., 233n; letter from, 232-33
Ohio State Federation of Labor, 8:17n, 511
Olander, Victor A.,* 91, 94n
Olsen, S. A., letter to, 422-24
"One Big Union," 103, 245
Oregon Industrial Welfare Commission, 317n
Organizing, AFL assessments for, 38, 38n
Otis, Harrison G., 6:213n, 484n
Oudegeest, Jan,* 240n, 265, 266n, 289n
Pabst, Gustave G., 354, 355n
Pacific Gas and Electric Co., strike against (1913-14), 38-39n
Page, Carroll S., 8:381n, 10n
Pages, Baltasar, 426-27n, 430, 432, 433-34n, 436
Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of,* 34n, 62, 191n
Palestine, 403-5, 405n
Panama Canal, 328n
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915), 326, 328n
Pan-American Federation of Labor, 443n, 465, 466n, 500, 534
Pan-American Federation of Labor Conference Committee, 443n
Pan-American Financial Conference (1915), 296-99, 299-300n, 327, 358, 437; commission of, 298, 299-300n, 358
Pani, Alberto J., 498-500, 500n
Paper, print, 525, 526n
Parker, Alton B., 7:296n, 97n, 141, 153, 536
Parker, Lewis W., 171n
Parral (Chihuahua), battle at, 426n
Pattern Makers' League of North America,* 34n
Peace delegations, postwar, labor representation in, 485, 488n
Peace movement, 254, 366n, 430, 433n; AFL Executive Council and, 231; meetings: Jan. 1915 (Washington, D.C.), 231, 232n; Feb. 1915 (Chicago), 269, 274n; Apr. 1915 (New York City), 269, 274n; Apr.-May 1915 (The Hague), 270, 274n; May 1915 (Cleveland), 269, 274n; June 1915 (New York City), 290, 291-92n
Pearce, William C.,* 336, 341n
Pennsylvania, University of, SG address at, banned by, 256, 256n
Pennsylvania Railroad, 48-49, 50n, 481, 511, 516; strike against (1914), 50n
Pensions, 122-23, 525-26
People ex rel. Fursman v. City of Chicago et al., 419n
Perham, Henry B.,* 9, 10n, 343n, 436, 495n; elected AFL vice-president, 38n, 226n, 348n
Perkins, Edgar A.,* 64, 68n, 69
Perkins, George W.,* 75n, 80n, 254n, 260, 354, 403n; letter from, 253-54; letters to, 75, 237, 478-79
Persecution: political, 414-15; religious, 404, 414-15 (see also Mexico, religious persecution in)
Pershing, John, 212n, 426n
Persion, Achille,* 480n; letter from, 480
Pettipiece, R. Parmenter, 478n; letter to, 477-78
Phagan, Mary, 279n
Philipp, Emanuel L., 353, 355n
Phillips, Cyrus, 200n
Phillips, George, 83n
Photo-Engravers' Union of North America, International,* 94n; convention, 1914 (Indianapolis), 163, 163n, 168; local 1 (New York City), 74-75n
Physical training, AFL and, 524-25n; SG and, 329-30, 374-75, 380, 382
Pierce, Willis H., 48, 49-50n
Pinchot, Amos, 422n, 433n
Pinchot, Gifford, 309, 310n
Planten, G. H., 48, 49n
Plattsburgh (N.Y.) Business Men's Camp, 330-31, 332n
"Pluck-me" stores, 87, 222
Political action: nonpartisan, AFL and, 165-66, 423-24, 471-72; partisan, AFL and, 34-36, 36n, 165-66, 245, 327
Political candidates: legislative records of, 165; platforms of, 165
Pomerene, Atlee, 470, 472n
Pope, George, 78, 78n
Port-au-Prince, U.S. occupation of, 311n
Porter, D. Edward, 168, 169n
Port Henry Iron Ore Co., strike against (1913), 177, 178n
Portland (Ore.) and Vicinity, Central Labor Council of, 172, 172n
Portsmouth (Va.) Central Labor Union, 419-22, 422n
Post, Louis F., 319, 321n, 323
Powell, George, 352n
Preparedness, 332n, 358-59, 359-60n; AFL and, 344-46, 346n, 379, 383n, 524; SG and, 329-31, 346, 364-65, 374-82, 384
Pressmen's and Assistant's Union of North America, International Printing,* 348n; lockout, 1912- (local 7, Chicago), 74n
Prince of Wales's Fund, 196
Princip, Gavrilo, 160n
Prinz, Henry, 19, 21n
Proebstle, Joseph,* 30, 34n
Profit sharing, SG and, 397-98
Progressive party: convention, 1916 (Chicago), 430n; platform (1912), 77
Prohibition, SG and, 179, 406, 408n
Proportional representation, 124-25
Protest conference, 1906 (Washington, D.C.), 7:6n, 89-90
Protest conference, 1908 (Washington, D.C.), 7:320n, 89-90, 165, 166n
"Protocol of Peace," 8:114n, 403n
Prussian military caste, antagonism toward, in Great Britain, 192, 196-97
Public works, 123
Puebla, strike at (1907), 307n
Puerto Rican workers, organization of, 533-34, 534n
Puerto Rico: agricultural workers' strike (1916), 411n;
U.S. Industrial Relations Commission hearings on, 256-58, 258n, 280, 312. See also Legislation, U.S.: Jones Act (1917)
Putrich, Antonia, 26, 28n
Putrich, Steve, 26, 28n
Quebec (City), National Trades and Labor Council of, 14-15, 15n
Quebec (City) Trades and Labor Council, 14, 15n
Quelch, Tom, 230n; letter to, 229-30
Quick, Humphrey, 26, 28n
Railroads: government ownership of, AFL and, 494; government ownership of, SG and 254-55; municipal ownership of, 255, 255n
Railroad Telegraphers of North America, Order of,* 342-43n
Railroad workers, organization of, 48-49, 49-50n
Railway Carmen of America, Brotherhood of,* 157n, 343n
Railway Clerks, Brotherhood of,* 342, 343n
Railway Employes, Brotherhood of Federated, 48-49, 50n
Railwaymen, National Union of, 377, 382n
Railway Yardmen, National Association of, 341-42
Ralston, Jackson H., 4:294n, 3-4, 90-91, 141, 153
Ramos, Domingo, 429n, 467, 468n
Randall, Beverly, 282n
Ratchford, Michael D.,* 336, 341n
Ravola, Alfonso A., 467, 468n
Reardon, John, 390n
Recall, 124
Referendum, 124
Reid, James J.,* 38n
Religion, and trade unions, SG and, 16-17, 458-59. See also Catholic Church, and trade unions in Canada
Religious organizations, fraternal delegates from, AFL and, 212-13, 213-14n
Remington Arms Co., strike against (1915), 305n
Remington Cartridge Co., strike against (1915), 305n
Republican party: convention, 1916 (Chicago), 430n; platform (1912), 4, 77, 111
Rheims, destruction of cathedral at, 192, 194n, 195
Rich, Albert, 529n
Rickert, Thomas A.,* 203, 205n, 227, 393; wire to, 406
Río Blanco, strike at (1907), 306, 307n
Riordan, William J., 354, 356n
Rivera Martínez, Prudencio, 257-58, 258n, 280
Roach, James, 44n, 47n
Roan, Jack, 283n
Robins, Margaret Dreier (Mrs. Raymond Robins), 22n, 235n; letter from, 302-3, letters to, 234-35, 318-21
Rockefeller, John D., 8:277n, 218
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 210-11, 211n, 282, 283n, 301,
302n, 328-29, 399, 400n
Rocky Mountain Fuel Co., strike against (1913-14), 23, 24n, 210-11, 211n, 242, 301, 399, 400n. See also Ludlow massacre
Roebuck, Joseph, 244n; letter to, 240-44
Rojas, Luis Manuel, 433n
Rolland, Modesto, 433n
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:443n, 202, 323, 514
Root, Elihu, 5:438n, 92
Rowe, Thomas W.,* 31, 34n
Rubin, William B., 8:459n, 354
Run-of-mine method of paying miners, 282, 283n
Russell, Charles E., 378, 382-83n
Russia, and outbreak of WWI, 160n, 163n, 174; U.S. mission to (1917), 383n
Ryan, John D., 270-71, 275n
Ryan, Martin F.,* 49, 50n
Sailors' and Firemen's Union of Great Britain and Ireland, National, 474-76, 477n
St. John, Vincent, 150n
Sam, Vilbrun Guillaume, 311n
Sandeman, George, 518n
San Francisco Building Trades Council, 5:339n, 39n
San Francisco exhibition (1915). See Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915)
San Francisco Labor Council, 4:172n, 5:475n, 39n, 40, 40n
San Francisco preparedness parade, bombing of, 517, 517n
Santiago, Cuba, naval battle at, 197, 198n
Sarah Knisley v. Pascal P. Pratt et al., 7, 9n
Sassenbach, Johann,* 107, 107n
Scharrenberg, Paul,* 38n, 206n, 220-21, 223-24n, 514-15, 515n; wire to, 206
Schiff, Jacob H., 253, 254n
Schley, Winfield S., 5:11n, 197
Schloerb, R. W., letter to, 254-55
Schlossberg, Joseph,* 227, 228n
Schram, Louis, 200n
Scientific management, 187-89, 189n; SG and, 228-29, 398
Scientific Management and Labor (Hoxie), 189n
Scott, Melinda, 108, 110n; letter to, 258-59
"Scrap of paper" (Belgian neutrality treaty), 296n, 373
Scully, Mary P., 98, 99n
Seamen's Union of America, International,* 213n; convention, 1916 (New York City), 476, 477n, 487; German effort to foment strikes by, 304, 305n
Seattle and Vicinity, Central Labor Council of, 171, 221
Serbia, and outbreak of WWI, 160n, 163n
Shackleton, David J., 8:*, 476
Shannon Copper Co., strike against (1915-16), 351-52, 352n, 425
Shaw, Quincy A., Jr., 211, 211n
Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated,* 73n; and AFL Building Trades Department, 73n; jurisdiction of, 70, 73n
Sheets, Henry, 451n
Sheppard, Lucius E.,* 521, 523n, 527
Shields, John K., 194, 195n, 409-10, 410n
Shipping disasters, 111, 112n, 201, 203n
Shonts, Theodore P., 492, 493n
Short, James A., 8:151n, 44n, 47n
Shuster, George N., 302n; letter to, 300-302
Skilled workers, 251-52, 530-31
Slaton, John M., 278-79n; letter to, 278
Slobodin, Henry L., 378-79, 383n
Smith, Alfred E., 8:472n, 359, 359n
Smith, Ellison D., 103n; letter to, 100-102
Smith, Hoke, 10n
Social Democratic Party of Germany, 2:371n, 379, 475
Socialist-labor conference, 1915 (London), 238, 239-40n
Socialist Labor party, 112-13
Socialist Party of America, 6:204n, 4, 461-62, 462n; AFL and, 36n, 112-15, 124, 126, 130; and preparedness, 378-79; and U.S. intervention in WWI, 383n
Socialists: AFL and, 34-36, 36n; SG and, 4-5, 80-82, 112-35, 138-39, 139n, 150-52, 152n, 245-46, 333-34, 353-55, 378-79, 461-62, 512, 527-29
Solidarity, 245
Sonora, governor of, 427n
Spanish-American War, 4:465-66n, 291, 534, 534n
Spartacus, 387, 387n
Spelling, Thomas C., 7:254n, 279, 280n, 323
Spencer, Herbert, 2:110n, 17
Spencer, William J., 8:*, 157n
Spring, George F., 277-78n
Spry, William, 343, 344n
Stafford, William H., 4-6, 9n
Standard Oil Co., 279, 301
Starr, Ellen Gates, 371n; letters from, 370-71, 391; letters to, 385-87, 392-95
Steam and Operating Engineers, International Union of, 7:*, 205n; and black workers, 281, 282n, 497, 497n; convention, 1916 (Newark, N.J.), 492n; German effort to foment strikes by, 305n; local 69 (Chicago), 203, 205n; local 77 (Washington, D.C.), 281, 282n; local 94 (Washington, D.C.), 497, 497n; local 569 (Chicago), 205n
Steam Shovel and Dredge Men, International Brotherhood of, 74n
Steelworkers, organization of, 211
Steghagen, Emma, 302-3, 303n; letters from, 332, 452
Stephen, James F., 244, 245n
Stepic, Stanko, 28n
Sterling, John, 450n
Stettler, Frank C., 317n
Stettler v. O'Hara et al., 316, 317-18n
Steward, Samuel, 155n
Stillman, Charles B.,* 418, 419n
Stimac, John, 26, 28n
Stone, Warren S.,* 49, 50n, 521-22, 523n, 527; letters to, 449-50, 463
Stone Cutters' Association of North America, Journeymen,* 71, 73n; jurisdiction of, 73n
Storey, Moorfield, 434n
Strauss, William, 8:334n, 80n
Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of,* 34n, 191n, 251; division 308 (Chicago), 390n; division 589 (Boston), 390n; jurisdiction of, 388-90, 390n; and Puerto Rican workers, 533-34, 534n; strike, 1916 (New York City), 490-92, 492n
Strikes, AFL financial appeals for, 11-13, 14n, 48n, 65, 171n, 191n, 352n; AFL financial support of, considered, 27-28, 28n, 29-33, 33n, 48n, 65-66, 156-57, 157n, 181-83, 190-91; German effort to foment, 303-4, 305n, 366n; SG and, 84-85
Strikes and lockouts:
--agricultural workers: 1916 (Puerto Rico), 411n
--clothing workers: 1915 (Chicago), 354, 355-56n, 356-57, 370-71, 371n, 386-87, 391
--cooks and waiters: 1913 (New York City), 8:452n, 489n
--copper miners: 1913-14 (Northern Michigan), 8:512-13n, 11-13, 13-14n, 25-28, 43-44, 44n, 46-47, 47-48n, 51-52, 52n, 64-67, 68n, 177, 181-83, 210, 301
--electrical workers: 1913-14 (San Francisco), 38, 38-39n; 1914 (Toledo), 99, 99n
--foundry workers: 1916 (Chicago), 438, 443n, 452
--general strikes: 1914 (miners, threatened), 97, 98n; 1916 (Mexico City), 426n, 499-500, 500-501n; 1916 (New York City), 490-91, 492n
--Homestead strike: 1892, 3:189n, 51
--hop field workers: 1913, 1914 (California), 504, 507n
--iron miners: 1913 (Mineville, N.Y.), 177, 178n; 1916 (Mesabi Range), 488, 489-90n, 504-5
--ladies' garment workers: 1913 (New York City), 8:442n, 98
--machinists: 1915 (Bridgeport, Conn.), 304, 305n
--mill workers: 1916 (Buffalo, N.Y.), 406n
--mine and smelter workers: 1915-16 (Arizona), 351-52, 352n, 425
--miners: 1884 (Hocking Valley, Ohio), 1:426n, 86-87; 1897, 4:345n, 33, 86-88, 337; 1900 (anthracite), 5:263n, 337; 1902 (anthracite), 6:13-14n, 13, 86-88, 337; 1912-13 (W.Va.), 8:519n, 24, 210, 301; 1913-14 (Colorado), 23, 24n, 210-11, 211n, 242, 301, 399, 400n (see also Ludlow massacre)
--munitions workers: 1915 (Bridgeport, Conn.), 304, 305n
--printing pressmen: 1912- (Chicago), 74n
--railroad workers: 1914 (Pennsylvania), 50n; 1916 (Cuba), 534n; 1916 (threatened), 450n, 463, 495n, 529n
--steelworkers: 1916 (Pittsburgh), 504, 507n
--street and electric railway workers: 1916 (New York City), 490-92, 492n; 1916-17 (Havana), 534, 534n
--textile workers: 1907 (Veracruz), 306, 307n; 1912 (Lawrence, Mass.), 8:325-26n, 229, 230n, 489n, 504; 1913 (Paterson, N.J.), 8:503n, 489n, 504-5; 1914 (Atlanta), 170-71, 171n, 191n
Suhr, Herman, 507n
Sullivan, James W.,* 124, 136n, 139, 192, 207, 470n; letter to, 468-69
Sullivan, Jere L.,* 246n; letter to, 245-46
Suzuki, Bunji,* 327, 328n, 513, 515, 515n
Switchmen's Union of North America,* 34n
Taft, William H., 6:383n, 3, 112n, 274n; and German submarine warfare, 253, 254n; and immigration bill (1913; S. 3175), 80-81, 82-83n; and sundry civil appropriation bill (1913; H.R. 28,775), 81-82, 82n, 353
Tagle, Manuel Vázquez, 306, 307n
Tailors' Industrial Union,* 71, 73-74n, 235-36, 236n, 260-61, 261n; jurisdiction of, 74n; local 2 (San Francisco), 236; local 161 (Chicago), 356n. See also Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen
Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen,* 74n, 354, 356n. See also Tailors' Industrial Union
Tampico incident, 95, 95-96n
Tanner, Charles H., 43, 44n
Tariff commission, nonpartisan, AFL and, 365, 366n
Taunton (Mass.) Central Labor Union, 166n
Taylor, Claude O.,* 65, 68n
Taylor, James A.,* 223-24n, 214-16
Taylor system, SG and, 228
Teachers: and Chicago board of education, 419n; and Cleveland board of education, 137, 137-38n, 418; in Mexico, 465; organization of, 137, 137-38n, 418-19, 419n, 429 (see also Teachers, American Federation of)
Teachers, American Federation of,* 418-19, 419n, 429; local 8 (Washington, D.C.), 466n
Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of,* 36n; Joint Council 25 (Chicago), 267n; jurisdiction of, 143-45, 145-46n, 146-49; secession movement in, 357n
Telegraph lines, government ownership of, AFL and, 494
Terry, William E., 7:384n, 83n
Textile Workers of America, United,* 171n; local 900 (Reading, Pa.), injunction against, 262, 263n; local 909 (Lenoir City, Tenn.), injunction against, 262, 262-63n; strike, 1914 (Atlanta), 170-71, 171n, 191n
Thirty Years War, 264, 266n
Thomas, Charles S., 194, 195n
Thompson, Joseph F., 510, 510n
Thompson, William O., 83-85, 88n, 112
Thorne, Florence C.,* 433n; memorandum, 430-33
Tijan, Alois, 26, 28n
Tillett, Benjamin,* 197n, 337; letter from, 195-97
Timberworkers, International Union of,* 453, 454n
Times (London), 289n
Titanic, sinking of, 8:369n, 201
Tobin, Daniel J.,* 35, 36n, 267n, 357n; letter from, 146-49; letters to, 143-45, 356-57; wire from, 52
Todd, G. Carroll, 74n
Toledo Central Labor Union, 99n
Toronto District Labor Council, 409n
Townley, Arthur, 424n
Tracy, Thomas F.,* 157n, 479, 479n
Trades Union Congress of Great Britain, 4:*; meeting, 1914 (Portsmouth), 162-63, 163n; meeting, 1915 (Bristol), 404, 406n; meeting, 1916 (Birmingham), 469, 470n, 476, 484
Trade union disputes. See Clothing Workers of America, Amalgamated; Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of, secession movement in; Garment Workers of America, United, secession movement in; Jurisdiction, of trade unions; Jurisdictional disputes; Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of, secession movement in
Trade unions: Catholic Church and, in Canada, 14-15, 15-16n, 458, 460n; constitutions of, SG critiques of, 267-68, 419, 419n, 420-22; democracy in, 392-93; dues of, 452; economic power of, 282, 333-35, 339, 462; goals of, 447-48, 536; history of, 222-23; members of, indictment of, 39, 40n, 82, 83n, 89, 182-83, 184n; nonpartisan political activity in, 165-66, 423-24, 471-72; organization of, 501-3; and "outsiders," 277, 392-93, 420-21, 431, 459-62, 512; partisan political activity in, 34-36, 36n, 165-66, 245, 327; patriotism of, 381; philosophy of, 127-30; and religion, 16-17, 458-59 (see also Catholic Church, and trade unions in Canada); secession movements in (see Trade union disputes)
Training School for Active Workers in the Labor Movement, 332, 333n
Training School for Women Organizers, 332, 333n
Travis, Claude C., 400n; letter to, 399-400
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 431-32, 434n
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 192, 194n
Tresca, Carlo, 488-89, 489n
TUC. See Trades Union Congress of Great Britain
Tumulty, Joseph, 203n
Tunnel and Subway Constructors' International Union, jurisdiction of, 347, 347-48n
Typographical Union, International,* 36n, 315, 537; convention, 1914 (Providence), 168, 168n; and eight-hour day, 120; and industrial unionism, 502; local 174 (Los Angeles), 436
Underwood, Oscar W., 48n, 65, 68n, 98n
Unemployment insurance: in Belgium, 175n; in Great Britain, 193n
United Mine Workers' Journal, letter to, 335-40
Unorganized workers. See Itinerant workers; Migrant workers;
Unskilled workers; Women workers
Unskilled workers, 142, 143n, 172, 251-52, 530-31
Urquidi, Francisco, 307n
Uruguay, and civil war in Mexico, 363n
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 8:331-32n, 9; AFL and, 464n; hearings, 83-88, 90, 112-38, 138n, 139, 139-40n, 171-72, 172n, 188, 189n, 224n, 256-58, 258n, 279-80, 280n, 282, 283n, 284, 285n, 322; and minimum wage, 316-17; reports of, 311, 312n, 321-23, 324n; and scientific management, 187-89, 189n
U.S. Department of Labor, 2:127n, 8
U.S. House of Representatives:
--Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 526n
--Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 111, 112n
--Committee on Mines and Mining, 48n, 302n
--Committee on the Judiciary, 40, 40n, 52n, 106n, 140
--Select Committee on Lobby Investigation, 3-8, 229, 230n
U.S.-Mexican Joint Commission, 426n, 431-32, 434n, 482-84, 498
U.S. Punitive Expedition, 212n, 426n, 437
U.S. Senate
--Committee on Foreign Affairs, 111, 112n
--Committee on Interstate Commerce, 92, 526n
--Committee on the Judiciary, 92, 300
U.S. Steel Corporation, 5:335n, 81, 279; profit sharing plan of, 8:25n, 45, 46n
U.S. v. A. Haines et al., 83n
Utah Board of Pardons, 344n
Utilities, mayors' conference on municipal, 206-7, 208n
Utilities, National Civic Federation model bill for regulating public, 163-64, 164n
Valentine, Joseph F.,* 14n, 38n, 226n, 271-73, 348n, 436
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 2:409n, 218
Van Lear, Thomas, 347, 348n, 350n
Vare, William S., 19, 22n
Vargas, Hermogenes, 411n,
Veracruz: occupation of (see Tampico incident); textile workers strike in (1907), 306, 307n
Verbanac, Nick, 182, 184n, 190-91, 191n
Verdun, battle of, 426n
Victor-American Fuel Co., strike against (1913-14), 23, 24n, 210-11, 211n, 242, 301, 399, 400n. See also Ludlow massacre
Villa, Francisco "Pancho," 211, 212n, 306, 307n, 426n, 432, 437
Vocational Association of the Middle West, 353n
Vocational education, 126, 355, 355n; SG and, 382
Volturno, sinking of, 201, 203n
Vote: direct, 125; right to, 184-87
Waddell, W. E., letter to, 44-45
Waddell-Mahon guards, 11-12, 13n, 28n, 43, 182
Wages, 126-27, 252; legislation regarding, 19, 22n, 460-61, 461n; legislation regarding, AFL and, 214, 532; legislation regarding, SG and, 119, 122, 215. See also Minimum wage legislation
Walker, John H.,* 24, 25n, 27, 65, 346, 346n, 350n; letter to, 150-52
Wallace, Edgar, 341n; letter to, 335-40
Wallace (Idaho) Trades and Labor Council, 25n
Walsh, Francis P., 117n, 257, 312n, 324n, 517; and American Union against Militarism, 433n; and Committee on Industrial Relations, 422n; at U.S. Industrial Relations Commission hearings, 112, 118, 124, 130, 135; letter from, 311-12; letters to, 279-80, 321-23
Wambaugh, Sarah, 270, 274n
Wanhope, Joshua, 378, 383n
Warheit (Truth), 405n
Washington, Booker T., 4:408n, 383
Washington Association of New Jersey, 254n
Washington Herald, letter to, 76-78
Waterman, Homer F.,* 27, 28n, 47n
Watters, James, 409n
Weeks, Edwin W.,* 157n; letter from, 156-57
Weinberg, Israel, 517-18n
Weinstock, Harris, 285n, 312n; letter to, 284-85
West, George P., 430-31, 433n
West Indian workers, 496
Westinghouse, strike against (1916), 504, 507n
West Virginia, congressional investigation of strike in (1913), 8:519n, 23, 51
White, A. Robert, 383
White, John P.,* 39-40, 40n, 67, 68n, 98n, 422n; and AFL vice-presidency, 38n, 41-42, 42-43n; letter from, 41-42; wires to, 64, 97
Whitefield, William, 487, 488n
Whitehead, Myrtle, 332, 333n
White Rats Actors' Union, 292n
Whitney, C. E., 450n, 464n
Wickersham, George W., 8:54n, 250, 295-96n, 319, 323, 324n; letter to, 292-95
Willcox, William R., 163, 164n
Williams, Charles, 422n
Williams, Thomas, 157n, 261n
Williams, Wayne C., 457, 457n
Willis, Frank, 283n
Wilson, Frederick, 213n
Wilson, James A.,* 32, 34n
Wilson, J. Havelock,* 477n; letter from, 473-76; letter to, 484-87
Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, 8:135n, 106n, 203n, 354, 358-59, 360n, 435, 476; and AFL convention delegates, reception of, 519-20; and AFL Executive Council, meeting with, 9, 10n; and AFL office building, dedication of, 276n, 444-45, 448n; Brandeis, nomination of, 409, 410n; and Burnett immigration bill, 103n, 405n; and Clayton Act, 91-92, 140-41, 197, 200-201, 446, 455; and Colorado miners' strike (1913-14), 24n, 95n, 98n, 210, 211n; and Hill, 343, 344n; labor record of, SG on, 473, 487, 488n; and Mexico, U.S. relations with, 96n, 307n, 324-27, 361, 363n, 426n, 432-33, 434n, 437; and Puerto Rico, 410-11, 411n; and railroad strike, threatened, 450n; reelection of, 518; and SG, meetings with, 358-59, 359-60n, 432-33, 434n; and vocational education, 353, 353n; letters to, 200-203, 324-26, 410-11
Wilson, William B.,* 9, 10n, 112n, 359, 431-32, 435; and AFL Executive Council, meeting with members of president's cabinet, 396, 396n; and Arizona mine and smelter workers' strike (1915-16), 352n; and Clayton Act, 319, 321n, 323; and Northern Michigan copper miners' strike (1913-14), 44, 44n
Wilson v. New et al., 450n
Winslow, Charles H., 54-55, 57n
Wirt, William A., 429, 430n
Witherbee, Sherman, and Co., strike against (1913), 177, 178n
Woll, Matthew,* 93n; and Clayton Act, 89, 93, 153n, 168, 323, 324n; fraternal delegate to TUC, 162-63, 469, 485
Woman's Peace Party, 231, 232n, 274n
Woman's Suffrage League, 36n
Woman suffrage, 36, 124, 185-87
Women Machine Wood Workers' Union (Oshkosh, Wis.), 332, 333n
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 274n
Women's Trade Union League, National, 6:483n, 108, 286, 332, 333n, 371; AFL financial support of, 234, 235n; Chicago branch, 302-3, 371, 452; and Clayton Act, 318-21, 321n; convention, 1915 (New York City), 302, 303n, 318, 321n; New York branch, 110n
Women workers, 99n, 285-86; organization of, 20, 38, 38n, 98-99, 99n, 108-9, 142, 186, 235n, 332, 333n; hours of labor of, legislation regarding, AFL and, 214-15, 223n; minimum wage legislation for, New York State Factory Investigating Commission and, 258-59, 259n. See also Minimum wage legislation
Wood, Leonard, 331-32n, 363n; letter to, 329-31
Woolley, Robert W., 473n; wire to, 473
Workers' International Industrial Union, 150n
Workmen's compensation laws, 75-76n, 200n; National Civic Federation-AFL model bill, 200n; SG and, 6-7, 75, 198-200
World Court Congress, 1915 (Cleveland), 269, 274n
World War I, AFL and, 226, 226n, 231, 232n, 265, 291, 292n, 485, 525n; AFL Executive Council and, 231, 232n; American involvement in, discussion of, 253-54; American involvement in, SG and, 286-87, 290-91, 447; atrocities, 192, 193-94n, 195; economic impact of, 190; outbreak of, 160n, 163n, 173, 192, 193n; outbreak of, SG and, 160, 162-63, 166-67, 168n, 175n, 372. See also Peace movement; entries under specific countries
Wright, Daniel T., 7:438n, 105, 106n
Yager, Arthur, 72, 74n, 79-80, 80n, 411, 411n
York Manufacturing Co., 347n
Young, George B., 56n; letter to, 54-56
Young, Maurice de, 63n
Young, Samuel B. M., 451n; letter to, 451
Y aikai (Laborers' Friendly Society), 513, 515n
Yucatán, governor of, 427n
Yudico, Samuel O., 426n; letter to, 425-26
Zapata, Emiliano, 212n, 306, 307n
Zionism, 405n; SG and, 60, 403-5, 405n
Zolezzi, Norman A., 341, 342n
Zubarán Capmany, Rafael, 159n, 425, 498, 500n; letter to, 158-59
Zuckerman, Max,* 110n; letter from, 107-10